We RUINED His Gaming Rig - ROG Rig Reboot 2019

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RussianPop 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
every time I drink water it's like a product placement yes this is I hope it's a typo Olivier is it a w it's a typo good Olivier so I'm all over from Australia I'm actually from Poland so I don't know what to say oh that's fancy okay the thing is if you search my name up like I'm the only person with the name so yeah cool he's here all the way from the great land of Down Under Australia and he is the winner Oh our toughest gaming rig yet Jesus something-something descendants of criminals and all that good stuff let's get started oh yes so oh I see what you did there [Music] so wait so sorry you got confused when I said blah etc etc descended from criminals like yeah I'm not very good at references so wait sorry you don't know that stereotype stereotype what is it for Australians or something yeah I'm not Australian I'm polish you are yeah oh oh wait what's this accent then it's like a mix of it like polish an Australian okay all right okay all right okay how I became a fan of LTT I have no idea it just kind of eased in I guess I saw a few videos you guys started doing really ridiculous crap that nobody else is doing like ten games one CPU and whatnot I decided to sign for floatplane this is another one of those questions or I don't really know the reason why it just kind of felt natural to do it like I really watch heaps of you beaters and I just kind of thought you know it makes sense to support you guys like Netflix is a paid subscription YouTube seems like a free thing and I just why not support you guys through floatplane and get access to the videos much sooner as well so it's a win-win either way well let's build a computer shall we cool have you ever done this before kind of but not with hardware like this mainly like pre-built computers that are easy to like put back together you know what I mean okay so when I asked if you've built a computer before and you say yes but I'm pretty bummed oh it depends so I have taken apart pre-built computers in the past but that's pre-built computers everything just kind of fits into place only a certain way when it comes to building a computer straight up from like new parts I haven't done that before so this is a completely new experience for me okay let's say no let's go with that all right so let's go ahead and lay out all the parts we've got so we've got a tough heat sink tough SSD tough motherboard the theme of the build is actually tough yes oh Jesus that's a tough tough mousepad Oh tough keyboard tough gaming monitor tough Mouse look it's not a question of how much stuff we have this is more of a question of how much stuff you are taking home because all of it a lot of stop goes together from what I've seen from the past few years the machines were pretty beefy and I think that's exactly what we're gonna end up getting so I'm a full-time student one day I aspire to do photography it's probably gonna end up changing as it always does but that's kind of the curry puffs I want to go in so Olivier here has said just coming over Oliver Oh Olli keep it simple Ollie Ollie you don't you don't like Olivier no okay so all I hear says that aside from gaming he's actually got another passion so what do you want to do with this machine I mainly want to put it forward the use so I know editing photos and stuff like that retouching and yeah mainly creative work so very cool okay so conveniently that monitor happens to use an IPS panel so you will actually be able to use it for those things as well well first you have to complete the rite of passage you have to actually build the machine wish me luck yeah I mean where do you start well it's good for the motherboard of course that's where we start that's a keyboard yeah I know I'm looking at school I don't know what to expect I feel like there's gonna be a lot of beef going on lightness is gonna be trying to making fun of me and gonna be going back and forth you know how it goes okay great now all I know you had said you wanted a minimalistic design we didn't manage to pull that so good all right we got a ninth gen i seven I have no idea how many calls or whatever this thing has 9700 case ninety seven eight course eight threads superfast it's gonna rip through pretty much everything games photo editing video editing you name it as long as you don't break it in the next couple of minutes very good you got this so have you ever installed a CPU before no okay cool that changes today what could possibly go wrong I mean you have insurance right for this no okay cool yeah of course not no if you break your computer it's broken I think he thinks I'm joking you know if you break it it's broken don't worry though it's tough so we're going to line up our arrow with our dot no force whatsoever obi-wan need not be summoned for this task what CPU is now installed all right well that's done let's do the ramp nope all right go for it okay oh boy how that was janky hey there it is what's next I don't know it's good for RAM sure the tough RAM go for it do you think you can handle this on your own you seem honestly you seem pretty confident you're saying you're nervous come on click in that was so unsatisfying well it's 32 gigs of RAM does that help with the satisfaction yeah a lot of rarities does third one for every chrome tab I love it my mom's so disappointed in me right now can't even click the Ryman properly it's like the easiest part oh you're good got it all right 32 gigs of our GB RAM just like that what's next uh I don't know what do we put the cooler on now with something off you can do it in whatever order you want that's the way that it is so power supply it is and I'm just here to say we could do the power supply now if you want sure don't be the dumbest idea I could come up with something dumber if you'd like alright another one of these boxes that you don't know how enough to open thank you there's our weird knife sorry that our Canadian knives are too weird for you it's so good the sharper than what we have no I thought that really is like the land of now that's a knife you know I'm gonna use this to pry the Box open because my fingers are not that small so now we just follow the order of operations so backplate goes on the back all right do we build on top of this thing or do we like yeah sure why not okay cool well I'm asking you what the right way to do it is you put some other board on top of that you put the motherboard on top of that like it crazy you just dump them otherwise they don't know there's no way you do that oh that's the bottom part you put the motherboard oh I get it on top give it a bit more than that yeah that's good that's good that's good oh wow okay you gotta kind of wipe it okay all right all right oh cool Oh okay you have to have entered is it sensei I mean it should be look okay just stop stop stop I'm fussing it there first it's fine are you gonna tighten it down yeah you look at me like I'm doing something wrong uh probably leave is slow that's all I'm not the best at screwing don't take that the wrong way there's only one way to take that out so she said oh boy that tight enough for you yeah all right I'm so closed off that's what she said okay all right so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna install these handy-dandy little phantom outs so basically you put these on both sides and then these guys stick in there yeah do they just sit like this would have to push them through all the way no what you need to hold them through all the way okay it's easier to pull from the back than to push from the front look you can tell he's judging me look at him look away the other way I'm doing stuff thank you see I feel so much more confident now he's gonna like this better until he breaks something that's a bit janky she meant to be like that yeah it doesn't really matter okay that's the lionesses motor yeah it's nice your computer what do I care all right what's next then well I guess we like throw it in the case now or something we could do that sure would you like to do that yeah let's go for it okay you're sure there's nothing else to mount to the motherboard before we put it in the case I'm not are you saying it I feel like there is but I'm just gonna well we're gonna put the graphics card and we'll do it like once we get the motherboard in right anything else though oh for God's sake what are we missing I'm not saying we're missing anything I'm just asking if you're sure that there's nothing else zooming in on something I can tell we're missing something maybe we should let your mom do it yeah well he's doing it in like can you stop handling that like that yeah no you do this early learned how to build computers from my show okay I don't know how to do it properly this is a machine that actually needs to work for an extended period of time after like you want to actually use this for years to come right yeah of course we're gonna handle it by the edges all right all right cool stop it you said handle by the edges a hardware first okay geez have someone she'll make you a bit happy out of 10 how does it taste or I should put Vegemite in it mm-hmm we could it's in my bag - you're disappointing like hundreds of thousands of Australians right now as far as I can tell Australians know that Vegemite is terrible they've just made it part of their culture so that they can meme it up and force other people - oh yeah bad for not eating it no I'm not each of these yes you I have tried it I'm not eating it what can you do it again it's terrible looking Italy I'm trembling Jesus scuse me what's it times come on Samson Samson what are Tim Tams okay Tim Tams another dress now that's what the real disappointment comes in all right I'll try it Tim Tim oh thank you he's look good you sit on the hob take the rest there's no way I could Oh doctor it helps if you go in at a bit of an angle I like that yeah like that yeah yep you got it great okay what do you want to put in here next I get we could do your SSD not sure all right sorry never deal with this high-end stuff oh Jesus that was eventually gonna happen that's fine that's your computer okay that's all good I mean it's tough right it's tough it's tough tough I hate it so much when people look over my shoulder graphics card no oh oh one graphics come on everyone wants to graphics card graphics card comes last hmm okay well power supply it all right hey at least it's a cool power supply is a cool power on the side oh what a wattage readout oh what a treat oh yeah how much power you just draw 51 right on the side holy crud 80 plus platinum my current one is like 350 my computer that thing it's it's old it's really old when I first got it was actually a really decent computer and even though it is still okay it's on its way to dying basically like it's been around for six years or something at the moment on its way to seven so yeah definitely in for a reboot so this is really great oli just found out for the first time that we don't ship the system to him assembled because he lives dit lives in the land of Oz so we actually are going to take the system back apart pack it all up in the boxes you have to put it back together again what's your confidence level uh uh building it without my assistance well I can just watch Anthony build guide open up your power supply Anthony build guide was a perfectly acceptable answer now if he'd said anything about like bit wit or Paul's Hardware II know all right there it is that use a lot of power supply that justifies you know this box you know so before you do that I have a bit of a challenge for you how do you get this power supply in that case I want to see if you can do it I think I'd have to remove this part here alright let's have a look you got that a lot faster than I expected I hope I'm tightening it how do you reverse this thing like that alright so this goes in the bottom of the case now cubes are you familiar with the the comic strip Peanuts no Charlie Brown yeah okay well there's a character Lucy and she always promises Charlie Brown that this time when she holds the football and I mean an American football not a soccer ball when she holds the football she won't pull it away when he goes to kick it causing him to fall in this back and what's the moral of the story I knew I was waiting for it to happen alright let's get this thing in there I've got this one over here too can you grab this one for a sec yeah what well hmm I plugged in already now for our last trick we just need to cover up all that cable this cool so put our rod back and I've had this lined up a second ago shoot I thought I had it figured out in there it's not a night there we go okay it's in cool go ahead and screw it in thank you that's okie long enough [Music] he's gonna make me put it back in myself go ahead show me how it's done well it's like I'm confused about how it how it's even meant to go in there in the first place would you like me to fix it for you with you and this time without any sass oh okay you may help oh thank you that's the most I can do well I guess it can't use a special screwdriver maybe it's a special one if you want pre-warmed see that's a see need some water cooling man alright so what would you like to install next good know it's such a slow burn they're gonna be so boring Linus oh good look at that they're magnetic baby oh hello so no pressure but however you hook these up we're gonna be judging you that's all good are you gonna or what that's it why is it going all the way through I think from the entire build the hardest part about building the computer was putting together the things that aren't usually shown in videos like the tiny law like god I'm not fan Hatters but for example the RGB components and stuff like that that usually isn't covered in a lot of the build loads and stuff like that this is weird packaging I've never seen this before it's like like strapped down with plastic cute you know I peel that baby yes I do we're gonna ruin this peel that is one hell of a thick thick graphics card there so this is an RT X 2070 super which happens to be great for pretty much whatever you want no thanks all right line it properly yeah it's a bit janky looking pretty good so far no I'm gonna maybe good oh boy here we go I did it click yeah I liked what didn't hear it that's pretty clicked to me okay yeah look it's cooked enough oh yeah that's clicked you got this so it's moment of truth time do you want to know if this thing powers up I should die be nice I mean it'd be nice going home knowing that everything actually works properly that's all right well let's do it let's get the first Rose laid out here come on what are you waiting for still minimalistic it could be more there it is how do you even know if that thing's on it's so quiet it's tough you know David I thought stuff was like loud tough can be quiet how do I think that build went I don't know I mean I think it could have went better if I wasn't under all the pressure of like shooting of lioness and having it you know knowing that a whole bunch of people are watching me but it was a new experience I've never handled this sort of equipment before as I said usually just pre-built computers that are really easy to put back together this is yeah completely different experience for me and it was a heap of fun I think out of all the things I'm most excited about the monitor because for like photography it's basically like getting a new pair of eyes so so while we wait for drivers to install an election on something you did really well when it came to the monitor because you're actually gonna be running at a hundred and sixty-five Hertz on your IPS display instead of 120 or 144 yeah so that is a definitely notice let me try it move the mouse Jesus yeah that's a big difference okay so this is the big reveal it was going to be the most beautiful I love it so you got the mountain yeah yeah so it's like the it's the top most disappointing part I love it at least it's a story behind it like it's got some personality you know what I mean oh I didn't even realize this so this is one of the g-sync compatible displays so even though it doesn't have a g-sync module in it it enables it by default so you should be having the g-sync experience all right oh that feels weird that is like fluid eyes how's it look now it looks amazing the 165 Hertz it's 165 right yeah yeah it feels so much more different like it hurts to see what I was missing out on I think when I get back I might start off with the video games just because I can't remember the last time I felt like a really good gaming experience I feel like being stuck over the computer I have now I've fallen behind in time so every time a new game comes comes out I'm like oh no it's getting worse and worse so I think I'll go straight to games I'll play a bit of games for a few days and I'll go back to what I usually do which is photography how are you still alive I don't know so honestly I mean that's all we really need to know how does it feel it feels good I mean better than I've ever experienced you notice how you know when you're gaming and it's working real hard the system really like Ram something gets loud no no is love a trick question yeah no no yeah that's right I was expecting a little bit of room but no just want to say a big thank you to Asus and LTTE for sponsoring this whole video honestly I don't think there's any experience in my life that I had like this is it's a really trippy thing to be sitting right here and actually shooting a video of all the guys I didn't really think I'd ever get the opportunity to do this also a big thank you to Jonah who's sitting right in front of me he had to put up with all of the problems that we came across and honestly I'll list them all but I don't think we have enough time so thank you very much man so that's it for our G rig reboot 2019 we had a couple of small hiccups but I think we covered for them reasonably well right yeah yeah exactly that's what's up so good look at some more graduates to everyone who won this year especially you how you feeling really did you get a kill yeah I got one tank oh that's rough yeah and I guess we'll end on that note
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,705,949
Rating: 4.9348955 out of 5
Keywords: PC, Gaming, DIY, Building, ROG, Rig, ASUS, Australia, Components, Travel, Battlefield, Playing, TUF, Alliance, Comedy, International, Build, Assemble
Id: MmrKp8C85LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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