I Survived 100 Days as a PIRATE in Hardcore Minecraft!

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imagine being the most feared pirates on the seven seas until one day it all went wrong captured by the dread pirate agmir and his crew you're forced to give up your riches and your freedom can we escape his prison and steal back our treasure while surviving the menaces out at sea stay tuned to find out looks like we couldn't evade him forever yeah i guess we better get comfy how do they expect us to live like this i mean we're stacked on top of each other and look at this this thing probably doesn't even work wait what the guilty come look at this wait someone left us a key there's a book in here maybe someone left this for us traveler ahoy matey i hope this key serves you well i was never able to use it in here these pesky guards dude the guard could come back at any second let's get the heck out of here and guilty was absolutely right that guard could come back at any time so we made our great escape going up the stairs and out the building there was actually a creeper waiting for us i had to punch it away then we ran through the thick jungle on the path to try and escape from there we crossed a rickety wood bridge trying to get off of this prisoner's island and the guard was chasing us in the process however once we were there i was attacked by a crab it chased me the entire way through the pirates camp while just trying to escape we climbed ladders hoping that no guards would see us once we made it over the hill we saw a little bridge that we could walk on from there it was time to escape i saw that there were two wood docks unguarded with rafts on either end i headed left and guilty went right and we jumped off but just before we got in the clear guilty was attacked by a pirate with a gun thankfully the rafts are faster than he can swim after that we made it out of the cove and headed deep into the ocean trying to find any land for ourselves the journey was tough and days seemed like years eventually from behind me i heard land hoe and we had finally found an island that we could survive on for these next 100 days upon landing on this deserted island we found a campsite that could have been once in use there we found two leather helmets some carrots and some saplings after that we started getting our basic weaponry we cut down the jungle logs and made wood and stone tools from there we mined the island a little bit more gathering coal stone and iron after the sun was setting we decided to take down the campsite and use that wool for beds let's hope we get a good night's sleep because i have a feeling tomorrow's gonna be rough oh boy i was right all right let's rewind a little bit day four started off pretty normal we mind the cobwebs that were on the campsite from years past and use that to make a fishing rod from there we were able to get food and gear i gave guilty the charge of fishing while i went and broke leaves and grabbed all of the wood we wanted to make sure we could grab every single sapling available on this island so we never run out of building resources at one point i fought a creeper and won i didn't blow up that was cool then once i was done minding a tree i was attacked through the ground by a shark and this was absolutely terrifying because it gave me a bleed effect which means i'm pretty much about to die thankfully i've watched the bleed effect take me down to half a heart but i survived let's just hope i don't run into bruce again from there we now knew that the island was being surveyed by sharks to counter the insane bite these sharks have we had to get food and that was guilty's job while fishing mine was to go back to tree cutting because you know what in a tree a shark's not going to get me unless it has wings or is in a tornado wait sharknado's a thing right anyway once the day was finished guilty had caught enough fish to combine with our leather helmets to make us novice captains hats at this point even without our loot and our ship we still felt like pirates again before we get too far into this video a big thanks to monster legends for sponsoring monster legends is an awesome free-to-play rpg mobile game that will put your strategy skills to the test there are over 900 monsters to collect plus they are coming out with brand new monsters every single week you can also pick one of your monsters to breed with a different element and be rewarded with new rarities while creating new species and don't miss the chance to obtain the incredible monsters available only in the game's limited time events you can also boost your monsters level and power with runes relics and talents to gain advantage in battles ahead create your unique team of monsters and put your strategy skills to the test in the ultimate challenge battling with other monster masters in real time live duels or in multiplayer modes where you can conquer over all of the competition win trophies and rewards showing your mastery for a chance to reach the top leagues amongst fellow monster masters if you download monster legends right now using my link down below in the description or the qr code on screen you will get 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kaori remember this is only a limited time offer so make sure to go download the game now and not miss out on these amazing rewards thank you to monster legends for sponsoring this video and let's get right back into the action the next day the shark got really on our nerve guilty had actually fished up a power 3 bow and i tried to use it to kill the shark and it didn't take bruce was a much stronger being than i thought which means we now have to survive side by side with a gigantic shark knowing that fact guilty and i actually went underground we started searching the islands for coal iron anything we could find down here at one point i even stumbled into an underwater ravine where i crafted doors and went along getting as much iron as i could i was praying that there was not gonna be a shark that was down here that would have been absolutely terrifying once i had stripped the ravine for all the iron it offered i went back up it was nighttime so i put all my stuff away and went to sleep after that we were pretty much running low on absolutely all types of food and even though we were being constantly surveyed by a shark i figured it would be the smart call to grab a shield and jump in the water i was absolutely terrified being in this water but i was able to gather a ton of kelp see if you smoke kelp then you actually get dried kelp which you can eat it's not very well good but you know what it's food then after that i started clearing out an area for a house we pirates need a place to stay if we're gonna survive the next 100 days and get all of our loot back you know what else we pirates need for you to hit that like button down below as well as subscribe to the channel to help me out on the journey it's greatly appreciated and worth the interruption no okay back to the video the first design for the house was a bit of a stretch i tried adding a balcony to a circular area and i just kind of really hated this thing i eventually took this down and started fresh the next day while failing to build this house throughout the next few days i actually ran out of wood like the house looks okay here like we have some foundation done but i am completely out of jungle wood and the worst part is is we have either one sapling or or no saplings and and that's not very good for us which means for the last few days when i've been losing wood in the ocean because i've been messing up the house or we've been using it to build more tools while guilty's been mining um none of the trees have been growing and if they did then we chopped them down instantly and forgot to grab any of the saplings so currently this is what we have for the house and i don't have any more wood for it so we came up with a plan we figured our best plan was to sneak back to a little part of pirate's cove and grab a little bit of wood if we can find that place again and get some more saplings as well as jungle wood then we'd be set for the rest of our time here and that's exactly what we did we set out on an adventure to steal wood from a cove full of pirates upon our arrival at the island we had to sneak past one of their guard boats thankfully no one saw us and we were free to grab as much wood as we could we didn't stay long only enough to gather a few stacks each and a ton of saplings we really didn't want to have to come back here and risk dying once we had everything we needed we didn't even take a second glance and instantly headed home we were not taking the risk of staying here longer than we needed to plus now we've successfully escaped pirate cove twice that has to be some kind of a record home sweet home and the first thing i did was plant down a gigantic jungle tree and in no time at all that thing grew up big and strong which means we now have plenty of wood to finish the house guilty went ahead and chopped it down while i stared at the leaves i was making sure we were at least gonna go even out of this thing saplings wise with this new acquisition of wood i can finally take my time and build our house i started by finishing up the pillars of the house braving the sharks that could take my life in an instant just to make the house sturdy the back end of the house i left open as a gray area for us to fish from and honestly what's a back door gonna really do for us here maybe i could get guilty to walk this proverbial plank one day i proceeded to work on the top frame of the house using strip jungle wood to offset the disaster of a wood type the hardest part of this build was easily the roof the old eye patch makes lining things up a tad bit difficult but i managed to make the roof fit the build and i'm proud after that the only thing left was the interior now we actually made this place look better than expected we put up a ton of chests a great sleeping quarters and a bunk bed desk type area for crafting overall it's a pretty good hideout while we gear up to take on pirate's cove speaking of gear i'm still sitting in half iron so i figured it was time to go mining soon enough i stumbled into a mine shaft where i was able to find a ton of iron i mean it was laying everywhere the walls the ceiling almost every single corner i turned there was iron unfortunately my diamond cow was lacking even more so than your game boom roasted but hey now i have enough iron to make full iron armor so we should be good to go after that the story continued it was a stormy night and we were just getting our sea legs on when we looked outside a ship from the cove had hunted us down and taken dock at our island yo are you seeing this see what oh that i can't believe they already found us well what should we do they have cannons how are we gonna fight them stay with me and use your shield to block the shots guilty and i broke onto the ship drawing out some of the crew we finished them off and instantly headed into the ship being bombarded by guys with pistols they chased us out and while using my shield guilty was able to save me from there we pushed inside and had to break some of the spawners for the crew at one point i came face to face with death when one of the pistol guys got me down to one hp while trying to break the spawner guilty thankfully came to my rescue and saved my life after defeating the crew we looted the ship there were pistols diamonds and gold in one of the chests the scariest part about being this place however is that there's tnt everywhere we don't know what this ship was transporting but that is terrifying once we left the cargo ship we thought it was over we had taken out the band of merry men who were on the hunt for us however the knight had another surprise lightning struck the hull of the ship and ignited the tnt every single item on the ship was blown to pieces causing us to lose all of the resources we could have gathered we were star struck with the loss of so much after a great victory now we'll have to find a new way to conquer pirates cove day 22 we tested out one of the only things that survived the explosion our pistols we used them to take out crabs and even tested them on the madness of the water bruce 20 days seemingly alone on the open ocean we were able to finally take out the shark we even now have his tooth which i proudly displayed on our wall as our crowning achievement i didn't misspell it you did then we upgraded our small rafts to a better boat one to slowly travel the waters in search for the resources needed to take back our rightful treasure and the next couple of days were spent doing exactly that we took to the high seas in search for anything to aid in our adventure we did end up finding a huge island to explore we were very cautious as upon stumbling onto this island the boss bar captain roger appeared on screen we found some sugar cane which means enchants are on the table then we paraded around the village not harming the local folk but possibly stealing some goods the market had some bullets fish and even a cutlass mold which means we can craft up our own swords to compete with the vile pirates out there then we spotted a boat in a small harbor with the sail and a ton of room for both of us that was a joy ride for sure after that we noticed a small path leading up one of the mountains we found a cave opening it was a bit spooky and menacing but thought we could handle it there was a chest surrounded by gold a lost treasure we found two abandoned grand master captains hats i put it on and now i am truly a pirate but before i could do anything a skeleton with tnt snuck up from behind that i had to take out it looks like we disturbed this abandoned ground too much and we had to get out of there after all the skeletons started attacking us if those things were scaring us off the island there was no way we could take on captain roger in our current state so we headed home with our return home we still had captain rogers in mind we made our cutlasses and enchanted them with minor enchants we knew it wasn't the best but anything will help against this guy then we took it to the next step diamond armor guilty and i went mining for a few days to get full diamond i was able to find diamonds pretty easily until my game crashed and i may have lost some footage but at base i did make and enchant some basic diamond armor oh yeah this looks sick now i believe it's time we take on captain rogers our first step towards regaining our top spot we journeyed to the mysterious island to face the music we had no clue where he was so we looked around a little bit until we saw a cave with some light emanating from below below we went instantly being attacked by the infamous captain himself guilty was hit first and hard so i stepped in using my shield to block his pistol shots and critting him with my sword in between his bullets i was hit back while guilty was being chased by a crab then i got him stun locked in a corner and finished the job he dropped some amazing loot diamonds emerald gold and even a totem of a dying yeah that's an extra life then we looted the treasure room reclaiming a bit of our wealth that was taken from us once that was done we left the cave and accidentally started a raid we don't get a break do we the raid actually spawned on the mountain and we had to climb up there to hit them down for the kill it didn't take near as long as i expected because every single wave went up here and basically committed um something while falling down the hill once we had the raid conquered we both had totems of undying an extra life for each of us these few days have been rough but we made it through and it's time to head home back at base we wanted to set up a better farm it's easier to rely on than fishing we went and harvested dirt first what we could from the island then offshore i was kind of terrified of the sharks but i figured i could outlast the bleeding effect while rocking full diamond armor once i had harvested enough dirt it was time to build the farms we started by making a semi-round island so that all the water hydrated the crops then once i had the wee farm completed i set up the sugarcane farm to grow while we did other things so enchants wouldn't be that far off then we upgraded the island even further starting by building a bridge to a separate section of said island this was going to secure our resources for the future i ended up making a perfect circular island but you know what it looks good if you haven't guessed by now this is gonna be a tree farm while i was building this place and gathering resources for guilty was rebuilding his dock from the time that cargo ship kind of imploded once both projects were finished the island was looking much better more like a home but still not pirate approved hey i have a crazy idea oh no what's that what if we displayed all of our treasure you know showing off all of our spoils that has to be one of the dumbest ideas i have ever heard i like it so day 42 i went ahead and added a display for our treasure no pirate island would have been complete without the addition of our shiny treasure the display island i was creating was to show off our victory thus far in these 100 days with this extremely childish build we are probably a bigger target than ever but let them come we'll be ready to prepare for that i also built another portal that i hated this thing took me so long to get right you have no idea how many times i took this down and tried and tried again i wanted to do this at an angle but i never loved it the only way i could ever love this thing was leaves a ton a ton of leaves eventually after adding a grown mass of leaves all over this thing i started to not hate it i didn't love it but i didn't hate it it actually does tie into the island pretty well for another portal so i'm just gonna leave it like this we'll use it later to prepare for all the enchants that we're gonna be getting we're gonna need levels and leather the levels can obviously be done in the nether but leather is gonna be a little bit harder to acquire not sure how far we'll have to travel to get it but adventure is adventure so guilty and i set off to search the vast sea for some water moo moos eventually after singing ocean tunes to each other we stumbled upon an island with a cow and quite possibly some very mean men aboard i don't know if this cow was like will smith's dog and i am legend to them but we ended up taking it from him and while loading him onto the boat we actually saw another cow on a smaller island a little bit away we headed over there trying to get him on the boat as well but apparently this is only a three player vessel so we boated home with this one and would come back for the next later trapping the cow here on the tree island we left to go get his mate we return to the small island and we're very easily greeted by the cow jumping directly into our boat it's like he wanted to be saved from this desolate wasteland hey we've got wheat at home we probably could have just tempted him with that and now that we're finally home we can breed them one after another in this small cage not the most humane but what pirate is nowadays after a long few days dealing with the cows we actually drank the rum we found on one of the pirate ships out at sea and if you haven't experienced drunk before this is exactly it we got nausea too and started swimming around in the ocean it basically made no sense and i couldn't see a thing but this was probably the most fun part of the entire 100 days just being absolutely drunk on an island it unfortunately wore off but my head was still absolutely spinning while we headed to bed waking up after that drunken fiasco we definitely had a hangover unfortunately treasure waits for no man so we had to get to our next task while we wait for the sugar cane to grow and the cows to grow up to be full-grown adults and drop leather we have to get our level game up i have a really decent bit of levels right now but i could use more if i'm going to enchant multiple items so we hopped our ugly mugs directly into the nether portal to see what our spawn was and let's just say it was actually terrible we spawned in a basalt biome of course and then looking for quartz was an absolute nightmare once we would mine one layer we'd have to go up to another elevated platform to find the next constantly causing us trouble finding that very next vein of quartz leveling up wasn't getting any easier the longer we spent in here the harder it was to raise our levels because well that's how xp works eventually i was able to leave the nether with over 52 levels securing plenty of enchants for the future don't worry guilty was also way above 30 so we had no problem enchanting our gear together to get those enchants we spent a few days tidying up the island and breeding the cows so we can make the bookcases we may also have run into a few sharks along the way these things bite really hard for absolutely no reason apparently hitting through blocks is their literal specialty thankfully they never targeted the cows so once we had enough we were able to harvest them for leather we made the bookcases and how to plan for the enjambment table we have all of these trees over here growing for absolutely nothing other than wood gathering and i figured we already have enough of that for now so transforming this area out into a style of a tree house is probably our next move we use two of the trees on the right side to make a semi put together decent looking tree house with a ladder all the way up to the top it wasn't one of my brightest builds but let's be honest it was only for the enchantment table so it didn't have to be perfect once that was finished we placed it down at the top and got much much better in chance than we had previously my pirate's hat was given prop 4 on the first go but i went ahead and removed it so i could get unbreaking 3 protection 3 which in my mind is a little bit better and then going down the list my chest plate had prop 1 breaking 3 then my leggings with prop 3 on breaking 3 and my boots finishing off with blast protection i don't really like that but it had on breaking three so i kept it with some serious loop backing our plays it's time that we headed on to our next journey on the mysterious island in that cave guilty actually found a map to a ship in the middle of the ocean with our totems our swords and all of our armor i figured that we could take on this boat right here right now i grabbed the map and guilty was the driver i gave him the directions the best i could but have you ever tried to give someone directions and you don't know where you're going in the first place you've never looked ahead and you figured out that you gotta go left in four miles yeah it was a bit like that however guilty was able to make sense of my gibberish and land us at the ship as soon as we caught wind of where we were we realized that this was blackbeard's old ship taken over by pirate albrecht his second in command we're about to go up against one of the toughest pirates and his crew ever known to the seven seas we broke in the ship as sneaky as possible trying not to alert the crew but i was instantly targeted by a guy with a cannon i panicked and blocked up that means they now know we're here he attacked guilty first and i was able to take him out while he was distracted then i thought it would be better to try and break him from the bottom to get rid of the spawners inside trying to go under they actually realized i was there much faster than i thought and all jumped after me it got a few away from guilty however and we were able to go in from a different side i walked up to the top and started fighting all of the guys with swords it was an intense battle and the entire time i was getting shot in the back by a few guys with pistols come on grab a sword and be a man however i was able to take all of them out and break the spawner unfortunately i wasn't able to take care of the sword guys yet and i had to go back for them breaking their spawner and continuing throughout the ship without getting killed within an instant i broke into the bottom probably one of the worst mistakes i had ever made in my life and was targeted by three men with a cannon i broke out and swam away almost instantly i broke in for a second attempt and got one of the spawners then it was just us versus a ton of cannonners i tried to go in from the bottom one more time and all of them rushed after me and i was bombarded getting shot away from the ship extremely far i swam back and started farming them in this hole trying to get rid of one by one then instead of taking all of it by brute force i decided to use the bow and kill one of the guards the last guy was hardest to kill he was using water against both of us and i was hit down extremely low while trying to get to him thankfully guilty hit him right into me and i was able to kill him for the final hit the only person we haven't seen the entire time is the captain so before leaving our lives in the hands of this captain in a battle ahead we decided to loot all of the gold from their chests then when we started our search for the captain we found a map of pirates cove we can use this to get there easily on the other side of the ship there was a captain's quarters i broke in from the roof to see if i could see the captain however we were lit on fire through the floor this guy was not messing around we started poking our head through the floor trying to get as many hits on him as possible however he had bombs and they did a ton of damage with his health being lower than ever guilty dropped down and instantly started attacking him i jumped in for the rescue trying to save guilty's life while sustaining massive damage myself thankfully we dealt the final blow on this captain and we were able to secure ourselves this ship we looted the captain's quarters and realized why he guarded it so intently each chest had a seven seas cutlass which is so much better than the swords we're already rocking this can give us slight abilities close to poseidon and make it easier for us to travel amongst the sea it also does way more damage as a bonus from there we also got a few extra stuff from this raid but honestly that was the coolest part we left the ship knowing that one day we would come back and use this to conquer pirates cove we were boating home in a thunderstorm when something seemed a bit off and i was right because we had stumbled our way into a kraken this thing was terrorizing the ocean as well as chasing us home we did our best to boat away not knowing if we could kill it with that in mind we figured our best chance was to just head directly for it this was it our only shot ow my head what the heck where am i i don't recognize this place did we get separated what happened to guilty wait what's over here wait what are they doing is that is that my stuff what's going oh shoot i didn't mean to disturb you okay i think i outran him what the heck is going on wait is that am i on pirates cove somehow the kraken had whisked me away from guilty and stranded me on pirate's cove the only thought in my mind now was survival i went ahead broke a tree and got my starter tools yet again i didn't think i'd be doing this once more this island stay was gonna be rough i started searching to see if there was anything i could loot unfortunately luck was not on my side and there was no barren house i could take over instead the sun decided to go down and i mined myself out a cave for the night it was the best i could do in short-term circumstances not being hunted down the previous night meant i was free to explore the island to see if i could get my gear back i ran back the exact way i came now armed with the sword ready for a fight circled back to the beachfront i actually stumbled upon a little house i might be able to use yeah this'll work but loot first to my surprise i stumbled down to the beach and there was no one here and there was no loot all of the gear that had washed up on shore was completely gone most likely taken by the pirates looks like i'll be surviving here alone until i can get all my stuff back that meant getting a better supply of food currently living off of crab meat from the island isn't gonna be enough so instead i figured it'd be a better venture fishing i could not only get food but possibly some extra loot along the way i spent the entire day fishing getting food item after food item by the end of it i probably had enough food to sustain me for the rest of the 100 days after that gear was my main focus i already had food but my armor is terrible aka nothing if i'm ever gonna get the loot that i washed up with back from whoever's on this island i'm gonna need better armor so i went mining for full iron every single vein of iron and coal i came across of i would mine because i knew i would need it later i'm about to go up against an entire island full of pirates yeah i'm definitely getting as much iron armor as i can once i was done making it home was an absolute disaster i tried walking a path and every single mob tried to kill me if this is a test for what it's gonna be like fighting these pirates i don't know if i'll win the very next day i figured my best bet was to scout the island if i was ever gonna get any of my stuff back i was gonna need to know the layout of where i was headed i cautiously made my way over to the camp and started making mental notes of where everything was i think i was even able to spot where my loot was gonna be unfortunately it is way too light outside for me to try this i'm gonna have to do this in the cover of dark the only question i still have is where is all of the treasure hidden they've done really well hiding that but i have another task in hand alright i think i have everything i need don't question the diamond hoe the only thing i still need is a water bucket and then it's time to head out for my loo alright i've snuck my way onto the camp but captain agmaier is here if i end up running into him i'm pretty sure it's all over i saw a few guys with guns and i knew i had to go ultimate sneak mode i headed to the shore so i could get the low ground i made my way to the back of one of the taverns to see if i could get my loot from there the only thing i was able to do was break one of the spawners and draw in some of the pirates it wasn't long before i realized that there was actually a chest directly above me as soon as i opened it up it was all of my loot i started switching out the gear that i'm currently rocking to everything that's in there this was it time to grab my treasure and get the absolute heck off this island at this point i had only killed a few of the crew and i still think i can sneak out of here i tried to bowl out of there but as soon as i did i was ambushed and then i ran into the captain i jumped onto one of the roofs and just tried to evade all of their shots i ran into the jungle as fast as i could knowing that if i wasn't able to escape now i never would the worst part is that they now know i'm on the island so i'm probably gonna have a hunting party looking for the house i'm staying in eventually though i did make it home and was able to sleep the night away as soon as i woke up something seemed off there was actually a pirate right outside my door waiting to ambush me i ran down the path as fast as i could not knowing where i could go and that's when i saw guilty in the distance with a boat i was being absolutely destroyed with every single bullet being launched into the water i swam to guilty and hopped aboard what a cypher sore eyes this man was he had virtually just saved my life without even seeing me for the past 10 days i can't wait to get home ah being home sweet home i can finally organize this weird inventory i've been rocking guilty one hadn't added a treasure island as well as i made a map of pirates cove now that i've been there and was able to study the landscape i now know almost exactly every single thing on this map and we now know how to get back there which means taking it over shouldn't be an issue honestly i'm just glad to be home with guilty by my side it was rough being alone for those few days unfortunately our time spent home was cut extremely short realizing that we're gonna need netherright armor for this kraken heading into the nether we both found a spot that would be great for netherright mining we took down below into the depths of the minecraft hellscape looking for the single best ore in this entire game remember my diamond lock and how it was extremely good right off the bat well it was the exact same with netherite i was able to find a lot of veins of this especially in a timely fashion guilty however was kinda left in the dust after i kept finding vein after vein after vein we only needed 12 and that didn't actually take me too long to find however guilty was stuck in the dust i decided to keep mining to help him collect all of the pieces he would need and i also may have gotten a little bit extra just in case i wanted to make another iho just for the bands after we were done netherright mining it was time to go home and make the best armor possible oh yeah i'm looking pretty good with this new acquisition of gear it was time to head out to find the kraken our first victim however the last time we fought a battle like this we ended up stranded on separate corners of the ocean let's just say our fear meter was through the roof but no matter how many times i'm quaking in my boost this beast can't hide from us forever and we have to defeat it as soon as we found him in the deep ocean he instantly started chasing us thankfully brain cells don't run in his family and he attached himself to our boat instead of attacking us i hopped in the boat with him and started doing some serious damage but not without taking some of my own with our c cutlasses in hand we took him on two on one and were able to defeat the kraken of the seven seas i feel like someone was watching over us for that one after that crazy journey our boat couldn't have been in a worse condition we figured the best idea for us was to build a better boat if we were gonna take on pirates cove we scrounged up all the materials for a jungle war galley and putting this down it looked so much cooler than our other boat i definitely think i could go to war in this thing with that done we had one special thing to do after killing the kraken the reward for that glorious kill is actually its tentacles and you can use that to craft sushi not knowing if it was gonna be good or not we attempted the process we each had around six sushi each and we tried to eat one while on the island and i'm pretty sure we got every status effect possible everything that's gonna help you in battle came out of a singular piece of sushi now i love sushi in real life but who knew in game it was going to be amazing too this is going to come in super handy when we have to face the pirate captain agmir at pirates cove and that was the next thing to do on our list we used the map to find the direct route to pirates cove so it wouldn't take us too long once we got there the only thing between us and the riches of the world was pirate captain agmair we knocked the boat at basically where we had started our adventure we then slowly made our way up the island i have this place mapped out in my head but i still have to lead the way for guilty there were a few slight ambushes along the way but nothing we couldn't handle the only thing we were here for was our treasure and when we spotted agmair we knew he was the only one who had the location of it we headed over to him to finish the job of taking out every pirate captain who wronged us every single hit he dropped gold and treasure this man was an absolute pile of loot while using our amazing swords abilities flying around and killing this guy he could barely land a hit we had surpassed all of the power levels of every single captain in these 100 days as soon as he was down and out for the count we got another totem of undying and the only thing left is to search for our treasure there was only one place on the entire island i haven't searched and that was the volcano on our way up the staircase we even found a hidden cave with some gold inside this was the first good sign our next sign was the fact that there was a giant x in the middle of the volcano as every pirate knows x marks the spot once guilty and i were there together we mined through and there was a giant pit we fell probably a hundred plus blocks down but thankfully there was water from the moisture in the cave we had found it all of pirate cove's treasure we took out the sharks guarding all of our loot and then looked around there was more gold than you could count on all of your fingers and toes there was emeralds diamonds iron you name it every single thing was down here we even adventured up to a top layer where we were able to find a few extra netheri ingots this was a pirate's dream so we decided to gather up every single material in here leaving it all dry okay so maybe not all of this was ours but now that we have it we're definitely stealing it once we are out of the middle of the volcano the coves treasure room we had felt like the most accomplished pirates known to man we just did what no other pirate before us could do we took on every captain that betrayed us and stole our loot previously we defeated the dreaded kraken haunting the seven seas and we built an incredible island that we were able to survive on for these 100 days however there's one more thing left to do after that insane adventure this valuable reward was enough to make us go crazy we are now the richest pirates amongst the water to show off the treasure we figured the best way to do that other than to add it to our island stash was to turn one of our trees completely gold yep we turned one of the trees gold we climbed up to the tree house and started changing the leaves colors to gold by the end you could really tell how rich we pirates are let us know down below what your favorite thing that we accomplished was personally i think surviving after the crack and split us up was probably the toughest challenge yet and if you enjoyed more make sure to hit that like button down below as well as subscribe to the channel for more and don't forget to download monster legends link down below in the description you don't want to miss out on 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kaori honestly anything with a sword is pretty lit to me i also have a new merch store so go check that out down below in the description there's some pretty fire stuff and it's not all minecraft based so it's pretty much for everybody anyway i hope you have a great rest of your day i know a few of you are stressing for finals but don't worry you've got it and i'll see you all in the next one peace out
Channel: WelcominTV
Views: 445,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft challenge, bronzo, minecraft bronzo, pirate mod, minecraft pirate mod, pirate captain, pirate captain minecraft, I survived 100 days as a pirate in hardcore minecraft, 100 days pirate, no swears, minecraft mods, 100 days survival, hardcore minecraft, welcomin, welcomintv, welcoming, welcomingtv, maxcraft
Id: Z9evqBxIr6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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