We RESCUED his daddy's farm tractor! First drive in 40 years!

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how about you I'm Hank and I have found a great deal on an old antique tractor I just bought this old Ford don't know if it's 8 in 9 in 2 in I know it's an N series tractor know nothing else about it I just paid the guy 500 bucks for it now we're going to see if we can get it started take it back to the house kind of restore I think I'm going to try to restore this one guys maybe put it in parades and things like that look at this [Music] beauty [Music] all the pedals seem to be okay the shifter uh the shifter shifts now we're going to do uh it does I was shifting it a while ago there it goes and so we're going to find we're going to do oil changes and flu fluid changes and all that but all the parts are here that's a good sign this thing has been setting I think he said 30 years something like that that's how long this 30 years oh I probably should have checked the oil before I committed to buying it this thing's making o that's what the oil looks like that is not moving at all but do is that good or bad you know huh I don't know we're about to find out though so I bought a 1948 is a ad in 500 bucks don't know if it's locked up don't know if I'm going to have to rebuild the transmission I don't know I don't know anything about it all right we're back at the house so now we're going to load up the TM t574 we'll get the goose neck put on and then we're going to head back let's go man I'm telling you I'm so excited and I can't wait for all the comments because you guys are the experts and you're going to be able to help me out we get this thing built together you know what I [Music] mean all right we made it back I think what we can do just pull it this way right onto the [Music] [Music] trailer all right now we're just going to bring the air compressor around here and get this thing loaded up but I got the owner with me here this is Mr Patrick Mr Patrick how are you doing I'm doing good today Hank thank you yeah so what's the what's the story behind the old neries here well it's another one that my dad drug in here probably 20 years ago right he's been dragging stuff in here for the last 15 years that's right yeah he can't drag any more out yeah or in so I'm I'm going to have to start getting them out of here that's right well we sure man we're just the we're the lucky owners of it you know what I mean oh yeah I feel blessed that y'all came into our lives when you did all right we're going to air up these tires and see if we can't get this thing out of here in that toolbx under M miscellaneous there's a yellow whip I think they'll hold enough air to get them out of here we that water coming out of there oh wait a minute look here look at here how about that all right three out of four let's other can we make it four out of four all right hey man look at that we're back in a th all we got to do now is drag it out we'll pull the truck back up hook a chain to the tym pull that forward like I say I think that we'll just try to back the tractor onto the trailer with that hook to it so to speak you know what I mean I don't want to lift up on the oil pan with the forks come off they come off yeah oh yeah round [Music] enough [Music] come [Music] that might have had transmission was probably too low of gear yeah I think the high and low is here boom stay up won't it it will it should I thought maybe we would use a come along but it's uh it's better to use a tractor [Music] I thought it might be locked up but I'm not sure I'm not sure it is guys look at this right here I think you know the reason it ain't spinning it might be because of this this pulley is bad or you know just it's just mold or uh molded to get rusted together I don't know what you would say there just kind of kind of rusted together I guess you'd say all right put it in neutral it is neutral right yeah all right I might have to might have to pull it off with something we'll see well there we go wo all right success what I've done over the last couple days is I've just been soaking it in PB Blaster check this out right here and I have not done this this is the way I've got the tractor check this out this radiator hose was disconnected so we got that going for us we've got uh this belt appears to be rusted into the water pump so that tells me I don't know if this engine is locked up cuz I thought this engine might be locked up but it might just be where that belt is froze on there so we're going to cut that belt off and then try to see if we can turn the water pump uh to see if this engine actually turns or not these uh this wire and harness I'm going to replace a wire and harness convert it to a 12volt [Music] [Music] system [Music] hopefully you guys can see that I'll say ah come on don't be aggravating woo son you you ain't getting nothing holy cow we'll take that off here in a little while look at that oh my word all right let's cut that belt off oh well that didn't do me no good this is going to be such a fun project I've done a old Oliver super 55 one time so if you feel like digging out some of those older videos feel free to do that all right now let's take this electrical system this wi and harness let's take it off and move it around I definitely don't want to break nothing look how easy that come off let me just go slow with it though really going okay I'm on back there you go 1 2 3 4 let me Mark those all right here we go oh wow look how clean those are my goodness those are like super clean do I need to take that that's pretty good right there I mean I'm not a gas engine mechanic but I was I was thinking I was going to see all kind of all kind of stuff broke I I'm just glad they're not broke okay let's take the radiator off and see if we can um get something on the crank down there I don't think this radiator is going to be too difficult to get off I hope there there are nuts behind here so I have to take these fenders off take that extension off of it the history of these things are so so awesome raid a bunch of PB Blaster on this too so maybe yeah it came right off I think that's one of the smartest things I've done was to put that PB Blaster on there for days that's coming out I think this according to the manual what I what I looked at this looks like it's the only thing that's holding the radiator in there and all my hoses and stuff are uh off so I should be able just to make this happen Captain all righty the radiator's off set her over here and now I can access the crank and see if indeed she is free there you go fan is off and what I'll do is I'll just put these screws back in the hole here so I don't lose them I'm going to replace that but look at that chunks of that belt there I'm telling you how cool is this going to be and I can't really tell if that's 6V or 12vt based on that distributor cuz I think they changed the I mean they look very similar oh I can I can probably oh it is a 12vt look at there 12vt 12vt coal I'm learning something every day all right the Fan's off let's see if we can get that crank turned all right let's see what's the best way to stick something down in there let go get a prior bar y'all cross your fingers cuz this right right here is going to be the stuff Legends is made out of I just don't know if I can get a a good halt to it you know what I mean I just don't know pine bark what's the best way to do this I I ain't going to have to take the front end off of to see if it's unlocked am I oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my goodness guys it's not locked up it's not locked up look oh my goodness oh son oh son look at that that is not locked up wow thank you Jesus wow okay let's see let's see uhoh might be a little stuck point there let me see if I can get this camera set down here uh come on camera work with me here got to a little got to a little hard spot there but man it rolled over to right there we're going to pour some Marvel Mystery Oil down it and let it set for a couple days and and see if that Lo then throw a battery on it and see if that loosens it up put the spark plugs back in it you know when I took these spark plugs out and they were clean that was a that was a good sign to me we're going to put new spark plugs in it before we run it but we're just going to try to get it to turn over first and then we're going to kind of you know massage it if you [Music] [Music] will [Music] F Tank's out let's take a look at it looks like it's in decent shape here just see if anything any sludge comes up no let's get in here and do some inspection tank's in good shape we got that off now let's let's go ahead and get the water pump taken off [Music] got the water pump off I need to go buy a gasket scraper now I'm going to take this exhaust manifold off and I'm going to take the valve covers off uh because we're getting some new valve cover gaskets so let's get started on [Music] that [Music] got the water pump all got the manifolds off I'm probably going to have to put a new crankshaft pulley on it check this out right I just put the ring inch on there turn it over look at that I'm pretty sure that will eat a belt up you know the crankshaft pulley already had a hole in it so I just fouled it up with a screwdriver put the inch and 5/16 on it I've been soaking it in PB Blaster for a couple days and look at that I'm hoping I ain't got to take the front end off to take the pull F off but we'll see look at that that's all ants so I'm sure the inside of that is full of ants we'll go ahead and get the valve cover gaskets put on and then we'll take off the generator and the wiring harness to get prep for the 12volt conversion kit that hadn't got here yet I've got the water pump and all that ready but I think I'm going to put the water pump on after I do the 12volt conversion so it might be a little so the water pump doesn't get in the way [Music] [Music] la [Music] couple of big hits on the hammer I don't think I damage nothing let's get the wired harness taken off of it get ready for that 12vt conversion kit [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] he [Music] it's coming along nicely all right I'm pretty sure this ain't supposed to be like this I don't want try to do this onehanded oh my goodness y'all that's water oh here comes here comes the not good you know what I think I'm just going to put like a PTO cover on it oh it stinks so bad oh let me get this out of here I don't think I'm going to fill that second can [Music] up gross got a lot of water in there hope that transmission ain't uh locked up wow yeah I think I'm just going to put a plate over that you know cuz I'm not going to hook a bush hog or anything up to it wow that was a lot of water we'll see if this actually holds the diesel in there let's get started on this 12vt conversion and the water pump put on [Music] I don't know the torque specs of those I just tightened it until I was like oh please don't break and then I stopped but it looks like looks like the belt is going to run true we're going to least spin it over cuz I don't have the points condenser I don't have spark plug wires but if I get it hooked up then I know that it'll spin over and that's the important part for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey [Music] [Applause] got the wire and harness put on the alternator All That Jazz the amp gauge this key switch all right they I've run into a little problem they sent me a side distributor kit look at that side mounted distributor I got to looking at the the points and stuff and I was like that don't look the same the rotor cap so I got to call them and get get new parts but I'll keep the plug wires and the that that looks the same uh I don't know if the starter button's any good so we're going to find that out and that's obviously just temporary there so we're going to see okay now again this is just to see if we got everything right uh if we've got everything wired up right all right it's not it's not going to run it's got no fuel it's got no it's got no fuel so we're just seeing if it if it's going to crank so this is this is pretty exciting guys this is actually really exciting all right this is it now you I haven't tighten these down anything like that I'm so excited I'm nervous make sure she's in neutral all right here we go [Laughter] ready she's going to fire y'all that's awesome that is is [Laughter] awesome so everything's wired up right thank you Jesus okay now we got to get fuel exhaust um this is excit this is a huge this is a huge step huge huge did I say it was a huge step yes about 10 times that's totally exciting I got a new carburetor from China s 45 would say so this is the new carburetor now here's the thing about these Chinese carburetors and I've watched about 6 million videos on them is they're either hit or miss so you guys hang on tight and let's get it [Music] done [Music] [Music] [Music] back [Music] got the fan put back on got the front axle put back on now we'll tighten up the linkage here the tie rods the steering linkages on both sides get those tightened down and move on think it's coming together nicely I hope it works man I'm telling you wouldn't the old steel well boys be proud this thing get to running again I think so I think it's going to be [Music] awesome [Music] all right now come to the fun part the exhaust manifold and the carburetor once I've got this blowed out I noticed it's about 17 lbs lighter but it's got a huge crack in it right there probably going to have to order me a new exhaust manifold uh let me see if I don't think it shows up on camera but right here is a huge crack all right let's put the exhaust manifold on well I run into a problem the manifold don't go behind the alternator dog on it so no problem I just got to loosen it and pull swing it back then I can push it back but man always something ain't it so let me get that taken care of [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] here's what I come up with I took my t224 put the bucket on top of the motor put the gas tank in the bucket and now I'll tighten the fuel line the supply line to that and put fuel in it and see see what happens that's what I'm talking about all right get it opened up there no leaking right there that's good oh my gosh guys can you believe it okay listen this is the moment we've all been waiting for all right it did start leaking pretty bad right here but I think it was leaking like out of here let me turn this on and show you guys yeah see that all right let me leave it right there for a second all right here we go first starting 30 something here P the choke out a little bit set the throttle halfway turn the switch on doesn't look like we're getting any spark no definitely not getting any spark so let's check that if you're not getting sparked that means the coil is not doing what it's supposed to do so that's something's wrong there I'm going to go research why I'm not getting any Spark I think I may have found my problem I just took this out so when I turn my crank shaft that rotor button doesn't turn at all any direction so I think cuz I think it's supposed to like I say I'm not a gas guy but I think that's I think the distributor turns on that right is that how that works yeah yeah look at that okay yeah you can see that's that's moving so that probably was not in that key it was probably not in that slot that's probably my problem let's let's hopefully that's it what I just did that rotor that rotor button wasn't freely turning and I'm sorry I'm filming this on my phone didn't bring it out but it's uh I had to take these pliers and and turn it like that and it clicked so I don't know if something broke in there or what but or I didn't have something in there right but now it looks like she's good to go let me put it back in and see what happens that very well may have been it check this out now watch that rotor cap see it turning all right man won't that be awesome would't that be awesome holy cow okay okay let's try I'm going to put I'm going to button everything back up and see if that works I'm in a group called only eight ends or something like that it's in uh it's on the Facebook group and there's a gentleman in there named Bruce who is like the guru the ad in Guru and he helped helped me troubleshoot this and then another guy made a comment said are your points opening and that's really the con you know I said well let me go see what my points are because I set the gap and all that well then I started turning the crankshaft and realized that nothing was turning and that comment in that group is really what the Catalyst was for me to come back and check this out now we just have to see if indeed that was I mean that's obviously a problem right so we're I think I think we're in good shape so let me let me at least see if we got spark now we put a new battery in it so the batter's charged should have everything it should at least pop let's see I don't have no fuel but we can hear a different we should hear a different sound I'm not sure okay let me let me take a spark plug out all right I should be able to lay it up here and have it Spark let's see I don't know if I can hold you guys and film this doesn't look like it all right let me keep investigating let me show you guys what I did I went to a tractor supply and got a distributor cap and and so I don't have I still don't have spark right let me tell you my hypothesis right I don't know what that word means but it sounded really good in that sentence on my other dist my brand new distributor cap that I got it has a little metal button uh nipple in the center of the cap which makes contact with the rotor button well let's now just follow me I'm gonna try to make this make sense when I put the distributor onto the motor the slot behind the distributor was not keyed properly right so my rotor button was not turning it was just stationary so I took the distributor off and you seen that already and I said oh look I need to put it in the key slot so I put the key slot in there and the rotor button started turning but what happened was that uh behind the distributor that keyed slot was making the rotor button trud well that's why the distributor cap did not set flush on the distributor because that keyed slot was keeping that rotor button uh protruding so when I aligned the key to the slot in the motor that allowed it to go closer to the engine block I guess you would say which would have allowed this nipple to you know to make contact with it and set flush on the distributor cap I hope that makes sense because that's now I don't know know if that's going to solve my problem but I'm pretty sure because what I did was let me show you what I did this is the new rotor cap and what I did was I took a Dremel and I filed that nipple down because I was like well hey if that nipple is what's keeping that rotor button from turning I could just follow it down because I thought it was a manufacturing defect well wasn't the case the case was I did not have it keyed it's a long explanation I know but I'm hoping the new one solves the problem let's get it installed let's see if we got [Music] far put back together now the real test will be if it indeed has spark get my trusty spark plug socket out and if it has spark then we at least got a better chance of getting this thing cranked try to set a camera up where y'all can see it here um let's try that maybe that'll maybe that'll work turn key on all right here we go yes sir we got SP that's oh all right I had to pull out my best watch West work diagnosis there we got spark y'all that is awesome I can't that is awesome what a huge step okay let's put the fuel tank back on it and let's [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see yes sir all right so we got spark so we need fuel which we're going to do air which we got plenty of and compression and then the only thing we have to worry about is like if the timing is off but like I say so we're just going to Crank It Up and once I know that it cranks up then then we'll worry about we'll get the oil changed we'll get the filters changed and there might be some of you want that say you should change all that before and you'd probably be right but but uh I just want to make sure I get everything uh turned over before I invest in um oil filters and oil transmission fluid all that stuff or hydraulic fluid for the back okay so we're that makes me [Music] happy all right let's see if we can put some fuel in [Music] thing this was difficult last time if you guys remember it got a pretty nasty leak out at it all right see if I can remember what size that was 716 was it indeed so now we'll have to start making some fine tune adjustments you know for um like the throttle hopefully the Govern is not bad if the governor's bad that's not good if the governor's bad that's not good all right let's see here open this bad boy up yeah okay I got to put some fuel in it she's got fuel in her make sure that everything's out of the way all right she's got fuel iner so here we go leaking like crazy here let me get I'm going to have to buy yeah that's not good let me just turn that off that's dangerous actually all right let me dry this off a little bit get some of this fuel off here you don't want you don't want gas doing that that's not good fumes are pretty dangerous stuff here we're going to hit it with a little bit of ether just to see if we can get it to pop off try not to get too hot here oh let me turn my mess with my let me try that nothing there does that mean my Governor is not working it's leaking out the bottom of that carburetor why is that where's that fuel leaking that fuel is leaking from that is it that mesh yeah that fuel is leaking out of that hole right there why is that I just got off the phone with an Oldtimer that said you need to check that compression before you go any further and so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to go check the compression and then I'm going pull the spark plugs out when I check for compression obviously and see if there's actually fuel on it on the on the bottom of the spark because I mean the spark plug because if there if it has gas on the spark plug it should be firing he said but he said it should not be leaking out the bottom of that carburetor like that so he was like something's something's definitely not up so if I can't get I'll check the compression and if I can't get it I'll probably take the tractor to him let him work on it a little a little bit cuz I mean I'm I'm at the I got to figure out where I need to stop and where he and I'm not obviously if I need to rebuild the engine or whatever that's something for somebody that knows what they're doing um and I may or may not do that to be honest with you we'll check the compression if the compression is good then we'll keep troubleshooting okay we went to the store and got a compression tester kit 50 bucks unbelievable I also got these uh barbs so I'm GNA put that into the fuel line bottle fuel hose and we're going to try that to see if we can get it to not leak what we're going to do is start with number four from what I understand you really need a warm engine to do a compression test but I can't get a warm engine so we're going to do it this way and from what I understand you need uh about 100 pounds of 95 to 100 lbs of of pressure we got good spark now and we got good battery I'm going to let it spin about seven or eight times that's horrible oh my goodness look at this y'all look at that that's not even that's not even 50 lbs [Music] I don't even know if Marvel Mystery Oil will bring that back to life or not that stinks ain't it crazy how excited you get when one thing happens but another thing happens and you're like that [Music] stinks yeah not good not even with I mean it didn't even go up after I spun it three or four times but like I say I understand cold engines cold engines will give you a different value let me write down these values now that I'm thinking about it it was uh we'll call it 48 see what this one says all right you guys ready here we go can't help but the laugh because this you cry if you don't laugh look moving on to number two 50 number two is 50 Here Comes number one let's see what it looks like none zero oh gosh how can you not have any compression how's that even possible this thing on try it again well that answers that [Music] question [Music] dang man I mean that's just that's the worst case scenario man worst case [Music] scenario that sucks this is something I never saw coming there's been a there's been a change and uh a change of plans and it's a good change I'm friends with Ryan and Jason and they have a channel called JN are Rebuilders and they're out of Peach Tree City Georgia so they was watching the videos and they said hey um we're looking for a project and we would love to help you out and bless you by finishing up your 8m and I'm like are you serious and they're like yeah we're serious so what we're going to do is we're going to load up the Aden take it to them let them I I whatever they do they're going to rebuild the engine whatever it is that they're going to do but I'll put the link to their channel right here you guys go over there and subscribe and you can follow along the rebuild process make sure you go check out jmr Rebuilders and uh finish up this uh [Music] tractor [Music] come Onie doie all right she's [Music] on well we made it imagine what's going on imagine man don't I yeah manold say Hi listen we just got here at jmr so let me uh let me get some Logistics squared away and I'll get right back at you these guys we we met uh over the summer and the the thing about it is they they got a heart that's that's as big as Texas you know what I mean and so uh so we you know we hit it off and now we're going to kind hopefully we get this tractor running again and hopefully we can make it do some good and and I don't know we'll see how it all turns out maybe they'll maybe they uh maybe y'all snowed me and this thing's going to come back in pieces or y'all going to melt it down can't get any more pieces than what you brought it to us at I mean come on it would be the first time we only have one vehicle that we've not been to be able to we've only had one vehicle that we haven't been successful yeah surprisingly that's not a that is surprising theya so what is your plan for stopping you to slow me down my body underneath it like I'm going to be honest I don't really have much of a plan so what's the plan F right no oh yeah bro these brakes work great man uh let me get you lined up on these ramps hold right there I'm not sure if you're really helpful for our channel here we're going to lose one of your employees I know ain't good or we're going to miss it Ed look who you asking to do that this guy Famous Last Words Right hey y'all watch this it's that uh right side that you got to I think I got the right okay good how about the brakes working I'm proud of that thing that okay the brakes are gone oh okay he F got to grab boy she's fading she's fading fast fading [Laughter] fast let me uh let me go get the rest of the the goodies for these guys I've got a uh a carburetor some bolts and nuts and I even brought the uh the manual so again I brought Ricardo you brought Manuel we got to get figured out all right let me run up here and get get the books and stuff hey check them out they just dropped me off we just got through with ch check out jmr jmr rebuild on YouTube this is our friend Hank Hamilton's 75-year-old Ford 8N tractor and we're here to see if it's repairable well this tractor is no bueno as Ryan says you grab a chunky I'm not touching that oh my gosh it doesn't start probably hasn't for decades so Hank took a shot at diagnosing the problem but when the cylinder compression registered low that's when he called it us the professionals to figure out what was causing this baby to not start what's going to be the first thing we need to do what do you think I think we're going to have to start taking some of this stuff off the front of the motor because we want to get to the Head we want to get that head off and we want to look at those pistons and we want to look at those those springy thingies and we want to look at the flappers that open and close for fuel and air and make sure all that stuff is good to go I'm beginning to think in Hank's last video when he said he was going to take it to the pro that he was maybe overselling it just a tad since you don't really know what any of those things are called if you guys know anything about Hank Hank would say I'm Ana that's what he is all right Hank so on top of removing this I'm going to get your alternator dirty that way it matches the rest of the tractor now what we want to do is we want to loosen this sucker up uhhuh good thinking to get the tension off of it we've only done this never there we go there's the tension gone pull this sucker off of here mhm all right so everything has been removed all the studge slash nuts we're not really sure are you sure no no so we're thinking this is going to come off um we're we're so what's your what's your plan here so the plan now is to hit it with the dead blow hammer kind of torque it and see if we can get this head valve cover this is just a valve cover off yes [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay oh wow that's really heavy hey hey I think I love this th Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan let's talk about this wait till you see cylinder with zero compression wait till you get all the way over here I know I haven't even got that far yet and I immediately knew what the problem is so this one was let's look at what wa wait our compression on that one was 48 48 okay uh it's a little gooey down in there okay there's the valves next one was 23 23 not too shabby look at the next one this was 50 which makes sense cuz it's the best looking one and then the one with was Zero compression look at look look in the cylinder look at all this crap look at that what is that get that get that in there oh my goodness remember those Seeker panels we talked about earlier well we're pretty sure that those cover the valve springs and the keepers and potentially if it has push rods off the cam that's where those will be at [Music] too we're going to get the sucker pulled in there because the next part we're going to pull these tires off because we got to start separating this motor from the tractor which should be a [Music] blast I think this is the moment I experienced a little bit of PTSD just listen to my response the first time we did [Music] this my apprehension could have came from the fact that I'm not sure if I have brakes or the fact that Ryan is dragging me in the garage with a lawn [Music] mower after getting her in the garage we need to get her hoisted up and get this friend end off all right all right guys so both our jacks or at Jason's house the seah hord's Jacks well one is at my house where's both them where's the other one at your house uh so we're going to use our hoist and this beam that runs the whole length and we're just going to jack up it there we go uh and then another strap [Music] right let me pause it right there clearly Ryan is going in for the high five this is a good oh were you going to high five me no not now I was going to high five you and you like like messed up I was going to say one of my best ideas ever I was that's I was going to say it was a good idea yeah whatever I'm okay I don't need counseling it was a great idea good job I say we get the wheels off then we take all the accessories that we can off yeah and then we crack her open okay all right so it looks like this steering linkage here there's just a nut on the back side that's easy yeah and then and this is some like stabilizer bar for the whole front end just these two nuts might be just these two right here I think that's it and then when we go to the front from the looks of it it's just there's uh three on each side one two and there's one underneath it's a little hard to see and the whole front end should roll out I'm talking like I know what I'm talking about I don't well it's time to get this pan off and in order to do that we need to get the front end removed so there's like six bolts on on the front couple on the back and then we can struggle to get this out of the way not sure how other people make this look so much easier than we did oh it'll do it it'll do it look at that oh my gosh look at that ain't going to be there is stuff falling off of it man remember the accessories we said that we need to take off the front well it's time for that we got the all inator off and then we went after the [Music] distributor this is probably one of the weirdest starters out there it only takes two bolts to take it off this far but then you got to get this long bendex piece the piece that engages the flywheel and it takes a little finagling to get it [Music] out there you go there you go it's like Jenga that that thing weighs like 30 lbs I know this is like the look at this thing look at this that bendex on the end of it yeah bendex exactly well it's the next day and it's cold and it's time to get this pan off our assumption is this thing is not coming off without a fight I don't know what's happening there we got a bolt here that goes all the way through with a nut on the back side that's not suspicious at all let me show you what seems to be the problem we got one of these special nuts right here this is a this is a square nut because of that it doesn't spin can't put anything on it to take it off because it's hitting the block right there other side's normal but then once you start backing it off it starts curving into the block and then the socket won't stay on not sure what to do it seems like almost everything can be solved with a cut off wheel so that's what we did we cut off a little bit and then we use a chisel to pry the nut off booah there you [Music] go I think this thing's going to weigh like 100 lb are you ready no not both of us are WR I hit it twice and it whole thing pops off there's the screen I told you it's supposed to be oh that's supposed to be on the plug oh my gosh Jason look at that look at this it's like like it's like when in the desert you know when you're in the desert and you see the the look at all that like the the dry ground look I think there's a quarter inch of stuff there isn't it will peel up it's at least see the tip of my finger from there to there grab a grab a chunk of I'm not touching that come on I'll get G aerus simp herp all right here I'll do it I'll do it do it for the team Money J all all right you want me to film you here all right let's see look it's just sludge look yeah that's good this guy sometimes go back yeah and they say the the way you can test them is if they move yeah that's the sump for the oil right ours is fine so all right I'm going to crank I'm going to move the crank here and we're going to see what moves and what doesn't move all right all right here we go so we're concerned about this one here because there's no compression in it right all right so it looks like this intake valve is moving the Piston is going up and down but the exhaust valve is moving not at all so right there that would give us zero compression in that one so number two here no movement I can feel just a tiny bit so exhaust valve is moving intake valve not moving on this one here cylinder number three it looks like both of them are moving that one here there all right so these are moving so that's good we didn't catch it on video but cylinder 4 is moving so then the question is is if they're moving why don't we have higher compression H cuz they're not seeing all right well we're going to try to pull these valves out I think we should start with one that we know how to do first we don't know how to do any so right up in here there's a little keeper so in order to get the keeper out you have to push the valve guide down through the hole the problem is is these things are locked in they solid take the tension off it is not going to move I'm commentating and this is when he realized he bit off more than he could chew commentating or irritating it is an in and both end with the same letters yes and we'll start with the same person amen you get them out yet and here we go again another problem solved with a cut off wheel [Music] first we'll pry out the [Music] valve and then after that we're going to go after the Springs piece by piece and at the end we're going to knock out the valve [Music] guide first how we're we're going to have to cut them all punch them out and only seven more times so there we go all the valves are out without a doubt out valves are definitely the problem the question is are the Rings also a problem that we're not sure about so we're going to risk it do only the valves not the Pistons not the Rings and hopefully it runs all right guys we're going to separate the motor from the tractor and we're going to pull it outside and we're going to get it cleaned up and several of you are going to comment and say you're the devil if you do that and well Jason is well that was my idea yep we'll go with it though Billy Goats [Music] go that thing is heavy right golly I'm sure it's cat luckily I got these guns we're going to hook up our Gantry lift right here we're going to mount it on here and we're going to and then we're going to onto there and then we're going to go [Music] [Music] so [Music] this is a Dollar General Buck 25 super cleaner super cleaner you know what's Grammy when when Ryan wears gloves I don't hate I hate gloves so I'm not like Hank I don't have you know soft hands you know you know Hank used to be a hand model Hank the hand model yeah Hank the hand model yeah back in the day yeah wiely saved him from it oh really yeah him and Wy one day were out there and wy's like hey man what you been up to and Hank said oh I've been doing some modeling he's like yeah I do hm for for who who was he doing handm oh you know like uh Dillards and what's them fancy places called Marshall Fields uh no Ross it was doing him for Ross yeah Ross while he's like hey I got idea why don't we start a YouTube channel yeah I'm tired I'm tired of hand modeling and Hank's like you know my hands are getting old so they just ain't much demand for old hand yeah yeah yeah that's what he said so they started a YouTube channel basically that's the history of Hank and Wy how do I do this and not get that all over [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're not trying to rebuild this motor 100% to make it a trophy tractor we're just trying to get it running that's it yep so so we're trying to do the bare minimum to get it running we're going to get the valves in next is that the next goal well actually we need to lap the valve seats and then put the valves in well I guess we should um take a stab at lapping these valves stab yes that's probably pretty much what it's going to look like Jer in the hole okay like this here uhhuh yeah and I'm just going to push it down till I get it to seat okay right and then I'm going to slip my little pumper little pumper that could if I can get it in the hole there into it and then that's going to let it seat on this the valve seat right there yes and then we're going to put our little Hightech sucker on the top of that uhuh this guy right here he's going to be like oh I love being attached to you flip it over flip it over I love being attached to you is what he's gonna say I'm I'm I'mma get it to stick because I'm really good at this in case you're wondering here you go no not working no not working not at all I wonder if it's just cuz we got to maybe we just need a little bit of moisture that should work did it work work somewhat look at all that saliva slipping out of there let's see oh baby look at that that'll Works H that's all we needed just needed to put a little bit of cevy on her so we want to put our little compound right here on our guy want to put our Compound on our guy not much right not much that's it that's plenty that's too much probably all right so let's just put it here then yes on the lip just the lip that's the only thing that touches yeah sure man there you all right I'm going to send it I think on the next one you could probably use about 10 times less I feel like I'm making a fire yeah when I used to be a eagle okay listen now listen this is going to get frustrating don't buy them now I got to lick it again all [Music] right how do you feel about them apples um I don't feel like it's any different than when we started so after a lot of frustration with the suction cups we decided to go with the power tool method so by taking two old Valves and Welding them together now we have something we can chuck in a drill the I don't know what you would call it the huckle high speed mode huckle B so little bit of lapping compound or a lot of flapping compound exactly and you stick your little guy back down in your little hole here there he goes you seat them and then you send them I usually do it until I start seeing a little bit of steam pull it out I wipe it I take my brake cleaner and I check it and it looks based on what the way it looks with the brake cleaner nice and shiny and silver that's what you want and I'm happy with it hopefully we never have to do this again oh there's yeah you got got a lot on there there we go sticker so that right there is going to get comments cool send [Music] them honestly this whole method's going to get combat but it's the only way to do it I think I think I mean I mean honestly the other option is to spend $110 and get the cutter right Ryan yeah which you do that why would you do that when you can so it turns out assembling these valves pretty simple take the valve we put the guide on it spring on next with the tighter coils to the bottom side there we put the cap on Ryan compresses the spring and then we put the keepers in so this entire assembly slides down the hole in the block and then Ryan takes a perior needl nose he pushes the valve guide down and that allows me put a keeper in to hold the whole assembly into the block all I got can't get it that's it got it okay the last part of the the process is to adjust the gap between the lifter and the bottom of the valve use a fer gauge to do that put a punch to the hole then you have a wrench to move this nut up and down and make the Gap bigger or smaller it's really pretty [Music] [Music] simple [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's a job we thought we could do till we cut a chunk out of this tire and saw it was all rusted [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Applause] well now what so after running the battery all the way dead we had to get out the jumper cables didn't make a difference neither did these items timing points fuel air we're back to the beginning compression all right so we're getting ready to pull spark plug right Ryan yeah we're going to check compression guys this is going to tell whether or not there's going to be a third episode so hey leave your comment down below what percentage chance you think at this point in the video that we have compression after everything you've seen 4.9 it doesn't make any sense 21 that cylinder had 50 and now it only has 21 Jason come on as you guys know we have no compression and so we're going to get this motor out of the way but before we do that we're going to actually show you why we chose not to resleeve this block and do the Pistons in the Rings well in order to show you that we have to take the entire front end off this tractor and every piece off the engine and that starts with the exhaust followed up by the front end it's really easy actually there's about six bolts on the front and about six nuts on the back and the whole entire assembly gets [Music] removed after getting that alternator out of the way it's time to remove all the head bolts and all the spark plugs we're about to reveal to you the reason why we chose not to rebuild this motor yeah oh she's stuck like Chuck you know it seemed obvious to everybody that we should have resleeved this thing and we should have oh yeah and that we should have put new rings on it right should have could have would have but maybe their tone would change if they knew what we know all the [Music] information let's see you see the problem can you guys see it right there it's moving here check this one out this one's even this is like the Grand Canyon over here so the question is yeah what's the question why wouldn't you guys do something about that when you had it apart trying to do this on a budget we we did have a idea of what we wanted to spend yeah and we probably should have just went and purchased a whole new motor and just done away with it but there was a part of us that said man think your bullet they can be run if they were running leave a comment below if you have any idea what Ryan just said so when we took it apart we noticed this crack but someone convinced otherwise I know I'm the eternal optimist okay Ryan well then tell us why it cracks there because uh what happens is you're supposed to drain the coolant out in the winter time because the water and the coolant will freeze and it'll crack the block can you show them on the side where are you supposed to drain it yeah there's supposed to be a little petcock here but we don't have one the good news is what's the good news Ryan we may have a solution we may have a solution well I hope we have a solution we got a well we made a guarantee didn't we well it looks like this thing is trash we are going to go ahead and remove all the valves that we put in yeah so if anyone wants a great deal on a new set of valves that have barely been run um we'll sell everything the exhaust the valves the actual rest of the exhaust all that all those components will make you killer if you're in the Georgia area we might even deliver them um but we need to get rid of them we need to recoup some cost all right so the next step is what Ryan what's the next step I think we get the exhaust off we get the oil off we get the starter off we drop the oil oil out of the oil pan we're not dropping the oil pan dropping the oil out of the oil pan and then we get this motor [Music] off [Music] move that I was waiting for something to drop in there I just want to point out it wasn't me but since Ryan's not feeling very well I will take one for the team apparently apparently if you guys know I I lick something in the last video that made me ill we're probably going to want to move that yeah or at least drop something in it one or two more [Music] times well I guess the plan is to hook up the Hoist and put it in this green [Music] trailer so now uh you just kind of put a little weight on and give a little wiggle yeah I think this is just stopping it from see you got [Music] it now that this motor is out of the way and off we're going to have to go get a new motor where we going to do that at oh it's going to be sparkling brand new never it's a brand new reman still manufacturing these wow that's amazing I can't I can't wait to see it yeah it's going to be great oh I'm so excited none of that's true and here we are in I don't know tractor Heaven maybe it's Farmer John's Place got a ton of 8 end tractors and we're going to do our best to get the best block that we can possibly find Ryan and I are out here in the freezing cold yes it's Georgia we bit nippy I think it's 32° right now oh my goodness Ryan decided today would be a good day Hank Did it's all Hank's fa guys okay we'll blame Hank Hank decided that we're going to get a different engine block actually we're going to grab the whole entire engine I think yeah uh so we're going to check the compression and see what we got on these and if we have good compression we're going to take the whole entire thing off and stick it in the back of our truck actual temperature is uh 41 no that's what it says feels like 20 I don't know if they can see that feels like 20 feels like man my hand my hands feels like we need to cuddle to warm each other look at this my look how red my hands are already cuz you're old all right well let's get to it we got to check the compression uh we got our battery we do we have a maybe a ground we do maybe and uh we don't have a solenoid so we're going to go direct hot right to the starter y we're going to test how much compression is actually inside the cylinder we're looking for around 100 but honestly anything over 75 we'd probably be okay with so let's check the first cylinder all right so cylinder number two here we go that's a negative I don't think this is a motor for us onto motor number two oh yeah that's good dude yeah here it is number two P it up 85 number three almost 90 number four come on baby yes that's the best one yet over 90 [Music] ooh n n la ooh n n n ooh [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] oh la la la ooh la [Music] are you ready well what's next what are we ready for we're going to put Power to her yeah we're going to shove some boom juice in the hole see if she'll start great that sounds like a great plan all right you ready [Music] okay look at this exhaust I can see into the engine for real for real it's cracked it's broken so we're going to pull this intake off fortunately we have a new one we do have a brand new one sitting right over here on the floor so I think we change that out right that's one thing then the next thing it we can check to see if we have spark I'd say we do the question is do we have spark at the right time yeah how you feeling how you feeling right now uh incredibly pessimistic incredibly your entire mood went from well yeah cuz I mean 100% to 10 yeah cuz I expected this thing to start immediately as soon as I push that button you knew I knew I could tell I just heard it it didn't didn't sound right it sounded like we've been hearing after reviewing the tape it looks like there's an entire chunk missing from that manifold why don't we try to start it with this off which ones are the in takes the small ones right this one and this one all right try it why not we're going to start by pulling plugs still concerned that we're not firing at the right time or something with the point gap I don't really know how to do that so we'd have to investigate it so we're going to look to see if at least have some spark at all any spark yeah it doesn't Mak sense to me everything on timing seems really one way everything on timing seems One Way muh you can only put the distributor on one way you can only put the rotor rotate rotor what is it called the rotor it's inside the cap the distributor cap it only goes One Way correct so timing being off doesn't sound right to me okay after a quick check of the distributor cap and tracing out all the spark plug wires that's all fine check our Spark all right here we go so so we're going to check the spark any spark well that sucks no Sparky the lightning rods aren't nting igniting so just to be clear we had spark before we swapped the engine so what happened well one theory is that we weren't getting power to the top of our coil so we bypass ignition switch and we got a new balance resistor our balance resistor was bad but it didn't fix the problem we checked our grounds those are fine uh here is our uh the final here actually right now it has power still not getting any spark we don't know what we did is that safe to say yeah we don't know we called in an expert and on top of that when all else was failed we called Hank was it the call the Hank and I think if you watch this uhhuh the call to Hank fixed it cuz we got sparked we got sparked so we don't know what did it we don't know why we have no clue we took everything apart we put it back together that's what multip times that's what we did baby she going to run to that W he [Music] ready get you some of that son get your some of [Applause] that man say it great great job Jason great job Jason great job Hank Sam Sam Hank and the Lord himself the Lord himself thank you Lord for blessing us yeah we are thankful just a few final things before we can put the gas bottle on this machine this inake has to go on then the struggle Begins for Ryan to put the front end on again I helped a [Music] little hey Jason on fuel uh-huh [Music] hey guys it's running we appreciate all of your support we couldn't get here without you thank you so much see you next [Music] time we just got to get P off got power all right go [Music] well she moves that's a good sign right it's pretty sweet so we go I guess the next step is take this back to Hank here you go Hank well jmr finally got the the Ford 8 in rebuilt it's running like a champ you know so what we're going to do is we're going to take it off their trailer and we're going to put it on my trailer and we're going to run it up to the son his dad you know it's passed away you already know the story from the beginning of the video so we're going to surprise him and let him drive it it's pretty awesome because he has no idea pretty cool anyway but something special that I haven't told you yet in the video is they're going to buy a truck while they're there and when they do they're going to rebuild it on their channel so I already told you make sure you check out their Channel but make sure you go over there and watch them rebuild this truck now I'm pretty sure you're going to call me once or twice asking for tips and tricks we don't know how to do anything we I always call you Hank I mean his response when we call him is I don't know that's why I took it y'all that's right I don't know that's why you guys are panic but anyway so we're going to go meet Wy we're going to go drop us drop this off and then we're going to uh just see his reaction I think it's going to be pretty cool he has no idea he has no idea so let's get on the road nice all right so we're going to um is it [Music] [Music] [Music] fun [Music] [Music] a't it fun 75 years old Hank awesome dude that's very awesome I it dude Ryan and I were having this conversation on the way down about the brutality of like the struggle right right but then when something runs like that you're like it's worth it right makes it even sweeter yeah man this is this is awesome good yeah awesome cool [Music] stuff [Music] so I wanted you so they rebuilt it I got as far as I could and these guys rebuilt it for you or for us rebilt the engine they put actually put a new motor on it really yeah it took the other one off uh you sold me one it had big crack through the head so don't worry about that the I'm just Imaging with you but uh so they got it running all that good stuff so I said you know what be cool man you know this was his dad's and it was you know 30 years that sit in his front yard you know and uh so I said let's let's take it up there let him give it a a twirl around the around the yard or something and you know just kind of kind of did you ever see your dad driving it yeah now we had one that we completely restored 40 years ago yeah yeah I we actually farmed with that one after I me it we rebuilt everything right right like a brand new yeah this is so I wanted you to be I wanted you to drive it around just kind of Reminisce a little bit and we'll use it for parades and stuff like it photo ops at the at our flower farm you know but uh but I thought I was thinking about you man really cool I got another one you can take him and surprise you with all right let me uh let me get this off here and we'll let you take it for a spin I dropped the cap over there Hank good job Ryan I tried your best I you have one I know I fit on that thing oh youit you'll fit if not I'll I'll put you on my shoulders and I'll sit in the seat there now that would be content I'm sping fuel all over that would be Ain the last show so where did this engine come from another tractor just like it uh this guy's name is Farmer John he's got a bunch of these old tractors out in the middle of a field and uh we couldn't get that motor running at all and so we went out there with a compression tester and found one that had good compression across all four cylinders ripped her out and slapped her in she was already running yeah well she wasn't running when we pulled her out because it was dead in the field but she had good compression so when you never could get compression on this no we couldn't we rebuilt the valves on it did a whole valve train and uh took a hammer to it and made the crack in it bigger so that way it would be you know more yeah more air it lets air come in more more so that's what it was the block was cracked so a lot of these motors what happens is they leave water in them or the coin in him there's a pet coock on the other side you got to and it uh it cracked the water jet where the water not water jacket jacket I'll get there I'm kind of Spanish not that I'm a mechanic but neither am I I play one on YouTube um and so yeah it just cracked the block and so it wouldn't build compression so we when we when we got it together when we bought the tractor what was it 3 months ago something like that four months ago whatever it's been has it only been that short of a time it ain't this is the fastest trip thing we've ever fixed well I told them I was like that's why it doesn't run right we told them I was like listen I said when we when we when we bought it I was like uh it'd be cool to have Mr Patrick drive it yeah drive it again you know I think it's neat I I I like yesterday he was we used it on our property move some of our vehicles around and he was driving it just watching him drive it and the smile and the joy it brought just something about that yeah all right let's try it let me back I'm push it off I've never been spoiled with a hydrostatic look we've done this a few times that are you still in gear no I don't think we've done this a few times yeah almost died all right I got the brake on here oh I forgot the uh you got tires now well let me just make sure the three the three I just look strong but I don't want the three-point hits to cat the three-point lift arms you know yeah yeah there we go got it all right when we took it down my place our place it almost ran into the fence Jason was driving it then it was so quiet I thought it was electric it [Music] is hurry before she [Laughter] dies so clutch first gear is up and to your right so you're his uncle right that's probably it right there on the mom's side are you serious though no I didn't think you were really no other way there you go pull that hard I got I got teach you how to drive a stick [Music] sh [Music] ooh ooh n n n ooh ooh [Music] o [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh ooh la la la ooh la ooh n n ooh [Music] ooh ooh n n n ooh [Music] o [Music] what' you think 40 years I hav found since I been still cool a oh it's still cool I was saying every every kid wants to ride in their daddy's tractor you know I was a lot smaller back than them I said it's been over 40 years 40 years and 100 lb I have the same thing just not years maybe a little more than 100 lb I don't know but it was a lot yeah oh that's cool man I I can't tell you much I appreciate that well let me shake your hand yeah thank you for you thank you thank you thank you for putting an engine in yeah this is the sweetest this is a sweet part for me is the impact you have on other people's lives and just the little memories that you can be a small part of well it's history I mean that thing 70 something years old yeah joking with a guy the other day I said you know it's probably going to take me 10 more years to do my 7 72 K5 Blazer yeah and I then I got to thinking damn I'm going be 70 years old that's right yeah that's a scary well I know a YouTuber group two buddies they build trucks [Laughter] Mr Patrick I I hope this was uh I hope this is something you'll remember for a while and uh there's a bunch of us that that uh got in together uh you know to kind of make this happen we really just wanted to to just to so you can just think about your dad a little bit you know what I mean your dad was a cool cat and we got we had the the pleasure of meeting him once you know and it's actually still got Diesel and uh uh the transmission and so I got to go home and change out the fluids and the trans transmission and all that stuff so I still got a little bit of work to do left to it but it's uh we're going to we're going to put it to use and but I just wanted you to be just have just a little bit of a a taste of what you know was like 40 years ago when you got to drive it the last time are you going to leave it all natural just like that just like that yep uh I made the comment while you were driving around the house that it's a goodlooking tractor yeah so you could patina paint it yeah you could yeah you could C that's right that's right hey we appreciate you guys watching make sure you check out jmr Rebuilders uh they've got an excellent channel so uh you'll go check them out thanks be checking them out cuz I need all the help I can get yeah that's right so thanks Mr Patrick for letting us do this and uh we you guys take care God bless you guys we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 232,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy equipment, will it start, tractors, diesel, will it run, will it crank, old heavy equipment, abandoned vehicle, ford 8n, 8n, 9n, 2n, jubilee
Id: hLyL9bSiS1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 9sec (6849 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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