Testing my new Trainee Moderators (Discord Trolling)

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Hello everyone, this is SoundDrout. And today we are back inside of discord on a fresh account, as you can see no servers No friends, sad face :( So in this video, I'm gonna be trolling my new staff members that have just arrived, like just over a week ago They're pretty fresh on the block. So it's time we test their skills in moderation so, of course first we've got to join my server, pretty simple, hit this button, join, put in "sound" and there we go Woah, I'm in the server, crazy! So yeah, if you guys do want to join my server Make sure you just do what I just did and boom. You'll be right in my server, free access so we've gotten in the server, but Unfortunately, it looks like only one of the trainee moderators are online. Oh-no, you see we had 10 in total that came into the staff team and only one of them is on right now So that's not very good. And also I actually did this kind of video. It was almost a year ago it's where I trolled some of the new staff members in the server and Most of the time they didn't do very well So hopefully they do pretty well this time if I can find one that's online "One Eternity Later" Oh, check it out guys Another trainee just came online. Oh Oooh, this is perfect. Hello. I have a very important question All right, pretty quick response. They're almost instant kind of scary, noice Could you please post my art? Like a "Ey, Peta--" Could you please post my art? "No." It is, it is original It took me a long time to make this. Okay, don't disrespect, please. alright, this is testing their knowledge of the Qualifications for posting art and so far. That's pretty good. You're not allowed to post copied art in my server, by the way. It has to be original made by you- So, this is obviously not allowed in case you haven't noticed yet Maybe I am just really good at art. Nah? No, I'm not good at art? "you're saying I'm bad at art." How disrespectful, oh my god! No? Oh my god. No, I'm taking this as a serious offense, it took me a long time, okay? I feel very hurt by this. All right. I think Rosie is gonna, check it for copying on the internet by reverse image searching That's what all the posters have got to do before they post any art They got to check if it's stolen And also I've noticed that Rosie is also talking in general chat at the same time. Wow. Imagine moderating a chat and then responding to a DM at the same time. This is some next-level moderation guys. I'm so proud. There we go. Perfect! That's a role model. Very nice. Very nice. Okay, tell me what you done because I'm excited to see it on the art channel. Rosie's asking if I made it so if I respond with this Hopefully I'll get warned. I mean obviously it's not a good thing... But if Rosie is doing moderation correctly, I should be warned for trying to post stolen art Oh, I can be punished Hmm. Are they gonna be lenient on me? Are they gonna punish me or not? Let's see. All right I'm gonna make a really dumb excuse that it's probably someone else that posted my art on the internet It's a really dumb excuse. Oh Dear, Oh -Deary me. Look at that. 877 results. Wow, that's a heck of a lot of results right there. I'm not sure why they deleted it though. Okay. Sorry. I think that was the wrong image. Let me send you the one that I made. heh- Oh. Such a dumb excuse. No? Not even giving me a chance to send the one that I made. What? "here please post this on art channel it took me a long time" Oh my god- Oh, no! I was warned! Guys, I was warned we do not tolerate plagiarism if you attempt to pull stolen art again, you be banned. Woahhh. That's not epic, why I was warned? I'm gonna be so angry! How dare you. I can't believe I was punished correctly... I sent you the wrong picture! Please remove the warn! Please! It was mistake. ALL CAPS. No, I made it myself. Rosie staying I stole the other picture, the Sasuke being choked. No, I made it myself. Okay, fine you're right. I got it from my favorite memes folder. Oh my god. All right. I have another thing up my sleeve to ask, this trainee. But, I was gonna plan to ask to another one, because then they won't suspect me of being like- Eeeevil or something? So we're just gonna see how this goes. Okay? Okay. Okay. So I have another question. Please don't ban me, okay? It's not a ban, what? If I do it again, it's a ban, okay? Okay, that makes sense. If you, if you post stolen art again after being warned you get a ban, that's how it works. So that's fair. Okay, so I have a question. All right, this is gonna be such a stupid question, "if I could get you to ban someone from the server. How much would it cost?" Oh my god, this is gonna be such a stupid question. Aah, I wonder what Rosie's gonna say, "bruh. You can't do that." I will pay you to secretly ban someone, bro. Trust me. How much do you want? Interesting question, isn't it? "No." Wow, that's amazing. It's a good test. Isn't it? Are you sure? I have a lot of money. I can give like up to $200. Oh, I'm looking on my main account guys it turns out Rosie's posted a screenshot of this conversation right here in staff chat. Oooohhhh. Interesting, maybe Rosie is gonna wait for an opinion, see what the other staff members say. Oooh, well it's probably rare that they would find someone like this, like asking them to ban someone for money. Woah, Rosie doesn't care about money, wow, I'm so proud guys! I mean, we've only tested one. None of the others are online, so I'm not entirely proud, but I'm very proud right here. What do you want? I can get discord nitro for a year and send it, if you ban someone, please? "I don't care." Oh my gosh. "I really hate this person. They need to be banned cause they scammed me. So, please ban, I'll make your owner on my server!" "No." Wow, no hesitation guys. No hesitation at all. "Do you know any mods who will do it for me? If you don't want the easy money." "No mods will care." Hmmm. "I can give you it, before you've even ban, I can go first and send it." "No." Wow. "I won't give a unfair ban." Huh. "If you continue this, I will block you." All right. Oh wow, I just came on the server and look. There's four online I could have asked! Ahh. HoW aNnOyInG. "Okay, never mind. If you don't want free money, it's okay. I'll try asking another trainee see what they say." You know, I gotta test some of them. I can't just test one. "It's not normal money. It's evil money!" EVIL! Alright. Welp. I guess that's that. Let's try another trainee and see what happens. All right, next victim guys. It's uhhh, "chopped onion". "Hello. I have a question." Let's see how fast they respond. Oh, there we go. We got a response. It's a little faster than the three minutes it took, uhhh, last time. I did this, pretty good. "So I want to ban someone from the server. How much do you want for it?" Oh, I wonder what they're gonna say. Pretty interesting. I wonder if chopped onion will look in staff chat, and see that Rosie also got the same question. I wonder... it's taken a little while. Oh, I'm looking in general chat, in the server, and turns out chopped onion is also moderating at the same time right now. Right now, he's in general. He's not gonna respond to my DM. I guess? "No." wooh. "Please it's free easy money. I can pay with Bitcoin, PayPal, Discord Nitro, whatever you want." "How much? Just name the price." It's been a little while and I still haven't gotten response for some reason, huh. Just waiting for a reply, please. "I can do up to $200 and send the money first, before you ban." Oh my gosh. Onion is certainly taking his time here. Oh, wow. I've been waiting here for quite a while. It's um... It's been almost five minutes, since they got it response from my first message. So, I have no idea where he is. Please respond, Mr. Onion. I've also been checking in staff chat and general to make sure they aren't like, conspiring against me or something and they still haven't like discussed anything or, or, -Like it seems onion might be considering it. Who knows? It's a pretty bold, "No.", Just look at that. It's a, it's a no capitalized along with a period at the end. Showing that it's the end of this conversation. Maybe.. hopefully not because I really want a response. Oh. It took him forever, but he finally responded with another, "No.", but it doesn't seem as bold this time It doesn't have the period or the capitalization. So maybe he's considering it... Mmm "Bro, I can send Discord Nitro for a year, right now, if you ban someone in the server. C'mon dude. I know you want it! (rapey.) "It's a secret, so nobody will know", in case he's worried that he'll get caught. Boys, it looks like onion has turned his status to Idle. Huh? Oh, no! I might never get a response at this rate. Oh dear. Okay, guys, I'm just gonna give up on this guy. I haven't had a response in, god knows who long, it's been like 20 minutes! Still no response. So we're gonna move over to a different trainee. "Hello there. I have a question for you." Hopefully we'll actually get response this time. That would be pretty nice. There we go. Pretty good. "So I want to ban someone in the server. How much will it cost?" There we go. Simple question. Hopefully a simple answer, Oh he's typing. Oh wow. 999 million! "No, dude, seriously, I can get you up to $200 with PayPal, Bitcoin, Discord Nitro." "Just name it, I can send it first before you even ban to show. I'm serious." Wow. He still wants 999 million! "I'm not Bill Gates. Okay? I just really need this person. Banned. You want two years Discord Nitro now for it?" "No." Wow, that was a pretty quick response. He still wants that much money. Are you crazy buddy? What the heck? I'm saying. "It'll be in secret." Let's see. Sure! Oh. Frick. Alright, well, looks like we've tested three trainees so far. Uhh, this guy, Onion, still hasn't responded and it's been forever. So, I'm just gonna give up on him. So that's it for this video. I hope it was interesting. I have good faith in these trainees. They're doing very well. And it's only been just over a week since they came into the server. So that's pretty good! I would say, thank you for watching and I'll see you all, in the next video. Bye-Bye. ← Subscribe.
Channel: SoundDrout
Views: 740,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord trolling, trolling discord, discord server trolling, trolling, discord, discord bot trolling, trolling discord server, trolling discord servers, discord servers, discord troll, discord server, trolling discord mods, funny discord, discord raid, testing discord mods, testing trainee mods in discord, testing new moderators in discord, testing my new mods, trolling new moderators in discord, trolling discord moderators
Id: SZ_0YMkF3H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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