I Sold Her this $5000 Gaming PC for $20!

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That girl is a terrorist, she is so excited about giving a bomb to her brother

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
guys were down in Los Angeles sponsored by Micro Center and this is the most fun I've had doing a video in quite some time on the surface the challenge is very simple build a super fast gaming rig with Intel's brand new Korra $9.99 hundred KS five gigahertz eight core processor I could do that in my sleep they have everything here DIY systems pre builds audio networking stem dreaming gear every cable you can imagine I even found this dummy's guide to office XP but there's a small problem I have to sell the computer that I build today the store closes in 6 hours and 15 minutes and I haven't even started yet we better get to it [Music] all right so item one is obviously our ninety-nine hundred KS processor but because this technically hasn't launched yet we're going to keep it inside its box as we continue to shop I was pretty impressed with the lastest use case that I checked out let's go with a tough gaming GT 501 boom I'd love to go full custom water cooling but I really don't think we have enough time so we're gonna settle for an H 150 I Pro RGB settle seeing all the options they have here though really does make me want to go custom I was eavesdropping on someone earlier and I heard one of the sales reps talking about their own custom loop at home and advising someone like how to build it I tell you I would have given anything for a single sales rep in our company that knowledgeable back when I was the water cooling piano NCIX do we go formula or hero I mean my craft center is footing the bill but then we don't really need the integrated custom water cooling stuff let's go with this one time for some RGB we're not gonna be able to sell a system with RGB and the temptation there is to go to terabyte but you know what I think we're gonna go 970 Evo plus one terabyte and then we're gonna throw in a hard drive for our Steam library I'm having fun today I'm just not even looking at the price tags technically I do have a price limit on this but I was like well you know if it's like a really great video you know can we push it a bit and they're like I gas I'll take that as a yes let's go with the supernovae 50 g3 okay it's got a nice little spot for it there that's your power supply shelf alright got a fully featured shopping cart here there's so many options and yet only one true choice g.skill Trident C royal if you're gonna do a flashy build make it flashy okay so now it's graphics card time but we're presented with a difficult choice there's 220 atti Strix on the shelf now if there was only one then obviously I would just get one but let me just see how's our budget doing here I think we can fit two we're gonna need a bigger power supply sorry 850 g3 you were probably good enough but we're stepping up and an envy link SLI bridge alright here we are it's all rung up please have a look at this receipt and by the way did we ever nail it after taxes five thousand sixty two dollars and fifty two cents and that's with nod32 gamer antivirus and our copy of Windows 10 let's build a machine shell all right so let's get everything we need loaded up here ran nvme SSD secret sauce I gotta say man they have an awesome tech room here this place is absolutely incredible I've complained before about how America gets all the cool stuff but they have 25 of these micro Center locations and I don't think in the entire country we have a single store that is anything like this here we go core I nine special edition this is as fast as it gets at Intel's line up five gigahertz all core turbo so funny story I have never actually opened one of these because all my chips are engineering samples and they don't come in a cool package flap so that explains it the S is for special man I can't believe we're building this right now this is without any asterisks the fastest gaming machine you can build out of off-the-shelf parts okay one asterisk I guess you could put higher speed memory in it or something like that small differences though okay minor minor things many predict hahaha I got a say after the latest reliability data from Puget systems there's not much to tempt me to other SSD manufacturers now it's time for David's favorite Ram my camera guy is not a fan of the transi royal but you know what feel TASMAC alright so that's pretty good we can put that aside you grab our case so down here at the bottom that's where we're gonna put our hard drive we might as well just get that out of the way right now we went with a 6 terabyte Barracuda because that was the closest thing to me on the shelf look I don't make the rules the hard drives hard drive baby alright now I suspect they go in this way the holes do not line up so let's try the other way and now they do now it's time for our power supply all right there it is 140 ml fan modular interphase nice short unit this case has raised nice and high off the table or the floor or wherever it gets put and it's got a nice little filtered intake down here so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna put my fan down so it's drawing nice fresh air from the outside and then exhausting it right out the back of the case I got to say one thing that kind of sucks about doing a build for an actual customer for a change is that I can't cheap out and just put in like half of the screws radiator time ladies and gentlemen and we're going for a pull configuration that way our RGB fans will be visible from inside our window the front of the case is solid anyway so there was no point in having it show there the wiring at the back is pretty messy Fred Carlos I think this is not really a normal build order for me going from it looking very very incomplete to nine screws later and the system looks almost done because I had left the motherboard out for so long so now we can wire some shoes up here there's our PCI Express hoc SATA for our hard drive man there's a lot of friggin wiring there it is in the handful of games that support it this rig is gonna have more graphics horsepower than any other and a1 and GPU number two so the time is now 20 after five which means we've only got three and a half hours to sell this thing but there's no way that I cannot do at least a little bit of cable management back here so we're gonna do that up now we're really up against our time with it here all right work hall on that good enough I hear water moving I see RGB I want to see a post though yeah okay where's my delete okay there it is everything showing up as expected now all we need to do is get Windows installed okay so now that the system works one of the text here is getting all the drivers loaded and software installed and all that good stuff so we're gonna scout out our best location to plant the system so one option would be to throw it right in between a couple of micro centers own power spec line up of gaming machines like maybe like kind of here another option would be to just set it up right here in the entrance so that anyone who walks in the door it's the first thing they see one cool idea we had was to set it up with the printers and kind of like ancient technology land before we can put it out on the floor Bo we need to set a price now our cost on the system before taxes is around forty six hundred dollars but we don't have a lot of time to sell this thing so thinking we make ourselves up are our very own price tag here we go like you know what we're in a pretty big hurry how about that thing is I don't want the first person who walks up to this thing to have it stand out to them and for them to go oh there we go I want this to be a reward for the observant shopper fortunately our boy Cody who's been helping us out with the video today has got us covered check this out super professional got all our specs in here that says K long story it doesn't exist in their system yet don't worry about it oh what the apparently it includes a picture with me but anyway we still do have a small problem in here that is not very convincing like if I did well I don't know we can try but the spacing is kind of funny fortunately we have an idea if we take some duplicate price tags and cut out the letters and re paste them maybe we can get it looking a plus professional here need some scissors it's time for arts and crafts now unfortunately for my arts and crafts endeavor here they didn't have any glue sticks on hand so we're going to just kind of use some clear tape to cover up that nine then we're gonna move our nine right there I am having too much fun this is gonna blast 99 yeah that seems like a good price we've run into a snag remember how I said their system couldn't process our imaginary skew well they have no way to sell it but that's okay because we are gonna make our very own store okay so we gave the system to Cody and he's heading back to the pre Biosystems area to set it up but there have been a handful of people coming into the Micro Center who have like recognized me and wondered what we're doing here so I'm like trying to lose him you know trying to get him off my tail [Music] [Music] okay I need it all the way to the dead memes aisle and I don't think we've been followed okay so Cody just put the price tag on and now we play the waiting game I'm gonna be trying to keep an eye on it from afar all without catching any customers on my camera here unfortunately we're here on a Monday evening which is not exactly their busiest time you've got to be kidding me there's two girls down there that walk past it looked right at it and then it looked like they were gonna do another lab flyby again didn't go for it I mean they're talking to the rat I think she's figured it out what you should probably go in there it's a pretty weird deal that it's $20 a what do you think I think it's pretty weird would you guys like me to fill you in on what's going on my name is Linus I'm a youtuber and I built this system earlier today it is worth about five thousand US dollars retail your brother is getting just about the fallenness computer that money can buy you don't you know how long we were standing there waiting for someone to just wander by and look just a little bit closely at this thing thousand dollars I was rootin for you guys because because I was I was over there I was like there's these two girls they did a flyby and I saw them look at it I saw them look at it and then they just left and then I thought you guys came around this way and then I thought you were gonna loop back around and do the double take but then I was like nah I'm so disappointed they left wait they're coming back don't feel like asking a stupid question so what's your brother gonna use the computer for uh just gaming as far as I know oh shoot that's really awkward because this is not for gaming at all don't worry I'm sorry no no this is this is hands-down the fastest gaming machine money can buy right now oh my god period can't believe my mother's gonna love me so Micro Center actually sponsored this video today is there a reason that you chose to walk into micro Center this morning out of all the computer stores you could go to we just honestly like looked it up and I was like this place looks cool and then we went there and turned out to be like the best decision ever does your brother know how to build his own computer or was he expecting like a prebuilt line no I honestly I don't really know he is like very familiar with computers so he's like working on building his always thank cool he won't have to anymore so do you want to sound like a super knowledgeable older sister that's like laying down okay so I'll show you a couple of things you can show them about so come on come on over here so you got to tell them that this is a triple fan liquid cooling system tell them you made sure we've got a case series unlocked processor here I'm just gonna dictate to it I wasn't sure whether to get a single graphics card or two running in SLI because I know that not all games scale great with multiple GPUs totally yeah totally of course I know ventilation is extremely important for gaming systems so I chose an Asus tough series case and it's got carrying handles as an extra bonus alright so there you go you will sound like you absolutely know what's up with this thing are you guys ready with all the boxes and stuff we can go ahead and go ok I'm gonna get this goodie I got my very own till today so that'll be $20 ladies yeah checks out oh lordy I mean I knew this was going to happen I don't think I do how close can you get five ten seems seems real I don't know that's all it all looks the same to me 14 15 15 just for you guys I can do a $5 discount okay all right congratulations yeah all right so congratulations Sydney massive thank you to Micro Center for sponsoring this video you are taking home an unbelievable gaming machine for your brother and hopefully a little bit of cash to spend on yourself now for doing such a great older sister and I am gonna go treat myself to some Carl's jr.
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 6,202,970
Rating: 4.9266195 out of 5
Keywords: micro, center, pc, building, guide, how, to, giveaway, free, computer, gaming, xbox, playstation, purchasing, buyers, competition, technology
Id: 5rwYjRzLHHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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