Searching for the RED UFO & Crashing My Truck in the NEW Long Drive Update!

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uh there's another fast-moving green dot there's a lot of green dots up there now looks like they're all moving together in a pack all right well looks like it's starting to get what the what just happened [Music] hello youtube motogaming here bringing you guys another episode of the long drive and yes folks we're back once again and we're back in our pink turd of a truck here and today we're gonna try to find a couple things one i want to find some more wheels we're gonna find a way to mount them to the vehicle i want to find another truck a trailer i mean i pretty much want to find everything and i want to find another ufo so i've been reading the forms and i've heard of a mysterious red ufo that actually abducts your car and strips it apart that is a thing we've only ever experienced the green ufo so i think i'm actually gonna drive around a lot at night i normally like cut that out or i'll go to sleep but i think it's definitely worth it to try because if we find that i'm gonna poop my pants and it's gonna be amazing so if you guys are excited for some more long drive on the channel you know what to do hit that thumbs up button comment down below what should we do with this car next or truck i should say also by the way i saw from the last episode uh the reason the uh the brush wasn't working when i was brushing the grill as the whole fact that the bristles were gone and i feel like an idiot now but it's fine okay i misunderstood i'm sorry i made a boo-boo all right well let's continue to go see if we can find some buildings and maybe find some aliens hey look at this we have a diner on hit the brakes brakes brakes come on come on slow down geez i hate the scrub by the way i was trying to see if i could summon something on the radio and uh i have nothing all right so one thing i've been warned about uh when it comes to this uh ufo park close to the building that you're at because sometimes it'll pass by and it'll just suck up your car and you won't even see it and we definitely want to see it all right here let's get over there real quick man is that a full car that thing almost looks like it's working dude that's actually kind of nice you know a part of me wants to try to get back in a car and just take it instead of the truck but i mean if we find another one of those big trailers i would be really disappointed to not be able to use it so oh i can't see a thing out here uh wait where's my flashlight at oh great let's bust it too it's fine i wish i could see out here oh there's another vehicle out here oh that's kind of cool uh we might have to wait until day uh here to actually uh fully discover this which by the way the uh the sun's starting to come up what about this car is this thing running on if it cranks uh it's not cranking it's probably out of fuel but i mean at least it's turning over yeah i don't think we're gonna ever grab another car at least not at the moment i saw somebody in the forums they actually had one of the cars loaded up in their trailer in the back i don't know how they did it but i was like that'd be kind of cool to have uh but yeah that might not be a thing all right well looks like there's quite a few liquids on the ground here uh we got gas which is good so let's just go ahead and throw that all over there uh so i want to find a way to attach the uh the wheels to the car because we need to start carrying wheels with us just in case we find another trailer so fun fact these little baskets you can actually attach these to the car so say if you want to add some supplies in here it might not stay if you hit a bump or something but it's a neat little carrying option all right let's see is there anything over here uh that's worth it uh we could steal the wheels off one of the cars actually there's a wheel right here oh here's a brush huh does this one have bristles this one has bristles yay i mean i think i've done brushed everything down but still this door looks like you could use a polish actually then it's kind of brushed down what about the bumper here let's brush the bumper real quick let's get it nice and polished uh if you guys were to actually paint this a color what color would you go with i mean the hot pink kind of looks pretty hot if you ask me but you know maybe you guys would go with a little bit different color i don't know also come on will we need to clean up here all right so can i attach the wheels can i set them in the basket or is there a way to attach them uh on can i put you can i put you in here will this fit this might actually fit actually it'd probably fit a little bit better if it wasn't uh that basket wasn't where it was all right let's move the basket maybe here can i stick the wheel inside of this that might actually work might be a good way to haul these around han hey look at that it kind of looks like it's gonna set in there it's probably gonna bounce out while we drive uh oh boy this might be useless look at me i'm polishing my turd this is nice oh there we go that was the shine i was looking for oh yes on let's do this side we need to find another grill on get this one done yes it's so shiny now i i don't even understand it all right here let's see if we can do this will real quick i want to make this thing completely polished there's a chance we need to actually uh spray this wheel or maybe just paint it all right that's good okay we've got a couple wheels with us we got one attached to the outside i don't know if that stuff's gonna stay i'm hoping it does i think that stuff actually doesn't move once it gets in the basket it's like it turns it into like a static object i could be wrong about that but the wheel and the little thing haven't moved at all so i'm assuming yeah look at that i can rock it and they're not going anywheres so those baskets are really good we need to start attaching those to the uh the truck here all right well on to the next stop wherever that might be all right we're back at night so i found a channel on the radio that's 99.2 it's blank so if you go to 99.1 you get static and 99.3 is static so i'm wondering if this is like the secret alien channel uh maybe the tunes they listen to so i'm hoping we summon something because i would love to see the red ufo but even if we get the green ufo again i'd be pretty happy with that come on abduct me please i know it sounds weird also it's been a while since we hey look there's a building that's about to say it's been a while since we've seen a building okay let's turn our brights on so we're gonna just conveniently leave this in the road here this is fine uh i hope a red ufo actually i kind of hope it doesn't come take this that'd be kind of a pain also i need to find another flashlight it's getting hard to see okay look around anything coming up the road nope looks pretty empty to me i'd hate to miss it wow that green dot looks a little close doesn't it like it's going straight for us uh that'd be cool if that was ufo but i don't think it is the ufo is green though uh nothing okay so i don't see a basket anywheres over here uh so that's kind of a shame not back there is it nope so we're just gonna have to stuff this stuff in the car with us i think there's another big building along the way i kind of caught a glimpse of something uh before sunset so maybe we can find something there all right will you got to come in with us there we go all right well let's keep moving any aliens anybody want to show up no nothing uh there's another fast moving green dot there's a lot of green dots up there now i think they're all moving together in a pack all right well we're gonna try to summon these bad boys because i want to get abducted okay so i'm not really sure the road actually goes this way but there's one of the tower buildings out here now the tower building always has decent spawns a lot of times it's a truck a big trailer or even the bus uh so we're gonna track off here and see if we can make our way over here i don't like the road wraps around there which is really odd normally you always see the road go through it unless i'm just not seeing it uh okay well let's hope to find something good over here all right looking for a spot oh ho ho yes oh that is a cue for heavenly music right there look at that we have a full trailer okay hit the brakes it breaks dude we have a trailer with wheels on it finally i've been searching for one of these bad boys forever i mean we could even get rid of the tires that we have right now we'll keep a couple spares but jeez we finally found it i am so excited all right let's back this bad boy up and we are going to hook ourselves up a trailer uh now i really want to just find one of those mobile bases is there a hitch on the back of the trailer can we in theory attach three things together that would be kind of cool i think we would need the diesel motor though because this uh little car motor is just not getting it done but on uh here let's grab that uh oh i want to attach these two together it's just gonna take a second boom all right we have a trailer all right there's another handgun in here a toilet nothing really big in here but this was definitely worth uh going off the beaten path for because yeah this is some good stuff uh what is that wait oh it's ammo okay i'll pick that up uh severed hands more paint uh more paint there's a lot of paint in here okay what does this look like oh this is a cool looking green han is it really a lime green oh that's nice oh i like that a lot haunts paint the doors can we at least get both doors you know i was liking my hot pink but there's something about this uh this green here i think it's gonna attract the aliens they're gonna think it's an alien truck uh han i wonder if i can paint the trailer uh i'm not gonna have enough am i we could go with the two-tone we have a ridiculous amount of paint inside of the spawn so maybe we'll do that all right what can i paint back here like i'm not sure any of the trailer paints does it maybe they're just the rims or something you know i might need to clean this thing up a little bit too yeah because i don't think this is doing a thing on can i paint my rims here i paint them blue uh that'd be kind of cool looking yeah i don't think this is doing much for me yeah i think we just need to polish that up but i think we're ready to go here so uh wait where's the is the road that way i i think so uh oh uh i hope i didn't get lost here this is fine okay we're ready to go i'm hoping we can also pull this trailer i mean i think it's gonna be a little bit easier because it's got wheels on it oh it pulls like a champion you've got to be kidding me this is awesome we finally have a trailer and wow it drives really well yeah it's funny how much better these things drive with wheels than uh when they don't have wills oh that's awesome by the way to answer the question there is a hitch on the back of the trailer now i don't know if we have the power to do it but if we find a mobile base we could have a whole like road train set setup i'm hoping to do that we need to find that more baskets that we can attach to the different vehicles that way we can have like a complete survival setup and like mobile base that would be really really awesome all right well looks like it's starting to get what the what just happened did we just have a blowout and uh okay this is strange what did we just hit um we just had a huge car crash and i didn't even do anything i was just driving did i hit a katana what is that uh did that really just flip us holy man why is that in the middle of the road out here uh okay that's that's kind of strange did that fall out of the car that huh okay i'm so confused right now also there's a thing out here maybe that katana was in the car something just flipped our vehicle oh no that's not good i saw we lost a tire there uh okay here's the tire what in the heck did that that was so strange okay we could probably pop this back on right oh this is a heavy boy all right let's get this over here we're gonna pop this on we need to keep moving because it's getting dark here or not i want to look for ufos but that was one of the strangest things i think i've ever seen happen okay here we go come on let me pop this back on there we go all right we're repaired thankfully we could repair this thing so quick uh let's hope nothing else is damaged all right yeah that was strange just driving along getting ready for night and all of a sudden things just popped also i cannot get moving forward here um we can swing around here i think we'll be fine come on hurry up for the ufo show up here okay there's a chance our truck is like permanently jackknifed that's not good like i cannot get this thing to straighten itself out i know you guys can't really see what's happening right now i gotta unhook the trailer real quick or actually let's push it uh hopefully there's nothing over here han where can i detach this thing i cannot see uh wait did it just change colors a little bit out here uh oh no that is a rabbit coming this way okay get in the car oh close close okay uh huh we should have a little bit of light now oh the rabbit's eyes were glowing it just creeped me out uh okay is it coming this way yes it is okay come on come on okay here check loose oh we might have gotten it no the the trailer is like jackknifed for some reason i cannot straighten it out here we need to get it in the light real quick uh oh that rabbit's coming this way he doesn't seem to be too enthused by us parking our trailer out here hello mr bunny please leave me alone huh we still have the uh the pistol right okay uh huh open the cylinder okay we're reloading okay everything's good here uh wait where's he going okay he's leaving okay we're good all right here let's let's get back out real quick we gotta fix this this is bad this thing is broken right now okay it's attached okay we're good i really need to find another flashlight my uh my last flashlight disappeared okay here jump up into here okay and then we need to back up i cannot see what we're backing up into this is bad all right the brake light wait wait is it no no the trailer is rolling no no no no that's bad okay that's really bad on where is it where is it going no no no no stop stop stop stop stop mr trailer mr trailer this is bad no no no no no no no no no no no okay i need you here i need you here come on come on just stop here stop okay uh oh oh what is happening right now okay is it is it done i probably should set its parking brake okay stop here okay oh don't get rolled over by the trailer wait where's the trailer go oh no it's going okay come on come on come on is that the parking brake oh it is all right whew that was bad yeah it's supposed to be ufo hunting tonight no we're uh too busy trying to deal with this stupid trailer it's great i love it okay almost there all right that that's pretty close okay we got it on i think we're good oh well that was a complete saga all right are we moving yes we're uh we're mobile again so yeah that was a crash and everything i'm not really sure what happened oh we're not moving we're broken here wait what's going on you got to be kidding me folks we're stuck right now we are dead in the water i i don't think we can move at all han let's try backing up okay what is holding us in the place oh and something's stuck oh you know what the uh the basket's stuck midair wait what yeah this little basket oh oh this is rolling this is rolling this is bad okay jump in jump in just okay we're we're fine let's just go oh this has been some work here okay we're rolling once again let's get away from the basket yeah it's hard to see when you don't have a flashlight all right well let's hope we didn't miss out on any ufos here at least we got the trailer i was not gonna lose that bad boy you know what's weird ever since we got unstuck there the uh the trucks like 10 times faster than it was before uh okay i'll take that so we didn't find aliens once again which is a little disappointing but at least we're moving i was a little concerned after that crash that we were permanently done there uh that was really strange it's just like i hit an invisible wall or like the tire popped off i don't think it was the katana maybe i actually still had that in the vehicle somewheres but yeah something definitely glitchy happened and that wasn't too pleasant now one thing that's concerning is the whole fact that yeah the trailer wheels are wobbling like this but other than that we uh we managed to make it out us somehow scratch free yep that just happened this is fine you know what i'm gonna repair this bad boy if you guys want to see more of this on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button it helps out my channel and i don't know if i can get off this rock yeah this is great also a piece of the engine just popped off so you know what we will see you guys next time oh dear
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 353,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufo, long drive ufo, long drive red ufo, the long drive truck, the long drive diesel truck, the long drive, the long drive game, the long drive new update, the long drive update, the long drive bus update, the long drive snowman, the long drive snowmen, the long drive scary, the long drive secrets, new car survival game, car survival game, my summer car, the long drive camodo gaming, camodo gaming, the long drive mods, the long drive beta, the long drive new car
Id: mLXy_Q7_KNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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