We Rated the Top Ranked Manga on MAL | Trash Taste #200

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I'm surprised it's this high up why it's uh Vibe I mean this is what always happens when we have these discussions it'll be like it'll be like I do say myself you know what going to have to agree with you I can't explain it why there has this been here what is that this tasted funny why would you drink I thought I don't know we why would you drink I honestly wasn't thinking okay that's what you said when you were talking about The Vibes too you weren't thinking gone you couldn't comprehend it I was thirsty we were deep in discussion I had a cup in my hand have a giant thing of water I wasn't thinking okay you never think God that's why these episodes suck that's my favorite like expression for drinking coffee sucking Bean the does that mean sucking bean bean coffee oh coffee is Bean bro sucking bean I mean the beans don't it's not an Aussie thing I mean it's it's it's not like it filters through the it's not really Bean you know it's different shut up Bean be if the liquid came from the bean I'd be okay with that but yeah I mean it's kind of extract no no if I if I shred up your body Joey and I run water through it it's not Joey water or Joey water specifically it's Jo maybe maybe Joey water is fair but not Joey water oh my included uh we would have got rid of that what are we talking about did you just threaten to kill me and grind Cofe again I didn't talk that I just said suck Bean implies bad I love this okay so so when you when you drink water are you making uh yeah you I'm making like like like that one like oh you when you eat food you say I'm making [ __ ] I mean eventually sh that's I'm I'm going make some sh right now okay J do average episode of trash taste all right hey everyone welcome back to another episode of trash T open by the way going to get demonetized 500 times in it well they can uh M on thank you for beefing that out yeah Legend all right anyway hey welcome back to another episode of the trash taste podcast I'm Joey and I'm joined by my boys G and Connor and we are doing another anime episode more specifically manger episode can you boys let me godamn finish said something wrong yeah it was it was just factually incorrect more specifically a manga episode and then you guys cut me off like you always do I said we were e and then we e it's a different vibe that I would have got Joey thanks for demonetizing our things going to believe that you already demonetized it before way way before I did anyway let's coffee be here H the coffee hid different anyway so this is kind of uh a part two I guess a successor to a previous trash days episode that we did where we went over to my anime list and we looked at the top ranking we're going to do both I think maybe yeah we looked at both we looked at some top lists on my what do you think we did Joey you recorded the episode I don't we did both you think I remember I don't even remember what we did last episode and we filmed that 20 minutes ago but anyway we're going to go on to my anime list uh because even though the name is my anime list they you can also rate a bunch of manga as well and uh users on my anime list have done that we're going to be looking at the top ranked uh manga on my anime list and give our thoughts on it see if we agree see if we disagree question do you guys still use M on my list no I know you don't I G do you do you know anyone who does uh no not really I've just had a thought for a pro I'm like who's keeping this alive I mean I'm sure there's quite a few okay but like in in terms of tracking what you have watched It's the only thing that you use it is it is the only one there's cuz no one's opening up ancel now thinking like damn we must be biased towards older shows back when people used to be way more active actually are people more active No actually that's not true because like you know every time it sees the anime comes out it always shoots up to number one true true so it's to me my anime list is not the most accurate but a good guesstimate okay good good because it it does a Vibe check yeah it doesn't like it doesn't take into account let's say the mega popular Shen shows because otherwise it's always just going to be J Kon and them way way way way at the top but it's like a good good kind of like gauge of the modern not casual but someone who's like deep enough into the uh uh and and this is how they they make their weighted scores yeah so we I don't know why you watching this I I can't this is this is math the number of users giving a score for an anime this is algebra class all over minimum number of scores okay yeah so do you guys want to go by top ranking or most popular yes because that's something we apparently got wrong last time yeah let's do let's do the top r which uses the Stars if I'm not mistaken yeah top rated uses the Stars so these are but apparently the way is is that is that formula for this I I believe so which what's this where did you get this link from where did you get this from this is like a pulling out formulas like that yeah it says how do we rank okay okay open it up open it up well that was that oh okay so it's that basically the first the first part of the equation is it seems like a standard thing yeah the second part is where I'm confused I'm surprised you can glean any information from this well if you read it Connor if are you reading it or are you just looking at words read so if it says top upcoming and most popular rankings are ordered by the number of users who have added their entry that entry to their list wait then what's the weighted score huh then what's the weighted score what's that formul the weighted score is the out of 10 yeah it's the out of 10 score so there's a difference between rating a show at from 1 to 10 and putting it in that users list of like favorites oh so I see wait no no so the weighted score does that is that cuz obviously the oh man confused is that is that them trying to accommodate shows that are less popular yeah a formula to boun it out so what means is like you you know if a show doesn't have a lot of viewers yeah then obviously it's going to be it's going to be very much more skewed so it's kind of like trying to balance out the sco there's a lot of M in there for bumping up the minimum number of people who rate a show okay point being Mudan just [ __ ] skip do some Penis music and skip over that uh basically they try to make it fair for a show that's less popular but I don't think any of these one's going to be not we don't need to skip the part where Conor just can't read why are you asking them to skip that well no because I was reading it I was read Penis music but don't skip it hold on hold on no that's [ __ ] I was reading the first part AK the equation trying to make sense of it before I read the second part cuz I think you ask like oh what is what is the second part I don't understand I don't understand not second part I I think second part of the formula okay okay cuz I was I would been reading the first part of the formula and I understood what that was trying to do the second part I should make sense of okay so [ __ ] you g all right all right anyway we're going to be looking at as the top uh starting with I mean is anyone surprised berserk with an average score of 9.4 here's the thing here's the thing about just overrated actually not even top 50 actually uh I don't know if this is right overh there is one there is one big difference I've noticed between the manga community and the anime Community the anime Community always [ __ ] bicker about everything you can never you can never get a consensus except for Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood being number one constantly it's like that that me image of like all the people sitting around at the table really like politely and then people fighting each other that's what it feels like with the manga anime crowd it's like but manga readers normally you talk to most manga readers and uh like berserk number one they're like yeah I'm like yeah yeah it's it's just like there is more of a consensus on what the top rated uh manga are because you see these same five avatars in every [ __ ] I me God you can just say mangar is a better taste I'm not going to say that I am abely not going to say that General uh but yeah do you agree with that statement Joey what of course you do you're a mangar reader joey yes I'm one of them my problem with mangar readers is that they act like they're better than everyone all right it's cuz we are I guess it's kind of hard to argue anything I'm CU I think we're all like yep number one I'm looking at this top six and I'm like checks out check out okay I am actually surprised that JoJo's I I mean that's my favorite JoJo part part seven is my favorite I think it's absolute peaki writing uh I'm kind of surprised that it's universally agreed to be like the second best Manga of all time though I would have thought that people would think it maybe it's a little too out there no I'm very happy people I think though with the popularity especially that the anime like brought on to just like the JoJo Series in general I think just that hype of like wanting to continue reading it and also like you know JoJo fans just consistently hype up part seven you know best [ __ ] for good reason right because it's amazing and like I think you know because I think a lot of people especially in this day and age got into JoJo maybe through the anime and then you talk to a Jojo manga fan and they're always like yeah golden wi was incredible P was incredible and then the manga fan will turn around being like yeah but still Bara that's where that's where [ __ ] gets real yeah because when I look at a manga list or when I hear a manga fan you I'm like okay there are a lot of casual anime fans you know there there's a lot that we see nowadays I feel like manga readers you you have you have gone beyond the entry point of being a weeb you know you you probably yeah for sure you know you started you've had to readjust how you read you literally read the opposite way now because even [ __ ] Shonen people who only read Shonen stuff there is there is like still a huge leap of being like I want to catch up so I am going to look at still pictures that don't have color in it you know yeah I mean like to to to you know in a sense like reading berserk and committing to reading that is kind of like you it's because there's no very good anime adaptation except for maybe the original this the first manga you read no no no no okay but like I or was the first manga you read uh [ __ ] that's a great question uh I actually don't know you don't remember no I don't remember I actually can't I don't know which one I read first before I realize it was in my life cuz the first manga I remember you talking about was berserk no no no I definitely read JoJo before that I definitely read I defin read some other stuff before that too like I read uh uh Shield I read before that oh really I read I show before Joo I think um Gans I think I read uh I think I read after Geo but I the I think berserk was that one time though where I read this and I had this weird sensation of like I am only going to really get to experience it in this form yeah yes every other thing feels like there's always an alternative way to consume it it's going to be an anime you know this or there will be an anime or yeah berserk and maybe there will be a berserk adaptation down the line but berserk had this weird feeling it is unadaptable yeah to say about everything gone until they make a good adaption one piece unadaptable and then they adapted it one piece is not unadaptable dude unadaptable until they adapt the adapted I I would say you can you can adapt berserk I I think the the challenge is precisely what makes the adaptation so worth it it's because everyone said it's unadaptable and because it's so hard to do it that when it is done well it's going to be insanely M okay let me let me rephrase unadaptable with the current industry standards because because you You' need you would need like infinite budget to do a good adaptation of Berserk no I don't think so I I think the closest they got was the90s adaptation but that's because it was in the '90s where they were a little bit more open to being experimental and taking their time with stuff but like I I think that the animation is [ __ ] it is but you know compared to 2016 2017 need to have Godlike animation um I think it' be doing a disservice you can say about every every show yeah yeah it doesn't but in order like you said like good adaptation right berserk has an amazing story and the fact that with a lot of like the more okay I said [ __ ] animation I meant I if if if you want to if if I want to get we all know what happened in 2017 2016 2017 yeah I I don't mean like [ __ ] animation I mean like limited animation that's that's war of what I've meant but in terms of you better back you better back that [ __ ] cuz I know people are going to get I love thate Yeah but uh it's it's more like it's very limited animation compared to a lot of other shows that aired in its time but they got the tone down they got the story down they got the vibe down which I think is the best adaptation of Berserk I've seen so far also best anime opening of the '90s let's just say that as well with berserk like the actual best yeah to to like to preference I do actually love the berserk uh the original Berserk Anime but to say that it is like comparable to some of the [ __ ] amazing panels and art that is found the manga how do you put that to to but that's why it's kind of unadaptable that's what we're talking about it'll get done it'll get done it'll get done like you you ask well how do you transfer these amazing I think that it's never going to look how you expect it to look and then that's okay that's part of an adaptation I think that just CU it doesn't look the way it did in the manga doesn't mean it's a bad adaptation it could it could even you know enhance other aspects of the story that maybe couldn't have been serviced as well in the market it's you know there's always oh sure but I think as but I think in the in the sense like you know as G was saying like I think in this current day and age like the the industry standard it's pretty godamn difficult to do that yeah um I would say I would say near impossible to do that with the current standards unless they change the standards uh to fit that mold then I don't think we'll be seeing a half decent or even good adaptation anytime soon yeah and honestly I at this point I don't think berserk fans are like looking for it no I I think berserk fans have made peace with it um yeah I think they'd need like a a if guts had like a cute marketable plush mascot then maybe we we would have got an anime by now um because they would have sold enough to what's what's that what's that yeah how long into the show gone it's no season one material we can't get those we can't get those plushies moving who are you talking about the the the the puck your Puck that's not a marketable plush I'm talking like i' get a puck plushy yeah yeah yeah I know you you know you know when he goes like chibi mode and it's just like that' be so cute yeah hell yeah I want that make that I mean you know we we we've seen you know how they make shows in Japan and uh if a show makes a lot of Moola it gets many seasons and many supports but I think berserk is hard to sell like merch for you know what I would want to see do you know do you know what I think would actually be [ __ ] dope what uh instead of like a Berserk Anime adaptation just like a Dark Souls ass game set in the actual berserk world I think that would be cool that that would be [ __ ] sick you know you can use instead of like just trying to make a game where you follow God's story just make a game that takes place in the insane [ __ ] world of Berserk uh actually no no no why not I feel like it wouldn't be like it's berserk is the story not the world I don't know man the world I feel the world especially you know once you get past the golden uh the Golden Age yeah that's like a golden age is just like whatever but after the Golden Age Arc the the World building gets pretty insane yeah and some of the monster designs as well like yeah like the fairy forest and stuff like that it could be cool but I just pretty cool I just worried that it would have to be Shackled to the show and the story beats to have any kind of like we to it maybe I don't know I don't know there might be room there might be some wiggle room though considering that again like SE end of kind of but then I guess that's getting ring that's that's the problem I'm having right now is that like would alen ring be better if it just had berserk monster designs and I don't think it would what about just like a berserk DLC that'd be tied that'd be tied I feel maybe not even a whole game just a DLC yeah yeah I don't know point being berserk is so godamn good it's number one and we're still trying to talk about how it's the go to number one and how you can have more stuff yeah I mean yeah this is I don't see anything really taking over it um it's it's the goat for a reason and it's the manga that's gotten a lot of people into manga as well 100% uh steel ball run I mean you know what can you say it's Jojo I I saw a funny uh a funny post the other day it was someone it was like someone comparing who's the biggest hater in anime and it was Dio versus someone else I think it might have been Vegeta or someone I don't know people were like bro Dio literally Bloodlines Bloodlines of generational hating as well as dimensional hating the man is the biggest hater in the universe and beyond that and also I was thinking about this the other day I was like what is what is Dio's like actual problem like what why does he actually have a problem with a dick yeah like just I was watching he was like he just he takes him into his house and that he just hates Jonathan and I was like is this is this an accurate level of hating literally like literally like 10 seconds after he meets Jonathan he just socks him in the face yeah for like no reason he's like envious of his position so he hates him but then it's like generational hatred but that's why Universal hatred but that's why I love Dio as a villain because he's so like makes no [ __ ] sense no that's the thing it's it's almost refreshing to see just a villain hating for the sake of ha ha like just a ha he's just a ha there's no like there's no like deep meaning or like childhood tra or anything like that he's just a hater why did he kill the dog I don't he just hated him why did he hate him no real reason no real reason he just wanted to [ __ ] with he literally JoJo in a Noto hater's just going to hate he brought him into his home gave him a place to live He's just hating yeah tried to murder his dad why because just because just an absolute hater it's just impressive like the level of hating is how can you even compare him to another like like even in stealable run he he shows up at the end to to just hate it's so impressive do you think it's deserving of the second most rated of all time bi I'm biased I'll say I would definitely put it in top 10 I think like you know it's it's just like an insane I mean for one up until this point in iraqi's like you know career yeah after part six like everyone read part six and was like like in terms of like actual art it's like how do you get better than that and then he was like let me cook with part seven and there's just some panels in where it's like how the hell did you do that yeah yeah it's really beautiful it's it's just beautiful to read and so suct and like even though it's like batshit insane like Jojo always is he just keeps stepping it up with some of the most insane powers and panels that you've ever seen even in JoJo um and you know let me say like you know Jesus Christ MVP the that Jesus Christ is a canonical JoJo character makes me very happy yeah I'm like that's that's crazy I love it do turns into a dinosaur love it great I can say that and it probably won't be a spoiler because you have no [ __ ] idea what it's about I mean I'm the only one that hasn't read steel ball run yet because I've only been watching the anime of all of it so I don't know how good the manga is so good I'm I'm sure it's great uh yeah like I said it does surprise me that it's like number two top rated manga surprised of all time um it is universally praised by JoJo fans and anyone who's read it is like again I think it the manga uh sorry the anime definitely pushed this up for sure and you know for good reason yeah you agre with this raing on Joey I would I would agree I'm I'm not I'm not like upset think he better than Vagabond oh I'm biased I'm putting you on the spot Joey I'm putting you on the spot here well I I am an Ino simp is V Bond finished uh no it's on hius uh I am an Ino simp and it's so [ __ ] awesome to see two inoi works in the top 10 you know Justified he he wrot slam dong oh I didn't know that yeah same guy uh so a goated manga as well and Vagabond is like it is it it goes beyond manga it is just art it is it is a piece of art because like if you thought like you know berserk and like steel Bor run had some like amazing panels yeah vagabon just goes an entirely New Direction like it it you'll see some of the most beautiful manga panels ever drawn yeah and and and like the story is fantastic and it's just one of those stories again that like doesn't need a lot of dialogue because Eno is so good at just telling a story through just like still images and it's like again talking about unadaptable manga like that I I could never see a vagabond anime working I do I do I do find it funny though because you know it's it's stuff like Vagabond uh and berserk that always gets put up on like everyone's top best Manga of all time and I think the formula I think the formula for making be on Hiatus no no no no no the formula for making highly ACC claimed manga pieces that are viewed as a work of art is just make big Burly man discovers violence is bad and and then you realize oh wait are are manga readers looking for a good story or are they looking for a father figure I don't know [ __ ] man why' you call me out like that just because you know because I mean I love my dad but I also love no same here same here I'm I'm saying this [ __ ] out loud but I'm like yo it hits every [ __ ] time though every [ __ ] time yeah so Vagabond is a very much a similar vibe to berserk and villain Saga where it's you know at the beginning it's masimoto right who uh he he goes on this journey of like becoming a really really good powerful Samurai um and when he's younger it's like his LIF story when he's younger all he really gives a [ __ ] about is just becoming stronger becoming a more powerful Samurai and then the more life experiences he learns the more he realizes that strength isn't all that's important in life you know as with a lot of these other scening shows and you know it's yeah it's more about the way the story is presented it's just like a master class of Storytelling and character development similar to something like berserk and Vinland Saga it's impressive that there's two stories in the top three that can be in the top three without needing to end or have an ending yeah how many of these have not ended uh berserk vagabon One Piece One Piece will it end probably I mean eventually yeah it it'll end but it hasn't ended yet vland Saga Vinland Saga hasn't ended yet it's a very it's like almost a a very apparent uh I'm going to Hunters in here as well to the other list cuz the anime list you almost have to end for people to startop talking about it yeah exactly but with manga you sometimes you can get a Vibe of the story and it can like the vibe is good enough the the you know you read berserk and even as an incomplete story it's still really [ __ ] powerful I mean I'm I'm a I'm a really believer in that sometimes the story doesn't need to be good or make sense or end as long as the Vibes are there think as long as the vibe of you should watch Slice of Life um just that's I don't know man The Vibes are pretty Immaculate that one everything you just described is you just described an entire I like I don't like that VI well what's it's like it's like when people complained a lot about um [ __ ] what was it like uh Tenon people were like what the [ __ ] is Tenon like I don't give a [ __ ] what tenant is it's just [ __ ] cool The Vibes The Vibes are off the charts I don't think that was so much the vibe it was the vibe that was it was like the idea which is part of the vibe is it Vibe is like a feeling yeah the feeling of the idea you could you say that about you say that about anything though everything is part of the vibe everything is part of the vibe no I don't I don't think everything is part of the of course it is that's like saying like oh when one when uh Luffy when Luffy the devil fruit VI like going to restaurant being like ah yeah the uh the [ __ ] the interior Decor didn't affect my my my meal at all yeah but what what if like pretentious it does by your own argument you could be like well the good story is part of the vibe yeah it and I need a good story so what but like yeah but like not everything needs to have a reason or make sense you're becoming way too like broad with this [ __ ] man like but that's why I think JoJo is so good because it's not about does the story make sense are the character motivations realistic are these characters no it's it's about the vibe no but the fact that the fact that there but the fact that especially in steel Boron there are motivations there are reasonings to why certain characters are doing I mean to the what I'm trying to say is your argument makes no sense because Vibe VI Vibe could be attributed to anything but also be attributed to nothing you pick and choose you can pick and choose EXA that is not what vibe is yes it is that is exactly what VI you're basically you're posing a a discussion that has no answer no but that's what I think is so important about manga is that it doesn't have to always wrap up nicely it doesn't have to have these concrete story lines sure sometimes it can just be about the vibe that you get but you can say the same thing about anime oh yeah you absolutely can yeah but I mean so how come it doesn't work in anime what do you mean I didn't say it didn't work in anime no I mean like what what what I mean is like when you said manga doesn't have to do this you know sometimes it's about the vi I think it's more apparent in manga because manga doesn't often end you also said that you know it doesn't need a good story it doesn't need good art good characters well where they are like you could argue that hey some people that is some people's Vibes you know some people need good story some people need X some people need y um Vibes to me are more of just kind of like it's it's it's a feeling you know it's it's it's it's more just like feeling it's an emotional reaction yeah in my opinion yeah and in terms of at least these top six although the emotional reactions may be different the the The Vibes quote unquote may be different they were still very potent to me Vibes is attributed to Atmosphere to me it's not so much about the writing or the characters it's the atmosphere and the feeling that a story emanates the eny it's the energy oh and vagab emanates the most Flawless of atmospheres like I I have not read a manga that has more of a perfect atmosphere than vagabon I love the way you just said Immaculate Vibes in a different way unintentionally imaculate Vib it just has the most Flawless atmosphere like let me just say let me just coin this term right now say Immaculate VI it's Flawless atmosphere is it is the most Flawless atmosphere all right anyway moving on on it's amazing moving on to one piece number four one piece not surprised with just how much the fan base has grown especially you know especially recently um I don't know if it's the Vibes that do make one piece the great story that it's the adventure it's the friends we made long way the friends we've made the long way yeah I feel like one piece is yeah I I would say one piece is not a Vibes show no it's a it's a yeah you just follow one piece is like a yeah let's [ __ ] go yeah like that kind of guys starting to come around say what I'm saying I I think see what I mean like one piece is not a Vibe no no one piece is like one piece yeah and it's so hard to explain this right like in the feeling but maybe the adventure is the vibe no no it's not we we all we all know maybe the adventure is when I say that one piece I'm waiting for that panel in one piece where Luffy goes man this is a Vibe cuz when I say Vibe you don't you don't picture like one piece doesn't fit into like that that idea you have in your head of what I mean when I say that right like it's it's yeah right because it's just like it's just like good fun time you know a good fun romp and that's like that's fun that's great that's you know amazing to experience but it's not the vibe you know Vibe needs to be more chill doesn't have to always be chill I don't think it has to be chill I think Vibe can be cool it can be exciting it can be scary it's Vibes everything like just like the aesthetic of like berserk or something that's like the [ __ ] that's metal berserk build man that's metal as [ __ ] I don't know what it means like berserk could make no sense and I would still probably enjoy berserk right just cuz of the the the energy the could you do the same with one piece no why not cuz one piece without its story that it's carefully constructing would just be a throwaway Saturday cartoon if it didn't have the story the weight that it's been building up for so long I guess I think it would just it would just default into uh episodic kind of sad is it because it's too accessible maybe well no because it's like I in terms of like art and like overall like story points and stuff like that I I don't know if I misconstrued this but I feel like if you I feel like you just said if one piece didn't have a good story it wouldn't be a good story uh no it's in like so what was your first question let's let's let's go back to that okay what did you say so you said that because berserk has the vibe whatever that might be that you would still enjoy reading berserk even if the story wasn't that good or made no sense yeah same with one I but with one piece I would but you wouldn't be able to do that one piece why is that well cuz that's the main strength of one piece of the story and the world it's like building together well I would argue a very main uh point of Berserk is the story you could look at berserk all day and just be like oh hell yeah this goes hard you know those post so what I'm getting okay so what I'm getting at is that the vibe is just the art style like like no no no cuz like that's that's what you just said no no no because also it's like okay you throw uh Luffy fighting you show me like a random panel of one piece that I haven't read okay right of like uh Luffy fighting someone okay yeah I don't give a [ __ ] even even if it looks kind of cool I'm like H if I don't know the story behind it or the reasoning I'm like eh but if I see berserk I see guts [ __ ] chopping something in half and it's like the design is all [ __ ] insane and all the panels are are brooding and I'm like I'm okay then hypothetical hypothetical question if one piece was drawn by miror exact same story point and everything would that be the vibe you're just saying if because from what I'm hearing is that you're describing the vibe as like a certain type of artwork no no no absolutely not that's exactly what you're saying yeah but because you're like oh in berserk when Gods cut something it looks sick as [ __ ] because you are literally saying hey the thing that is most notable about this thing if I take that away is it going to be worse yes if I add the most notable thing of another show to another thing am I going to still appreciate that notable yes of course if you add the mirror art style to anything it's going to look like a [ __ ] amazing Vibe but that's not what makes it the vibe entirely you know what I mean I'm getting really conf I feel like you guys trying you the problem is is that you are trying to quantify the vibe stop stop trying to n this is the whole point of the vibe is it isn't one thing it's makes you feel the whole art cuz I I I feel like you just said one piece just isn't your Vibe no exactly that's what I've been trying to but then you guys are like it's got to be the story it's going to be no I'm just saying it doesn't have the vibe for me that's it it's not that deep I think my new least favorite word is Vibe now I think we've ruined this I think I've ruined the word vi I feel like you guys are getting so hung up on this for no reasones because your description of vibe just doesn't make sense Vibe is an idea it's not a singular point I feel like you guys are you guys are trying to twist into something that I'm not saying I don't know man to me one piece can be a Vibe yeah One Piece One Piece can totally be a Vibe Vibe is subjective I never said it wasn't it's it's how the it's how it it's the vibe for you you keep saying that it's the vi you keep saying that like we supposed to understand what you mean that's why we're asking these questions Conor it sounds like to me you're reinforcing your point of the Vibe by using the word Vibe it's the vibe what do you want I don't understand how you don't get that sake all right you're trying to be like is it the art style I'm like no it's not and then you're like because I'm trying to figure out what the hell you're meaning I would have said art style if I if that was what I cared about I would have said story if it was the story that I cared about but obviously if you take the the story out of one piece it's [ __ ] [ __ ] so it's everything basically is what you yes why is that so hard to understand cuz the whole point was that the show doesn't have to have this night little ribbon of ending and being all tied up it can just be enjoyable for all of the aspects that make the vibe I think you can apply that to anything though surely right yeah no absolutely like movies TV shows which is what I how I first opened up my argument being like how tenant barely makes sense even if you know what's happening it still barely makes [ __ ] sense and half the [ __ ] is dumb but it's all about presenting this vibe that it doesn't have to be said it doesn't have to be explained when you watch it you're like I feel this I get this emotion I get word I just can't I know but I feel like you guys are trying to make it seem like what I'm saying is absurd I'm no no I'm just trying to figure out where your reasoning for the vibe is well then it's it's like it seems like there's no that's the problem yeah it's it's nothing it's nothing and all of it it's it's I don't understand why you can't get this concept I I don't think you know what the vi no I do it's like if you've ever watched anything and like felt something yes yes that's what we said like 15 minutes ago yes I and you disagreed with it no that is not oh my God what oh my God let me take a piss okay EMP my bladder out what about wait question what about Co the night then that's pure Vibes I don't know that that's that's that's P right like there's no like you can break down all the aspects but all as a package you call it the vibe you know what I mean well that's the show which got me thinking cuz I was like the story is like kind of eh you understand what I mean by the concept right like no I I I understand what you mean I I understand you so then why were you grilling me and trying to get me to like explain something that was almost unexplainable no because like you I I understood your original point where you're like sometimes it's all the vibe that matters and then and then you start like trying to ask me questions about it and I'm like well obviously I'm you cannot explain the specifics of it so trying like be like I think I think you can explain the specifics of it you know that's that's why I was questioning you cuz like to me like in order for me to agree that hey sometimes it's all about the vibe we both need to agree on what the definition of Vibes are right that's that's all I was like trying to like but I also think it's okay to be like yeah it's different it's different What A vibe is to you is different from what a Vibe is to me yeah yeah yeah which is why I was trying to find a common point of like like a common point in our definition of like what do you what do you and what do you uh what do you value in your media and what do you value it's like when we talked about like uh the the you were talking about the manga that Chain man guy made that had no point to it it's like having no point that like that's that's okay stuff can have no point it can just be that's every Slice of Life yeah yeah like like I guess one piece could have no point and it would still it'd be fine you could enjoy it but I think that that I mean for One Piece not so much there really because that's I think it's proved that it has a point very long time ago I think every art has a point though but then again this is like this is a whole another debate of Life stop don't complicate this further we're going into other dangerous territories G where it's like is Art what is the point of art yeah now we're discussing like what even is Art well this is are we humans without art is Humanity existence without art can art exist without humans what uh that's question can heart exist without hum can no can't oh my [ __ ] god G I just proved a point but how can it exist without humans have you never like it's like natural structures or natural beauty it's like art in a different form yeah but without humans to appreciate art how is it art so so you're that that means that the definition then of art is something to be appreciated by humans yeah we invent I think that's exactly what we invented the whole con no I think art art exists without us what is art then okay now we're getting into a whole another what is art let's discuss same thing we could we could turn the table say okay if you're a human appreciate if I if I paint a Picasso and no one's around to appreciate it is it art yeah well because you're there to appreciate okay what if I what if I finish my Picasso and die immediately on the spot and nobody ever finds it did I make okay okay okay to me let me Define my definition to me art is like meaning right it's it's it might be emotions but like we give meaning towards like [ __ ] Mike wasowski or something like that this gives us some kind of me or some kind of emotional reaction but without humans to give this thing meaning this is just this is just a lump of matter this is just a lump of matter lump of ad this is why we make fun of people to get art degrees and this is why we need them yeah the question we're posing right now art degree students spend four years trying to figure out all love to artre the same things I feel when I see some sick artwork the same things I feel when I see like an insane beautiful piece of nature yeah evokes the same emotions yeah but if humans weren't there right to ex for you to make that to make that would the art would that piece would that mountain that you deem as art be still viewed as art I don't think so it would just be a mountain uh yeah be I mean yeah it still be a mountain but it still wouldn't mean that it doesn't hold the beauty of art what but well I think I think the beauty of art comes from the fact that someone has observed it to be a beauty this is where we're going to have to move on cuz this is otherwise going to become a unwatchable episode all right so number five monster [ __ ] how long we [ __ ] waste talking about this is this is what happens when we instead of talking about anime we talk about manga and this is what every manga reader is the most insufferable piece of [ __ ] I've ever met in my life man I am try I'm just going to say boys I have thoroughly enjoyed this episode so far this is what I would do off camera we talk about anime and and it's just like he he [ __ ] funny memes let's clown on J kaon fan base and we talk about manga and it's like what is art what is what is art um well my definition of art is uh this and this is why this manga a great time this how we settle this debate once and for all Google what is art what is what is the concept of art because then it's going to open whatever the top Google is we agree we agree then it's going to to like [ __ ] okay art the expression or application of human creative skill and Imagination typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture producing Works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power that's fair so to answer your question no art would not exist you guys are right cuz Google said so yeah and Google is always right no arts arts beyond that you know you can don't don't get gas don't get gas let the computer you freeth think for yourself Connor that's that's that's what Art's all about you know it's not about one interpretation one one meaning one expression it's about your own um I don't want to Google what Vibes I I don't let's move on let's move on we're only four manga into this list how many minutes have You' been recording for like an hour uh 40 minutes oh my 40 minutes all right all right next one next one number five is Monster 100% agree uh I'm surprised it's this high up why it's uh Vibe I mean I need I can already see I can already see the discourse of this this is what always happens when we have these discussions it'll be like uh it'll be like yeah I agree with Conor I wish you didn't say it dumb I'll be like n if a G's got a point though and then it'll be like a this endless discussion point being yeah Monster's great Monster's amazing moner a real Vibe if I do say so myself you know what going to have to agree with you there I can't explain it why there is no no I can explain it there's no other how long has this been here what is that water uh probably a long time oh like weeks this tasted funny why did you drink the you have water right there you literally have this water don't know why this is here that's like probably the Cockroach fed on it oh don't [ __ ] say that that's like a couple of week old stagnant water bro why would you drink I thought I don't know we why would you drink I honestly wasn't thinking okay that's what you said when you were talking about The Vibes too you weren't thinking gone you couldn't comprehend it Go Dr your stale water I was thirsty we were deep in discussion I had a in my house a giant thing of water I wasn't thinking okay you never think God that's why these episodes suck cuz you never think God maybe talking to a [ __ ] wall here so yeah Monster's great um yan yan on paper not scary what if you told me that there was a like a 18-year-old German oh yeah like i' on paper I thought you me in I'd be like n I'd win like if I heard like an 18-year-old kid go I'm going to track you down and make your life hell I'd be like all right okay all right is he jum no he's called Yan every Johan in the world is Republic Dr y Dr Liber I'm going to track you oh my God yeah so uh really swag monster is swag no it's one of my favorite anime of all time yeah uh I've never read the Manga though how does it hold up to the anime the I heard the anime was very faithful it was very very faithful it's one of the few times where I think the anime is honestly on par with the manga um you feel like it's normally the manga is always better usually one is better than the other Jo of I just want to say it I'm not even saying that usually it's one or the other usually it's like people are just like yeah mang is way better or anime is way better right cuz there's there's the examples of both but in the case with monster honestly I would say it's like pretty on par Joey's capping because every time I talk to you Joey you're like the manga is better I mean to be fair they they made what 70 episodes out of 80 Vol 18 volumes that's quite I mean look honest like 90% of the time yes the manga is better but all right there are instances where the anime is infinitely better okay lucky star or Kon the anime was way [ __ ] better than theang you can't just say lucky star the manga was [ __ ] that doesn't count they they're like four coma mangas Joey of course the anime is again that's why I said the 10% theime is better is and an actual like adaptation of like a complex plot rather than just like a full coma like Slice of Life gag manga or whatever yeah in that case the manga is better oh my God this is such a weird episode so far um what we talking about monster um the uh uh yeah good uh yeah urasa goed Osa goed uh which 20th century boys was here uh that is that is my favorite one but monsters a much simpler story so and then we have SL simpletons you can't understand and then we have slam dunk uh thank God best sports manga ever written I've read nearly half and not much has happened so far really yeah what do you what do you mean I feel like how much how much have I read of it I've read a lot and we're still in like the first practice match it's about The Vibes isn't it it is about the Vibes this is Vibes 100% oh so you understand now huh it's the art it's the it's know bro like he he's he's a Vibe Master Okay the master of Vibes I got actually I don't know where I'm at with it let me I should I should have a look before I start talking [ __ ] yeah but I'm glad the rest of the internet agrees or at least my animail list agrees that slam D is the one of the best sports manga ever written although I will say I think hajim IO should also be maybe it is up here I don't know but oh no I lied I'm slam dunk is incredible I'm like through it oh yeah well that makes more sense we're still like the first thing I'm like come on yeah yeah yeah but uh I mean even so I think slam dunk um classic for a reason and I think it's did the test of time yep uh yeah it single-handedly brought basketball culture to Japan yeah uh yeah I mean I've I can every single time I talk to a a salary man they always bring up this manga oh yeah manga an anime always comes up mhm this is uh yeah I just fake my knowledge of basketball whenever they ask me about yeah I love basketball love it I mean I guarantee I love home runs I'm gu huge huge fan of those I guarantee the majority of those seller men got all their basketball Knowledge from yeah I think so yeah um all right let's go down this list and see if there's anything we don't agree with uh because this this so far Grand blue what the heck over oi pun wait what is Grand blue that's a comedy manga oh I mean look Grand blue is great I love Grand blue but I'm just shocked it's in the top 10 I'm always this is always my biggest shock cuz Grand blue is like constantly near the top of everyone's top rated yeah it's good it's funny it's not like oasi punpun Kingdom Goods you know no I would definitely not put it above Kingdom or oasi ppun yeah which which which is very very confusing did you see the anime of this one at all it's one with the divers where they where they like drink yeah it's basically set in like a university uh where they're in a diving Club okay um yeah I mean that already sounds like I don't want to watch it oh it's [ __ ] hilarious it's it's genuinely one of the so funny funniest okay that's good that's good yeah very very fun I don't really touch comedy anime or Manga honestly Golden Boy right kind of golden boy that was a lot of fun yeah but I mean well I I don't blame you cuz there are really it's like it's like funny but also I didn't recognize it' be like it's kind of childish yeah there are there are a lot of Misses in the comedy world I think um but Grand blue was yeah [ __ ] hilarious so good and the art is really godamn good too for a comedy manga yeah I'm just shocked it's at number nine yeah yeah's above pun that's crazy noi that's land of lustrous you remember the crystal girls yeah I know I know I know land of LR um yeah this manga has always been really really highly rated um I haven't read it though I've already watched Studio AR's adaptation of it same so and they did a [ __ ] Banger adaptation as well uh but yeah going down number 14 this man is like taking oh my God Ino way just Ino way is just got hold on this he finished this one no this is on hatus this is this is what is he going to finish something he finished slam dunk and he was like all right yeah my job here is done what the heck man wrap it up bro wrap it up real is also so good though what is it about this one's about wheelchair basketball oh hell yeah yeah so I think the story is like you know we watched uh the Paralympics one year and saw wheelchair basketball and just completely got infatuated into the culture and then realized like well I've already done a basketball one I know enough about basketball culture so he made one about wheelchair basketball and it is I would say it's on par with slam donon it's amazing Sports manga uh but yeah he uh never finished it it's on like INF it's on like permanent Hiatus I think right now CU then he started off vagabon God and then he didn't finish that and he didn't finish that one either come on you start wrapping things up come on just just do just write one chap number 15 is probably the most classic one uh out of the bunch a I didn't realize how old this manga is yeah yeah 1968 was this the first sports manga one of the first popular sports manga yes okay okay a I only know Ashton a Joe uh basically as like the OG Sports manga Y and uh a boxing manga yeah hajo took a lot of inspiration from I believe yeah um classic here in Japan I don't know how good it actually is again which is why I'm surprised it's this high up cuz I wouldn't expect a lot of like people outside of Japan to like go back that far to like reselling um and then K number 16 I'm surprised that it has more members reading it than 20th century boys why I don't know I just kind of thought that 20th century boys everyone talks about it is like being the goat well and there has more members but I think kaga Sumer though again got that massive push from the anime true 20th cury boys is a manga for like manga manga it's a manga it's a manga it's the most manga of all time purists what does that mean like they're like tinkering away in a basement being like my pure manga not not tainted by any Western ideas I don't know because there there are there are there are a lot of like like love there there are a lot of people people who Read Manga just simply because there's an anime out there and they're like well I just want to find out what happen not pure anymore it's been tainted by anime adaptations they're mud Bloods the nor are coming that fans from the anime but so if you think about it like yeah kagama has more members because again it got that push from a great adaptation yeah and it's a very popular adaptation as well so to think that 20th century boys has that many members with no anime is pretty impressive yeah if you think about it yeah cuz it's goed it's great yeah and uh this one has always been highly ranked uh I like it personally um so made by the same person who made aanga oh cool I believe um it's great like probably one of the what is it Slice of Life okay essentially I I always see that girl everywhere and I'm like ah it's basically if you took the vibe of vangao and toned down like the Absurd comedy just slightly um and added more of a slice of Life Element um but yeah it's very wholesome very cute manga uh that's like I don't know I've I've always been interested as to why it is so popular yeah still going it's the manga that everyone gets recommended when learning Japanese that first uh oh actually that makes sense because the majority of the manga is tall from the perspective of the kid Yota right um who is like I like under under the age of 10 I pick this up so yeah if you want to learn Japanese re yata y if you want to be a [ __ ] Giga Chad read GTO one of my watch I still got to watch or read uh you probably should read it the anime is very very dated now uh so the anime came out in like 2000 or something like that and it it looks like it came out in 1995 but God damn that opening though yeah sh the opening is a classic what the heck is uh so is created by the same guy who made higashi ah uh and it is a it's technically like set in the same episode Twilight of the golden witch yeah I've never read this one I've I've read the vanilla I neckel I've never read this one but I guess shall shall we move over to the most popular we're getting into like The Artsy kind of if they were cuz I I pretty much agree with I pretty much agree that every one of these titles here deserves to be up there they're there for a reason yeah Hau hiu is [ __ ] great I don't know hu's always been great I've never read it or watch and got bought really how far did you get right near the end of season 2 oh and I was like why is this match so long why is it taken so long is season 3 like about the characters Conor it's about the characters yeah but the vibe wasn't there for me Isn't season 3 just like like one match yeah [ __ ] it was it's great season 3 I've never watched any of yeah I mean that that's fine but I don't like that that's fine that's cool that you like that but I don't so all right let's let's look at the other it was a Vibe I don't know what we talked about it was and I respect your opinion on that so we're looking at most popular most popular okay wait first of all number one oh [ __ ] wait it's berserk is still the most okay wow that's top manga not most popular yeah let's go let's go to most popular hold on what's the most popular well I just saw it's berserk wait is it really oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah so go to most popular go there a Vibe yeah it's berserk and you know I can I can definitely see why like I said berserk is the manga that gets people into manga so what I'm taking away from this is popularity equals good no number one number one all round yes most popular the best show yes yes number two shingin no Kyojin uh obviously that's popular and good W I'm surprised that it's uh got more members than one piece yeah I see here's here's the thing among amongst like Mal users like if this was actually how popular manga is right now SK said in one piece would be towering above everyone globally right now um D along with like Demon Slayer and all that [ __ ] Tokyo Ghoul number I would like to say Tokyo Ghoul number five that's most popular that's [Music] wild I'm kind of this list is kind of whack how big was Tumblr back in the day what okay so like I'm also shocked about in that sense that chainsaw man is so high up given that its success was only recent really no I'm not surprised because I think nowadays when you're talking about great manga I feel chainsaw man gets brought up way more often than not do you not remember when the chainsaw man anime adaptation like when that got announced that got way more hype than when J kaon first launched yeah yeah yeah 100% J kaon was just like you know everyone was like oh what's this new show in an anime thing and everyone was talking about chainsaw man when they came out or got announced and the reason for that is because the like everyone loved the manga of Chainsaw man chainsaw man was already goed from the manga stage yeah yeah and and the the hype came from the manga whereas Jud kaon it was more of like it was it was an explosive growth but it didn't come until like about like 123 like I mean that's that's I mean still that's quite an impressive feat to be nearly as basically as popular as one piece by by this metric yeah kind of insane because there's quite a bit of a jump between chainel man and Tokyo yeah just go it makes me think that like I wonder how like I was saying at the very right at the start how the type of users that normally use Mal how that affects how the popularities and the rankings stack up yeah yeah uh solar leveling number six I'm also kind of surprised by that what the [ __ ] I think again this wild kind of wouldn't this be also a push from the anime adaptation no I don't think so I mean I knew saw you could probably go way back actually yeah che check this link in way back machine cuz I knew solar leveling was always in the man world has always been like one of the more popular picks or one that's more talked about but I feel like a lot of people might have gotten onto the Mana who maybe previously never read any Mana because of the recent anim we can we can stra up just look now that'll be a way back machine we can just go back when did it when did it start I just go to 2023 sometimes I think the uh anime got adapted because it was so popular otherwise why would it uh click any of those blue things why why would uh why would they start ading man that's true so we can actually tell yeah we can we can actually tell like worldwide um okay hold up hold up it's cooking it's cooking temporarily you're click the no no no no you had it had it you had it you just had to click submit you just submit to your overlord yeah yeah submit let's see what it says oh no it might yeah it's like a way back machine so maybe that's just part of the coding uh yeah try try the next one are you watching solo leling right now I have not heard great things well it's it's only episode 7.5 that was I heard that like everyone was like super pumped and then they had like episode four or something that was like a a a wash apparently it was something like it was like a nothing episode it was a filler episode I think oh no it was like episode seven I think off yeah it's still number eight but it's climbed to how many favorites in the past year it's G 41,000 members as opposed to 48 the anime is definitely helped yeah but I heard the anime is people aren't happy with it I don't know if I'm crazy I I saw a lot of criticism I didn't see I mean people weren't happy with it because there was a recap episode at like episode seven yeah episode 7.5 that's crazy that's like what yeah so it became the lowest rated anime episode on crunchy roll in the history of crunchy roll that's [ __ ] wild that is a crazy move to do which is wild but I'm also flabbergasted that it is this high up and this highly rated as well well yeah 8.67 higher than 8.67 is a very very high rating and it's all right it's I've never read the original M I don't know it is got a it's like the Demon Slayer of the manga world where it's the that's such a that's such a slight that's so dirty to call something that it has got amazing [ __ ] art and amazing action scenes and gets you hype like no end I cannot remember any of the character names is the finer details that are a little bit whatever or this is one step away from being a power fantasy Isa guy um you lost me look let me let me let me break it let me let me break it down to Mid I don't think it's mid mid mid mids like too maybe maybe overrated slightly I think it's slightly overrated because a lot of people they're like yo solar leveling it's [ __ ] gas and I'm I'm like okay yes it has got amazing action scenes amazing art I don't know what else like what other original things it brings to the table what else it like excels at um because I've I've recently got into like a lot of mana and I feel like a lot of Mana get a pass just because the level of quality in writing in Mana is just so much worse than what you'd find in anime uh a lot of it is like very trashy power fantasy stuff and so the definitely stands out just because you know it's still still very much a power fantasy story um but it does one thing really well and that's get you [ __ ] hype yeah but break it down further you know what gets me hyped a recap episode nothing gets me more Rock Solid I need to see this story again that's like being halfway through a course at a restaurant be like let's all just talk about the food that we had let's let's let's come get a recap all have a recap of the food and say highlights and it's like bro we still got four more courses which is the thing like I have you seen a lot of people talking about the solo leveling adaptation only bad things it's yeah I've heard the controversial things I've heard people be like yeah I'm kind of falling out of it I'm not really into it anymore yeah I I think it's because because I I've I've said this before but like if solo leveling was to get like an adaptation to live up to its original M Mana it would need to be like jiit in season 2 level of Animation oh uh for it to like get the same levels of hype and having watched the first like seven episodes s leveling it's good like it's it's not bad animation it's still like pretty damn good animation but it's not like holy [ __ ] like I got it like this is one of the best things I've ever seen levels of animation and I think that is really making people aware of everything else that the story is bringing which is is not as much as uh not as much as other contemporaries on this list so uh one punch man one punch man that's a vibe that is actually a Vibe what's the vibe hype just [ __ ] cool I think you're just a simp to M the U I am I am I think anything m is a I mean cuz like in a weird sense one punch man we have the uh the other the other the original version the webs the web manga which is which is great but you know to me I don't find that as engaging and I think but the the comedy aspect still there it just gets elevated so much by uh the amazing art style yeah um which accumulates into making a great Vibe yeah um one punch man has some of the hardest [ __ ] panels I've ever seen in the medium yep um here's the thread of manga panels that go hard and it's always a one punch always [ __ ] hate those threads um so yeah this this also definitely deserves to be up there as well also uh biggest W so far o above B I cannot believe I cannot believe that oasm Pon is the eighth most popular manga I didn't I I knew it was one of the greatest I have not read it obviously but I know obviously what everyone says it's considered one of the great but yeah didn't know was one of the most popular as well again I think it's kind of gets the same treatment as chainsaw man in the sense that when people discuss great manga that haven't gotten adaptations yet you know at least chain at the time like it's O pimp is just one of those manga that always gets brought up in like the goats of manga um so I think that this purely just from like word of mouth in the community yeah it's it's one of it's one of those it's one of those stories that you've heard people talk about you might not have read it but you've heard if if you if you have an interest in manga you've heard people talk about it whereas Bano hero Academia you're like ah this is just I refuse to call it that it has an English name I'll use the English one I hate I I'm I'm still pissed off at M they do this uh my her Academia which how highly is this rated my Academia go down 8.06 8.06 and the Y just below it is Jud skon going to be in number 11 oh okay Nar close yo yeah you know when we check in next week yeah when we check in next it be the top 10 yeah yeah so we have we have all of the recent Shonen Mega hits right there SLA down right next to each other that's crazy to think that my hero Academia has more readers than the Naruto mang but I guess Naruto was so TV heavy at least in Western perspectives oh yeah I feel like I don't know I feel like it's only recently that manga has gotten more popular I mean in the international field because you've been around for a while in the anime was it like way back when Grandpa G what what was it like way back when you'd have way more people watching and talking about anime but it felt like when people talking about manga was very few and far between um and now there seems to be way more of like a um way more of like a manga kind of field where a lot of people would just purely Read Manga but before it felt like there were only a few people who like purely really loved manga as like an art form and just like dedicated to actually finding hidden gems in manga and the majority was oh people just reading manga just to catch up to their latest anime um which I don't I don't know the same thing Joey you get manga pilled your show doesn't finish or doesn't end you're like I need to know yeah no I totally agree with what you just said um cuz you know when I when I was first starting off like I always made an admission just personally to be like there's so much [ __ ] manga out there that nobody is talking about that should be discussed more in the B anime community maybe not that that gets enough video we don't need any more Jesus videos but like you know there's so much out there that is probably never going to get noticed otherwise why not talk about those series because they're just as great if not better than a lot of shows out there what about the alternative timeline where we had the manga man instead of the anime man do you think you would be as successful honestly I think no absolutely I I remember for the longest time it was like impossible to make a video on manga and get views for it yeah really I mean in the past I've made videos on like singular manga series they got no views at all yeah just like I I think a big thing was uh back you know this was back when anime reviews were like the peak content in like the anime field mang there was just no way to talk about manga and make it look visually interesting yeah um and so you will just never get views for it at all and then like in this day and age I feel like because there is more of a dedic ated fan base of manga readers you can more comfortably get views talking about some unknown manga um but before it was like [ __ ] nonon impossible no matter no matter like even if you made a video on like a manga like Yas me punpun or berserk unless it had like a high-profile anime tied to tied to it your no one would care about it your video just wouldn't get views at all damn which is why the only manga manga YouTubers way back when were like or like Naruto or one piece or bleach the chapter reviews The Chap doing doing like chapter reviews yeah but you never see like a [ __ ] chapter review of like o pun back in the day like that just would not have ever happened what's below Judit Death Note wow okay and then bleach and then Vagabond that's the most popular romance manga then I guess right Oh I thought mangar is a good taste man [ __ ] bro I like how me mine and yours like reading speeds are like exactly the same why uh yeah wow wait har Mia is more popular than kagia summer yeah it would seem so wait it more popular than V and Hunter Hunter wait okay okay okay now that we've gone past the Shen Mega hits now we have some very very interesting things um promise Neverland was that popular yeah in Japan it was Mega popular yeah but this this is Western well yeah but even even then I think the just the manga well I mean obviously the anime ruined it for everyone but like in terms of I think the manga is what uh the anime w Really catalyzed the the but that's the thing I think what happened was this was a classic example of you know sh and jump manga that got you know started to get really big in the manga Community because it was just so different from any that was coming out at the time gets anim adaptation season one pretty decent got a lot of new people to like know the name and then season two being the biggest [ __ ] up in recent history forced a lot of people to go and read the Manga that's you like the manga CU like grand plan all right guys I really think in this anime adaptation the Creator was just like all right last episode of season 2 just make it a PowerPoint get people to come and read my you need one good season like I wrote story but I was saying like we just throw it out for this episod I think promise Neverland I don't know if this is still true or not I think it's like at one point it was like in the top five most sold manga ever yeah yeah it was the level of popularity had near near the end of its wrong it was insanely popular it sold so incredibly well I I went to the museum the ex exhibition like really weird it was like it was uh there was a lot of people oh yeah like the the fan base that right as it was ending yeah the fan base that this manga generated was insane um I mean the last St Froman was yeah yeah eighth bestselling manga in 2018 which I think in that year it beat it was the fourth best selling in 2019 yeah I think in one of these years it actually outsold one piece yeah no no I remember don't believe I remember seeing it it it was like it was that or was like really [ __ ] close which is like in saying considering that this is a relatively new show dude you know what so only only few like only only very few mangas outsold one one piece in the year um yeah you know what's really [ __ ] annoying I keep getting [ __ ] spoiled for One Piece everywhere everywhere I go to the comini they've got the [ __ ] volume on the [ __ ] place where I pay like the desk showing me the characters I'm like what the [ __ ] is this bro what the heck it's everywhere I'm struggling with everywhere well you got to catch up then you got to catch up man uh spy family I saw a really funny post that was like the guy was like yeah I I don't really want to draw Ono something really it was some oh or he didn't want to it was either he didn't want to do a spy can we can you Google this it like ala says some something about an he was like he either he didn't want to do the spies or or he didn't want to draw the spies like he he didn't he didn't actually want to draw about like spies it was something really weird it was like it was like what we are rebranding to just family yeah yeah yeah that's what it like read like yeah yeah that's yeah the first one spy family creator doesn't like Anya or the rest of the cast yeah I was like he's kind of the goat for I gave up on what I originally wanted to draw yeah I thought I read this I was like this is so sad that's kind of sad yeah and you know what taia Endo admits he feels no attachment to Ana or the forer family because they were never what he wanted to draw I felt the same way towards the family I could tell the vi were not there he didn't care about them I don't care about the [ __ ] family they suck it's boring it's it's [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] family [ __ ] uh fake taxi has more plot depth than this [ __ ] show nothing [ __ ] Happ it's it's like a do you mean OD taxi no fake taxi oh I me I mean fake taxi Joe did I stut up when I said fake taxi no I mean spy family is just a nice wholesome pack IE not going to lie it's propaganda for Japanese people to have families and I won't stand for it bro they're not even a real family man clearly that daughter they're like look listen we know you don't want to have pregnancy but you could have a kid it's pretty good come on is this like government propaganda for like foster parents start coming out propaganda for them to have kids without [ __ ] somehow I don't know how that do I'm not going to lie it's it's actually like really sad it was kind of like he was just kind of like yeah just follow I had to do it yeah what's the can you can you uh zoom in uh yeah what what is wait oh you don't know the hotkey you're killing me Kai I gave him what I origin wanted to draw and Drew what the world wants to see not myself so I have no attachment to the characters ad miss that he tried to please his editor who kept telling him that the manga that succeeded combined cool characters with cute ones so he changed and changed the design of L and Anya until he convinced him so yeah basically it's essentially just like the the magazines work the edites no it's Mega hit the editors knew what was going to do well yeah he looks he looks so displeased so displeased in that image he's like yep that's my manga I mean I still think it's a pretty good title uh it's no I'm a hater now you're a hater when that came out I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm on di not going to lie I got bro defin auor man you know as long as you get something out of it not going to lie I I got really bored of it by the way when I say I'm a hater I'm not a hater in the I'm a hater for him I'm like whatever he says I'm like you you go k You' proven to me you're the goat now but the the thing the thing I the way I view spy family is the same way I view like any Slice of Life where it's just a consistent experience you know when they yeah cuz I felt like they tricked me into watching A A Slice of Life that's that's the entire like God damn it no yeah I mean to me spy Spy family feels more like a spice a slice of life where I get spice that's the best of the girlfriend no uh where I get where I just get a consistent feeling if I wanted to feel good you know I put on spy family uh but I'm not expecting it to like blow my mind off with like an amazing plot line or everything like that yeah uh especially after you know what daus calls Anya she she calls her a minion and after yeah it's so true said that I can't unsee it she's just a minion she's a minion bro she's Japan's minion pink head minion yeah yeah yeah she's Japan's answer to being a minion she is a like yeah the only thing that separ and we've seen how popular minions are there's a reason for that [ __ ] like and the fact that as I've rented many times before uh yor is just the most like like Bland boring character of all time that does nothing but it doesn't matter cuz she's hot exactly she she pops off in season two she does oh great she gets one pop off get back to the kitchen now sorry that's what they that's that's what it feels like watching the show it's like you're sorry you're going be a mom now [ __ ] off oh remember when you're you're like the world's best assassin forget it sandwiches need to be made a show me more that's my favorite part of the Season 2 where she like she there's an arc where she like kills 100 people and I'm just like okay now now we're actually getting somewhere now we're [ __ ] getting somewhere I feel that was the editor being like all right one chter you can do your thing you get one chter do what you want the one the one the main part what I I I feel like I checked out was the whole introduction of his brother being in love with him with your and I was like I was like what the [ __ ] is this that was why can't we not [ __ ] up brothers and sisters for once I know I know the the the Bible says love thy neighbor but my goodness not literally that's why I kept reading yeah true true just what they thought I thought I was out they brought me back in God like God's Like Preschool Arc incest Arc it's like Slice of Life spice of oh my God all right let's go back to moving down I mean how I'm I'm super I just think like Tokyo G is 21 above Hunter Hunter I know what is this okay this is something I just man I yeah I'm is by far the lowest ranking we've seen of any of these popular ones I mean Justified man people are really I'm a fairy tale hater yeah people really don't like it yeah because it's [ __ ] yeah well what's uh coo Kachi silent voice silent voice which is an amazing manga God damn it Mal using the [ __ ] amazing manga so so good most popular though I mean is it that respected in the manga field in the in the manga world I think it's kind of on par at least in the same category as oi pun where it's just like one of those like lifechanging manga yeah um and it is fantastic it's beautiful manga one thing I'm seeing uh a big difference between going through the manga list and the anime list is that there is way more familiar the most popular and the top rated are way more in sync than in the anime lists where the top rated and the most popular were almost two entirely different so berserk has 600,000 members I can we just go to the anime can you just pull up another tab for the anime ones just so that we can see how many just like the the difference yeah in like uh anime yeah most popular anime you mean yeah the most so you go anime top anime and then go to most popular click most popular yeah yeah 3.9 million that's it's not even close that's like that's yeah that's a lot that's a that's a lot and again and again like this is like in today's standards you go back like 5 10 years ago yeah those that disparity was even bigger yeah like look how far do we have to go down on the most popular anime for it to be on 600,000 yeah that's like not even in the top 100 not even it's probably would even be like top 500 I don't think it' be in top 500 we're already at 1 and it's still a million yeah so the fifth most 500th most popular manga sorry anime is as popular as berserk yeah which is like oh we're getting close we're getting close if berserk manga was an anime it would be rated at 288 is around umaru umaru Chan is as popular it's more popular than berserk this is what's wrong with this community I mean like like it's so hard to take this list as like a gospel but it's the only thing we have to go off of [ __ ] blood lab is as popular as blood lab Rosario toe vampire is all it's almost as hey don't bad mouth vampire righto just say or why why Mal we have perfectly good English names that they chose for us to use in our country why do you do this I hate also I can't believe Oro is above March comsy L line that makes me so sad kind of goated actually goated list do you feel like it's fair that orimo is as popular as berserk that's [ __ ] up do you think that's that's I me do you feel comfortable that let's let's talk about you know let's talk about stories that have influence okay to be fair to be fair I mean it did not in the good way like the like yeah yeah exactly the influence of Oro is is forsaken us is can say that Oro has not had an influence in the IND if if berserk you know took the elevator up Oro took the elevator to the basement floor you know a number 28 oh come on come on guys this this is like the memes and reaction images solo carrying this I mean look Kyon was like it was fine it was fine it was fine it's mid I've never watched it or read it it's mid it's it's just fine it I think it doesn't need to be as long as it is it'll bump up a point if the credit comes out and says you didn't like anything no because like I'm I'm now I'm now I now think that's incredibly based to come out and be like yeah I [ __ ] don't like it down with the system I just think it's so funny sorry car the fact that it's sandwich between 20th century boys and monster is well the the thing is uh like the kisan thing I've read so many manga now where you read like a few chapters and you're like oh this is a cool cute idea like oh kisan oh she can't talk she's got social anxiety but then it goes on for like 300 chapters too long you yeah and it's and it's and it takes 300 chapters for there to actually be some like interesting plot Point yeah especially with com like Coman didn't start getting interesting till like volume 20 six or something like I'm likeit what interesting thing happens in there there's like a whole romantic subplot that happens that's like there is I thought was the whole show that's actually interesting oh oh yeah I thought I thought that was the point of Coman yeah but this for so long in the Coman manga is just like her just trying to [ __ ] write some [ __ ] on a Blackboard and then the main character being dense as a [ __ ] brick just being like what did she mean by that i g in number 30 kind of impressive yeah I mean great manga why does Tokyo Avengers have the symbol in the middle because that's that cuz it's Swag yeah get I just like no other show has that on this listing like it's just like yep it's that also usumaki at 32 that's pretty based I mean I'm not surprised Juno is like obviously very revered in the manga world uh and usaki is his most well-known piece of work so that checks out Black Clover I feel really picked up should be higher rated than solo leveling what the [ __ ] is it doing at 7.86 part six is the second most popular part of joj oh wait does that any people just skip there must people skipping paths I mean it's my favorite part of Georgia personally it's fair yeah um dead man Wonderland wow oh I think with dead man Wonderland I think it's because the anime ending was so garbage same with Claymore yeah same with Claymore oh yeah yeah ncoy is just yeah you know wa NY is that high was it that popular well NY was just waifu Wars to the max wasn't it yeah that's true actually like I need to know who the cannon winner is I thought isoy was just like you know the rent a girlfriend crowd where you know I mean maybe some of them but ncoy I think was just like it it sparked the most heated one-on-one battle that we've ever seen and they got it wrong personally speaking but they got it right actually no they definitely got it wrong I got it right that's how I know Joey's right if you like the main girl it's normally incest for [ __ ] sake speaking of in this case it's not speaking of incest did you see that ocean oo yeah what the [ __ ] cuz I'm I'm I'm caught up on the manga and I'm just like eight no way arasaka is just trolling I got to catch up bro you have to to be fair wasn't it like foreshadowed cuz the names of the characters are based on like the uh what mythology the uh uh I don't know the myth the mythology names Greek mythology is it Greek mythology what I forgot the name of the characters but basically I don't know yeah uh it's kind of like I was just thinking about mythologies that have incests in them and I'm just like that's all of them I'm not like wa that I thought Greek at first and I was like wait that's that's all of them um yeah cuz I think it was it was like ah maybe I'm they don't get along in Japanese mythology that's why the Sun the Moon is but they married no no aru marries her brother amas yes I I believe or they were in like a Rel intimate relationship well anyway point being wow yeah can't believe they went down that route I I believe it cuz arasaka is a [ __ ] troll true why can't you believe it this is this is all spoilers by the way but uh yeah but I mean yeah we got to we got to put a spoiler tag yeah put a spoiler okay if if if we're going full spoiler tag um yeah I'm never watching this show so I don't I'm done with it so I'm never watching is great really the TV showers didn't like that much I mean I said this a bunch and I got flamed for it and then people are like nah wait he's right now but like told you [ __ ] it but like the thing the thing that's uh the thing that's I'm not really like everyone's like blowing up over it and I'm like well doesn't he didn't he have like when I was like reading it and especially watching the TV anime didn't he also have like this weird obsession with his mom as well yeah I I'm like I I felt like the signs were there that something this guy was not a mentally well adjusted Society he was like infatuated with I yeah exactly to the point where where was like oh to the point where like oh wait this girl is acting like my mom love interest I'm bricked up I'm kind of bricked up right now I think you're going to be like it's disappointing it's not blood related I really can't I guess it is technically what a shoil over um yeah mid I didn't realize soer manga was this popular as well oh my God I mean that's just kind of a classic at this point isn't it yeah um would you call it a classic I think yes yes absolutely it's 20 years old soer is undoubtedly a classic we've never talked about soer though yeah because no one talks about Soler Sol how can it be a classic uh I think it can be a classic and also be forgotten I enjoy Soler I mean like I we do want to have let's have a conversation about Soler all right all right let's let's let's have a conversation about it I mean Death the Kid is Iconic you know I think all the characters are iconic when it comes to Sol and like openings oh my God the openings are so good yeah the the openings are bangers uh animation was good for his time very stylized and I think as well it kind of came at a good time where like the anime and manga Community was like really just starting to pick up at least internationally and I feel that was the anime especially was just kind of an anime that was thrown in front of everyone's faces at the time oh yeah was it it was unavoidable everyone was looking for the new Naruto and then soita was just like oh here's a big shown in anime let's let's let's go talk about it to the new Naro and then fire for I me back in the time yeah now it's looking for the new Demon Slayer which is J and now that'll be looking for the new jit which is oo that's no um Al this pretty crazy what is Al though is kind of it's like a romantic uh comedy like kind of shjo Vibes it's a really good manga uh honestly uh probably one of the highest see here's the thing I don't understand about manga readers right I've barely I've never had a single conversation about this at all even with people who Read Manga it's the 41 most most popular higher than other like what it higher then can you go back seven deadly sins norami Fire Punch kill all of these all of these manga I've I have definitely heard of um so it's interesting because yeah it just kind of has like that cult fan base I think in terms of like show cuz you know shj manga has always been kind of underrepresented especially like overseas and like you know there's definitely a fan base for it but they're not talked about as much as like the show in shows right just in general like like even something like har Mia right I had never heard of har Mia before before for theime yeah and you know there's so many of these huge in Japan yeah there's so many of these manga adaptations where people are like oh my god I've been waiting so long about this so long for this and you and it turns out I was like I've never even heard of this like Apothecary Diaries as well which is yeah I never heard of that yeah yeah yeah right never heard about that and when it got announced it had like so many manga readers were like yo if you're in the manga world you know this is goated man you know this is goed I mean norami in a sense as well was kind of like that you think that sometimes if the character has uh is a female lead or leans it more you know feminine topics that it kind of isn't as popular with uh anime fans or Manga fans uh no I think not necessarily I think that like s like apoc darus had a hard time be gaining popularity as a manga right Apothecary dies was popular because of everything you uh had mentioned yeah right but do you think that it didn't quite get like even more beyond that and get to like the top top 50 manga because you know a lot of these you look at a lot of these and a lot of the manga and it's all like a dude's perspective yeah maybe I don't know because I think it's just the I think it's the nature of the situation that you know like shjo Manga and shjo Anime I think uh the mean demographic is obviously the female audience but a lot of those shows I don't think there aren't a lot of dudes who were willing to give them a go whereas with shonan it's gotten to the point now where it doesn't matter what gender you are anyone and everyone can enjoy them yeah so I think that's a big reason why a lot of shjo stuff is underrepresented which is kind of unfair because there's a lot of [ __ ] amazing show Manga and Anime out there that dudes can equally enjoy as much as girls can yeah but maybe it's like the themes you know there isn't a lot of like action-based shjo stuff out there there isn't a lot of like the quote unquote hype show Jo shows out there so maybe that's why I don't know but like Al is a great [ __ ] manga I I thoroughly enjoyed it not I'm not the demographic for it but I still loved it I wonder if you'll see a Pock the Diaries maybe I don't know I don't know maybe how to say um because I mean I I don't know how up to date this list is right now but uh I think free Ren should be up here feels like because Freer rent sold like hot cakes last year because of in Japan true we we we never get numbers for Western Sales that's true we the only thing we have to go off of is like people how much are they talking about it can you go on the top selling manga of last year you have to probably just Google it yeah just just just just Google it what what what are the current top Japan right so worldwide3 so there should be like worldwide blue lock was the top oh yeah of course [ __ ] everywhere right now oh bro in Japan especially with the movie oh my God everything's me that makes sense because Japan had a [ __ ] insane run in the World Cup yeah and this was like the year of the world up as well my hero spy family bro every match every match Japan won like the auth was is this of all wait sold 3 million copies last year because of the movie the movie the movie the movie brought an entire New Generation back to the mar okay okay keep going sorry still relevant baby one piece number three J number two check out was number one blue lock at number one 10 million copies yeah that's crazy yeah it's that's crazy people got so mad when I called it I called mid maybe it gets better did it get better the anime I don't know you finish it I I I actually just continued reading the manga and it's like that is crazy how when you say it you don't get flag when I say it I get I I get destroyed no I I it's cuz it's cuz I said it in that period when everyone gets hyped about the threat first reaction you [ __ ] mid in the first few episodes like people get people get like so like this is the greatest thing of all time what are you talking about I mean my Pro my my I didn't necessarily had a have a problem with it um I think the biggest the biggest reason I lost interest was just because I thought I was like ah this is the first time I've read a manga about a sport I genuinely have an interest in and I think I would be more interested in watching the actual SP the whole time I was like actually it's just way cooler to watch real football and and that's what I that's I I had that realization of like oh okay um this is the first time I've experienced this cuz normally when I read a sports manga I have no interest in the actual Sports so this was like actually the first time that I saw a football anime or and read the football manga and I was like I think I'd just rather watch football yeah the real story lines of actual football is just actually so hype I think the actual story line that you found in the World Cup this year was more hyp than anything you found in blue lock 100% I mean as someone who has never had an interest in football or soccer or whatever uh and read I think I think I read the first five volumes of blue Lo yeah all right it was it was fine it is wild this happens I feel like every year in Japan like the manga that pops off the hardest I feel like normally like is quite popular in the west but not like nowh near to the same level um but blue lock like after the first few weeks I haven't heard anyone say anything about it I mean again it's [ __ ] everywhere in Japan I think right now in Japan it has a massive female fan base of course because of you know cuz all the the boys are pretty and badass and you know everything that makes you know girls Fan Boy Over anime I really just didn't like the side characters in this this show I really just thought none of them were that cool like none of them I thought were like how far did you get in the show like six episodes in so just all the characters introduced to us I was like I I I think the biggest problem at Blue with blue lock at beginning is that so many characters get introduced very in a very short amount of time uh as the manga goes on you you get time to really like develop and get yourself attached to more characters which kind of offsets that um right right but yeah at the beginning I had the same problem where I'm like this is a lot of people that I don't really care about um it wasn't yeah I mean it it was just fine I mean yeah yeah I'm surprised it sold that many but also not at the same time cuz Everywhere I Go Japan there's some blue lock yeah collab happening or something it doesn't even have to be football related there's there was I think there was like a a bus stop I saw the other day it was a blue lock bus stop why I something very uh very like whatever and I was like what yeah um and then okay let go back to the list I'm kind of curious Tower of God orami BL hasn't even come up yet yeah yeah so obviously there's very big disparity between what's popular in Japan and what's popular here Hora Hearts being in top 50 surprising I'm going to Google something as well I want to check something when was the last time you heard anyone talking about Pandora Hearts I don't know I don't even know what that is what yeah what is it I mean it's it's a good manga I enjoyed it what is it about [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] remember it's been a long time it's clamp right no it's not clamp it's Mizuki who uh Muki June who did um [ __ ] he did another manga I forgot uh what what was the other one that I really like oh lrange yeah yes I I just went to Google Trends of my anime list because I was curious to see if there was like this website had more users mhm uh and yeah it did in like 2013 14 is when it had the most um wa is this blue lock uh no no my anime list the webite the website I mean this is Google Trend so it doesn't really mean more users or more active thing but people were Googling my anime list the most in like 2015 okay and since then it's kind of been slowly up and down but generally down it's it I I always found the culture of my anime list curious ores explains a lot here because he explains why some of the especially shows that were very popular Tokyo Ghoul aim Aima kill the 2015 2016 shows that were really popular have such representation on because is my anime list like a anime exclusive kind of thing because I can't think of okay I'm sure there are like services and sites about it but I can't think of you know movie goes uh having a list or having like a website where they track what they watch letter box media is that a thing yeah people always do letter box okay is that one for gaming as well uh I actually don't know maybe I don't know I I know letter box is like the joke if like when you review something now it's like it's going on my letter box I've never heard of that this is the first thing it's very American go next 50 I'll show see what's next cuz I feel like a lot of these a lot of these are not matching up to what I think oh look blue lock is there yeah like that's crazy that the number one bestselling manga of last year is 57 yeah on the global below GTO it's like nagor yeah um I mean this is like bizarre wow quintessential quintets that's crazy Ka made some if we if we counted how many anime figures or merchandise were sold in this I'm sure quential quintets would be number one with the amount of merch theyve made in Japan my God you think the anime is like Sly carrying that or like yeah probably well I don't know um I don't know I I actually never watched the anime for quenti Quint tolet I just read the Manga M um it was it was good I I had a fun time with it it was great awful ending but uh it was I mean yeah again picked the wrong girl but that's that's fine hell no she she actually I think she got [ __ ] over the oh no so uh yeah uh but yeah I can have guess who you girl is use your finger which one one to five which one do you think it was were they all numbered hell no no that's yours oh yeah actually wait they're all they're all that's my least favorite oh no mine is of course they're all numbered yeah yeah all the girls have uh because they five Quint like quintuplets right in their names they have the numbers to five in oh right yeah they do all that so it's Nik have 1 2 3 4 five in their name I see so many figures of the show it's insane yeah yours is two most definitely mine is one most definitely we are not the same did three win um well I mean it's kind of spoilers okay so we'll we'll let you know yeah it's not one and two that's for sure which it should have been and then Kao made summer again like under represented because it's a show manga but it's so [ __ ] good Dragon Ball 63 ain't no way this this is accurate man ain't no way yeah also made Abyss is that far yeah down what an interesting this is this is an interesting can you can you search up what are the top selling manga of all time just to uh one piece yeah one piece is going to be out the top I I think one piece is the top selling comic of all time period right now I think just go to the Wikipedia page there's a list there cuz I I I think it's outsold uh Batman and Superman one piece 13 Detective Conan Dragon Ball wait this isn't in order is it average approximate sales oh wow yeah oh my God so one piece is Sol 523 million copies gold 13 IS 300 million Case Closed Detective Conan 270 Dragon Ball Duron Naruto slam dunk KK or again I think with GoGo and qu it's just because they have Co com uh it at one point was the longest running manga series ever created okay okay I've I've seen I've seen 201 volumes but GoGo has 208 now theck so GoGo is actually the longest one so GoGo 13 is uh when did it start 1968 still going to this day it's basically just a story about a dude who's like a Professional Sniper Assassin um has been in the business for a long time yeah and he goes around just doing dirty jobs to whoever can AFF it and it's been going on for 28 volumes Kingdom as well as on that list CH of the allstar JoJo Adventure wow H really impressive touch well that's an old one what is what is touch touch is a baseball manga okay so a lot of these are pretty classic a lot of these are classic I mean the newest one on this list is kingom no probably deam oh no Attack on Titan no it's Attack on Titan is the newest one on this list well Demon Slayer Demon Slayer I think is the one wait when's Demon Slayer oh yeah it is 201 wait Demon Slayer 2016 yeah yeah yeah with the art style I thought it was like 2000 bro bro bro BR do you ever remember hearing people talking about Demon Slayer in 2000 dude I I don't ever hear anyone talk about any manga before like the 2000s 2020 I I was never on the online discourse of manga before like 2015 fair enough manga also has nothing to do with time a lot of yeah but to me the style looked dated is that a horrible like what do okay if that's okay that that means berserk is like made in 2100 yeah true true true by my logic yeah but like okay like when you look at any it just I don't know how to explain it it just looks dated I you know what I mean like am I crazy it's like a historical I mean it's kind of just an old my favorite historical manga Demon Slayer [ __ ] off God that's not a good excuse one best it it also one best [ __ ] fantasy of the crunch anime Awards hey I'm I'm not one of the judges G all right I know I know I know I know but uh you know what all I'm saying changed all I'm saying is maybe because it takes place in that time period I don't know I don't know man maybe just The Vibes just aren't you fair enough The Vibes don't connect with just just maybe The Vibes I'm not afraid to say it G I don't like how the manga looks okay it's that crazy am I crazy to say that do you like how uh attack on tisan looks then uh no it doesn't have the vibe because it don't got the Vibes it don't got the vi Vibes that's why I'm glad that the the animation looks amazing what I am shocked about on this list is that smooth bleach bleach has outsold JoJo bleach has outsold JoJo that's surprising to me I don't know why 130 million I feel like um I mean Jo is that surprising was geia ever popular in other languages until like recent no but it was an absolute like cultural phenomenal when it first came out but are those sales only are those sales only from Japan or are they worldwide this is worldwide I well then I feel that like worldwide probably brought in a lot yeah of additional sales during its peak which is probably in multiple languages not just English I feel like Jojo is very very popular in the anime Community but but only recently too like since the recent adaptation of the anime yeah since the recent adaptations and it was just like Jojo was always like the second tier of like anime popularity you know it was never it was popular if you really really into anime into internet culture it was the but it was never like Naruto one piece each level of popularity worldwide um my God yeah I got to I got to stop talking about mang I'm going to get my all the manga fans pissed off what I say so what's the next manga you're going to try out yeah I got to finish slam dun which I feel like is solid and then I want to read 20th century boys but I'm also secretly praying for an a hype anime for that well we just got a been waiting for decades we just got a Pluto out cu we just got Pluto so I'm like oh true now is as good a time as any to adap the other stuff I mean you would have thought so when they [ __ ] made an adaptation of monster as well back in the day but but Pluto they spend a lot of time making right that was that anime adaptation took a long time well cuz they because you know it's urosa expectations are high I know and it was [ __ ] a delivered it was amazing yeah um but that's all I have to say about manga yeah and I've said a lot that I shouldn't have said I want to get a flame took 10 years to make plut yeah right that's like that that's scary damn you still little manga Joey I do actually um not as much recently just cuz I've been a lot busier but I still try and like go I I go to my local bookstore every week just to see what new stuff I can find what's trending yeah just to see what's trending and like I don't read everything obviously but um yeah some some new ones I've kind of picked up where it's like okay I can you know this might be interesting this might have potential to be potentially the next big anime adaptation I don't know um but yeah I don't know it's just the the whole pick up and just like read nature of manga is just a lot easier for yeah I like the whole I like like seeing what different mangas are trending because I feel like you get way more variety of stories in like trending manga totally whereas in anime it's always going to be hi this week it's jut skon J skon oh it's Demon Slayer this it's more formulaic I think in in the anime world as opposed to the manga world where it's just like people can just make the most like what the [ __ ] like this was clearly not made to make money type of manga all right the true definition of artart they just wanted the Vibes yeah they was just like we're going to go with the Vibes right anyway that was uh that was our shitty analysis of uh top 100 manga according to my anime list what did you guys think did you agree did you disagree let us know in the comments I'm going to forget about recording this cuz we recorded this in advance and I'm going to wake up in like a month and a half people be like why you can't of say that I feel like all three of us said some like pretty outlandish [ __ ] this episode we we we turned into like turn just art snobs 5 minutes into recording after then I got then I got a dent in my brain you know it's going to be a banger all right well thanks for watching guys hey check out these patrons though uh what did you guys think let us know and uh hey if you're already on patreon you know about this already but can you shut up I'm tur to patre now shout out [ __ ] di in the brain hey if you've already joined the patreon you guys already know this but in case you haven't uh every week over on our patreon we give you guys an extra piece of content after this episode that you can go and watch and uh this week we have a brand new one as well in fact here's a little sneak peek of it check it out see this is hard this cuz I'm not a chainsaw man Manga Reader oh I read it in Japanese so [ __ ] if I know how it's translated uh yeah I'll answer sure yeah okay okay 3 2 one fake I think it's I think the text looks fake yeah the text isn't something I nor you normally see in a translation I mean this is somethingi say fake this is definitely something denji would say but just the the font just threw me off the font is weird this this would be the least weirdest thing to happen in chainsaw man if this uh if this panel was actually let's find out real yeah right let's find out yeah it's even she's touching my wiener I was I was like this this sounds too vanilla to too normal for this is too normal for fly shit's go but but hey if you want to go watch that as well as a bunch of other past patreon videos and just support the show in general then head on over to patreon.com trashes also follow us on Twitter send us some memes on the subreddit and if you hate our face listen to us on Spotify and uh that's that's it for now we we fright our brains with all this art talk bye-bye bye [Music]
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 709,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: e2mKcXqseUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 38sec (6578 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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