I can't believe how much I paid for this...

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I want to know the actual wattage of that thing from the wall Linus.

It needed fans and heatsinks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 146 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jigsaw1024 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is basically a miniature version of the display systems on aircraft simulators.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 128 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BoganCunt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

gets probably last working model


linus pls

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 471 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Willing_Function πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Floatplane title: The world’s first Curved Ultrawide from 2008!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoAirBanding πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The contrast ratio is probably measured in a dark room. Trying to use a rear projection display in studio lighting is never a good idea.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mer_mer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was expecting him to drop it every time he picked it up. I'm sure he tempts fate on purpose at this point.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 120 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Frexxia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so sad he didn't get the high refresh rate one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/atticus_grey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why not have two people game against eachother, one on a modern display and one on this one and see how it holds up? Or attach a period-appropriate PC to it and see if it can run any games from that time in that resolution? How would the experience be? Or compare it to a CRT from the time?

I liked the video, but for 6 grand he could have put a little more effort into it and got a whole lot more out of it.

But that happens a lot on LTT. They do expensive things and then do a 6 minute video only to never show it again. What happened to the water chiller they built? After building a totally custom enclosure I never saw it again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/QueefBuscemi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought that thing was a CRT at first.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chipface πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- This is what happens when you run your mouth on the internet, I thought I was a cool guy, I was like, hey this is a crazy curved ultra wide Alienware monitor, if anyone has one of these, I'll pay 10 grand for it, so I can unbox it, I was 100% certain nobody had one, Alienware told me nobody had one, well as it turns out, Alienware was just rebranding, a monitor from a little known company, called Ostendo called the CRVD 43, this my friends is the world's first, as far as we can tell curved desktop monitor and the world's first ultra wide desktop monitor and it wasn't Alienware, so I did get a bit of a discount but I still ended up paying 6,000 US dollars for this thing, so it better be really fucking cool, welcome to holy, the heaviest monitor that I have yet encountered, Ridge wallet wants to redefine the wallet with its compact frame and RFID blocking plates, check out how Ridge wallet can keep your bulbs down and use offer code liners to save 10% and get free worldwide shipping. (upbeat music) The Genesis of all of this was a Reddit post, that was brought up in our weekly writer's meeting, it looks so cool, I was like, holy crap that is such an amazing piece of computing history, like I need it, we reached out to everyone we could think of, to get our hands on one of these puppies but all of them were dead ends, in a few cases they did actually have the display but less of a dead end and more of a dead display, so then it ended up getting thrown at oh my God it's heavy, it ended up getting thrown in as a topic for the Wan show, where I kind of jokingly kind of seriously, put out a $10,000 bounty and when I did that, I will buy it from you for 10,000 us dollars if it works, so that I can make a video about it. I was not expecting to actually pay $10,000, I expected to get nothing other than the same pictures, we had already seen of non-working units and yet lo and behold, 10 days later, we got an email with a link to a video of a new inbox monitor, like look carefully at this, this is actual official packaging for this thing, we verify the monitor did in fact work and the deal was made, I'm sure that guy was not expecting to get $6,000 for this ancient technology, I mean look at this thing, even when it's off, the screen's not even black, there were three variants of this, the Alienware one from CES 2008, where no price was given, there wasn't any C variant, that was shown at the 2009 Mac world event, where a hefty $8,000 price tag was given, then there's ours the Ostendo Technologies, CRVD, 43 inch curved display and when this was first sold for a very brief period in 2009 at its cheapest, it was a modest 6,500 US dollars, which is kind of crazy because that's actually very close, to what we ended up paying for it, now at every event where the display was shown, it made headlines, anyone who saw it, I mean look at this 2008 was wowed by both the curved nature of the display and how wide it is, like sitting about two feet from it, gives you a natural 90 degree field of view, that's actually very comparable, to high-end curved ultra wide displays today, this thing was literally a decade ahead of its time, which isn't to say that everything about it, holds up particularly well today, let's start getting it hooked up and talk through some of the specs, so in terms of connectivity, display port, ladies and gentlemen, didn't exist yet, so we're gonna go ahead and oh, it's fine, there's your power input right there, ladies and gentlemen, got that dual link DVI input, it's in my port, I would actually be surprised if it runs full res on, what HDMI version would this have even been? 1.3 oh baby, USB to hub though ladies and gentlemen, it's a great value at $6,000, the stand looks like cast aluminum I guess, 25 pounds without the stand, well the stand definitely on smaller weight, 'cause it's pretty heavy. Wait, this is a single link DVI to HDMI, why would it come with such a weird stupid cable? Can I just have like a regular dual link DVI cable? - [Nicholas] I brought the HDMI - Oh right we're running like a 2080 or something here and obviously it doesn't have DVI. Who bought this thing and then never opened it? Oh my God do you hear those fans? It's as loud as a computer, whoa, giant cooling fan right here, based on the position, I would say it must be near the power supply 'cause the power goes in right under there and then check this shiz out, look at these giant heat sinks here, it's funny I didn't think about it but that totally makes sense, that this would have to have Beefy cooling in it because the way that they built it is unlike anything that I've seen before, so it's got a 2880 by 900 resolution and how they achieved that and the curvature of the display is that it's actually instead of being just one display, four DLP LED lit screens in portrait mode just lined up, so pretty much it's kind of full of projectors, what's cool about being DLP though is that we might actually get a pretty decent gaming experience out of this thing because it boasts a 0.02 millisecond response time, that's right, we're gonna game on it, this is a classic in terms of interface down here, hey, it works, wow that is really washed out, system error, 1508 contact tech support, what are the odds Ostendo's Tech support still around, some of the other specs, LTTstore.com by the way, include 200 nit peak brightness ouch, 10,000 to one contrast ratio, sure that looks like a bad sign, a 100% SRGB coverage and 99% coverage of the Adobe RGB color space, should I be worried about that? So let's try the power cycle trick here, wow it has like a boot down sequence, you can like hear the power supply. Yes, oh wow It actually looks a lot better too, now that it's warmed up, that's crazy, you can still absolutely see the seams between the projectors like it's hello, so right there, right there, right there and right there, there's your four are they LED backlit? - [Nicholas] Yeah. - That would have been like crazy town technology at the time, that's insane, check it out from this angle, like see how stark those lines are between the projectors, to be clear it's not great but it's not that bad actually, let's give it a little calibri. Wow look at this it's got a menu and everything, I would have given basically anything for this 10 years ago, so you're actually aligning the two different projectors, holy crap, so it can move them, it can move them? You gotta be kidding me, It's definitely blurrier towards the outside but that's pretty typical of a projection style display, okay so how do you make white smooth? Okay then, oh I see, so it's adjusting the brightness, at the meeting point where they overlap, oh, that's a little better actually, it just darkened it a bit more, information, yes please, tell me more information, 2880 by 960 Hertz native sync type digital, yeah okay, in terms of responsiveness here, yeah for a 60 Hertz display, it's not bad, like it feels, it feels fine, now there was a lot of confusion at the time because the thickness, the girth of this display, led people to believe that it was a CRT but it wasn't and quite frankly, that's a bit of an unfortunate thing, if it was a CRT, it would definitely be even heavier than it is, actually by a considerable margin but it would also have better image clarity and better brightness, it kind of buzzes different sounds, depending on how much of the display is actually active, that's so weird, everything about this thing is so weird, what even is this aspect ratio 32 by 10 in game, the lines are really not that noticeable, especially from that two foot sweet spot, like it's really tuned, like if I'm in here, I can make it out and if I'm out here, I can make it out but like right here, holy crap like, it feels really responsive, like holy crap, my mind would have been absolutely blown, to try something like this, no wonder it made headlines at every show that they download the thing, interestingly I'm not getting any noticeable rainbow effect and normally I find it quite noticeable on DLP displays, I don't know if that just has to do with the small size of it or my proximity to it or what the deal is there. - [Nicholas] Ostendo's specialty was LEDs back then. - Interesting. I mean the advertised contrast ratio is obviously complete bullshit, to put it as charitably as I possibly can but pretty much everything else about it is really impressive, so when I whip the camera, like when I pan the camera like this, you see a little bit of display tearing but for not having V sync enabled, that's normal, what's shocking to me, so here if we turn this sync on, what's shocking to me is that in between the displays, I don't notice anything, like I don't notice like a kind of a compression expansion, kind of artifact or anything like that, it really does feel like one big display, there's things that they lied about for sure but there's also things they got really, really right, gaming aside from like a creative standpoint, something like this would have been absolutely game changing with that said, I think you'd still need another display for certain types of work, like I mean, if I was doing anything, that I expected to be color accurate on here, get real, it might have that gamut coverage or whatever but I mean with the amount of you know, fringing for example on borders and with how much variation there is with a single color, across the entire width of the display like here, you can see how the start menu is like kind of pink over on this side and then it's more like dark here, there's no way, that you'd be doing any kind of like color accurate work but from just a sheer screen real estate standpoint, we're looking at a very modern amount of screen real estate for you know, timelines and you know media bins and graphics and all that kind of stuff like this, again would have been absolutely mind blowing, to 10 years ago me, in conclusion, as a 10 year ago, tech demo, absolutely freaking unreal, I don't know that I would have spent this kind of money on it, just because there are some serious quality of life problems with it with respect to, you know the changes in the zones, particularly the maximum brightness is really not great, contrast isn't great but as a 10 years ago tech demo, unfreaking real, I'm still not stoked that I paid $6,000 for it but hey, maybe we'll do a live stream, you wanna see a tear down, live stream tear down? Let us know in the comments below, let's squeeze two videos out of this thing, make up some some ground there, make sure you're subscribed, so you don't miss that and make sure you're paying attention now, so you don't miss this message from our sponsor, get the best prices and best selection at Micro Center at any of their 25 locations, across the United States or online. Join the new Micro Center community, to get, give and receive, I think get and receive are the same thing but that's okay, advice on PC parts selection and hardware, you can also check out their custom PC builder configurator, again, I think a builder and a configurator are kind of the same thing but that's okay, you can follow the link in the description for a free 32 gig flash drive and 32 gig micro SD card, valid in store only no purchase necessary, what are these guys even doing? You guys are crazy, go check out Micro Center the link down below. If you guys are looking for another video, to watch right now, maybe check out, oh, this one on the light field hollow display, that's like, you know, tomorrow's technology today, instead of today's technology yesterday.
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 5,342,924
Rating: 4.9335585 out of 5
Keywords: Ostendo, ultra wide, curved, monitor, display, alienware, NEC, 2008, world first, gaming, pc, 43, crvd, wan, samsung
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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