Will it Start? Abandoned tractor was under flood waters

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foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel I think this afternoon we're going to try and start the old 5911 zetor on the same days we picked them up in a separate video obviously I haven't looked at it it's what he wanted for it I couldn't get it out of there quick enough so he was happy and always happy it's got the four cylinder in I just like the 69 looks like the same sort of tractor really 100's got the three cylinders is no if you've seen that video there's the air cleaner there she has been underwater but apparently it's all been drained out excuse me and um new oil it's been add ATF down the cylinders so that price I wasn't I wasn't letting it go I don't care what's wrong with it I thought today we just took a battery up and see if it's gonna if it winds over we might even try and prime the fuel up and I didn't notice passing that crease being there there's a full of water that sediment bowl there and drop that out see what we can't do with that just kind of set a battery into her [Applause] hasn't been that long since this has been going a couple of years maybe but it's just more the uh the fact that it's been under a flood and um it's about all really I mean it's they were using it as far as I know just rice up and get a block to put under it she's gonna roll for those of you didn't see the previous episode 5911 um picked it up fairly cheap if you haven't seen again I can watch it where we picked them up but we're going to try and start it up um to see if it winds over and see if it can get fuel up and and I really know the history of it and as soon as pulling it on they go back and check that out [Applause] that shows that battery's dead or she's just got nothing put a load tester on there you see if we've got going on certainly got over 12 minutes [Applause] there's not a spark there's nothing out of it [Applause] it's like the Earthly is not working I've only got two volts here if I put it straight on the post I've got 13. [Applause] try and answer out with a jumper leader [Applause] [Applause] a little Bob clock over there [Applause] I suppose I should make sure it turns over the bar or something I just start off what he said but she won's over fine and easy foreign [Applause] [Applause] but it's not fantastic better battery on the other side there take you all around to see [Applause] straight to her what let's go she might be full of water she might be cleaning out maybe a job for another day [Applause] battery's more than enough to start it we'll have to pull that starter off I reckon laughs just full of water I'd imagine foreign [Applause] [Applause] go back and see the video where we loaded them you will see how high the water got and this was apparently went under so again not a problem at Wines that's one of the biggest things I'm Gonna Leave This one here which I'll uh I'll join it into the next one when we pull that off [Applause] so it's the next morning here look at the frost here look at this beautiful morning it's about 7 A.M here Sunday morning of the long weekend going away this morning for just for the night so I can't do too much today but like to come over and get some tools ready for something I've got to do when I'm there so I thought I'd take the starter off The Zeta everyone's still asleep over at the house I brought a coffee over which is you don't see too much of in this channel that'll just pop that starter off there and see what's going on inside it I'd say it's full of water I just thought I'd come outside and enjoy this morning it's actually really cold but it's lovely sometimes you've got to pinch yourself and I think you I think it's all a dream living somewhere like this but it's it's not on a hard work and money but it's well worth it here we go so from this lovely Australian morning this dirty old Czechoslovakian machine here [Applause] I'm not knocking Czechoslovakia at all I actually love these machines I've now got three of them why I don't know but I do so I'll set this up on the tripod we'll pop that off and head into the shed I don't really want to go in the shed with this lovely morning but that's what we'll do we'll pop the back off that and see what sort of damage the water's done it's a little bit darker around here for you blokes because the sunset's coming up the other side to have it we'll do what we can do here see what you can see looks okay through the lens I'll see how it comes out when we edit it this here is a reservoir for it's got two hydraulic Master cylinders on it and it's got hydraulic slave cylinders in the wheels of these if you're wondering what that is most tractors have got a mechanical linkage and he's got hydraulic it's a bit of a downfall for them but they seem to work fine just after they've sat around like this you've generally got a put kits in them but see how this one is the hose has been tied off so unless it's had water in there from that flood I'm not sure but it's all readily available on eBay if you want to look further than that and get more expensive stuff but eBay stuff's fine for this if you're not if you're just playing with it like I am [Applause] hands are really cold this morning [Applause] and we can't handle [Music] probably warm but some of you blokes around the world but it's a cold morning to hear in the Sydney I know Jeffrey if you're watching you're probably laughing at me saying it's cold mate but it gets a bit cold it does get a lot colder than this but it's a fairly typical morning for this time of year so beautiful it should be sitting in a chair looking at it rather than work on this what I like to do foreign looks fairly good inside that flywheel housing don't know that water could have got in there you think there'd be an inspection plate somewhere on it I thought that may have been full of rust he hasn't played over here that's not sealed so I don't know how far under she went not really concerned either um okay we'll head up the shed and pop the covers off that and see how she looks this keeps getting better and better [Applause] it's beautiful I've decided to put a board on the back of the tool dude here um just so I can be out in the sun and do it dark in that chair it's not dark it's just the natural light's a lot better [Music] I don't think the problem's in the actual solenoid because for one it's working and two well two it's a sealed unit but I went directly to the post on the actual motor and it didn't make a difference so it's telling me the contacts inside of getting are working water in a deer India I wonder if she's not working you can all see that [Applause] fairly ugly [Applause] under it even worked at all that's what we're dealing with here [Applause] it's one of the brushes I can't rust so if you want opposite that I'd imagine foreign [Applause] soaked in water another brush [Applause] oh geez Dan that's cold see foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that well okay everyone I've got a sprayed just need some WD-40 here um let it soak into that rust I'm going away for the night as I said um should be back about beer time tomorrow and we might sneak back over and see if we can't kick her up and take her for a blat [Applause] follow that down clean it all up clean all these contacts up clean the contacts up there and uh I mean it was spinning over just it was only off off one and one of the brushes was in my experience I well two but she wasn't getting the full polarity so however those electrical terms work let's get the full 12 volts but not the it wasn't getting enough power so let that soak up we'll clean it up when we get back tomorrow time for a couple of jars and um see if she goes I may make a video we're going down to the In-laws place to see them for the long weekend plus you've got an old Holden Rodeo down there a diesel one that that stopped and he's actually bring some tools down and help him with that so there may be a video in that but we'll see if it's not if it's a bigger job there'll be a video see you tomorrow everyone we're back at the starter I've been away I've gone quite a few things actually I actually just went next door um got alpacas next door to me and and one of them came in and and I'd see the neighbors a whole whole lot and uh ring the bloke up so he came over to get his alpaca that hunted back in and um so what are you doing those tractors over there you had an Oliver 1800 Endo oh I think it's a five five four inch or something you want to come and have a look so I went down and said what are you doing with you so I'm not doing anything with it he said if you give me what you what you what I paid and take it away so that's what I did I mean I haven't paid him yet but we agreed on it and only next door so I can take my tool you through the gate and I bought a enter off him as well so we get the olive again then we'll take that home that'll be a future episode I've got to get some money together first but and that's two more so there's four tractors we've got the one weekendy fantastic probably going to do a video for you through the fence and you won't mind if I go back over there but I think I'll say but when we do get them going they're back on the starter here as you can see these brushes are meant to be spring-loaded certainly no expert in electronics but for those of you who don't know that the Springs hold it against the contacts here so they'll need cleaning up and they're they're not moving in all ages can see so that would have just would have been arcing and carrying on and I meant to float with with all that and there'd be a bad contact here those are the Earth these are the two negative ones or the Earth the chassis ones and these ones you saw me pull out either sorry you didn't Focus here in in the the positive one so these aren't they're not they've got no contact on the here at all it would have just been minimal minimal electricity going through those so we're going to strip this apart clean it all up I did have a soaking in WD when I was away for a couple of nights but sort of seemed to sucked it all in and not done too much at all but we'll blow that out with the air and I think that's the only problem with it we're inside now is just going to see if it's cooler and change from that that morning beautiful Chris Moon now it's a bit cool out there even though the sun's up it's afternoon sun now so so here's the positive one so we'll just give them a quick scuff they're still pretty clean but even they were stuck I had to dig them out of those as you've seen them and see where the water level was sitting in there so we'll clean this up and give it just give it all a quick clean and that should be it solenoids I'm sure it's fine because I bridged with the jump police put 12 volts straight to the motor when the solenoid was engaged and it made no difference at all so it's telling me it's not the contacts in here it's it's this is the problem which you can see I should be able to push these in buttons change those screws are really tight I'm going to assume that they're okay because if I snap those I'm in a world of trouble I guess being that tight they couldn't have corroded behind them anyway so much as strong get the brushes out and clean the rest of the housing up and just see how it goes I do not want to snap them let me just clean it all up where it is and put it back in just give that a blow out on the with the camera turned off away from the camera so it didn't go everywhere great it's got a little bit of rust on it it's going to work away from it it's free Andy foreign floating nicely [Applause] I think that'll do foreign [Music] foreign 's ready to spray bright clean and draw a bit of that WD out of it all seem floating hopefully all the contacts are nice and then we'll clean the contacts up on this should really sooner up in the lathe and I'm sure it'll be fine [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Rusty foreign I can't see any reason that that won't work we'll go and put her on and see what happens all right everyone we're back over at uh quickly Boulder on here [Applause] guys we might even give her a wash all these pine noodles off [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign behind it I'll pull all the water in but she's fairly roughed [Applause] for the background and see what happens putting another Earth leader on the rear because I see when I use the the jumper leads the other day that Earth lead wasn't getting contact from the battery to the other terminal on the other end of it so that was pretty weird but I probably should have left it somewhere better than that it'll doodle I'll get it going see if she's going to fire up and everything and play with it later or it can stay there it's just in the way your foot a little bit okay put one in there and you see the starter and see what happens [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] get rid of Geary [Applause] [Applause] nothing at all over there like a few little spikes that's about it I thought it was working though in something else [Applause] this is another poor connection [Applause] still nothing it's going to be a connection somewhere foreign [Applause] [Applause] a bit of a gauze there it's just completely blocked as you can see that's still water coming out of the tank you may have to fix this kinky so she gets a full flower diesel but probably drain that tank and [Applause] it smells a bit fuel in there that it says there's a lot of water I can see the to the crack in the cap here too wouldn't be helping it at all still or water there [Applause] [Applause] [Music] take it right off the tank here she just blocked up I'd say it's all caught in that kink so we've drowned the fuel tank I'm now going to change those filters to come off the 49 11 down the back that I didn't put in so we might as well fit them to this one I'm sure they're the same say the water's got through into these if they've tried to start it apparently they tried starting it couldn't have gone with all that water in there so that's that's all water there in that [Applause] plus the filter clog with soup you make a coffee out of that all the water in that [Music] okay just put some more fuel in it while using all the compressor was building up pull this other one off yeah these are the same [Applause] just changing this bowl first filter catches it there then right here just come off the bottom of the tango water too life was nice [Applause] after winding fire right there okay crack it look the area [Applause] what's that one for any handy the oils for oil [Applause] [Applause] ridiculous what you get for quite clean to the injectors they should clear himself straight away later thank you can you pump through the pumpkin there it's got a valve in there it holds ahead of pressure and the rest bleeds off back to here I'll let you clean it out feeling okay [Applause] fill everything up with water anyways on a look well that's it crack the injectors and see what happens if she fires up Arizona [Music] oh no she's had a good wash plane under the club roll that's wet on that one down there isn't it yeah oh it comes and everything where the grass gets in I'll give her a one so she saw up on it [Applause] are we can have something there wouldn't you [Applause] know [Applause] starter [Applause] [Applause] they're all stuck up too much they've come up and stuck and there they've got water in there [Applause] [Applause] okay everyone I've done a bit I've done a bit off screen here um some of you don't like swearing there's plenty of it all this was full of water all you all you can followers here were all stuck up and so with it so with the followers to push the plungers so the wreck's still stuck that's my next thing but I've freed all the followers up in the in the in the followers up in here forgive me if I'm shaking I'm holding the tripod here so you can see down there I've taken all delivery valves out of it and I'll just give those pins a light bump back down and they're all freed up so the next thing is you can see the governor control rod in there you see the surface rust that's holding it so Governor still looks okay it's obviously had some water in there and sweated but see that the rust on that shaft there if we can clean that up I think she should be right I thought it was scrap metal there an hour ago but got a bit of confidence back in huh [Applause] let's zoomed right out but you can see this can this chrome area here is what I'm trying to I've sprayed it and just rubbed a bit of the rust off if I can get the get a screwdriver in there or something sort of lightly try and get that moving either way see they're all trying to move here [Applause] so I've got a lot more movement but still not ideal [Applause] everything's free and the governor it's just the these are a bit stuck somewhere [Applause] if she goes that Heat's really going to help it get all the oil up around and loosen everything up well I'm gonna say that's free enough to try and crank that up and put it back together with regard I've got the exhaust manifold and everything off until I turn these off again [Applause] everyone I've got the pump back together I spent hours on it freeing it all up every time we put it together another plunger and stick so [Applause] I've got to do a stage now it's squirting out of three injector lines but I didn't try it long enough to see what happened with the fourth so I gradually started coming in [Applause] so I'll give her a go just see what there is probably going to be a stuck valve I haven't lifted the covers off which I probably should but it's getting late in the day I want to see what happens maybe at the end of this episode maybe if it doesn't go you can get you can get a start running on a couple of those videos might free up foreign [Applause] [Applause] laughs again hello everyone welcome back sad diavo again I'm sort out to wait another week to play with this but last week as you saw we I don't even know what we're up to but I can only get fuel to come out two of these delivery valves here and then it wasn't coming out these two only when it was turned off so I've worked out that these haven't got a stopper see some pumps have got to screw along here and I assume what they do is stop the Piston turning so the whole piston and everything was turning with the rack and what that was doing was putting it out of calibration with the with the Helix in the in the in the plunger so when I say pissing I mean cylinder so the when the when the plunger when the rack turned the whole piston was turning and wasn't doing anything but then it had let go and leave it in another spot so after some research there's not a lot on these or check made in Czechoslovakia but they're similar to Bosch and any other inline pump so I figured out they've got actually got a keyway in the in the cylinder there on the in the ball that would I imagine would the screw would go into so I've just lined that up with these that's what these marks are for here and tighten all these down they must just pinch them to hold them from turning so I've done all that and now she's starting to blow smoke so I've been working on this thing for hours trying to get everything freed up it's that full of water and rust and it's just been let sit too long so I'll set this up on the tripod now and I've bled it all and then we'll see how she goes he's gonna put this plate over the governor here just so she's not spinning round in the open I don't know what that fiend's going to blow everywhere after I've get it going I'll give her all the gurney and take those covers off just make sure all the valves are getting oil and there's no rust up in there [Applause] if she goes it's going to be time for a beer that up us one year Saturday afternoon I said it started at five o'clock this morning I got out of bed at four and then [Applause] done five hours and then came here to get this going I've been working on it ever since so [Applause] and amongst other things so I've bled all the injectors I've got them tight smoke started coming out when I tightened them up but I haven't fired it so he's gonna see for the first time with me so let's make sure these are all lined up there okay here we go hopefully I can control it the rack settings free enough [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh there you go she's definitely worth 500. good I'll park it up probably never use it again cover honor [Applause] it's going to take the manifold up the shed cut those off and get the muffler off that three cylinder one I've got and set it all up properly so it's done then [Applause] I've just finished one off camera I had a little bit of rock and roll on them there in the Ute and I didn't want to I've got to turn it off the film so I thought I'd drink that while the song was playing now it's all quiet again so I'll pull this off he fits that'll give somewhere for the Hornets to nest in there hopefully they block it right off okay so Australian made Muffler these and you haven't got a tractor unless it's got one of these on it's all there is to it you can't see if she fits I've got the manifold back on her that muffler I just pulled off the three cylinder one pure powder had a different angle on it and the bolt spacings were different so I think I left the buying exhaust like a I think it's two inch or something like a donut and then you can cut your own angle so I'll make one up on a um but we might give her a go now I've checked everything over she's well anything that like he said he's changed all the oils that engine oil explained transmission oil looks clean power steering oil didn't get any water in it because it's it's sealed got brake fluid I've got the brakes connected back up there hydraulic brakes on these hopefully it'll bleed itself up going down there the other one generally does it runs out sitting there in your topper up and all right I'll take I'll get it going again and um take you through a drive on there if she moves the clutch might be stuck I don't know just I don't think it was when we loaded it but Jody was sitting on it not me so I'll try and get it going again if she will it's been a couple of hours now so [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] just far enough away from the spanners of bastard looks like she's blocked he's not coming through the tank nothing running out there you can't have this on the big jobs thing as much as you flush them they always get a bit in them just far enough away from the toolbox which is just amazing just turn her off for a second alrighty I've got a cool tube and a lot of shifter down so I didn't have to bring it in for the non-fits oh look at the thing eventually would have made it further than it's been under three floods you really would [Applause] [Music] wouldn't mind stripping that when I put it back on cross threading it or something like that look at this here see if I can feel in it but sort of beginning to wonder she's got a tube going up inside so I stopped picking up sediment off the bottom because oh no look at that look at the gunk in it [Applause] it's full of porridge look at these dust [Applause] and that's all good but she's as you take the stick out it stops hold your comments back for years and shifters I'm not carrying shift load of spanners down here looking on eBay tonight gets a bit strong I like sitting on the lounge having a couple of beers getting on eBay and getting some [Music] aftermarket parts for him just to get them going after I've worked on them so it gets too dark to play and then all sitting there in the the postage bag on the workshop bench and we never fit them I'll steep some money stir all that up look at that probably have to take her off and well she should get another 20 or 30 meters yeah the chainsaw going down the back that's my dad I drive it down to see what he's up to well I know what he's up to but give him a little bit and uh that was clean before we left it's not ideal probably something I'll get off eBay believe it or not there's a lot of parts available for these we're spending a few laundry only getting some bits we probably got a user slasher or sneaking some trees out of the Bush for firewood or whatever something to drive around when you're having a couple of snacks I need the hand primer too which is the standard on these three zooters I've got this whack her off here without bleed without cracking any of them screws and she should go again here it returned to the tank okay well I think he's up on the old flat top here actually I'm not gonna eat on the ground she's laying an eye for a bit like an exotic view over here she's like a bloody and then flash shields on Instagram getting right down and taking a shot so yes you guys [Applause] hopefully the batteries there's no smoking it's like when she stopped the rack stuck again on it oh we have to walk back local fellas here want to come down see what the noise was I'm swearing and going on outer ear nice looking look so I've just cracked the injectors bled those off camera give her another shot here foreign [Applause] [Applause] well all you good people she stopped about seven times um after that first one I didn't bother didn't bother um recording any more of it because she just kept stopping I was covered in diesel so eventually got it back here there's a little gauze in that sediment bowl there because there's so much sediment coming through she's just sucking that in blocking that gauze and then sucking the gauze in so I'll have to get the tank off her flush it out and that's all that's wrong with it I mean the brakes started working they started bleeding up quite pleased with it actually the clutch is smooth the transmission's smooth and that's all I can really tell you probably do a bit more work on it I might not video it I'll get some parts off eBay tonight and like I said in and um next one will be the Chamberlain we might even do that now over a couple of beers and a bit of music and may not record that whole thing because sometimes it's enjoyable to have the music going and not explain everything that's going on as much as I do enjoy it so thanks everyone for watching Remember Facebook direct message me if you like a lot of you are doing that now please share with your mates a lot of you tell me is doing that which is great because it does go up so something's happening there and um merge still available and thanks everyone for watching [Applause]
Channel: Steve’s Place Down Under
Views: 82,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Truck, Tractor, Zetor, Will it run, Will it start?, Submerged, Diesel Engine, Farm tractors, Rusty, Rusted, Mechanical, Restoration, Engine, Farm equipment, Scrap metal, Machine, Farm machinery, Full of water, Tools, Toolbox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 18sec (4338 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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