SONIC BOOM via Gravity? Breakdancing Yoda? and More! [BEST CREATIONS] - Trailmakers Gameplay

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ladies and gentlemen back to another episode of trail makers then back into the workshop we go to find some of the craziest or most interesting or awesomest creations that I happen to come across this week and first off look at Yoda we must to start this episode so clearly this is a perfect 100% accurate and fully functional replica of Yoda right here and this thing has a ton of controls as you can see at the top of the screen so we get your standard just driving controls of course we can drive Yoda around we can tip them over a little bit we could do some wheelies you know the usual the typical Yoda stuff we can do some breakdancing we can roll around on the ground look at this breakdancing Yoda I've never heard a thought huh actually he does he does kind of do good I mean with the force you can really do anything is that even stuff like this is completely possible so I would say that this is completely expected for Yoda here okay but let's let's get on to the more normal stuff yeah so like I said we have a lot of controls here so let's get onto so he can twist his wrist all the way around he is very very flexible wrist so flexible in fact that the tendons just they don't even really connect they just think they just have an anatomically anomalous swivel joint somehow and then you got left shift and left control which naturally moves his arms up and down so we can probably just lift some weights and get more buff all right where else we got we got P what is P do okay P effing activate slow gravity mode and then we've guides left and right oh okay apparently he can move that part of his wrist too and he can punch we have a punching Yoda all right so we got all kinds of arm controls like wow Dennis if this is too many controls like why do you need all of this control over your arms well I mean I know what I do but what is what is this particular creation need this oh you can actually pick stuff up with his eye with his hands here okay let's go for a barrel there we go pick it up there we go we picked it up look at this look at we got a barrel we got a barrel we did it with you good job Yoda celebrate celebrate do - look how happy is oh I think we can actually make him look happy ready ready alright watch his face yah yah yah I'm so happy right now Oh what if we what if we do this I can't I'm actually having trouble why isn't this working right come on explode the thing explode fit okay but that's not all Yoda can do we can also do this I just one more thing we can do why you want to do all of this stuff with the order I don't know but I've been enjoying it so I'm not gonna question it breakdancing Yoda doing all the arm movements and yet this is this is Star Wars this is I'm doing the Star Wars right now this is how you've never seen Star Wars here's a brief overview of what you can expect right here you don't have to walk to single Star Wars movie anymore cuz you've seen this video on YouTube congratulations alright we need to move on to some more creations the genius who made that just happens to be Xfinity troll all right up next were gonna be looking at automated gravity based sonic boom by Gilly I don't understand what that means but it says press space and enjoy so simple enough controls let's see what it does I mean obviously it's gonna create a sonic boom but the whole automatic and gravity based part I just don't really understand okay so there's a lot of weight on this whoa is this gonna take us up into the air and then just using weight to pull ourselves back to the ground it's gonna give us a sonic boom I think that might be what happens all right here we go space now I just wait and watch it go I wonder what altitude we need to be at for this to work I'm assuming there's gonna be an altitude sensor somewhere that's gonna detach yeah there's a bunch of detachable blocks on all these gimble's where is the altitude sensor it must be like it must be like right there and we can't see it unfortunately the ground is disappearing slowly away from us this is the cool concept I hope it works we've reached a stable speed of three hundred and fifty six and a half kilometers an hour and at any moment it should release us so we can fall back down to the ground faster than the speed of sound that riot we're still going the ground is very far away oh there we go the release has happened we're still going up I think we have to go down to zero kilometers an hour and then yet now we're going down picking up speed remember we have to get over twelve hundred and thirty four kilometers an hour I believe and we are rapidly rapidly accelerating we are at six hundred we're halfway there living on a prayer please don't copy write me YouTube I didn't actually sing it I just said the words okay alright here we go one thousand well we're gonna do it there's no power right now it's just gravity base he was not lying oh no oh this is gonna be close there we go look at that that is the fastest I've ever fallen out of the sky I have never broken the sonic or the sound barrier by falling that was actually an amazing concept I've never seen that before awesome alright up next we have the castle golem by mr. Fessenden apparently this is like a castle that transforms into some type of golem I assume all right here we go so we got a castle or like a castle looking thing we even got cannons on the front of it for our defenses ooh fancy stuff in the back there and then we press one and it's supposed to transform oh my goodness look at that Oh dad the gold there Oh oh wait wait I think there's a solution for this there we go there we go look at that and we even got our cannons on our shoulders now and I think we can we call we can turn oh we can oh we could keep turning okay mr. goal has no spine he's a spineless Gollum and we can lean forward and back oh yeah there we go we can lean forward and back me why it doesn't seem to actually walk it just stands up and now let's go back into Castle mode we are in upside-down Castle mode apparently oh there we go yeah oh whoops I forgot to turn off the antigravity my bad so that's a pretty interesting concept though from castle to Gollum and it's a really nice transform sequence as well alright good job on that oh and it looks like I cannot there we go I exploded myself I almost forgot to do that alright moving on we're gonna be looking at toothless ornithopter version 2 now I haven't tried this so I don't know if it's like a full ornithopter or like an animatronic flying thing but this is by oh boy oh boy this is by in the killer Rako yeah yeah I'm not trying that again alright here we go let's see how this thing applies if it flies at all okay oh oh here we go here we go all right it is more of an animatronic toothless than an ornithopter toothless I think in order to officially be an ornithopter it has to fly using the mechanical features not like thrusters and things like that so it's using thrusters to fly but that it has like mechanical features to imitate the flying motions there we go there we go now we got some control and has no yaw control and it's very very difficult to stay level sometimes but this seems to be working pretty well so far I'm heading to the Ring of Fire Hey oh go down go down go down to you hey we did it look at that I mean if it's controllable enough to go through a ring of fire intentionally that I say that it's a win this is actually doing really really well right now all right can I like soar down oh there we go look at this hey nice landing good job toothless you learned to fly all right that actually wasn't too bad for an animatronic ornithopter dragon thing okay moving on we are looking at the b-2 stealth bomber this is micron masters then yeah we where we go there we're not going okay okay here we go here we go but jumpin jumpin jumpin jumpin jumpin come on you can do this up it jump it jump it jump a gel that was so close okay we're in the air we're doing something we're doing something alright I forget a left shift for the landing gear there we go and what is Q and E I don't know a Q and E does a little bit am I on the right seat alright yeah I'm in the right seat alright don't crash that man apparently we got bums on this - oh those are the okay I see so the bombs are just oh oh that is cool that is actually pretty cool look at that alright let's try to bomb some stuff we're gonna go over here and we're gonna try to bomb some of these barrels I know that they're here somewhere there they are responding in now we're not gonna hit that one nope oh that looks cool though I wonder if we can accidentally blow ourselves up it actually seems pretty safe oh oh oh and let you do this I mean flying into the ground at full speed is one way to blow yourself up Oh a bunch of the bums are falling now alright well that was the b-2 stealth bomber a little bit hard to get in the air but once you're in the air it's not too bad until you crash alright left next we're gonna be looking at the big rig semi truck that is supposed to give us a realistic trucking experience it looks like it has two different driving modes normal WASD arrows for slower gas for more control and we can a couple or decouple the trailer this is made by Jay alright check this thing out oh this thing looks really nice this is really well built alright let's hop in see how this drives looking at ground clearance in the front there though whoa this is fast oh boy it does not turn very wet wait am I supposed to do couple the trailer alright looking for space oh oh I am supposed to decouple the trailer so you actually decoupling actually detaches it with the detachable block but then it grabs it with the magnetic block under here so we're actually just pulling a loose trailer behind us now and this is actually a more realistic truck experience speaking of realistic trucking experiences let's go into first person mode oh okay okay I did that's not what I thought first person am I in the engine compartment is that where I am right now there's no seat in the actual driver oh there I am I'm I am right there the ultimate realistic driving experience right here if you've ever wanted to be a trucker this is what you have to look forward to engine in your face okay no top up seat camera is just this just blocks in the face - okay it's not supposed to be a realistic first person trucking experience I guess it's supposed to be just a realistic third person trucking experience because the truck itself looks so realistic so you know what for the ultimate realistic trucking experience let's drive on to the catapult and fly through the air oh the sideview mirrors look great do I just notice those those are awesome alright here we go what do you thinks gonna happen oh there goes our trailer and oh my good just look at all those pieces everywhere and the back of our truck is not mostly gone - and now we're mostly gone all right if I repair do I get my trailer back yep yes I do alright so now we wrap until I press space again oh look at that the legs come out and everything can I go back underneath and grab it again oh I can that is awesome that's fun right there the fact that you can detach the trailer leave it behind and then you can back up into it and reattach it is actually a pretty cool feature I like that and does it also realistically explode on Explo two barrels super-realistic look at that trucking experience right there what is happening to that tire okay alright up next we're gonna be looking at til the cows come home minigame giddyup little doggie it's roundup time so apparently we gotta round up all seven cows get them into the corral without breaking anything sounds pretty simple right they're just cows this is by that dumb guy let's see how well we do this may not be the best area to spawn this in but I'm gonna do my best so apparently we get in the truck we press space and oh my goodness those cows are amazing those cows are actually kind of amazing and then Oh what what I didn't even press the gas there I just moved all of a sudden alright so I think I can that tract but called-- like wait wait what's happening I can't I can't move alright there we go I'm gonna ignore that cow oh these cows these cows are cows okay do I got you I think I can it is so difficult to drive with these guys okay come on I just want to get into how do i I got a guy trigger the sensor oh there we go Center triggered excute huh yeah I don't like this gate this gate Zameen no stop it okay let me in let me in let me in let me in let me okay alright you can get an oak I'm sorry cow I am so sorry okay nope I've corralled myself I am I'm the worst at this game I've corralled myself how did this happen I am actually trapped inside of the corral no way I know what to do I know what to do I just stand right here I just there we go okay okay Cooper Cooper all right I got one cow this cows getting away in the most so let's go after this count all right excuse me excuse me cow excuse me can I gotcha I got you I'm a Corral yeah I'm doing no no no turn the other way all right we're going backwards then okay we're going forwards knit this is how we have to get into the corral I can't I can't actually turn normally so I gotta keep doing the whole backwards and forwards circle thing oh no there's no way I'm gonna get into this without triggering the gate closed oh I just lifted that cow up all right all right hold on hold on all right space I need to grab you with a better handle there we go all right come on in do the just to get out that was a gate no come on get in get in the corral you two you know you can come in here too just get in the corral I'm trying sword to get the cows to come home all right in you're you're good enough and I am completely stuck down I am I'm actually completely stunned I feel like I've found every way to just ruin the experience of this if I press repair it's gonna spawn and another Corral isn't it yep okay all right I messed up bad guys I messed up real bad oh I'm more of a fan of free-range cows I think they deserve to roam free and not not be corralled yeah I think maybe the cows should not be pleased count look at that he needs to roam free you eat you cannot contain this cow right here what is flying through the air you see you see what I see what are those he's got like little fairies just flying around him he's a majestic creature you know I think some of these cows I think need to come home a little bit more though we're just gonna go ahead and do our little point and shoot we're just gonna bring some of these Palo that cow doesn't he doesn't want to go home the way that I want him to go home he wants to he wants to go somewhere else I'm hunting I'm hunting the free-range chemist it's perfectly natural this is perfectly natural to hunt using your finger guns of course that your naturally evolved finger guns are the ultimate no did Neanderthal hunting tool could to hunt cows and cattle in the wild cows and cattle that have not been domesticated and are just roaming free there do I win do I beat the game oh boy well remember to hit the like button if you guys enjoyed this video and if you want to see more awesome workshop videos then you don't want to check out this playlist right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 1,023,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trail makers, trailmakers workshop, trailmakers, hydrofoil, trailmakers game, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers danger zone, trailmakers funny, trailmakers fails, trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers best builds, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers update, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers bomber, trailmakers sonic boom, trailmakers sound barrier, gravity only sonic boom, yoda, breakdancing yoda
Id: dcfgGhbKC6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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