My New Volvo 350E Excavator Arrives!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's a big day new machine has arrived thanks to justice toen for going and getting it for me looky there oh yeah well I guess it's time to get this bad boy unloaded wear some paint off the bucket he's going to unload it and I'm going to get a video a [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] t [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] there it is and here it is my brand new Volvo 350 so ended up working with Volvo construction equipment and we put together a machine specifically for me so we had reached out and tried to find a used machine and just couldn't never find anything exactly what I wanted so decided to go to the route of getting a brand new machine specked out exactly the way I want wanted it um ended up with going with a 350 little bit smaller but perfect for it's a full siiz machine but easier to be able to move around like the 330 that I have it's pretty much the equivalent of that just a touch bigger this one uh auxiliary Hydraulics quick coupler I got two digging buckets this one came with a Volvo quick coupler and Volvo bucket on it I have another higher capacity digging bucket that is coming and I'm also worked with AMI to create a special attachment for this that I'm not going to spill the beans on just yet so this one's set up just like the 220 over there uh it has the lasers and the Dig assist stuff on it uh pretty much it's a mirror image of that uh just a lot bigger a lot bigger and uh going to need some window tin on it not used to clear windows but uh check this out got carpet in here plastic on the seat still smells new so it's pretty much set up just like the other one has all the Dig assist features right there with your regular Monitor and everything else but no I am I am tickled to death to finally be able to get this and uh it's a dream come true I mean this is a this is a a beautiful machine to be able to uh add to the fleet and it's actually got I've just noticed on this one it's got the 360 view cameras on it there goes the truck driver cameras here there should have one back here and one on the other side yeah and one over there now I got to go try it out it should have the 360 view there so what it'll do is when you choose that option it will give you a bird's eye perspective of what everything looks like let's see cameras so you got that one oh yeah so it uses all three cameras and I can see you walking around walk around the machine I can follow you [Music] so that that's pretty cool that it creates a like I say the bird's eyee feature there to be able to kind of see that's actually going to be oh it zooms in even more that's going to be handy kind of working in the woods uh to not run into anything cuz you can definitely see that it it's got a blind spot right there which most big machines do and the Dig assist feature right there we got to get that set up and put this bucket into it it might actually already be set up how does this work there we go can't do it one-handed here come on there we go I have to get that set up make sure cuz the other bucket's going to be a little bit different so that all the numbers match so here it is I think it's time to go uh do some work with it everything's so big that right there is an engine that's a big boy all the power all the power I have to raise up yeah if it's just like the 220 I have to raise this up to be able to get to the um fuel C easily raise it up and leave it up as long as is not too high shouldn't be too high figure it out let's go wear some paint off this thing the bucket only the bucket time to try this thing out we're not even going to get a bucket full of dir we got to get a bucket full of dirt we can't just uh use this without getting a scoop of dirt I really don't want to get a scoop of dirt right here though just going to make a sa spot I'll skim some dirt all right we've gotten our first scoop of dirt I got I got to take down trees not dig dirt Let's uh let's see what the old stumper does hopefully hope the stumper fits on here not I'm going to have a problem should all right we've wore the new off the bucket wore the new off the bucket should just be like the 220 20 do that dump that oh yeah I think uh-oh we got a little problem this stumper don't fit r r well we got one little minor problem the coupler is wider on this and it doesn't quite fit my stumper about A4 of an inch too uh too wide here I took the grinder and started cutting but maybe a little bit more than I'm going to be able to do with the grinder at least the cordless one so uh I guess we're going to take down trees with the bucket today and I'm might to get a bigger grinder it won't be too long it won't be too much to take the grinder and cut that back but a little bit more work than I have time for today and batteries Let's uh go take some trees down with the bucket then so it never crossed my mind that the uh coupler on this machine would be wider than the stumper because it was supposed to fit a 350 size machine but uh a little bit of grinding work on another day and it should fit just fine and dandy I just don't have everything I need today to to do that I started grinding about uh I only got about a 16th of an inch on One battery so I need to get a uh a big grinder and plug it into the generator on the fuel truck trailer and that should take pretty quick make pretty quick work of it so we'll just dig a little bit bigger holes here around these trees go ahead and get these bad boys [Music] over that is a uh a tall [Music] [Music] bucket Now set the attachment there [Music] all right first tree with the new machine and Timber three two one and go right through there [Music] Timber like I said I have a uh nice attachment coming from Ami that it's going to make uh clearing a little easier but I'm not going to spill the beans just yet probably have about another 3 weeks before it's [Music] ready it just it takes time to get stuff I'm impatient but I will wait for that because that's it's going to be a pretty pretty cool [Music] product see where these STS at over here to get these pushed out of the [Music] way I just wait till I have my uh stumper on here that'll take make quick work of [Music] that let me move this I'm going to dig around I don't know how that's going to work with those two trees there I'm going to try to take that gum tree down [Music] first slide this on back a little [Music] more right there where I can chainsaw it let's go ahead and do a little bit of deliming here [Music] where's the other branches at right there and chop CH I'm going to try to just take the gum tree down to start with see how well that works let me get over [Music] here so I cut these roots out [Music] hard ground with all these roots what I'm hoping is when I push that tree over it doesn't try to take that pine tree down cuz it's going to push it right directly towards that Barn that's a no no [Music] see what happens [Music] these big Roots Pride [Music] out be right there on that side [Music] not we'll have to take this tree down and then push both of those at the same [Music] time all right let's see what happens is that going to go what are we [Music] doing think we got some branches in the pine tree let me let me scoot over just a little bit to kind of get my angle a little better that'll kind of help pull it [Music] away like so going to I don't like that I don't like that at all pine tree is going to go down with it all [Music] right all right plan Plan B here I think see what happens if I can reach in between here and push them both down without taking this pine tree down that was my uh buddy with a big grinder he's going to swing by here for me and help me I had to give him some coordinates to get here I need to break these branches off where are these branches coming from there we go let me break those branches off we don't need any woie do [Music] just bring those off so I ain't got to worry about falling off cuz both of those trees are going to come down at the same [Music] time there we go got that clear CED right [Music] out let's move this stump out of the way so we don't back into [Music] it all right let's see if we can can't get both of these bad boys to fall at the same time since they both want to go together here we go Timur bada bing bada [Music] boom those trees right there are going to be fun saying that sarcastically those are some big trees leaning over that Barn offies we might save that one for tamaru that might be more than Chris wants to get involved with today break some dirt back in the stump holes for [Music] sh [Music] break all those branches off look at all that poison happy my gracious alive we're going to scratch that off all right let me Rake the uh dirt back in the hole here move this other tree and I'll set the camera up outside when I take that tree right there down [Music] [Music] w to [Music] so my guys going to come here and cut that uh stumper down to fit just needs a little bit of modifications more tools than I have with me and uh so he's going to swing by here and probably 15 20 minutes hopefully have enough time before I have to leave to grind that down or cut it down whatever he's going to do and then we can use the stumper on here taking these couple little trees down let's wiggle our way in here take this one down I'm going to grab that one behind me this big girl up in [Music] here push this brush it back a little bit we don't need no scratches [Music] no scratches yet that looks like a little scratcher right there let's push that back over here out of the [Music] way and dig around this should be able to get that to go right over there and then grab that next tree and lay it right there that's some pretty red [Music] [Music] dirt ain't quite dug enough around it [Music] yet you got P coming falling now it should go definitely going to have to get the windows tinted I don't got spoiled we got tree bark flying everywhere [Music] think go just bump the track with the tooth with it reach it'll reach that's what it was that wasn't a rock that was the track let's go take that one down so that one right there I wouldn't have bump it the other day and it was not didn't seem like it was going to take much for it to fall [Music] over it's got a big rotten spot at the bottom of love [Music] it right there is probably all it's going to take timber timber she was rotten see how rotten that is I thing splitting I don't want it to split all the way so let me uh take a little bit more out [Music] and Mr Allen's over there so let me uh go meet with him and we will fix the uh stuff I made sure to catch you working yeah I'm going right here oh okay yeah I got a little sweat on his forehead he's got to take a break uh take all right we decided to take the pen out and lay it on its side and kind of get a better angle on it there to grind that had to cut about 38 of an inch about a half about a/ inch about a half and you let me catch the pin yeah thank you well you took over I was doing the tap tap and and you did a great job at tap tap I did a great job I just didn't think you're going pull it all the way out when it when you tap tap I mean have you seen the videos where the guy hits with in the other pin that's what happened when you tap that with with that hammer you just didn't realize how strong you were right yeah I didn't realize how strong you were until you were carrying that and you said what I didn't realize you had joystick hand yeah yeah tender tender C oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a difference right there you grabbed the dirty handle don't he's the dirty one nothing think that's going to good there now you going to stand beside it like he to he did all the work he did all the work I know I watched that was a uh that was a was a big quarter of an inch considering I got a phone call that said it was a quarter of an inch in and I think that you're you were on the metric system it was it was a/ quarter an inch on each side that's it I tell you what we got it knocked out it's a tight fit now but it fits in there perfect he's got a few holes in his shirts there from uh from the grinder and we ended up getting the C off wheel and the uh all all tools I feel like I'm getting charged by the tools absolutely that's right good thing we only use like five grinding discs that yeah that's right the grinding disc were the cheapest part of the whole thing running a welder was the problem well I appreciate the uh Speedy response here it was just fortunate we like I said we were in between classes yeah considering you teach only like 5 minutes away from here well 10 10 minutes yeah um if you're there Lewisburg North Carolina I'm the I'm the second year welding instructor at Vance Granville um and we've got a one-year program in the Henderson campus we got a one-year program at the Franklin County Campus and we got the 2-year which is me now at the Franklin County Campus so I need y'all to come to welding school so I have a job so you have a job and some some more students students that's right and uh the the thing about it is wherever you go in the world there's somebody needing a welder oh absolutely I there's there's broken stuff everywhere you go and then or you have me that doesn't you know well measurements take measurements I mean I didn't have the machine to measure it so I mean brand new machine and you wouldn't let us cut on the machine I don't know why you wanted to cut on the machine I said no I I think we can cut on the attachment it it worked out but fall hey did I tell you fall classes are coming up in August in August in August and I need and we need students so you have a job so I have a job that's right yeah cuz you can't depend on me to you know well you break enough but I mean summertime I'm floating around I know these are expensive jobs but you need more you need more than that right that's right so remember Vance Scramble for all your welding if you're if you're interested in welding tell them about it Ean oh it's great I love it you learn a lot Alan's a great teacher and plus you get to come out on these infield well not necessarily but it just happen lucky he was there he we used to call these field trips that's right he got a field trip today paid field trip exactly that's right so man I We Appreciate You Chris 20 bucks is 20 bucks right look you I bought him a bottle of water that you gave me what are you thinking oh gosh that'll be on your bill now yeah that internship stuff I remember that it's a lot of work for a little reward valuable learning experience so so you get to come out to the job sites and do some fun stuff so well thank you for getting me set up and now I can uh use my stumper we uh we appreciate you man talk to you soon be good thank you Ethan yes sir well there it is Big thanks to Allan and Ethan for coming over here this afternoon and getting the stumper to fit I just I I didn't have any measurements on how wide this coupler was and I assumed that it would fit but it was actually it's a/4 inch wider than the one over there on the 330 so uh we just had to trim that down a little bit but yeah we uh we made made new threads on my bolt there so won't be able to reuse that but that shouldn't go anywhere and I am super excited about this machine and uh ready to go use it some more and now that I got the stumper it should really take those trees down and uh help break those roots and everything up and once my secret attachment from Ami gets here is she going to be bad so appreciate everybody at uh Volvo construction equipment for coming together and helping me uh locate a good machine perfect for what I need it for you can definitely see the the size difference between the 350 and the 220 here
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 525,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, caterpillar, crawler, loader, farm, farmer, farming, house, lot, pickup, truck, trailer, logging, logger, chainsaw, pushing, burn, pile, tree, removal, bobcat, grading, heavy, construction, equipment, pond, rehab, cleanup, building, hauling, brush, bucket, dumping, stumper, land, clearing, stumping, lowboy, pipe, driveway, install, road, silt, draining, busting, abandoned, new, machine, 350E, unloading, grapple, thumb, haul
Id: YLzAQo1Prp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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