Revealing Jeffree Star's Iconic Spa Makeover!

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we are i know i know we're getting jeffrey mike moon we're almost there i thank you i'm really excited for this because i you know it's funny i had to go back and look at my own house tour to remember what the room looked like the green the orange it was so awful i'm so nervous and excited are we ready are we ready now oh my god okay okay patty's so excited like the spirit of beauty okay oh my god all right so i never let anyone do this okay okay remember what it looked like before just picture it in your mind okay ready one two three let's start from the beginning shall we can't wait to decorate there's so much we could make how will it turn out omg we're coming over open up we're here okay you're yelling like so loud oh my gosh oh my god hi we're here in my new apartment what's up everybody this is jeffree star i am the owner and creative director of jeffree star cosmetics now i'm a little shook because mr kate is about to start transforming a major part of my home and they said that this is literally the biggest project they've ever done on this channel so i'm a little nervous a little scared but i've seen so many amazing things from them so that's why i entrusted them to do my entire spa and meditation room i don't know what's about to happen so jesus take the wheel oh my god oh my god you guys have really been going to town in my house i know we've already been here for a week if you guys haven't seen part one go watch that but we are here to finish up the spa oh my gosh you guys this makeover is going to be the most insane ever i'm so excited and as you guys know on our channel we're all about interior design decorating and this is our series omg we're coming over which we've done spaces with so many other youtubers so you guys can go binge those episodes after this one but this particular spa wing at jeffree star's house is our most epic makeover to date i've been posting pictures of boxes and there is so much stuff here you know what's crazy is i'm really good at not picking her because i really want to be shocked yeah so i don't know what's been happening i know that maddie may have peeked in once and she says you're going to die that's all that was the only thing i've ever been doing oh really oh she's already oh great thank you maddie and i was like okay like i love that feedback yeah well i always say it gets like uglier before it gets pretty kind of gonna get like messy oh my face and career exactly i get it talk about the before all right okay joey's gonna grab something okay so let's just reminisce let's i don't want to the green walls are haunting me like i love green trees but i've never wanted a baby green wall in my life yeah if you guys saw part one we walked through the space with jeffrey and talked about how he really wants it to be luxurious it's more just like sophisticated and opulent and rich and i don't mean mine if you guys have seen jeffrey's old house it was like very bubblegum pink like super hot pink jeffree star and he specifically said that he does not want this spa space or this house at all to be like that he wants us to be a new chapter in his life and so we are going to make sure that this spa is opulent serene luxurious pretty much like a five-star spa that you would go to if you were staying in some luxurious resort somewhere you're gonna have the beauty barn where you're gonna celebrate your jeffree star brand and everything but this is where you're celebrating kind of your essence yeah and all the energy so let's turn around and see our project whoa me in the morning okay so one of the most challenging rooms in this whole spa wing is the meditation room it's kept me up at night trying to figure out how to make that a beautiful luxurious opulent room while also keeping it zen and meditative but remember jeffrey doesn't want the buddha statue in there anymore he doesn't want the orange paint to me my most like zen or calm mentally is when i'm doing my makeup and i'm able to just focus and be creative and just be artistic so yeah i love that else that just symbolizes maybe more me right now the buddha statue is in sort of like a sunken pit that isn't really a pond there's decals on the wall not at all what we're going for we talked about how you have that buddha statue in the meditation room and you respect it but it's just not your vibe 100 and you love animals and beauty yeah right yeah we have rain right now look in the pool oh oh lord let's move the face by the barbecue jeffrey grab the table okay i got the table oh yeah jeff dolan's back baby you got this that's amazing they call me thanos baby thank you you're hired thank you know your star cosmetics doesn't work out you can be part of ours there's a lot of work i'll invoice you okay so all right i gotta go inside and get some other work done how's it going in there it's amazing okay it is i mean it's trucking there's so many boxes that got delivered i'm shook well i was seeing like it's the most elements we put into a space like we're like layering we've got all that trim we're like it's gonna be amazing we only got a couple days to pull together so okay i'll see you at the reveal wow that's crazy all right guys all right okay so this giant face we had custom sculpted by an artist call it a mask it's basically just an amorphous face it's not supposed to be anyone in particular it's especially not supposed to be jeffrey right it's just supposed to be kind of the essence that is beauty like what beauty means to jeffrey it means expressing yourself it means creativity it means a way of taking what is inside and expressing it outwardly to the world the thought is obviously just it's like a deconstructed essence of beauty right brush strokes we're bringing in our color palette which is super muted and then the feathers as lashes but like i want this is where your artistry can already i'm seeing like just molding this against the eye almost like so pretty so it's like a sleeping i love it yes i mean jeffree star has built an entire empire off of makeup so i'm really excited to see what we do to the space what's up guys we are in jeffree star's spawning it's happening while we were shooting jason nash's episode last week we had to get started here so we had a team here painting all of the trim so we painted all this trim there's all this cabinetry trim everything it was a dark brown we made it all white we're getting started on some amazing wallpaper we have this super luxe almost uh claw fabric wallpaper right here we're also using some of this wallpaper and the other rooms so there's a lot to do we're still touching up the paint we're getting the wallpaper up but before we do much wallpaper we still have some demolition to do so let's go over here okay so quick recap of the space so over here is where you sort of transition into the service areas of the spa we had the idea of doing a water feature here but the more we thought about it the more we decided that this little cutout that they have in the entryway is a little awkward and we thought that could actually be a really cool place to play with that being the water area so we're gonna actually put the waterfall right there and then over here this is gonna be jeffrey's healthy slash unhealthy snack bar area we're gonna keep the sink just replace it with something a lot more funky and we gotta demo out this tile get these out of here we're just going to do some floating shelves all the way up say goodbye to this green this is going today let's get demoing all right so removing the tile backsplash is actually pretty easy you're just going to remove that tile with like a crowbar or a hammer just something that you can pry the tiles off and then once you have the tiles off if there's any adhesive left on the wall you're just going to chip that off sand down in these spots that need sanding so that your walls are smooth and then we're going to cover this wall with that really luxe wall covering and then it's snack wall time he loves it so let's do the paint first okay and this okay wait these the color stories in the spa because they're really stunning isn't it stunning i know okay the color palette that we have going on in this spa is a lot of muted nudes but news in the sort of pinkish blush side of things while also adding in some taupes i wanted to still make sure there was some warmth some undertones to all the colors that we chose because the house overall has a very rich kind of european feel to it so i wanted to make sure that we weren't using any true like stark stark whites or things like that so this is my first and only sneak peek yes first and only in the hell i might drink this actually obviously we want to play with like the differences of sheen too like some of these are matte some of these have a little bit of pearlescent some of them are like full on glitter wow it's going to be just really chill and relaxed like we don't want it to be like blown up you know bubblegum palace like we talked about right we want it to be we've already done that yeah okay so working with jeffrey on this face is so much fun we're just adding the paint and the brush strokes to the lips we're doing kind of like an x over the lips and just kind of brushes of color over the whole eye area we're gonna add some gold leaf we're gonna then later add some of the feathers as lashes we're gonna actually have to drill those in so it's going to be really well built to just be up on the wall as this epic custom piece of art my dogs are so obsessed with moon i know it's so cute wait that was like one of our like most recurring comments on the video it was like oh my god i never knew i needed to see jeffrey with a baby yes this is such a personal question okay would you ever i mean kinda only if i had a perfect baby like yours well you know what our trick is we just bring him everywhere with us we're practicing what we call attachment parenting okay so we just have him with us all the time are people against that or for it because everyone judges everything we all do right right worse i mean and especially parenting i mean you have not been judged until you have a child only imagine yeah and it's basically the idea that like we're we're primates but we are i know my mothering style is i ask myself what would a cave woman do yeah okay and like you just have your baby with you all the time so okay it's kind of it's kind of like what you do with your dog you do attachment parenting in your dog 100 what if we do like a sh with like the gold leaves ooh okay i love that these are so iconic that's very like you want your dishes done after this i got you okay let's do it so how do you stick the gold down okay let's do it with the adhesive let's use this bouncer what is that called a spouser okay it's like a flat foam thing yeah it's basically just sounds like what you do with it gold leaf is an essential part of making this face just look sculptural and pow so we are using a spouncer and some gold leaf adhesive we are using the spouser applicator to get the area nice and saturated with the adhesive and then laying sheets of that gold leaf down you want to make sure your fingers aren't sticky because the gold leaf will stick to you here you'll be gold what do you do just stick it on oh my god it's falling apart yeah just go just go oh the gold leaf will break apart as you're doing that but that's the point it creates that sort of like old world look to it as opposed to it being like one sheet of gold leaf all right so we have like so much more gold to add i wonder how jelly is doing okay should we go check check on him no you can't come oh my god i can't yeah okay you have to say you have to stay here get artsy with us i'll check on joey all right no this is gonna look so good and then you're gonna see this i'm just freaking out i mean we still need a couple days to finish it but it's gonna look so good i'm nervous all right so i just wrapped with kate and i have no idea what's about to happen so i guess i'm not seeing them until the literal reveal so pray for me all right so we got a huge team here helping us right now we still have painters here touching up we got people helping us get the wallpaper up we have a million boxes of stuff we have to go through and we're also prepping for the waterfall installation which is happening tomorrow it's chaos here but we are on a time crunch because we promised jeffrey we would reveal him the space this weekend so we got a lot to do let's go let's go check on dad let's go check joey up here look down there he's getting a little ready for a nap so we should talk about what we have to do but that looks so good wait let me see this this is the wallpaper that's going in here look this is our glitter wallpaper actually let's go talk about where it's going in the meditation room can we how many shelves we want on that wall oh you demoed it looks great we want i don't know around four or five probably one two three okay let's try four or five we also are going to change out that faucet i think yeah all right i'll meet you in the meditation all right let's go check on in here oh it's still orange a lava moon's telling me what we should do in here oh that's gonna be so pretty all right so we're getting this out of here today yeah a new light fixture in here new light fixtures everywhere yeah you proof explain to me what the face thing is like so donate this or something because obviously it's in good shape yeah but bring in the face which we're going to hang here here here so the idea is wallpaper in here bringing in the color palette and then in here you know what's gonna go in here a zen garden but a la jeffrey star we've got like a shade going over there because this is like a pass-through room obviously too so we can't have like something super big in here because we have to have the door be able to open i need a nap moon gets in there let's go find one of the 12 bedrooms to take a nap in all right my sister is here because we are about to get creative weirdo with some photographs all right so we need some artwork going on in this spa we have mirrors coming in we have sculpture and i thought it would be really nice to have a black and white photography moment so we went crazy and ordered some mannequin parts to do a photo shoot of them as you know jeffrey loves to transform things his cars his physical appearance i mean it's no secret honey so the photography with the mannequins being like that sort of porcelain look is an homage to his unabashed expression of self we know that jeffrey's partial to naked men so we have a male mannequin we have female 2 but maybe let's do like a male mannequin butt shot i don't know what the mannequin doesn't have a butt no well okay we don't have a manicure pad all right we just need one cool black and white photo that's like mannequin inspired it's like oh no we forgot that we can take off the stupid arm and i've been holding this stupid thing like this all right so the wall coverings and the paint is pretty much all complete we're installing these gorgeous chandeliers throughout the space and today we're installing the epic waterfall okay so jeffrey and kate made this awesome abstract makeup gigantic head sculpture thing i'm just going to attach a cleat to the back of it and it'll have a matching cleat on the wall so it'll just slide on top of that cleat and it'll be nice and sturdy and it will hold the heaviness of this piece of art oh my gosh you're shaking this is not white i think that's good that's good like this height yeah like that height you got it yeah careful careful our beautiful art piece okay look at that can you just take in how's that yeah i mean this is like the spirit of beauty i was hoping for let's go got it got it okay oh no no go up again ah can i touch its nose no your hands are all dirty wait sorry go up on your side oh my gosh joey you really do have dirty hands no i don't yes i see fingerprints on the nose now i'm gonna have to touch it up okay let go real quick it's not on i'm not lying i'm not on my side i think okay i think we're good oh look at its nose clean it yeah i'm going to have to thank god i didn't mess with my gold leaf that looks so cool looking so cool okay the meditation room our most challenging room in the whole space again it's a pass-through it's small we've got this weird kind of little pond what to do with the pond we didn't want to put water in it because we have the water feature going elsewhere also there's no drain we didn't want to jack up the tiles and everything we get some crazy moment like that and then one night laying in bed i was like zen garden we need to make a jeffree star zen garden what does that mean that means not regular sand oh no we need white sparkly sand we need crystals to bring in all the good energy rose quartz white quartz little bits of marble and then also some pink himalayan sea salt which you will find in spas all over the place we're going to install the waterfall between the hot tub and the seating area this is really cool because a it just gives some privacy to the person in the hot tub but also when you walk into the spa the first thing you see is this awesome waterfall also it's not real water it's this really cool patented high-tech liquid that looks like water but it doesn't get dirty that's a big issue with water features is water gets dirty you have to clean it a lot like you get algae it just gets nasty so with this awesome new liquid it's not going to get dirty the lighting in this following was just all wrong before we're replacing everything with glittery chandeliers we're doing different styles and different rooms just so that each room has its own kind of magic to it as opposed to seeing the same chandelier repeated everywhere and let me tell you there are so many crystals there has to be like 2 000 plus crystals that we have to put on by hand oh my gosh the dogs are peeking there's been a breach oh my gosh there's pomeranians everywhere hang on okay guys i always say that it gets a little bit uglier before it gets pretty because it is insanity in there let's check it out we need to give you guys nothing ah welcome to the madness okay so we've got the mirror up we're gonna do a credenza under here but like how amazing does the wallpaper look obviously we got to get the cabinet doors back on here chandeliers are looking amazing waterfall is being installed right now that pane of glass is going to have trickling water down it emily's got the crystals yes each one of these has to be hung individually all right we've got wallpaper almost done joey's the ceiling medallion dominating hey chad oh my gosh the swans are in swan faucet it's a strong fashion it's a very strong swan and then we've got joey with his favorite tool but look at that ceiling medallion the plan with this ceiling medallion is we have an amazing chandelier going here we kind of like played with different chandeliers throughout we didn't want like the same exact ones in every spot we have two matching ones there but then it kind of changes up as we go and this ceiling medallion is so ornate and gorgeous gold everywhere darling oppalin gold opulence gold oh god your hands are so dirty do not touch the ceiling with those we're gonna have to do touch-ups all right oh my gosh i am such a big fan of this art get it going into the massage room i wanted to do something different in there so we went with this beautiful patterned wallpaper it's like almost gucci ass with the kind of interwoven look in the gold but it just like bam makes that room look like a gem oh my gosh that looks so good our bubble mirrors this is a very cool so cool right i mean this room was already cool with the round ceiling but like the colors and everything going on here we're just not working for it we have these amazing sconces so cool we have an electric massage table for in here too all right like it massages you no no no it's like it like moves up into a facial bed we have so many ladders in here we could just like play like lava floor no i'll see you on the outside let's go outside watch the spawn all right guys so in the area that used to have the like little wet sink with the uh really ugly dark cabinets that we took out we're putting up floating shelves so we just have this little half inch plywood that we're wrapping on some framing that we put into the wall and i think it's gonna look cool oh awesome btw look at this new faucet it's all in the small details guys it is time for the styling this is my favorite part you guys this is really the jewelry of the room this is where we tell the story of all of the opulence decadence relaxation that's going to take place in this five-star spot the massage room has these amazing built-in shelves which we backed with our wallpaper we've got glass shelves and we are stocking them full of jeffrey's favorite skincare line which is tatcha so bam tatcha galore for all of his facial needs we've got really high-end luxurious bathrobes that have the terry cloth on the inside and the soft satin cotton on the outside inside the cabinets we've got it stocked with towels washcloths hand towels extra slippers if you go to a five-star spa they have like the seating area they have the treatment rooms of course they have the jacuzzi and all those things and then they also have the meditation room the relaxation room that's supposed to be then it's supposed to be where you go and reflect so we've got the amazing face on the wall the zen garden below and then the shades lounge area is supposed to just be zen peaceful you lay there you've got a cozy throw blanket you've got a side table for your beverage when you walk into this ball we've placed this credenza which is just the coolest credenza ever it's got this like amazing texture to it i love how the shiny new buffed up porcelain butt art came out i mean it's kind of one of those things where you look at it and at first you're not really sure what it is and then you look more closely and you're like oh that is a beautiful shiny sculpted butt of a man okay okay i see you okay yeah so we don't want it crunching the curtains just like oh this is nice though i mean i mean oh rub cuddle in the spot we've never done a spa rug cuddle before we've never done a spa before true if you are new to our videos you might be like what are these cringy fools doing we are doing a rogue cuddle guys it is our tradition we do this in every room that we decorate we put down the rug we take a moment we sit on it test it out rub our butts on it basically just put in some good vibes and just take in the space just a little moment i encourage you all at home to have a rug cuddle feels great this has been our most epic project for sure painting all the trim and everything this is so cool so cool it already smells like eucalyptus i'm so glad that we ended up putting it here instead of over on that wall i know it's like we're celebrating when you walk in yeah okay no no no don't go to the bathroom bring me the coffee table joey okay okay okay let's finish that i got it i got it i got it i got it this is bringing in our like tile color the black really yes okay i can do this myself so you walk in you see the seating area we've got a beautiful couch it has this elegant shape to it this really interesting chair and kind of this blush pink color you've got this gorgeous rug underneath it kind of has a crushed velvet look to it too a little bit like the wallpaper we've got a coffee table we've got a poof we've got throw pillows we also have an antique moroccan tea set everyone who knows jeffrey knows that he has a sweet tooth so of course we had to transform what was this ugly shelving area before into an epic snack bar i'm adding all kinds of styling elements like apothecary jars with different sweets we've got red bull and then we also have a dessert tray that has bath bombs on it instead of more sugar we're putting bath treats i really hope that this weather clears up for the review this rain is really cramping our style you guys we've been here for like a couple weeks getting this ready and of course on a reveal day of just pouring rain fingers crossed it'll stop rain but is this where you want these two things yeah so it's just like a little conversation area we've got the fire pit we've got the side table we've got the lanterns we've got the outdoor candles where do you want i got to put the plants where they're going where do you want the plants let's put one next to the chair like behind it or like like yeah try over there pretty tuck that one into like that little corner right there yeah pretty but but better a better job hallway rug cuddle this is a custom cut hallway rug make it perfect to fit the size here so the hallway had to be this big moment because we had that stained glass window which you remember was surrounded by the dark trim so now with all the trim painted out light the wallpaper on the walls this stained glass window just has taken on a whole new life so we thought this was the perfect place to put a beautiful pillar pedestal with oh my gosh we found an antique pomeranian statue oh my gosh moon's favorite piece of the design it's a doggie hello he loves jeffrey's pomeranians and this is an antique brass solid brass pomeranian statues what do you think buddy does it all look so good let's keep going we're almost to the reveal are you chewing bazooka joey don't eat the props oh okay himalayan salt there we've got the fine salt we've got the rock salt do you know what's in that crystal decanter over there bubble bath bubble bath a crystal decanter with bubble bath i think that's it oh my gosh i mean obviously this is for like a styling moment that we have these curly balloons in here this is just for fun for the reveal look i don't think you've ever seen a balloon looks like bubble bath oh my gosh are we ready to get jeffrey yep what was your dad doing okay let's go get jeffrey oh my gosh you guys jeffrey it's time for the reveal jeffrey we're ready it's a little behind the scenes moment you guys we are i know i know we're getting jeffrey miked moon we're almost there i had to go back and look at my own house tour to remember what the room looked like how is that funny i thought you did that though i needed a refresher i was like okay oh the green the orange it was so awful so since you guys have been doing this i've also painted a lot of um my own house just kind of brighten it up a little bit so it's kind of all ready to come together and i'm so nervous and excited let's let's start walking are we ready we're ready oh my god okay okay maddie's so excited put your eyes closed okay oh my god all right so i never let anyone do this remember what it looked like before just picture it in your mind all right so are you are you are you excited yes okay we're our goal in here we're really excited we're really excited too we're trying to create a five-star experience for you here and a departure from the rest of the house because you have a spa wing which is unique i think on that note let's just take a deep breath everybody count of three ready one oh my whoa the waterfall oh me oh my even even the entryway right just because it's so good wait wait we wanted to make sure you had the full wait a minute whoa the ceilings are tired oh my god everything's right there's a lot of paint wow you have a lot of darkness we have the swarovski crystal knob i don't remember what the knob looked like they were red i can't remember they were like an orange this really lux wall covering crushed velvet while covering with a little glitter elevated the ceiling we did that's why we were here for so long we were lifting the ceiling oh my god like the color transformation and the whole story and the palette was so shocking from what it was before i was like oh and i was also like oh my god thank god it's really good this right here is so cool iconic right wow wait it's like glittery whoa it feels amazing this is crazy i know this is so custom and amazing and that's what's so cool about it is it's not water so it won't mold it won't get musty this is like it's like hiding how about these chandeliers dudes it looks so pop they look beautiful okay i feel like i'm in the four seasons in bora bora right now right honestly so this is an antique moroccan tea set for your red bull what this is so oh my god this fits this house so well i know and then this table we've we brought in like the black and you know the kind of earth tones of the tile to bring it up so we're unifying there's real furniture in here this is crazy this is like where you're waiting wait a minute what is that this is crazy right yes so this is obvious i mean we just have towels and more slippers in there we have more towels and slippers over there but you can put all your products all your beauty products in there god oh it's so regal do you even remember what this section looked like it had some pretty hideous dark cabbage and very like asymmetrical yeah so we took it all out excuse me and this is a dessert tray of bath bombs and sheet masks we changed out the faucet golden swan oh my god this is epic this is crazy i know we wanted this to be an escape a full-on experience yeah i know okay so i have the word delicious tattooed on my neck i'm obsessed with sugar so the fact that i now have a candy wall in my house is so iconic i used this once oh my gosh and it was just not yeah the lighting is so pretty i'm obsessed with it i know it i mean like there's so many sconces is so drastic and how cool is it that you can take a bath in between a waterfall and a fireplace like that's insane i cannot believe it it looks unreal from only using the jacuzzi a few times before the full transformation i needed a whole different vibe so seeing it and the fact that there's not a waterfall to look at besides the fireplace it is so stunning so we wanted to make sure you had like the robes and everything styled everywhere so you could just really see how you can i know this is my own house but i don't feel like i'm home right yeah that's perfect you gotta call down and book an appointment that's right drama do you love the spa honey yeah yeah yeah look at it oh my god okay he's so proper drama do you want to take a bath all right let's go look at this wing i mean look up two because look at that gorgeous medallion under that chandelier yeah wow i mean look up to because look at that gorgeous medallion under that stand up here yeah wow so this is an antique brass pomeranian statue this we found at an antique store so this is embodying all of your beautiful doggies right oh my god okay the pomeranian statue is epic i can't believe i don't already have one in my home thank god that they brought that in and the dogs are in love with it this is your meditation room you're sort of relaxing all over all the good vibes yep you can open the door go ahead oh wow what oh the wall oh my god is that sand yes it's white sand and you got your little rake to zip with rose quartz himalayan salt this this is so oh my do you see so now you see it with the spirit of beauty right because this looks so me i'm already on my iconic yeah yes okay the face turned out so cool like just seeing it like on the wall was like wow i think the before was so hideous that i couldn't really imagine what it could look like so the fact that that is now part of my house it's i don't know i'm just so grateful so we wanted this to be really just simple and serene because it's about coming in here and and reflecting on the wall is stunning that wall was shot before that wall was not already there yeah no it wasn't yeah i never saw it because i know because it was orange i didn't even realize that the tile in that room was already there i think the wall color and everything else in there was such a distraction it didn't even let the wall shine so the fact that i thought they constructed that i was shook oh my god outside the rain go away go away but we put in some some beautiful urn amazing planters but it's just supposed to be very in and out you know nothing back here this was another really ugly moment before i don't know if you remember we had a really ugly light picture so we just got more of that gold and sparkle the light fixture was offensive oh it was and it was gigantic too it was just like too big we also purposely didn't really dress the walls except for this moment because this is supposed to be like a very sad space were you nervous about that um a little yeah yeah but it looked so cool yeah everything turned out so good wow i can't believe there's more i'm like wait what is going on whoa oh oh wow you guys really went in this looks unreal right wow so all new wallpaper all new sconces oh the lighting lighting we painted a gradient on the ceiling so it goes from like a darker blush up to an ivory oh my god the chandelier is so beautiful pretty this is a super luxurious bed yes a very expensive converts into a facial bed as well electric what is happening over here this looks so cool oh my oh whoa the color right so we painted it out it was red and like all different colors of brown and red and yeah i mean look at this wall of mirrors so it's like our bubble kind of ode to just sort of your spirits lifting everything kind of carrying your eye up like it's you know it's elevated yeah before it felt like i was like caving in now it feels like really you can really breathe in here so we've got the essential oils we've got a little bit of the waterfall going in here just for relaxation the view from this way i know that looks so cool all right let's go have a pink drink and then get out of here we've been here for way too long yeah i'm like a joke right now i'm like speechless this is all so unreal you have so much that's out and about and like all about being exterior and and your brand and everything this is where you get to come and be you and me yeah i don't feel like i'm at the office or work at all i don't even think i'm at home yeah that's so cool oh my gosh delicious delicious approved here's to you and your new spot and all of your success yes thank you guys so much for letting us be here for so long and have this experience with you it was an honor that she's getting coffee this is unreal i mean this is so cool as you know this was our most involved project we've ever done we've the longest time we've taken over someone's face it's an honor that it could be me i don't know what expectations i had i think i was i didn't i don't know yeah so this was like 10 times better than like what i could have imagined maybe because it was so ugly before i couldn't see the light again in the tunnel thank you so much for trusting us so glad you liked it thank you guys thank you guys for watching and for making this connection with us and jeffrey i know i know i mean it really did happen like on twitter you're like is it time it's time and it you guys you killed it so thank you guys so much thank you if you're not already subscribed to jeffrey obviously head over to his channel and hit that subscribe button and subscribe to our channel if you want yes we have like 40 transformations with youtubers so you can binge that right now if you want to keep watching yeah and follow us on social media yep and we'll see you on the next one stay creative stay weird see you because why not thank you so much mr kate for transforming my spa it literally is a dream mwah i love you welcome to omg we're coming over today westbrook glam life guru oh wait what hey guys i'm tati my youtube channel is glam life guru it's pretty self-explanatory i do a lot of makeup tutorials beauty reviews we recently bought a home it's my first home it's like the pride and joy of my life this room has to be glamorous we have this nailed down the dimensions the design you officially have the most epic beauty storage system my brain it's filled with nothing oh my god oh my god
Channel: Mr. Kate
Views: 7,622,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, jeffree star home, jeffree star mr kate, jeffree star spa, jeffree star home makeover, home makoever, interior design, omg we're coming over, luxurious design, spa design, spa decor, bathroom design, beauty room design, glam room design, meditation room design, spa makeover, home spa, mr kate, mr. kate, mister kate, mrkate, kate albrecht, joey zehr
Id: -DkOThwnFr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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