We try each other's Budget Meals

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no ma'am a smidge dry I know we said budget but like hey y'all it's markovia Queen Smith hi my name is makiba hi my name is Kaylene and today we are trying each other's meals I don't play about my money and I'll play about my time on a good week like the money's right invoices are not late my food budget for the week is about a hundred dollars my budget on a good week is 350. I know it sounds crazy I'm one person I know a budget what's that I don't have a budget but I spend responsibly you usually got a budget when rent is due or you got bills to pay if you have children yeah that budget is gone I definitely owe my frugality to my parents the person that taught me how to save was my mom because she a penny pitcher you know my mom she did say do you got McDonald's money she was very big on that when it's not a good week my grocery budget for the week is thirty dollars if I'm doing a low budget right it's like damn I'm down and out my budget is about eighty dollars but today is 15. I made this budget dish it is it is pinto beans over basmati rice with fried plantains the plantain is 50 Cents the can of pinto beans is a dollar 25 and the basmati rice it was a two pound bag for 5.25. this is genuinely the meal that I make when I am on a budget I don't expect this to score very high but you said bring your budget meal and like this is my budget meal it's very Bland it looks a little dry the beans look dry I like sauce there's no sauce there's no nothing it needs something on it like it needs some type of sauce some type of liquid there's no meat I really don't want to try this because I need meat so we got some beans who wants to eat dry beans and dry rice I'm not gonna lie I'm allergic to beans so I probably won't eat this the plant seeds are like typical plantains I think the best thing on this plate is probably going to be the plantain it tastes like they just boiled rice and water literally the main ingredient in this whole meal is salt the rice is not seasoned to my liking the plant is not bad I think the best sweet plantain is the one that's not too hard it's not too mushy so I'll say the consistency of it is is good in that sense I don't like the beans about itself and the beans is trying its hardest to provide flavor to this the meal as a whole this isn't like meshing well if this wasn't cocoa butter I would say that a white person made this no ingredients stands out because there are no ingredients you know that smell that like when you go it's like some people have a smell in their house three dollars two dollars plantains are like it's like a two for four so rice will be about two three dollars and beans be about 1 and 135. we had fifteen dollars and you only spent 6 30. if I were to eat this as a budget meal I would have some type of meat right where's the meat anything to add because I ain't nothing but plantains all mushed up there's no flavor like it's making me mad we want to feed us for real and I came here to start you don't want me to read this meal I'd give it a three and that's only because of the sweet plantain I'm gonna give her three and a half for the plantings in the whole three and a half goes to the plantains the rice and the beans is literally a zero I decided to make this luxury budgeted meal of yellow rice and chicken with onions and bell peppers inside of it and I made gravy I made my gravy from scratch so I got the chicken broth it was 149. I got two chicken sliced cutlets I got the peppers that was cut up already for 245. the yellow rice was 16 ounce I got it for 2.99 and then I got a onion for 93 and everything came up to 14.54 what makes my budget meal the best is one is going to be fulfilling it's going to taste really good because I love to season stuff you're going to be full you're going to be fulfilled and you're going to have a flavorful meal on a budget amen all right well the plating sucks so it's gonna taste great I don't think they cheated the budget because I think all of us we always go back to rice and chicken I smell the chicken broth it smells good I can smell the chicken broth I see some shredded chicken red bell peppers rice looking at this rice alone it looks like Ben's with lots of Cracked Pepper this one had sauce but somehow the sauce dried up okay it's cold first of all the rice is good it's nice and chewy the rice tastes like it has gravy in it it's a little undercooked there are pieces in there that are like it's not too salty this has way more flavor than the last meal the chicken is also very well seasoned there's this weird lingering taste when you eat the chicken the sauce on the chicken is the best part what tastes like cough medicine a little why does it taste like that why does it taste like that definitely the most flavorful thing on the plate I'm trying to figure out what this flavor is I need to know what she put in this chicken broth I definitely will finish this if y'all let me this one looks like it costs maybe like a solid ten dollars and I'll say that because of the chicken this meal maybe cost like ten dollars if they got this chicken from like some fancy spies probably like the full 15 if I had to leave something out it would be whatever she marinated it in it definitely soaked up the flavors but it soaked up the wrong flavors if you've got two more dollars in the budget I need some greens just looking at it I would say asparagus you can get a head of asparagus for like one to two dollars with the chicken I would have made maybe barbecue sauce chicken because barbecue sauce is what like 129 and that probably would have saved this dish for me if I was doing my version I would swap the chicken for like garbanzo beans I would have given this the eight if that aftertaste of that chicken wasn't crazy on a scale of one to ten I would give it a seven and a half the 0.5 is coming from the seasoning of the chicken that sauce is really good I would give this meal a six point two two for a sprinkle sprinkle I decided to make shepherd's pie I know what y'all are gonna say I already know it's a white people meal but here's the thing sometimes you have to adopt the way that Christopher Columbus stole all of her stuff sometimes you have to take and make it better I am Caribbean so I did put Scotch bonnet in here I definitely put Goya in here and then another special ingredient almond milk actually have the receipts right here for the ground turkey it costs 419. the pasta sauce that was 139 the mixed vegetables yes they're frozen mind your business 87 cents I use shredded cheese so that was 289. the yellow potatoes were 429. in total it is 13.89. it was a black version of shepherd's pie Shep's pie there's layers to me and there's layers to my meals listen y'all better eat this and enjoy it thank God we have meat people we get it somewhere Musa so at first I was confused because I thought it was pizza I'm assuming this what is called shepherd's pie shepherd's pie is definitely a white dish this is a white meal however the peas inside say black to me though I don't know what it is like I never personally had Shepherd spots so this is going to be my first time having it I don't know what sauce this is it looks like some sort of cheese sauce I'm gonna tear that up too I'm avoiding the cheese as much as possible like I don't want my booty to squeeze [Music] that's pretty good it tastes like a struggle meal only in the sense that like there's not a lot of flavor profiles there taste wise I don't know it's a little confusing because it's like when I eat the meat and the vegetables and stuff it's sweet but then she decided like dang that's too sweet let me add some seasoning to like balance it out the veggies taste Frozen and I say that as like a little veggie snob but still seasoned well and seasoning can save anything first of all is these real potatoes because that matters I tastes like instead of milk she used water the potato texture is really really lovely as y'all could see like the mashed potatoes it's a little still it's good like the meat is cooked very very well it's well seasoned like the meat Hill but what is the meat it's more mashed potatoes than it is meat I knew she was being cheap because she barely put meat me me and cheese is expensive this meal definitely costs the full 15 overall it's not bad it's missing that look into it on scale once a time I would give this a 7.7 lack of flavor profiles knocks it down a little bit I'll give her a good six and a half why everybody's scared to put meat on a plate oh what I want I want y'all sorry you can make me bless that well I definitely don't disagree I don't I think we need a rerun I think we need a recount because me losing unacceptable I want to thank my mom because she's the one who introduced me to shepherd's pie do y'all want to play do you guys want to try it you need something to drink after this because it is a little dry oh what do you say do you want a bite foreign [Music]
Channel: Cocoa Butter
Views: 211,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $15 meals, beans, budget meal, budget meals, buzzfeed, buzzfeed cocoa butter, buzzfeed tasty, cooca butter, eating on a budget, recipes, rice, rice and beans, struggle meal, tasty
Id: lZGKjtdWjV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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