Hiring RANDOM people on Fiverr to make a Discord Server for me...

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Wow look at all these guys just spamming they're having a fun time hello everyone this is sound route and in this video I'm gonna be hiring random people on Fiverr and I'm gonna try and get myself the best discord server ever by paying people now you'll be surprised about how much money these people make just by making a disc word server which is completely free by the way as you can see here I've been researching a tiny bit to see if this actually exists and surprise surprise that they do so let's look up discord server right here look how many results there are I will set up a discord server with bots perfect for a gaming community there's tons of these everywhere I can't believe how many people are actually doing this look the list keeps going on and on we got I will help you make grow manage your discord server now this looks very promising right here I will professionally make your discord server in 24 hours wool god what is this oh look at the thumbnail I will modify or tweak your existing discord server yikes so this this one right here would entail me giving this guy permission to like edit stuff on my server which is slightly scary oh my god what is this oh my god guys we've hit gold we've just struck gold look at this I will unban you from any discord server with a picture of that guy from his name is vector right from Despicable Me oh my god what is this alright guys so how about we go ahead and buy some of these fiber ads okay let's see if we can get ourselves an amazing discord server just for like five dollars except for this one Jesus Christ 125 dollars yeah I'm definitely not gonna buy that so let's find something that is actually affordable and it won't cost me my entire bank account okay alright we've arrived at this one right here this looks pretty interesting okay I will make you a professional discord server all my god that's crazy so you've got a little screenshot here which shows a server this looks pretty cool all right so these are the rules and a welcome Channel I've got some nice channels over here interesting okay so this has one five star review good to communicate with very fast delivery very impressed server looks great all right perfect let's do this boys all right I've just paid seven dollars because there's a fee of course it's not just five dollars and there we go we've purchased it sweet the seller needs the following information role names channel names any specific BOTS anything else hmm okay all right boys so I've just filled in what I want my server to be I said I would like it to be based solely on spaghetti I would like a tier system in which there's spaghetti fans spaghetti Lords spaghetti Kings spaghetti gods okay this is pretty much the best server you can have or a start order boom okay we have another one here very similar to the previous one but still different okay so it's five dollars we got a similar kind of page here and it says I'll create a professional discord server for you we got like a watermark thing over here I don't understand why you would have this who would want to steal this image I don't understand and there's also packages here basic standard and premium ooh we got a review here very professionally created very fast I'd recommend him to anyone who wants to make a server fast okay let's go ahead and purchase this one okay we got this what is the server for are you expecting a large amount of people hmm all right I responded with I would like the server to be for my cult of meme Lords it will be a meme baser where people breathe memes inject memes and enjoy memes to their fullest so this one will be just like a bunch of memes in a server boom perfect that's all that I wanted okay next we're gonna be looking at is this one I will set up a gaming or community discord server in 24 hours Wow all right we got some thumbnails here what is this evil monkeys eSports discord oh so this is a discord that he created for someone that's pretty cool okay verification creator perks giveaway is cool cool all right we got basic package standard package and premium of course I'm gonna go for the cheaper one because I am NOT mr. beast unlike mr. beast I have a budget so um yeah we're gonna be selecting the basic one okay let's go ahead and order this discord server this doesn't have two five-star reviews now I haven't read them yet because I'm lazy all right so it's asking for my discord name now I'm not gonna be using my main account for any of these servers I'll be using it alt so let me go ahead and pull up my alts real quick okay I've placed my order sweet and now we shall go for this one right here I will set up your community ask word server in under 24 hours and this one has 11 reviews I think they're all five-star - that's pretty crazy look at that 11 five-star reviews okay we got people from France and India saying that they're really good okay we're definitely gonna be buying this one all right so we're gonna go for the basic package again because I am poor let's order this bad boy and okay here we go start order boom okay we finished and we've ordered four different fiber ads so far so now that we've hired a bunch of people to make me a server all I've got to do is wait and hopefully we will see our results in maybe a day so I'll see you guys tomorrow of course you won't have to wait that long see you later and it's been 24 hours since you last saw me not for you obviously for me it's been an entire day okay so I'm gonna be looking at some of the servers that people have made for me now okay just to freshen up your guys's memories a little bit this server was the goose one okay this was the one that I quested to be about goose land and stuff this is looking pretty sleek so far check this out all right we got server stats up here pretty nice so here we are welcome to goose land Hong Kong oh my gosh this is crazy welcome to goose land a server for people that enjoy geese please read the rules to gain access to the server keep your stuff relevant to respective channels okay follow TOS that's cool let's read the rules let's see what he's got here for me okay we got the same thing here and then we got rules with with a goose honking this is so good and let's go ahead and react to gain access to the server suite so we've got roles here where we can react to get our own roles what okay I'm gonna be a goose cuz it's obviously what I am there we go boys we are now a goose officially I'm so happy all right age I am not 18 so I'm gonna put that PC yes I'm a PC gamer and we got color rolls - uh-huh red I like being red that's pretty cool okay we've got general memes music images some more stuff and then bought stuff now I'm a bit disappointed to see that there's no goofs chat you know I was kind of expecting to see a goose chat but you know that's super easy to add by myself we got lots of voice channels here you know this is a really good order actually I'm surprised at how high the quality is here check it out I'm loving these so much oh it's perfect these gifts are really cool well I am thoroughly impressed you know I paid five bucks for this okay I am astoundingly happy okay boys here is the second server this one was for the cursed image gang I didn't actually fill this out on video because he wanted me to add him but anyway this is a server about cursed images okay completely about cursed images all right so we got a rules channel a welcome channel here yeah I joined earlier as well alright so right here we've got a verification channel we've got to react if we want to see everything else there we go and this is a pretty simple server oh my gosh check it out so there's 1 2 3 4 channels where we can talk as opposed to the massive amount of channels here on the goose land server and then we got a voice chat and stuff but okay to be fair channels are simple things to add very easy to add okay and in the rules we've got a simple image here with the image that I sent him of a cursed image and we have an announcement channel nothing in here so comparatively okay these two servers cost the exact same price but to be fair I had this one delivered to me much faster that's why I joined yesterday because I wanted to take a little peek but this one the goose land server was completed much later but still within the promised date of course look at the quality of this I mean it's probably not as hard to make as I think but like this is really cool all right here we are in the third server that we ordered which is about memes so it was this one right here for the cult of meme Lords okay so here we are it has no logo because I think I'll just put one myself we have a welcome channel here which shows everyone okay announcements server there's nothing here oh wait never mind it was just really slow all right we got the rules here basic normal rules as you can expect all right cool we have levels here we got Nemer meme Club Platinum Beamer elite Mimar meme Lord and meme legend all right oh I love this channel right here meme of the week wow that's a good idea we have legendary memes ooh so you can post our favorite memes here I guess and we have memes 1 and memes too yeah I was just about to say because in the servers I haven't been given owner yet except for this one because the owner happened to be online so now we can actually see everything so there's a log channel here and there's a staff chat which is good that's what I expected to see I'm guessing all the other servers have something similar of course I'm gonna have to wait until I get ownership to see everything okay well that seems to be the extent to this server there seems to be no custom images now this is the same price as the other two so Uslan is still on top with quality right now it's the highest quality server that someone has delivered to me because it has custom images gifts and a lot of cool stuff but this one it's a way more simple there's no special text image unlike the cursed image gang which has this beautiful image right here this one does not it's still a pretty good server I like the meme of the week idea I like the levels they're pretty cool I mean that's what I told them to do okay it's been a little bit longer and here is the final server spaghetti world so we've got a welcome page very very nice I like the sleek image here it's not personalized towards spaghetti you know I would love a spaghetti image here but you know that's okay so we've got rules here basic stuff good good all right let's join by reacting there we go and we have announcements ooh this is a really cool server okay we have server stats too I always like seeing those we have roll list which shows you all the roles in the server so far pretty cool that's a bit weird I just joined the server and I can see staff chat what yeah I'm pretty sure if you just joined the server you shouldn't be able to staff chat like why now the server does look very nice okay keep in mind there are server templates now I'm not sure if these guys are actually using them but it's possible for people to just copy and paste servers infinitely without any effort but um this one is personalized they've got topping and flavor and stuff they've got spaghetti rolls now it's kind of worrying that they forgot to put permissions in the staff channels not exactly a good thing and if you look in the log Channel you can see there is nothing set up there's no web hooks where normally a box would be given web hooks here so they can actually log things in the server this one has no web hooks whatsoever so it won't be logging anything oh he said that he's having a glitch where he can't set up webhook hmm all right I've just added the me six log by myself now there's just one more thing left to do invite every single person from my server into one of these servers all right here we are on my main account I've said come check out this server I paid someone to make for me this will be pretty funny all right here we go mmm it's gonna get pretty crazy all right let's check out the server okay we got some people joining that's nice everyone's saying hi YouTube raid oh my gosh whoo hey you can ping everyone that's pretty nice look the the guy that made the server I knew it I love you oh my gosh he's pretty happy I'm here I guess Wow look at all these guys just spamming they're having a fun time all right let's pull the plug goodbye spaghetti world I'm sorry rip I'm so sorry to do this to you spaghetti world but it had to be done rip look what people are saying now it got deleted it's gone the serie is deleted all right well we're not gonna be pinging everyone to join all the other servers that'll be way too much okay but thank you all so much for watching this video it took quite a lot of effort okay I've started this like four days ago so if you enjoyed smash like and don't forget to subscribe for more stuff like this I have so many awesome video ideas that are planned for the future again thank you for watching and I'll see you all in the next video bye bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SoundDrout
Views: 527,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiverr, paying random people on fiverr, fiverr is bad, weird fiverr ads, discord servers on fiverr, paying people on fiverr for a discord server, fiverr discord advertisement, discord servers, people make me a discord server, weirdest discord servers, buying a discord server, how to buy a discord server, buying discord servers on fiverr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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