We Tried Crashing Justin Bieber's Wedding...(Here's what happened)

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justin bieber possibly the biggest name in pop culture over the last decade like him or hate him Justin seems to have really hit his stride in the last few years he seems to be doing so well in fact that he is getting married and when I found out that the wedding was happening just a mere four hours south of where I live I knew I had to go support the Biebs and by support I mean crash Justin Bieber's wedding to pull off a stunt this big I knew I needed an accomplice in the first person I thought it was my friend Peyton I texted Peyton and said yo I'm trying to go crush Justin bribers wedding tongue more in anyway I texted him asked if he was down and he said yes we packed bags full of gear and even some extra black clothes to look more professional excited man pause this is like proper like a list celebrity wedding today like this is like nada this is like not a joke we got the snacks yeah always you have to have the snacks we have cameras when we got a drone we got a tripod got my accounting homework for 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning back to that plus we have a brisk four and a half hour drive ahead of us knowing the details of the day was super important and Peyton really did his research well first of all you let me know yesterday Wow so I go on Justin's in Surrey go on Haley's Instagram go on all their tagged pose for the DJs and everybody that they know then I'm just researching where so I go on TMZ I read three different articles I went on the venue's place which is a twenty-two thousand acre farm on the may River hmm in between Savannah and Charleston Jen had money no another important detail for the day would be security so being that Justin Bieber is what did the number-one celebrities yeah there's I mean security it's gonna be insane so we might get arrested and that scares me we just don't know we just don't we just have no clue what's gonna happen so we drove we are not crashing the wedding how do you feel we're crashing the biggest wedding of the year and drove in drove all the way to a place called bluffington South Carolina and before we even entered the gates of the resort this happened so before we even get into a place we pull over the side so Eric had to take a conference on the street organ and then one of the cops put was up behind me he comes up knocks on the back window runs my plate and everything everything checks out but before we even try to sneak in or anything we already have the cops on our ass this time taking in police on high alert we needed a plan and fast we decided the best way to get in a list to make the security guard as uncomfortable as possible and we came from with the story that Payton and I were a couple and we were getting our engagement put is done at the resort so we are dressed for success we're probably 300 feet from the gate right now cops police officer I mean like anything you can ask their security at this gate we are gonna go try to use our couples engagement photos excuse to get in to get past the gates so with our half-baked plan we just kind of drove up to the main gate hey how are you we're here to carry engagement photos at the tree house that's gonna make it large they didn't work at all it was Stalin it's a solid idea this is the point where we have to get creative using Google Maps we found a secret entrance so we decided to give it a shot let's try to send it real quick yeah we can't say no to anything right now we don't really get to be oh dude yet again we found ourselves at a gate only there were no cop cars security or bodyguards with fears at an all-time high we approached the new gate that's yeah let's try it let's try let's try it let's try it and rather than being immediately stopped they just waved us through bro I think we literally just got through the gate there was nobody at the gate nobody said anything I mean we're so close now once we got past that gate we were totally good holy crap dude I can't believe we just did that I cannot believe we just freakin hit that this it's freaking beautiful out here this is crazy hey Justin great taste in wedding venues my man this place is beautiful hey Lee you too is there parking up here is the market 300-foot ball field away is the black decked-out Suburbans with the golf carts and security everywhere and there's oh yeah it's literally 300 feet away is Justin Bieber alright y'all can say goodbye to this beautiful quality of it been experiencing up to this point in the video because we're about to go full iPhone 4k mode so you're welcome and I'm sorry once we were in we decided to change clothes so we could blend in with the rest of the 1% so we have decided to change into civilian clothing here and we have boosted boards over here that we're gonna ride and kind of screw up the property out we've seen some kids riding bikes running stuff so we're just running the lend in with them we're just normal people out here dude everyone here so happy I guess money does buy happiness we made our way around to the resort we saw sharks we saw dolphins and then we met this Yeti sighting so far yeah yeah yeah since Justin wasn't getting married until that night we had hours to kill and we decided to have [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys have any tips for us you guys seen any celebrities today tell us about it you talk to Justin Bieber what tell us about it were you guys nervous you were crying he was in disguise that made conversation we see someone who looks famous and these girls are fearless they just went up to him and asked dude he is just blowing them haha to this day I still don't know who this guy is maybe you guys can help us out but we got a picture with him just for safety yeah they're like electric skateboard things not you want to try it sure we had a little bit of time to kill before the ceremony so we thought we'd get some drone footage for you Fricker's bad move we were busted and now was just a matter of how hard they were going to be on us at the police right there there proceeded to take a ton of photos of the vehicle all of our cameras are drones everything then they escorted us five miles back out of the property to talk to their supervisors yes this has definitely thrown a wrench in our Carl twinkle of getting into them to the wedding tonight our last moments in the beautiful Autopia that we've had the best day of our lives in everywhere there's cops ever there's like there's a security thar a patrol car and a police car all stacked up behind us right now just a YouTube video your car technically by law in the state of South Carolina and a gated community I can you're on private property not going to but if you come back on the property ever again you will be trust best that you're documented you're in the system so there's tons of security around this place leave and head wherever you're headed outside block yeah crystal clear appreciate it I hope you catch the other guys too yes so that was it we liked and didn't even think about coming back and on the way out we saw the staff who turned us down as a couple earlier and they were my stomach freakin hurts from I don't know as much as you guys probably know I know that I would love to just go back anyway I feel like in this moment that's probably the worst thing that we could possibly do but looking back on today we we saw sharks and dolphins in our backyard we didn't walk anywhere we just rode boards everywhere we hung out with kids and just play it all day so we may not have seen Bieber in the flesh but for the day that he gave us he'll always be in our hearts these are the benches from Forrest Gump is this is that this is the spot for sure there's no there's no bench though anymore so as our good friend Forrest Gump would say this video was like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get [Music]
Channel: Airrack
Views: 1,922,112
Rating: 4.8627896 out of 5
Keywords: Justin Bieber wedding 2019, justin bieber and hailey baldwin wedding, inside Justin Beibers wedding, crashing justin bieber's wedding, beiber's wedding in SC, beiber's wedding at palmetto Bluff TMZ, TMZ justin beiber's wedding, justin beiber haley baldwin wedding photos, justin beiber haley baldwin wedding videos, airrack, eric decker, how to crash a wedding, entertainment news, hailey baldwin and justin bieber, update on bieber wedding, justin bieber, hailey baldwin
Id: UQxRxz_nzaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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