First Race with 1300HP Hellcat Jet with Twin Turbos

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when dodge gives you a 797 horsepower four-door sedan of a grocery getter car most people was like damn that's insane enough there's nothing else that can be done to it it's already a car that goes over 203 miles per hour but when we looked at it we thought we can do better we should do better first we got the entire interior to save as much weight as possible next a full aad performance rear suspension kit aligned with positive one camber so we could lay the tire flat on the pavement when we launched this car we then installed a full triple pump fuel system that allowed us to run 115 octane fuel through the veins of this car and finally to top it all off a helium twin turbo kit with 264 millimeter turbos fed directly into the 6.2 liter supercharged hemi engine making over 300 goddamn horsepower [Music] guys we have made it to detroit and look we made it to detroit 1921. did you know that we went through a time machine on the way up we're ready for the win the biscuit so we are on our way to the racetrack is our car ready i'm not sure let me introduce you to where we are going to be racing at today now this might look like a road but it is no ordinary road this is woodward avenue sacred ground for muscle cars and horsepower life and today they're going to shut it down and let us drag race on it it's us against three other youtubers tavares the guys from throttle and alex taylor guys if you don't know who this is that is brad pitt this here is charlie sheen boys this is the best work of duct tape zip ties and baling wire you've ever seen killed seven triple a's and four forwards on the way up them uh f-350 excursion vans didn't know what hit him how many of those knew that they were racing uh this one okay yeah one on one no actually maybe it was this one okay yeah the frayed wires really give it that i know and also you know if you want to look see if the fuses are out of it you got a light oh my gosh so what's the deal with everybody taking all the interior out of course well you see the thing about it is i was just afraid too many women were on the ride with me really and uh are your fans supposed to be connected no okay no no see that pulls too much power and alternator can't handle that would you like me to connect your phantom yeah you know go ahead sitting behind the camera is a monster and it's literally a race car ford 9 inch rear end turbo 400 trans brake bump button this car is a literally pro mod car like it's insane it's gonna be fun to be so who the he's gonna beat it me okay if you can cut this i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose so bad what do you mean no no you're gonna you're gonna be fine no i i need help is this my car barge throttle alex and wes the sexiest man in kansas west bunny are you feeling like what in the world have i gotten myself into right now well kinda i mean i'll tell you what i've driven a couple tractors before they're in straight lines the drag racing's just straight on let's open this thing up for me look at that isn't that bad boy sexy weston champlain with twin turbos and a supercharger under the hood of this hellcat red eye any loose debris and stuff has got to be removed okay now anything like that all this has got to go you don't have any mufflers we have turbos that counts them all for i think mufflers on this uh spinning ones i don't care what kind they are turbos if we call it a muffler yeah it's a turbo oh okay yes your helmet i might have to go buy one yes you are because you can't pass tech without it is [Music] no that's the key to winning bull horns and big smokey burnouts ain't that right ladies see told you hey what was doing you freaking made it i appreciate you guys yeah we sure did yeah absolutely i guess what do you think too much horsepower for the track it's just right yeah that's good it's the guy that helps set up the entire suspension on our car help to get us all dialed in and stuff so we haven't had a chance to run our car but it's set up exactly like this green one right here so if he does good we might do good he's fun he's fun it's all right we'll go softer than that hopefully we don't hit the wall this is our first test run and there's like a lot of people watching [Music] [Applause] oh this is this is big man [Music] holy this car's got some power holy how's that that was good i couldn't get past half throttle it didn't blow up it's good it's good if we can put more power down and keep it from dying it'll be great we have fuel air in the tires i guess according to throttle's gauge we got five psi in the tires you were freaking awesome dude i love you okay we're all here i'm taking you to dinner again pass through we got 14 feet let's do this let's go baby and then we watch the online stuff we say hey is that clickbait or is that legit so we're like you know what let's help find out so we gave out five hellcats four online influencers all got the same car and they got ten thousand dollars in cash and we gave them no rules we said this is street racing the hellcat is singing and so my boys she runs good he might not win but we're happy hey we are the only people to go down this track with bull horns on the front of their car so that's automatically we win did it look good dude it looked really good it spun really yeah so i mean it's even pretty clean i was probably two thirds down the throttle okay so you got another third i don't want dave looks good what uh what did you do out of the hole with your throttle i just i loaded it up about 100 rpm slow just just leaned into as well okay we're going to ice it down we're gonna take one more shot at it just at least get one more shot before we get into this competition and see what happens you know we try to be as prepared as we can be [Music] twin turbos that's quite a departure from the supercharger on a regular hellcat departure and you have to understand that those twin turbochargers aren't installed in lieu of a supercharger they're compounded into the supercharger so he's pressing a lot of air through that engine she is ready to party my god oh my god this car oh it's so good the car runs so good it's so good it's uh it's so powerful like like i can't even explain to you this car it's a freaking hell jet of course it's fast all right guys it's a race time we got a race throttle top dang it boys i'm not sure who is the slowest here [Music] get two turbochargers underneath the car that are blowing into that supercharger creating up a ton of boots [Music] all right ready i get it all right so five minutes table car smoke here okay good luck we're racing alex taylor look at her she's super intimidating alex could you look intimidating for us for a second just like super intimidating yeah see super intimate i'm actually really scared now it's down to the two people in the lead are me and alex taylor in this fat booty tire four-link race car so we don't have a whole lot of chance but we're gonna try to give it all we got we got the heli and twin turbos are gonna be singing the shark bite's gonna be fighting and the bullhorns are gonna be horning alan come dude to be honest with you this further than you that i thought you would so congratulations my friend you don't think i want to win that's debatable that's i'm never the whole point about like looking best being last together yeah you're second i've been here for two full days just standing around waiting to do this and now we're finally getting down to doing it [Music] charger versus challenger charger challenger alex taylor weston champlin i had arms moved i guess they moved but they weren't anywhere close to fully down and alex was on her way here's another look coming up for us to watch the screen oh yeah that was a pretty good red light and she got a face with a with a christmas tree in place and 5 10 pro tree either way you slice it she was gone before the race started and in a normal drag race situation that's a no-no and she'd be done but we're on woodward avenue and we're street racing well you know what i accomplished what i wanted to i started to spin so i just leaned into it and smoked the rear tires for glory we make smoke what good job hey you know what you did a really good job building your car we had a lot of horsepower but we didn't have much traction and at that point i start spinning and i'm like you know what everybody at the end wants to smoke boys putting on a show we got a party we're doing burnouts after this congratulations we're on your smoke show thank you we're in the crowd we're jumping through the grass we hope this blue car loses that's what we're hoping for look at all the trash on the ground hello how's everyone doing good been a long day you guys are catching perpetrators i can feel it whoever wins this one's the entire thing and i hope youtubers win they call that a burnout i did that going down the strip [Music] the thing about is an arm drop if she goes and tries to chase it counts as a race so she won did she win she won yeah i think she won he jumped the gun and she won dude you mean to tell me if i had to beat her all i had to do is sit there oh my god
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 3,720,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TqofHA9I27o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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