We Surprise Our Kid With a Playroom Makeover!

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2020 was a really challenging year for all of us for us personally it made us really prioritize making our home as functional as possible for our little families needs since we were spending so much time inside and so for our first project of 2021 we are turning moon's nursery into the perfect playroom to nurture his blossoming imagination our little creative weirdo and of course no mr kate makeover video would be complete without a surprise reveal so stay tuned to the end to see what moon thinks of his new magical [Music] oh another thing under the couch oh okay you hold star baby i'll get it where'd it go oh oh it's right here what's the why is the canteen cap under here too oh okay we're back we're busy parents we're back 2021 whoa take some time to appreciate how well they all did weather this was a hard storm and don't worry about new year's resolutions just like just do your best yeah just do you 2021 love you love you this is gonna be a good year i can feel it so this is coming obviously after our youtube creator spotlight which so many of you guys have seen and so many awesome positive comments yeah if you guys want to see our entire history in like 17 minutes go watch that video after this video but first today we are doing moon's magical playroom what's the plan stan so are you stan what's the plan stan stan is gonna tell you to plan so basically we created this room as like a classic nursery before moon was even born so when moon was in my tummy you guys remember i was very pregnant we were pulling this room together now he's very active so we want to turn it into like a proper playroom because like we don't use the changing table anymore we don't use the crib ever we never ended up using it no the crib has now oh well i have been fell over the crib has turned into storage there's the exercise balls in the crib we kind of followed like the typical plan of making a nursery while i was pregnant you know we put the crib in there we had like the monitors and all that set up come you know moon being in our lives quickly realized that we wanted to co-sleep with him which essentially means he sleeps in our bed so the plan is we're gonna try to clear out as much stuff as possible to have more area for play and also just more area for better organized toys so we're going to get rid of the giant dresser that we don't use we use like a drawer or two in there which we can easily use in the closet and we like to read books on the sofa right so i think that because we like to read books on the sofa maybe it's time we upgrade to a sectional so now that we have redone our garage into like our combo multi-use space and have a queen bed back there we don't really have any purpose for the pull out sofa so we decided it would be a perfect opportunity to use one of our new mr kate pieces the winston sectional which obviously is very special because it is named after winston our cat who passed away just a month before moon was born all right so let's go get breakfast yep let's get the room cleared out and then mom you can also maybe tell them about all the creative products we're gonna do in here yeah eggs okay we're gonna have breakfast and then we are going to get dressed and go to the farm we're gonna go to a farm baby yeah because we want your playroom to be inspired by nature yeah moon is in playroom inspired by nature oh you want to control the cameras okay here we go i'll turn it around so we're gonna go to the farm we're gonna see animals we're gonna see all kinds of nature things we can go pick fruit and stuff in the trees you know you have trees in your in your nursery well we're going to turn it into a playroom and have a real treat yeah a real treat in your playroom yeah cool okay let's go to the farm oink oink what was that a bird were you a chicken there's probably chickens are you oh chicken i don't think there's bears or raccoons there though maybe there's raccoons at night they come and they eat the chicken's eggs [Laughter] okay ready hold on inside [Applause] i was part of a big school system where maybe it was more all about getting good grades that's about exploring your creativity obviously your upbringing was completely opposite of that you went to like a tiny school where everyone was just like a wizard yeah that's basically the quick explanation of waldorf education which if you guys aren't familiar with it it's a philosophy of education that started in germany it's basically just about cultivating your creativity as much as possible and not trying to make children conform to you know specific rules or structured academia my mom [Music] me all right so i am thinking about the mural right now so i do like how it looks very sort of like paired down in the sense that it has you know just the black silhouettes of the trees and then just like a few specific animals within the trees you guys saw our original nursery design i pan-painted the birch trees and then the little animals which we wanted to be tactile and i added 3d elements like brush bristle brush brush bristles for their whiskers so a big part of kind of adding to this room is we decided it would be cool to add to the mural he really likes bears and he really likes raccoons but i want them to still you know be within the vibe of the mural existing like just kind of peeking in i don't know i'm like i'm trying to decide if like i should add something cheeky like one maybe has like a flower crown and the other one has like a little toy or a hat or something like that just kind of like a little more playful a little bit more like personality to them obviously we have this negative space here where the moon is so i'm thinking that in that negative space maybe bring in like an actual branch like some kind of like manzanita branch or something like that so almost like take the look of the trees from the mural and have it real life we're thinking maybe like a shelving unit here and then maybe on top of the shelving unit unit the branch can come up and we can have some of like his little treasures hanging from it or maybe like a little waldorf play silk so that is the plan with the mural i'm very excited to add to it but still you know keeping it subtle and chic and cute yeah we're sharpening a pencil all right so one of the big projects we're doing here is making like this sort of play corner that's going to include this organic desk that we're going to build from scratch it's not a big deal play ledge because he's not going to be doing homework at it okay so that's the corner right that's going to go straight button to the corner that's where our curve is going to be one of the like cornerstones of raising a kid like really creatively is to not use right angles well that's like a welder thing they would like put up blackboards on the walls and then make these like wood surrounds that just had every angle besides but why do we not why do you not have right angles it's just like it's rigid you know it's like no rigidity if i had to say what shape this is going to be it's going to be that looks so good looks so well dorfian i love it you just like gained so many points in his book [Music] i used the pocket jig to combine the two pieces into one sort of tighten the two pieces together put some wood glue in between and then on the top put some wood filler sand it down and the pocket jig is essentially a way to drill like an angled hole for those of you that don't know what that is because i just also learned recently okay guys i'm here outside with this beautiful ledge desk that joey made as you guys have seen and now the goal is going to be to seal it in a non-toxic way so i've got these products here that we found that sound really awesome i've never used them before we found this awesome totally non-toxic stain and sealer because obviously moon's little digits are going to be all over it we don't want those fumes or anything getting in his nose or on his fingers let's try a little golden oak over here okay so here is what the sealer looks like by itself but look at this golden oak when i first put it on it looked really red but you can see now next to this how it's drying in that more medium tone which i really like so now i'm thinking we should do the golden oak and then seal it i think that's the plan thumbs up that was duty [Music] okay guys look what i have here it is a manzanita branch and with a nice thick stock we have this store-bought shelf that we put together can store a lot of stuff or store the right amount of stuff like you guys remember in our decluttering video we talked about how research shows that kids actually play longer and more involved if they have less stuff but anyways let me tell you about this branch continuing on the theme of making the mural 3d which obviously the animals have like feathers and little whiskers and things like that that i did originally how about the tree gets 3d the idea is to like drill them into the shelving unit so kind of like have it go through the top down into one of the shelves so it looks like it's kind of growing up out of this little cube storage unit thing and customize it to fit in with the mural and also just make it look that much more magical you have your little wooden drill ready oh yeah look at the button went in there here i can fix it right come on a little bit there goes can you show the camera how you drill good job so hello it's either this month or early next month that our furnace our financial lines come out we've been trying to pin down a release date the whole covet thing has just been really messing with everything shipping but we've been really still trying to push through and it's definitely happening i love this sectional for this room though because this requires no tools it's not like heavy it comes in like five separate pieces in a box so you get it mailed to you as opposed to having to like schedule some big furniture delivery and it just all kind of slides together and then it's nice and sturdy and it just looks really good it's gonna be so good for book reading because they'll have that nice shae who's shea yeah the shades is obviously what makes it a sectional but my favorite part about this sofa is that you can put the shades on either side [Music] you want to press this button okay come back up here see i'm gonna push this that come on [Applause] all right it is painting time i'm gonna use acrylic paints i have a variety of whites and browns and grays and taupes so i'm gonna do a white background start that's what i did with all these other ones and it really helps the animals just pop off of the back [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] all right so we sealed this whole desk but of course i messed up i forgot that we wanted to cut in a hole for the paper roll to split through so i got my router i'm just going to do a hole and i'll just have to sand and reseal just this little section but it should be fine [Music] so you know how all of these animals have something real you can touch on them like the squirrel you can pet the puppies the bird you can pet her feathers right what if we put on the raccoon that i just finished a flower crown sawdust on there good morning everyone all right so obviously this whole desk shelving thing is a very just diy i'm going to try something i want to make these shelves floating shelves they have these long screws that are pretty thick and i'm going to actually drill a hole into the shelf and use this as my support for the floating shelf [Applause] we want to put one right here job you're painting [Music] what are you hammering [Music] they're buried [Music] all right guys we're going to spray paint the ceiling fan [Music] the other thing we're doing in here is we want to do like a more traditional like table but you got a bowl that you want me to cut into the table yeah i saw this a lot online and i thought it was really cool this is a montessori thing to do like sensory play so i was like let's just diy our own sensory table i'm gonna use my router and we'll just set it in there your router that you just bought that you're really excited about he's just casually mentioning his router guys my new toy he loves his router [Music] all right so i got my whole instant activity table [Music] okay you want to hold it okay we have to tell them what we're doing right now i'm dyeing my hair pink curly we're gonna unwrap this yes he can say rug one of moon's first words is rug so in the middle of the room we got a really nice forest floor rug yes i'll just bring in kind of almost a grass feel and i think the round rock just kind of like creates a really nice flow what color is this green green can you touch the camera okay okay welcome to waldorf craft hour with mr kate so i'm not trying to make like new toys per se but i think it will be fun to make a couple of little waldorf staples to have in the room my sister and i made these lions so like you learn how to knit and crochet and do all of these awesome things when you're in waldorf i think we make these in like first grade we do have that little tree branch thing that we're putting in the room and we have a couple of like birds that we could hang on it but i thought it would be fun to make some waldorf like fairies and gnomes we want to keep the room inspirational and i think something that we've always emphasized as well is keeping things very gender neutral you know he's got rainbows and dolls and then obviously he has trucks and things like that and we're gonna make some waldorfy and inspired fairies and gnomes so you know we got it all i've got a whole spread of stuff in front of me i have these little peg dolls they're called you want to make a note now that's a pretty rat do it like mama's doing it make it all fluffy yeah good job whoa there you go all the doll bodies this is going to be a disaster of our craft guys i am not a crafter i know and you know what though that's the whole point is that it's very organic and very forgiving like this is the hair it's like a sushi roll it was more of like a workout gnome [Music] happy playing man cool huh easy you guys want it [Music] are you on tick tock oh we'll fancy that because we are too yes we are ticking and talking making silly fun inspiring funny well we like to think so videos so if you're over on tick tock come follow us comment i'm always over there watching way too many videos but i'm also commenting back and uh it's fun it's really fun it's fun guys tick tock mr kate see you there oh here's your little green car we put this in here oh here's all the trains so obviously a key about any playroom design is organization and storage and we wanted to make sure that everything would fit and have a place because let's face it the playroom is gonna get destroyed but we can do clean up time at the end of the day and pick things up and put them away so that we can start fresh every morning so keeping the baskets really small was really key for that so it wasn't like a bottomless pit of stuff okay so final styling is happening away from moon's eyes because obviously he's seen us putting in the big things but i want to do all the final styling with him playing with joey elsewhere so that we can try to surprise him with the finished look [Music] a staple of waldorf and artwork is the beeswax black crayons we got a ton of those in the various colors [Music] so one of the cool things we're doing in here too is we're giving him a bunch of musical instruments we play music a lot and sing a lot i sing to moon every night as he's falling asleep [Music] another thing that we wanted to bring in which isn't actually waldorf it's more or montessori is a pickler triangle to encourage learning gross motor skills they kind of like learn balance and it folds up so we can just like fold it up lean it against the wall if we want more floor space [Music] do [Music] all right let's bring in the man the myth the legend the moon [Music] look look ready i think this will hold me mama look wow he's so cute in the room i mean the play opportunities are so varied it's gonna make our lives easier i feel like because we can literally just stick him in there i mean we'll be in there obviously with him supervising and also you can move the center desk out and just have that nice big open play space on the green tickets tickets please oh yeah those are your instruments can you blow on on it good job [Music] did you like your play room can you shake your head yet yeah okay huge shout out to our rainbow members mark maurice mather and anime toy yeah thank you so much for being members moon's gonna take camera guys make sure to hit that subscribe button we'll see you on the next video we love you so much stay creative and see you because why not bye bye [Laughter] [Music] hi friends welcome everybody today's video is just very of the now so we need to transform a space at our home into the ultimate sleep work and work out room we have grandparents who live in indiana who can't see moon as much as they would like to so we're creating the ultimate grandma and grandpa flat one two three
Channel: Mr. Kate
Views: 899,234
Rating: 4.9712348 out of 5
Keywords: makeover, playroom, interior design, home decor, kids room, magical, creativity, waldorf, montessori, reggio, reggio emilia, nature, learning, diy, how-to, beautiful, nursery, nursery makeover, home makeover, before and after, stayhome, inspiring, education, educational, painting, craft project, staining, eco-friendly, farm, family, mrkate, mr kate, mister kate
Id: wJH1wC85igY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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