Full Time Flipping - It's Easier Than You Think

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hey guys welcome back to our channel um today we are staging this dining room setup to sell on facebook marketplace and we are going to share with you how you can make furniture flipping a full-time job so i was out yesterday getting an oil change and doing a few other errands and i got a call from sarah and she said you gotta go right now there's this dining set it's 20 bucks we have to get it and so i was like okay yes dear whatever no she sent it to me and they're actually um it was a full set of the of four of those chairs that i flipped before and made really good money on so i knew it was a good goodbye um so it was only about 20 minutes away so i just headed right on over there and got these gems that we're sitting in right now so we knew that the actual chair upholstery was not in good condition and we thought it would be fun to make it a bigger transformation so we went to joann's and got some orange velvet fabric which we think really suits kind of the era of these chairs um and so jamie was able to just kind of unscrew the bottom of the chairs we stapled it on we'll show you guys how we did that this is the one all right [Music] so we just got back from joanne fabrics we got this really cool orange velvety material in the upholstery section um and we're gonna recover the cane chairs so i'm going to cut this into force and we're actually going to take off the bottom of the chair and actually just staple it on we bought the whole set for 20 bucks i don't know i think maybe we could try for 300. seriously it's a dining set so what we've been doing is covering these seats they were just too stained to actually fully clean so we decided to go with this orange velvet instead we just finished our first one so we're basically just wrapping the material around the cushion and then just stapling it all together it's really easy it's only going to take us about half an hour and we'll have all of them done basically just flip this upside down put it on there make sure our fabric wraps around in the front start with the front since we care the most about that all right then we just do the opposite side after that and start in the middle so your creases aren't in the middle all right so it's as easy as that all finished all stapled around then we just got to screw back in and looks like a brand new chair all right guys here we go it turned out really well we usually don't put too much effort into our flips we usually just kind of clean them up and take a nice photo but this little extra effort i think really will change our profit uh to be a lot greater than it would have been yeah so we spent twenty dollars on the whole set and then twenty dollars in fabric so we're at forty dollars and i'm actually asking 300 for them on facebook [Music] so the transformation of these chairs actually turned out even better than we had hoped i kind of wanted to keep them they're really awesome um but we ended up selling them for the 300 that i was asking didn't think we could but she was right once again so i also think what made this dining set really desirable is that it was pretty compact and broke down nice and small so anyone with a smaller hatchback or suv could actually come pick it right up and it's really convenient also it's great for you know a smaller apartment i think that's kind of key with furniture flipping is finding smaller items that people can fit into almost any car because if you're trying to sell big giant hutches or couches that really kind of takes a special person with a that type of car to actually sell that item so you're really limiting who you're selling to for the next part of this video we thought we'd talk about full-time furniture flipping and if it's actually possible now full disclosure we're not full-time furniture flippers i know we have a lot of videos about that on our channel but we have fun doing it it's a hobby of ours but we have been self-employed for about eight years now and that's required us to acquire different streams of income and be a little creative with how we make our money so jamie and i started our self-employed journey as wedding photographers about eight years ago at the time i was working an insurance company and i made about thirty thousand dollars a year so i knew that we needed to shoot about fifteen weddings at two thousand dollars a piece to cover that salary and that meant that i would be able to quit my job so if you wanted to be a full-time furniture flipper it's just simple math also so we're going to break it down for you and show you that it might be easier than you think so we're going to use 50 000 as an example for an average salary that someone might want to replace so if you wanted to make fifty thousand dollars a year uh furniture flipping you would need to profit about a thousand dollars a week which seems like a lot but if you take the example of this dining table set we just flipped we made over 250 profit on you'd only need to do four of those a week in order to make 50 grand a year that doesn't really seem so bad and you might think that this is a unicorn example where we bought something for 20 and sold it for 250. but if you check out our other videos we've been able to do it quite often yeah i think the key is just being on marketplace looking you can do auctions estate sales there's a lot there's a lot of ways to do it we had a camper we flipped for 950 profit you would really only need to do one of those per week to make 50 grand a year we spent about three hours on this project total between picking it up reupholstering the chairs and selling it um so if you only had to do four of those a week that's really only 12 hours a week um you know sometimes it might be more than that it might be 20 hours a week but bottom line is that you're actually saving time from your 40-hour week job that you might be doing now yeah and that's one of the great benefits of working for yourself is that if you can work efficiently and get your work done you'll have a lot more time that you could dedicate to spending time with your family or you could even go make more money if you wish that way too so for us that was key is once we were both able to quit our jobs we had so much extra free time before we had kids to go and pursue other types of businesses and that's kind of how we got started in real estate and house flipping and rental properties so having that initial ability to quit our jobs was really huge for us yeah the time savings is what was really important so it's been said that the average millionaire has about seven streams of income so for us we've really been working hard over the last eight years to just have different avenues of income um we started with wedding photography and we've been able to build that into rental properties and also flipping houses and flipping furniture and we've had other businesses as well having that extra time from not having to go to a nine-to-five job has really allowed us to create those different streams of income and having those streams of income uh more than just one is important when you're self-employed because something like covid happens and you know all your weddings get postponed to the next year and you have other means to make income and provide for your family so having those all working together is really important and that's why we're trying to build our streams of income if you want to get started in furniture flipping and kind of learn the whole process we have a whole playlist of videos that will show you exactly how we do it so i'll post that below for you guys to check out but other otherwise we'll see you guys next time bye bye
Views: 103,494
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Keywords: how to make money flipping furniture, how to flip furniture for profit, flipping side hustle, flipping furniture for profit, flipping furniture for beginners, flipping furniture business, furniture flip, furniture flipping, how to flip furniture, facebook marketplace flip, flipping, couch flip, couch flipping, full time flipping, full time flipping it's easier than you think, self employed, full time flipper, flip full time, how to flip full time, work for yourself
Id: cGUEl-36FYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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