WE TESTED $12 Weed Killer vs $300 Weed Killer

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did you really pay 300 for this little bottle [Music] this is a 12 bottle of herbicide and this is a 300 bottle of herbicide please don't tell me you spent that much on this when it comes to weed colors do you really get what you pay for today we're going to paint some lines in the grass test out each one of these and see which one does better let's do this now most people associate weak killers with herbicides like this but the reality is there are just some weeds that these won't control which is where a guy like this comes into play this is pylex and it costs 300 for this little four ounce bottle but why in the world would somebody want to spend such a large amount of money for a little bottle of weedkiller first we have to take a look at exactly what it is pylex is an hppd inhibitor now i'm not a scientist so i'm not going to act like i know exactly what that means but essentially what it is is it prevents photosynthesis in the weeds which result in them bleaching out and then they die now that sounds familiar to another popular herbicide on the market that's because it is this is tenacity and it's also an hppd inhibitor just like pilot and for some of you guys that might be new to lawn care tenacity is a very popular herbicide in the lawn care community and it's been praised as one of the only herbicides that you could use while seeding new grass now both of these herbicides are listed to control a wide variety of wheats but there are two weeds in particular that pylex controls that sets it apart from every single herbicide on the market [Applause] now the first weed that does an excellent job at controlling is goose grass and anybody who's had a goose grass infestation knows just how hard it could be to control it and when it comes to controlling it there's nothing on the market that does it better than pilot the second weed that it does an excellent job controlling is bermuda grass and cool season lawn now this is going to come really handy for all the people that live in the transition zone and have fescue lawns in kentucky bluegrass lawns and they're starting to have bermuda creeping into there pylex is going to do a great job killing and also it goes without saying now that we're on the topic pylex is only for cool season lawns not for warm season so you're probably asking yourself right now which one of these weeds am i trying to control well the short answer is none of them since pylex is also listed to kill a wide variety of grassy and broadleaf weeds i'm going to be testing out its use on a more broad spectrum now i understand spending 300 on it to use it as a general purpose herbicide is a little bit overkill however i do have some tough to control grassy weeds back there that no matter what i apply to it it seems like they don't go away so i'm actually really excited to see what it does to it this is my backyard and it hasn't been treated for weeds this season or last season no pre-emergent no post-emergent nada but luckily for us we have a full-blown salad bar back here that needs to be taken care of so not only are we going to test out pylex today we're also going to test out this 12 bottle of bio vents i got my local home depot it's a three-way herbicide it's supposed to kill both grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds is it possible this 12 herbicide does a better job than a 300 bottle of herbicide let's find out so we're going to paint off two sections of the lawn 500 square feet each and in one plot we're going to test the pylux alone and in the other plot we're going to apply the 12 bio advanced and the top part of the lawn is going to act as our control so we can compare our results [Music] all right guys so the first area we're going to be spraying is section a over here with just the pylex it's also important to know anytime that you spray pylex you have to add either a crop oil or methylated seed oil to the mix to act as a surfactant and the reason being is that the weeds that specifically targets like crabgrass and goose grass it has really waxy outer layers of the leaves and that crop oil really helps the herbicide stick to the leaves of the weeds rather than just roll right off also keep in mind it is not recommended to use a regular non-ionic surfactant like most of you guys might be used to with some of your herbicide applications and that's because the seed oil does a much better job sticking to those waxy leaves [Music] [Music] all right so now that we got the pylox down we're going to go ahead and apply the 12 bio advanced herbicide and what's cool about this weed killer is it's a three-way herbicide which means it's going to act on both grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds and judging by a look at my lawn there's a whole bunch of dandelions back here so i know it's going to do a good job or theoretically should do a good job killing them [Music] hi guys so it's been a week we're over here in plot a right now where we just sprayed the pylex and if you take a look at these grassy weeds down here you could see it did a great job bleaching it out i'm not exactly sure what weeds these are but the thing about grassy weeds are sometimes you won't even know you have them until you treat for them because they can hide in plain sight [Music] it's very clear that we have some kind of invasive grass over here growing now let's take a look at the broadleaf weeds it did a really good job killing these broadleaf weeds i have this is a dandelion right here you could see that it's bleached out and it looks like it's dead i'm pretty confident that once we mow this a timer too it's going to disappear and it's going to be completely gone all right so we're over here in plot b which is the bioadvance plot and if you take a look down here you can see it did a good job on these broadleaf weeds right here these are dandelions and it looks like you know there's a little bit of green left to them but it looks like it definitely did some damage to them so over time once i mow this a few times we'll see if they start to disappear and if not i'll make sure i do a second application [Music] so when it comes to raw leaf weeds the bio vents did a decent job putting a dent in it but i'm taking a look around here at plot b and i don't see any damage to any grassy weeds so if you take a look around the base of this tree right here you can see there's a bunch of grassy weeds surrounding it and i made sure the spray those really good with the bio advance but i don't see any damage done to it so once this experiment is all done i'm going to go ahead and broadcast spray pylex across my whole lawn and see if it does any damage to any of these other invasive grasses that we have if you guys want to see the results make sure you guys follow me on instagram because i'll be posting them there so what do i think about these herbicides well they both did a decent job killing broadleaf weeds i would say that the pylux did a little bit better job than the bio events but that doesn't mean you should go run out spend 300 on a bottle just to kill broadleaf weeds in your lawn because there are other much cheaper options out there like speed zone and t-zone that will only cost you about 30 dollars a bottle and they will do a much better job than either of these herbicides that killing things like dandelions and thistle now when it comes to the grassy weeds the bio events did a terrible job in plot b i didn't see any damage to any grassy wheat but this is where pylex shines it did an amazing job killing the grassy weeds in my lawn so if you have some tough to control grassy weeds and you tried other cheaper options like quinclorac and you haven't had that much success with it then i think pylex may be a good option for you [Music] but we're also going to test out a herbicide combination that is dubbed by most turf grass professionals as the absolute best way to kill crabgrass in a lawn and that combination is nicknamed the pile driver which is a combination of pylex and quincor quinclin correct [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Princess Cut Lawn Care
Views: 103,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Herbicide, Weed Killer, Kill weeds, How to kill weeds, Crabgrass, DIY weed killer, Organic Weed Killer, salt as weed killer, Natural Weed Killer, Homemade Weed killer, Speedzone weed killer, Speedzone, Quinclorac, Weed and feed, Spectracide weed killer, ortho weed be gone, Round up, tenacity, Tenacity herbicide, 24d herbicide, 24d, Pylex, Pylex herbicide, How to kill weeds without killing grass, scotts weed and feed, preemergent, prodiamine, princess cut lawn care
Id: X_QfhxA6tJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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