I Made Celebrities Prank Call Each-other! (here's what happened)

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so there I was quarantine alone scared I mean I wasn't really scared I was just quarantined and I was bored but I had this idea so there's this website right like when I was like in eighth grade that my friends and I used to use to prank call people and basically how it works is so if I have two numbers for example let's say I don't know Kelly and Bill we put both of their phone numbers into this website oh my gosh it's loud go away both of their phone numbers into this website and then it on Kelly's phone it looks like Bill's calling him and on business fun it looks like Kelly's calling and if they answer the exact same moment they're both on the phone with each other confused as to why each other call to each other so I was thinking in the midst of all this chaos boredom how can we use this this website how can I tap into my inner eighth grader so I contacted a friend and this friend is what one might call connected and what do I mean by connected hey there so this person knows people for example maybe Billy eyelash Drake yeah I'm not talking about like d-list celebrities like I don't know me oh just kidding I'm like I'm not even on the scale this person has literally anybody's phone number so I asked this friend I said hey man gal I don't know I said hey there would you mind I don't know sending me a few of those numbers and they just started sending me all of these numbers here's what that looks like do he just send me Drake's phone number David over phone number Jeff Witek Jason Nash all right we got Danny Duncan faze rug we got faze rug what is happening right now there's so many coming through right now I'm just trying to add the model my contacts so today I'm going to be plugging these phone numbers into this website I'm gonna be making celebrities prank call each other ha ha ha ha ha how are you guys enjoying your cronic ation so I went to go test it out hey I've got shop Lincoln by oh all right so I'm gonna use this tool since like ah eighth grade so I'm just gonna test this on a few friends to make sure it still works all right this is my friend Tony my friend Joey let's see this works hello they've no clue thanks for calling and anytime yeah that's so awkward alright I'm gonna do my cousin Sam and my cousin Jack oh yeah oh no it's still ringing it's don't worry about if I call your mom all right last one I'm gonna do Mike friends Sam I just saw him never mind I'll see your own all right so this app definitely works people are very confused thank you don't come near me now that we knew that it worked it was time to go big or go home hey guys I'm Eric these are my friends Oh I've gathered you guys here today for quite the extravaganza bob has given me the phone numbers they didn't answer at the same time and this would be the last time Jonah yes to one I feel like the people want to see Madison and David asked the people Katie I'm sweating for this one doing a tic-tac did I call you since we weren't getting anybody we came up with a plan the odds of both people picking up at the exact same time are so slim I feel like we just do a lot just like just going and tell what happens yeah so that's what we did okay everybody's drinking French Montana what it was straight drunk picked up feel free to do Ryan Ryan and phase rug Oh three two one now drinking Billy Eilis call each other three times your call has been forwarded James Charles and Charlie Emilio Charlie gets the phone right now things were not looking good until my boy destroying so he's good friends with Ryan's right hand so I'm gonna have him call Ryan traffic oh dude this is so weird this happened to me with space drug you filming this I got a missed call I just got a phone call from you but I missed it so I called you back and I picked it up in hard drive we were on a hot streak and we decided to try our own print call so what if you call her from your phone hey what's up my name is Daniel for big Daniels petting zoo you left your your underwear here at the petting zoo after you came last week and I I thought I'll just give you call maybe ask you out to dinner for Applebee's there's an Applebee's right nearby petting zoo so you just let me know if you want to come by big Daniel and Preston really wanted a FaceTime cody KO all right all my friends left now cody KO i just text him and said you uh i'm gonna really drive it home with david dobrik Wow I love it okay see nice that calls david dobrik three two one seven I'm nervous yep yeah did I call you or did you call me Oh [Applause] I'm leaving all right David I just want to say thank you for being a good sport I'm sorry it's funny that dude it's funny it's funny all once we're gonna look at the camera and say that's pretty much it my voice like that is pretty much dead I'm leaving [Music]
Channel: Airrack
Views: 1,064,051
Rating: 4.9121113 out of 5
Keywords: making celebrities park call eachother, prank video, eric decker, airrack, prank call celebrity edition, quarentine what to do, prankdial.com, pranking david dobrik, airrack david dobrik, david dobrik vlog prank call, calling billie eilish, vlog squad prank call, quarentine prank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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