We Survived 200 Days In DUO Hardcore Minecraft... And Here's What Happened

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few months ago i dragged my friend into a duo hardcore 100 days video you guys loved it so much that we decided to do a 200 days and before you say anything yes he was forced to do this with me because of you guys so sit back relax grab an oreo and enjoy 200 days in hardcore minecraft with someone who doesn't want to be here alright so it's truly been a minute since i've seen this world yes and you two winter holy cow this area is so barren i can't believe i thought this was good oh we have so many projects to do within the next 100 days but first we should start off by harvesting our crops [Music] [Music] okay wow that was a lot of work for one day i guess it's kind of nice that i actually have that many farms to keep me occupied oh boy what is this chest organization guess what i'll be doing for a little while yep you guessed it organization item frames fun i started by making sure every single item that i owned was on this level and then i started the organizational bit every item frame needed an item so it was really full really really quickly but you know what after all it is really good to have organization in your minecraft world so i guess i bit the bullet on this one you know what else has been fighting the bullet these zombies in age of origin age of origin is a zombie strategy mobile game with a unique spin on typical tower defense what makes it so unique is while playing the game you can actually cultivate titans these titans will help you fight back against the waves of zombies in your tower defense mode i mean look at this guy he's a giant robot he's stomping the competition for sure there's also other titans like this mega titan and this spider lady let's stay away from her she's a little scary however tower defense isn't their only mode you can also play drag racing where you collect coins dodge obstacles and kill a ton of zombies steer clear of the mad titans who attack you on the road though they could be a huge nuisance to shoot down also another mode i like is the giant cannon defense mode where you face off against hordes of zombies one after another give it a try i just hope you guys will do better than i ever could hey what are you doing hey stay back what are you doing no please i wasn't able to get that far but i'm sure you'll beat my record and go miles beyond it you know unless you're massively overrun by zombies and have literally no escape so go download age of origins for free and enjoy sixty dollars worth of gifts just click the link down below in the description and use the gift codes for your special rewards big thanks to age of origins for sponsoring the video now back to our regularly scheduled program alright now that we have the actual organization piece done of our house we can finally move on to hey remember this axolotl yeah yeah i lost in a cave really i did i don't remember that you wanna know why because now it's hanging on my wall anyway after the axolotl debacle i went and started farming some pumpkins so i could trade with my employees that definitely get fed the reason being is i'm going to be making a max beacon out of emerald blocks and i can't do that without my money so these guys better get to work without pay and while walking around my base i noticed that it looks terrible and doesn't blend into the environment at all well at least the villager area so i wanted to upgrade well their living situation not where they actually live but the outside so i don't have to look at it and go how i did this was adding in a wheat farm that actually went up to several levels of this place making it look like it blended into the environment way more and gave it such a better texture however while working on it i procrastinated and went and did something else the paths around this area to be fair look terrible but apparently me a few months ago was like yeah this is great so i extended the path a little bit making this area look a bit more um uh mine i guess i don't really know i kind of hate it but i mean i'm working with what old me said was good so yeah you know where that leads after all the paths were complete and the area looked semi better i went back to finishing the farm finally don't know why i put it off so long and it looks pretty good i have a half decent area now and i'm not too scared to look at it then i worked with winter to clear out some of the area over by his trading center and my villager area which are evidently both areas that we're gonna have villagers in and his is a lot nicer and he probably feeds his villagers why do you like him more not me anyway clearing this place out gave us a ton of area to work with well especially him because it's like closer to that side you know we're not divided but i feel like we are you know maybe it's just cause i build better like me more alright with 94 levels i kind of need to max out my gear so instead of doing anything productive in this world i decide to enchant a ton of books for absolutely no reason other than the fact that i want maxed out gear because i'm expensive after all that level wasting not even getting one of the enchants that i needed aka aqua affinity i headed back to the end with winter to grind the enderman farm i just lost out on almost 100 levels there's no way i'm not getting that back so i have a feeling i'm gonna be at this farm for a little while longer than expected so after all that level grinding i actually enchanted a ton more books and still didn't get aqua affinity so instead i decided to make a diamond helmet and use another eye ingot to change that into netherite once i got aquafinity thankfully that finally worked after days upon days of grinding for it i now have a maxed set of armor and this was the only thing i needed and i killed probably a hundred thousand endermen at this point after all of that work i decided to farm because it's relaxing right i started with the pumpkins and then i moved to the gigantic farm for absolutely no reason other than the fact that i get emeralds from it so capitalism unfortunately since my farms are massive at this point it's taking me a lot longer to harvest them and sell than i expect but i mean it's a couple days of fun after that was done i actually went ahead and worked with winner to clear out even more of the area between our sections so that we would have a place to put statues of ourselves later on in the video yeah we're going to be building replicas of our current skins in this world for everybody to see or for the cows to see i guess but once that terraforming was done the area looked so much better and i had one more thing on my agenda we use a ton of spruce and we don't have an old growth tyga anywhere near here so i wanted to go venture out for one however while doing that and finding one i realized that it really wasn't worth all the fireworks i could have probably just gone here when i needed the spruce and i didn't even cut down any trees that was an interesting experience for sure it's interesting that i mentioned that i'm not actually gathering wood because the next day i went ahead and gathered a ton of spruce i don't exactly have a build in mind yet but i know that i'm going to be needing it throughout these 100 days so i figured i may as well get some of this out of the way and since wood shopping is literally no one's favorite i'm probably going to skip over most of this but uh just know a lot of spruce trees were taken down but i grew them so it's not really deforestation this time next time it will be so with winter and i kind of being on opposite sides of this hill i wanted to even it out more so i can add in stuff between our area so that we're not so disconnected and after building that path it looks like we are super disconnected and i am my own society which means i'm better so like me more terraforming is extremely satisfying just listen to this fun right yeah that's what i thought when i was working on this for an hour anyway after all that work this area is looking a ton better and i can actually see a lot of future here with some of our builds speaking of builds i can't wait to show you what winter comes up with later in this video he totally takes his area from a 5 to a 10 within a matter of days but before we go say hi to him i have another project in mind i've been hoarding cows in my house from winter's old cow farm because uh i needed them for future projects so to get them out of this absolute terrible basement that has nothing in here to feed them whatsoever i need to make them a few pens as well as some sheep like i said before we're going to be building statues of ourselves and we're going to need a lot of wool for that so the sheet pen is going to come in handy as well as the cow pen so i went with these circular pens that i've currently been building out of wood and a lot of other things to make it look so much better of course later on i'm going to add a lot more detail around this area so it doesn't just look like circles out in the middle of a field i'm not an alien making crop circles okay i am an actual builder now okay you can click you can quote me i'm a builder now i've don't quote me actually i'm not a builder so with this build looking nice and finished or at least semi-finished we have the cows in there we're gonna get the sheep later and we have some of the pathways completed but we don't have one of the biggest elements in this area and that is mini farms i'm adding in these mini farms so that these cows and these sheep will be fed on their own i don't really have to worry about harvesting anywhere else except for the fact that i plant potatoes and carrots here that that will be an issue i think my brain cells at this point were functioning at half capacity and since i have two that means i only had one at the moment but thankfully those collective half brain cells were able to make some of the best areas i have seen me build alone these two mini farms look absolutely amazing the pathway looks great we've got some beautiful flowers some great areas to walk around and honestly these cows are living better than winter okay that's not fair to him you guys don't see where he ends up living at the end of this 100 days so you know what i'll give him time i'll give him time but before i get into how successful winter was within these 100 days i have another build project in mind after breeding the sheep i'm going out and gathering a ton of wood for a massive airship i'm gonna be adding to my area now i already have a bit of spruce so i wanted to focus on oak as that was probably the main thing this was going to be made out of and i'm actually over 70 days into recording this and i just forgot that i forgot to add one of the major items on the build and i'm only realizing it right now while editing but before i get to show you the airship we had another conundrum but i wanted to show you my tree chopping of silent trees i don't know what happened to the audio but silence is key apparently so did you like the tree chopping uh i didn't at all so we're just gonna skip past that to the funny part wait i actually found the audio here we go there is some tree chopping for you just just listen oh yeah that's the stuff anyway back to what i originally was gonna do before i found the audio so winter's been working on a creeper farm and as the resident redstone noob he kind of needed my help we've built a ton of these in the past together so it shouldn't be that hard right okay it was hard we started off with all of the normal processes doing the very bottom redstone and then doing platform by platform with the observers and of the uh the dispen this thing is a dispenser right i hope it is we built out all of the platforms basically completed the entire thing making it function properly or so we thought gathering all of the wood for this as well took so much time just for this final result having this thing fully done we headed up to an afk platform a hundred plus blocks away so that all of the mobs would apparently spawn below us but upon fooling around in the afk area we went back down to our surprise nothing absolutely nothing had spawned okay other than the fact that the top was flooded by mobs nothing on the underside had spawned for some odd reason we slowly fought off the stuff on the top without any creeper explosions at all don't worry about it and once that was done we concluded that the thing was just too bright so we extended out the platform added slabs on top and we thought this time for sure it's gonna work right well messing around afk yet again doing some very very random and questionable things it still didn't work whatsoever all of that fun that we had up top just kind of came crashing down when we realized the entire thing isn't working whatsoever and our way of getting fireworks has just basically been thrown down the drain i mean currently right now our only way of getting fireworks is waiting till night time killing the creepers and hoping we get enough for the next day this was gonna be our entire solution for that and it didn't work at all i don't know why it didn't work either i mean there's always some glitches when i build this like the water and the dispensers kind of just freak the freak out but it still works in the end however this one just didn't spawn anything i don't know why it spawned everything on top but not below oh i hated this build so much we eventually decided to scrap the entire project and move on maybe doing this later but for now we have other things to focus on with that fail under our belt i decided to start working on my next project which was going to be a gigantic airship in the sky but i was going to make it into an iron farm somehow i'm super skeptical about the idea but thankfully i've already gathered all the oak wood i need i just need to go get spruce and dark oak for the spruce wood we normally actually grow it right next to the base with bone meal and saplings but right now i'm kind of out of bone meal so to get more i headed into the nether and started my journey for a soul sand biome [Music] once i found it i collected as much bone block as i could because it gives me nine bone meal per block once that was done i was able to go home and start growing my trees manually and then cutting them down over and over and over again this is just how we gather spruce wood we don't have an old growth taiga readily available to us so this is kind of the better option with the spruce wood fully gathered it's now time to venture out to find a dark oak forest i also have to find a jungle for bamboo because it's pretty scarce in a desert plains area i headed out flying in any direction okay actually i flew where winter told me to but you know that's just because he thought there was a dark oak this way it wasn't long before i stumbled upon the biome i needed and started gathering all of the wood i could possibly muster up dark oak isn't a great supply back where i'm from so i had to gather as much as possible as fast as possible once that was complete a jungle was my next step on the mission these things always take a long time to find so i wasn't expecting a short journey and that was no understatement i'm still flying no yeah i'm still going still going here cut to the next clip i'm still flying all right look at that we have finally landed in a jungle biome and there's bamboo right here for us i'm gonna gather as much of this as possible isn't there actually a biome type in this biome that's like all bamboo i swear that's a thing i think i'm gonna go look for that alright update i i do not see it i don't see it anywhere and uh that was an absolutely useless venture there is there's no more bamboo i mean i already have what i need so i think i'm good to get out of here anyway but it was still a really good adventure i think my best idea is to go searching for a lava pool so i can just travel to okay seriously you didn't have to make it that easy after way too long fiddling with a speed portal uh yeah let's just try and cut through this because this is really embarrassing don't don't stop looking please i ended up making a two tall portal but i was still able to use it and get to the nether and now it's time to just journey home through this hellscape this didn't take long what are you talking about i wasn't in here for way longer than i needed to i definitely didn't have to ask winter to ports for our coordinates in here because i was lost that that was you anyway i eventually made it home safe and sound with dark oak and some bamboo for our next project the last thing left to gather is actually wool an airship is not complete without the blimp type top and i need wool for that so i spent the next day turning all of my sheep naked no yeah no i'm serious i i just stripped them of all of their clothing and they were naked i don't know if i'm proud of that or not after that i went on a search for string because nor winter or i had any and i ended up making the bare minimum amount of scaffolding i could however once the scaffolding journey was done i took one more trip back to the sheep and stripped him of all their goods there's no way i'm letting a sheep stay warm today alright i guess it's time to start the airship oh this is gonna take a while first i started by failing to make the bare minimum outline and then moving on from there let's just say every single level gets harder and harder as i go i'm not looking at an image and this is the first time i'm i'm building a ship like seriously i've never even done this in the water and i'm doing it 50 blocks above my base the whole of the ship turned out really really well i used oak and spruce in combination with dark oak at the very end just to spruce up a little bit of the features i still have a long way to go but overall it's looking pretty fancy next up was the detail bits the dark oak really made this thing work so so well i did the exterior stuff some fences the back area where the captain's supposed to be however i think it's a little bit too small to add a captain but overall it looks really really nice all right next up is the actual wool and i i have no idea what i'm doing does anyone know what they're doing i i don't know how to do this someone help please i've never done this before i started with the middle section just trying to get a singular shape aka a dome of some sort and by the end of it it looks so lopsided i i have no idea what i did wrong seriously this is the hardest thing i've ever done i started rearranging some of the discrepancies in the build as this thing didn't look right at first but slowly became the air blimp that i actually wanted and i think this is one of my cooler builds alright now to put an iron farm in here i'm gonna have to clear out as much wool as possible because i have basically no area to work with planning out where the villagers are gonna sit and then where the iron golems are gonna spawn is probably one of the harder tasks i've done but not as hard as making this thing round at all i know you won't believe me but this glass contraption that i just built makes perfect sense in my head that's probably the only place that's going to make sense let's be honest when i said the iron golems were going to have a small area i seriously meant it this is all they have to spawn in now just to block off the water oh yeah this is going to be hilarious i cannot wait to see an iron golem spawn here i started by spawn proofing the entire blimp with buttons then realized this was going to look terrible and winter said i'm an idiot do you guys catch on why i'm an idiot yet yeah wool has carpet and nothing spawns on carpet i could have just used that the whole time i don't know what i'm doing anymore that half working brain cell of mine has seriously stopped working and i'm i think i'm working off a winter's brain at this point okay spawn proofing is complete now it's just time to add villagers to this maze of glass alright so for me to set up the villagers i have to get them from the top of my villager hall all the way to the top of this airship this is not gonna be fun so to start this project i built out a gigantic wood platform over everything slowly towering my way up knowing i'm gonna have to get rails for this build oh yeah no this looks great this is a good addition to our world i think i'm gonna keep this now to go find rails i don't think i have a single redstone dust i'll be right back all right power rails acquired now all we have to do is set them all up anyone know any good train songs i'm getting bored alright guys who's ready to volunteer for a trip to an air balloon that they'll never escape ever once i got the first villager all the way up there and in his successful little layer i was able to get the other two pretty easily this process didn't take as long as i thought it would the hardest part was probably just building all the way up here and the villagers didn't have any room to maneuver so it didn't really cause me any pain or suffering like normally when i deal with villagers i actually really enjoyed watching them go up the railing just because i knew that they were gonna be tormented for the rest of their life oh there's just something about villagers man they just get my blood boiling once these villagers were nice and tightly tucked in their beds the only thing left was to get a zombie and see if this thing works i have the highest of zero hopes that this is gonna work seriously i have no idea the villagers are in the wrong order i've spawned proof everything with slabs and the iron golems have nowhere to spawn this is either going to work amazingly or it is not going to work whatsoever once i left the inside of this hideous contraption and finally blocked it off for good i landed down below and an iron golem was there to greet me which means that it does work i just have to spawn proof one more area on the ship and that's the bottom part this one i could easily do with buttons without a problem and now i think my farm works i've somehow successfully crammed the smallest iron farm i think i've ever seen into an air blimp to make it look amazing for this world the last and final part of this project is making an area where the iron golems will actually drop down and burn in the lava trap that we're all used to so i decided to mine an area out in the ship where they would fall directly through it into a cauldron type build the cauldron was very similar to something you might recognize if you're no stranger to my channel in my 100 days on one block i tried a very similar design but without the airship part however the cauldron concept was actually brought from there so i started making a deep slate cauldron below the ship where the iron golems would fall into burn and give me all their iron this took huge inspiration from my previous video and turned out extremely well and this entire thing worked amazing i think by now being like 90 days in currently it's gotten me quite a bit of iron and i'm very very happy with my first ever iron farm finally working the next day i went ahead and toured winter's brand new house finally he had built something that wasn't just a shack compared to everything else that was on this world when i went inside he was concerned that it looked very very barren and he had no idea how to arrange it so of course he called on the expert and what did i do i started by working on the bed area right above the enchantment table i used the lovely overhang that i normally do for this type of area and made a super cool pad up here from there i made an archway that really helped guide his roof over his chest area i think overall it looks super super cool and i'm very very happy with how it turned out his house is really cool though like truly he did a great job with this place and i'm just happy to help i'm not taking any credit for this this was all winter all right just get that through your head he can build now okay he can build the next day however he did need help with the kitchen and when i say help i mean i did it for him my kitchen ideas are always a bit complex and i don't ever expect anyone to get them right off the bat so it took a little while and i may or may not have not hit the record button at the right time but overall this is the kitchen that i built for winter it took a while to gather all the supplies and all the furnaces and everything like that but i think it looks really cool interior is probably one of my favorite things to do especially when i am not in a circular tower why did i build like this the first 100 days i just i can't fathom my thought process i'm actually very very upset with myself for how i built the first 100 days because i can't do anything with the property i now have day 149 i did something extremely special instead of entertaining you guys i decided to break mushrooms for potions yeah that's that's one of the only things i did for this entire day crazy right and then once i had those potions brewing i realized that i didn't have any gunpowder to turn them into splash because obviously i'm trying to turn villagers because well they don't like me right now and i need to get them cheaper so in anticipation for night i decided to cut down some trees to get those apples for golden apples because i don't have any of those either which means doing this entire process i have none of the materials whatsoever but once it was nighttime i was able to kill a bunch of creepers which means i'm gonna be turning some villagers very very soon i've tried all the items i needed to turn my villagers i started letting the zombie eat their brains look it's not my fault that they don't like me anymore okay if they didn't want to be eaten they should have given me cheaper trades however the thing about the zombie is that it's so attractive to me instead of the villagers that it will just like choose to not eat some of them so i had to go back and forth and away and all this kind of stuff just so that this stupid zombie would eat the villager instead of being focused on me and not doing anything it was an excruciatingly long process but i was able to heal some of the villagers along the way so that i didn't have to worry about doing all of them at once and waiting an even longer time but that now means that i have all the trades i wanted all these pumpkins are gonna be sold and i'm definitely gonna have a beacon by the end of this okay so i have a new idea for a gigantic melon and pumpkin farm since we just got all of our villagers turned and they have a lot more trades than i could even handle so i went behind my base and scouted out a perfect area where i can make a mega farm to do this i first started clearing out all the area with my shovel breaking it down so that it didn't look terrible and i had a huge flat surface to work with then i planned out how big it was gonna be by adding in all of the waterways and hoeing some of the land it's great because i'm gonna be able to harvest a ton of pumpkins and a ton of melons from this thing which i i kind of figured out later that i need more melons and pumpkins and i planted more pumpkins and melons so mistakes were made and by nightfall i was able to get in the groundwork of a pathway that connected to my previous path so it didn't look terrible and disconnected or anything like that after i slept i started working on the main path with all the logs all of the walls all the land turns and all the leaves this thing was gonna look absolutely beautiful there was no way i was gonna make this just like a little off branch so i added every single item that i have on my current path over here it looked really great with all the flowers and the leaves and everything and then i even did another type of path but more like a path gate i guess around the farm i wanted to make sure that no mobs could get in well okay i wanted to make sure that it looked like no mobs could get in because as soon as i added the leaves mobs got in let's not talk about it so i added a fence and a ton of logs and a ton of poles and all the kind of stuff that i added to the path excluding flowers all around the outskirts of this build so that it would be fenced in and look semi-proper once that was done i of course added leaves to the outside and we were very very close to being done with this build i then finished up what was necessary in the farm the next day by adding in trapdoors and lanterns i was just really hoping that no mobs were going to spawn in this thing because i don't want these things to be trampled i just want my crops to grow naturally please and halfway through the day winter and i decided to settle on the tower and think about absolutely nothing then we saw it the entrance to his house we decided to try and fly from the top of my tower into his house without having to open the door until we get there while flying i know it was a crazy idea but we just wanted to have a little bit of fun halfway through and that little side project actually evolved into us bullying an iron golem meet boris the iron golem that winter wouldn't stop hitting he thought that when he disconnected it wouldn't hit him as well so he would come back and then get slapped it was so funny boris you're an absolute trooper and i love that you bullied winter oh but don't worry it didn't stop there would you actually drag the iron golems over to my iron farm where he showed them what would happen to him if they disobeyed any orders we literally watched an iron golem burn to death in front of other iron golems this was terrifying winter was an absolute psychopath and ended up leading them all the way back to his base where he hung one of them on a fence post i don't even know what's happening anymore at one point he went up super super high with the iron golem hung him up and then you know fell from fall damage because i decided it'd be funny to mine him out and then proceeded to trick shot the man midair we were flying around trick shotting an iron golem for fun i seriously don't know what's going on anymore but after he hung up his iron golems i really wanted to do it myself so i went searching for another lead because i wanted to have three of them in front of my base and i only had two leads unfortunately that went through me doing a lot of villager trades trying to get name tags or leads or anything that i could use to get these guys to not despawn or something like that eventually i decided to try and hang them at my iron farm but they were actually close enough to the villagers that they felt safe enough from the zombie so they didn't spawn anymore inherently me breaking my own iron farm with an iron golem i was trying to bully so instead of that i actually hung them in front of my base perfectly symmetrical okay don't worry about it i'm a neat freak like that all right relax and now i have two iron golems hanging in front of my base that will never leave i honestly don't know which one's boris i don't know if i have it or if winter does but this man has been through so much and now he has so many more friends doing the same thing because winter's got three at his base too oh look at that i'm farming my brand new farm for emeralds honestly i just wanted to get another harvest in especially since i'm going for a maxed beacon alright so i'm gonna need all the blocks for it and a beacon i don't even have the beacon process started yet so i need the blocks for it first i also don't know the math on how many i need so me gathering these farms is literally just me trying to make sure i have more than enough for a beacon but it is really satisfying watching me break every single farm over and over again i kind of like it maybe you don't i don't care after noticing that i have a heck ton of farms and they're all super super huge i kind of run out of areas to trade with my villagers so i headed into the crowded bedroom and started laying out an area for the villagers to fall down in and be trapped for eternity because i was gonna get another line of farming villagers once i pushed them all into their new forever home i locked in the trades mostly with carrots as that's what i had accessibility with and i didn't care to get them what they wanted once they were all locked and loaded i went ahead and turned them into zombified villagers so that i could decrease their future trades of pumpkins and melons let's just say seeing all of the villagers basically dead makes me extremely happy why because i hate them all but once i turned them back into my forever shops i had finally added even more villagers to the gigantic trading hall they now call home for eternity alright so apparently one of the villagers decided to be stubborn and not get turned right away so i went back and turned him to fully finish the line of villagers who are fully employed with medical benefits all of the above i definitely pay for and when i was done with that i went ahead and grabbed even more pumpkins and melons and switched up one of my farms i told you i have an abundance of pumpkins compared to melons so my original pumpkin farm i turned it into half of a melon farm just to give the melons a little bit of an edge also apparently along the way my iron farm stopped working because one of the villagers either despawned or died i don't really know how that happened so in the next 100 days i will fix it i don't fix it in the current 100 days but eventually i'll fix it i promise hit like the video for 300 days so next up on the list i helped winter with a zombie problem he's building his own villager trading hall and the zombie that he's using can't pick anything up at all which means that it's gonna despawn unless he had a name tag so since he doesn't have one of those we have to go find a zombie that will pick something up once i found one we got him down below and he was going to be the zombie that kills the villagers for him i mean of course the zombie was targeted on me so i had to lead him behind the villagers where you know they were all gonna die eventually because you know like they die you kill them and you know you guys get the whole process here you guys have seen me build this thing a hundred times now so i just ran past a zombie let him stay in there and we were good to go now winter has a functioning villager trading hall i guess hey you know what two villagers is still a trading hall to uh him at least all right so it's been like a good five minutes since i built anything for you guys it's it's been a while for me and i figured we start on the statues that we really really wanted to do okay we have all of these awesome builds but we wanted to do an over-the-top build the statue i really wanted to do was out of wool but i also know that there's concrete and concrete powder i could use so i started by gathering sand and then went all over the place trust me there was no like gravel mountain that i found i had to go everywhere i found gravel after gravel after gravel patch there was it was everywhere okay it took so long to find this much gravel but i really needed the concrete and the concrete powder to offset the wool so that it's not just one singular thing building this entire statue and then the only other issue i ran into was dyes okay i have to get all light blue and i mean some blue but mostly light blue dyes and i don't really have any so i had to go around collect flowers go different biomes it was it was crazy i think this is the most i've flown around in these 100 days other than me journeying to go find a dark oak forest with the brand new concrete powder in hand i had to turn it into actual concrete so that i could mine it up and have it ready for the build this build is particularly difficult because i have to follow the exact pixel by pixel on my current skin thankfully i have it in the bottom left because of my totem when i started this thing it was very evident that concrete powder and the light blue wool is actually super super similar i was really hoping for some difference in color but i didn't get it so i decided that technically the lighter of the two in my eyes is the powder so i used that on the outside where my skin lightened up a bit starting this build was super super difficult even just the feet at this point it was shocking how much detail was on my skin for just being basically one color but eventually i finished up some of the lower half and we had somewhat of a semi put together leg area on my skin the middle part was actually probably the easiest since we had this gigantic white area to work with with just white wool in white concrete and the backside of my skin is also basically one color so making it like detailed and stuff wasn't super necessary again we're definitely getting somewhere and it's looking really really good the arms were a much easier story however stacking them all the way up wasn't too difficult and i kind of just made up a design on my own because i didn't really have access to see all around the skin i guess i could have used name mc but at the same time it looks really really good with my own input anyway and once one arm was done i moved on to the next did the exact same thing i hope please don't tell me i if i didn't if i did it wrong that's on you for pointing that out and i will never care but now we have most of this thing completed it's taken so long alright the last thing i do before the face is the hoodie this thing was actually quite easy all i had to do was outline it in the colors that i wanted and i used the normal concrete mostly for the outline of it i was low-key running out of wool so i had to start using some of the concrete powder instead but it still turned out really really well the shape of the opening however was a different story this thing was much harder than i expected and doing the little trim on the outside with this 3d layer was definitely a challenge running out of materials i did end up having to use white to at least outline it so that i know where it all goes because i'm not going to be able to get this shape again trust me i'm not that smart but now all i have to do is find some terracotta or make it i'm pretty sure you can make it right okay so apparently you can actually get terracotta from clay blocks if you smelt them so i went out looking for patches of clay i didn't know how much i would need so i mined quite a bit normal patches don't have that much so it did take a little while but once i had it i put it in the smelter and now it's just time to wait i wonder what color i'm gonna have to dye these things okay all the terracotta acquired i now have to figure out how i'm gonna plan out my face i used white terracotta as the skin color and light gray terracotta as the eyelids and of course black and white wool for the eyes the facial structure didn't take that long however planning out the hair was a different story a lot of the hair is on a 3d layer so making it on the same level as the outward hoodie is probably the hardest part i used gray wool for it because it's probably the closest thing as an offset that i could get i really don't know what else other colors i could use i really wish that you could change up the wool colors to the millions you know where you dye it with red and then you dye it with yellow then you die with a little bit more yellow and it changes the shade that'd be super cool but since we don't have that for wool yet we're gonna have to work with what we've got and i think this is probably one of the most spectacular builds i have done now that it's finished it really looks amazing in this world now all i have to do is wait for winter to build his day 173 was an extremely important day i went around and did absolutely nothing looking for a place to put my next build my next idea was a place to display the dragon egg and i had no idea what i wanted to do for it in the first place so i basically walked around our little property and just looked at areas that i thought i could transform or make cool or something along those lines eventually i settled on building the exact replica of an end city ship yeah i'm gonna be building an end ship right next to my tower just like my blimp i think it'll be a super cool build and i'm very very excited for it but yeah that was all i did today with an end city ship as our next build you know exactly where i'm headed off to next the end portal from there i decided to start venturing for any sign of an end city it's been a long time since i've visited one especially since that was in our previous video and i have no idea where that existed so i have to find a brand new one my idea is to completely take down the entire end city brick for brick okay wait the ship not the city that would take way too long fi first off but anyway i'm gonna take down the entire ship brick for brick and hope that that's enough material i'm assuming i'm not gonna lose any i probably will i might break some more i don't know i'm gonna break that thing we're gonna put it next to my tower that's the hopeful process here i'm gonna be honest finding an end city took forever and the first one was terrible it was like the worst end city you could possibly find i'm it was so bad i still have to find another one now oh look at that a second one without a ship you're super useful aren't you okay this this makes up for the first one this one is huge oh my word imagine if we were in better minecraft where it had like all the shulkers and all the amazing loot this thing would be the best end city in the world but it does have a ship and that's all we need okay i did take a day and loot the entire thing i don't have that many shulkers so i decided to kill as many of these guys as i could because i really really need more boxes like seriously i have two and i decided to loot some of the actual stuff in the city i'm not expecting anything great obviously i grabbed some extra armor some diamonds that kind of stuff but i wasn't hyped for it or anything i just did it out of principle okay you can't just leave this kind of loo here all right mister and ship time to tear you apart limb by limb i highly doubt i'm gonna remember how to build you later but we'll see as you can tell this process isn't the most entertaining yeah i took down an entire end ship but it's much cooler to see me build it the hardest part was gathering every single block on this thing i mean a lot probably fell but i was able to grab some from the end city later when the ship was finally taken down i had a choker and a half full of random end blocks now all i have to do is put them in the exact correct order at my base without knowledge of how this thing looks no pressure all right the moment we've all been waiting for time for me to oh wow there's a lot of blocks okay we're gonna try and replicate the end ship um this should be fun i think i'm just gonna ramble for a little while because i honestly don't know how i did it basically imagine how hard it is to take all of these blocks in an order that you don't even know and make somehow an end ship the reason i did this was because i wanted somewhere i could proudly display the dragon egg it didn't have to be like super cool or anything like that i just wanted something for the dragon egg itself what better than a flying ship for the dragon and along the way it started getting really really complicated i mean the back end of this ship was extremely difficult all the detail around the inside and the top rims had me at my knees it was so difficult but eventually we had a fully functioning because it was flying technically and ship and now we have an amazing perch for the dragon egg itself plus we have another new cool thing on our world not only that but we have an airship pointed at the end ship next to a giant tower the world has come together so so well if you like the build uh like the video cause it was in the the build was in the video and it just makes sense for you to like the video um like the video anyway let me know down below if you guys actually liked the n-ship build and if i resembled it enough i didn't use an image for it and it was really really really hard to get this replicated in any way shape or form it wasn't exactly the end ship that you all know and love but my version wasn't too shabby i'm not afk you are the next few days were me spent with winter trying to build his statue since i already have one under my belt i kinda wanted to sit back and see what he could do with his the body was a slow start but eventually we got to a point where he was not looking pixel for pixel every single second oh yeah and i definitely want to mention the fact that this man fell over and over and over off of the top of this thing real quick i forgot to mention that halfway through this build we were trying to do the strings for the sweatshirt and we couldn't find a particular block that we wanted and i ended up getting a really funny moment out of this oh my god this block is terrible i'm scared you see the pants think that color you go do they know what cyan is this is just great bro i i just wear them minecraft mojang is color blind or solid are they like stupid you should probably just use like cyan wool honestly there i don't know no no that's all we can do bro you know what let's just get it over with what did you want me to do push off the map like what do we do no get over with like build it i thought you were like pushed me off i was so confused for a second yo look at the top of my head not this one the other one [Laughter] oh i'm not gonna lie that was probably the funniest part of the video not only could we not find a good block for these strings but this man is a complete and utter idiot let's be honest look at this man fall into a horde of zombies by the way he was at half a heart after this fall if he would have been hit it would have been game over but i wouldn't have stopped laughing so many days went by but we finally finished up the body of winter skin now we only have the head and the arms that's we still have a lot to do since winter took so long building just the body i figured i'd help him out with the head we had all the terracotta we needed all i had to do was just copy this man's face if he would just look at me for goodness sakes at one point i had to look up name mc because he wouldn't just sit and look at me all he had to do was stare into my soul and have a great moment as homies but no no it took me forever to find this guy's face and then build it overall the hardest part of this thing was the hair but it still didn't take near as long as the body did because well i was building this one so i knew it wouldn't take as long once we took a look at the entire thing put together that's when we realized it needs arms not that he really wanted to adam because he was so done with this build by then okay this build looks really really good and side by side we are looking fresh as ever i am so happy with how this turned out like seriously mine and his look amazing very proud dad moment here winter and i built some of the cooler things on our world all right now those days were super super exciting but there are some things i still have to do around the world that aren't as out there i went back to farming some of my materials because we still have the beacon to think about we're 91 days in and i still do not have the beacon nor do i even have the wither skeleton skulls for this thing so to ensure that i have all of the emeralds i needed i went back to farming and selling for a couple more days i know it's not as exciting as watching winter fall off of himself but it's the next best thing this is really relaxing and very very satisfying just listen to this alright look at me being a bad youtuber forgetting to record you knew it had to happen once in the video winter and i spent a couple days traveling to a pillager outpost that was thousands upon thousands of blocks away reason being is we still had a few things we wanted to accomplish and one of them was getting more totems we possibly popped a couple throughout these 100 days so we needed a bit more upon arriving at the raid farm winter and i waited for a very long time to get our first flag man once we did we kept killing all the pillagers over and over again until we got a second flag man who took quite a while however the third fourth and fifth didn't take long but only ever spawned on winter when i was the one getting the bad omen i think this man is just super super lucky and this didn't take near as long as the first raid that we did in the original 100 days once i had bat omen 5 we headed over to the close by village and started this bad boy up the raid itself was super simple like every other raid before it imma be honest there's not much in this game that can really take us out except for one of these final rounds holy cow a lot of stuff spawns being chased by almost every enemy in the game that can hit you super super hard except piglet brutes is the most terrifying thing in the world yes there were times when i got low and winter was having a battle of his own after these rounds but slowly but surely we made it through every single mob it didn't take that long for us to finish out the raid and we each walked away with i believe two or four totems i i can't count now all we have to do is head home now that we're home we have one more thing to do and that is collect wither skeleton skulls so we can beat the wither and the dragon simultaneously we wanted our final battle to be epic so we're pinning both bosses against us however the collection of the wither skeleton skulls took quite a while winter actually got one first but later i was able to get one of my own then it took us a really really long time to get a third so he left this fortress the one right by our portal and started scouting other ones i stayed here however trying to get another head from a different one that was going to spawn right here eventually after wither skeleton kill after with her skeleton kill i started losing hope so i went to a nearby fortress just to reset some luck because if you leave an area of the chunks all the mobs i think despawn so i wanted to leave this current nether fortress and go to a different one kill the things there and then come back to this one however when i went to that one i actually got a wither skeleton skull which means we now have three readily available weather skeleton skulls and all we had to do was go to the end spawn it in and fight both of the things at once get a beacon and boom 200 days would be done okay so it's actually already night time of day 200. we didn't realize that we were already on the final day so we rushed over to the end portal hopped in and started our battle as soon as we could yes i already crafted the end crystals and i put them down in the right formation to summon the dragon while winter was going to focus on the dragon i was going gonna go ahead and fight the wither i spawned it in and instantly started pelting all the arrows i had with this infinity bow which means infinite so i don't have all of the arrows into it you guys already know withers are super super easy to kill so i didn't take that long with it however while i was doing this the dragon was already being summoned in and winter was waiting for it to spawn as he was going to take it on first when the wither was killed i looked up and realized there was no dragon we just used the crystals to spawn it in and the crystals were able to spawn in other crystals but the dragon never appeared i don't know why this happened but we actually don't have the time to go back and try and respawn it in again so unfortunately we were only able to beat the wither on day 200. however that was enough for now we went home and built the beacon i wanted it to be close to my tower because his beacon actually doesn't reach my area so instead i built it directly next to my tower all out of emeralds and trust me this thing looks amazing i placed the beacon down and oh my word i finally have my own beacon we defeated the wither we went through another raid there were so many things that happened in this 200 days we woke up on day 201 flew over to the end ship and we just watched the sun rise i cannot believe we made it this far in the video and if you made it this far in the video i truly appreciate it if you guys want to see more 100 days like this aka 300 days dupos then make sure to smack that like button down below and share the video around also make sure you go check the description for the download for age of origins okay that game is super super fun and i can't wait to hear what you guys think of it maybe while you're down there consider subscribing to the channel and if you like me so much go check out my merch it funds my life anyway have a great rest of your day and i'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: WelcominTV
Views: 1,846,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, duo 100 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, duo minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore duo 100 days, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days, hardcore minecraft, duo 100 days, duo hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days duo, smp, 100 days hardcore, hardcore minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft duo, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore duo, 100 days duo, Duo hardcore 100 days, duo
Id: DYQt8LV_-No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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