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well taking this car rabbit looks so bad it literally looks like they wrapped it in a wrapping paper yeah like I just caves down all right y'all we are literally waited we are on our way to dr. J Julie liked seeing us at the chiropractor so she's pretty show you again yeah and wonder if he knows we're coming in together to the Double Trouble dr. J here we come doing some like he tests your muscles and then works on the muscles that are super tight and it hurts so that'll be interesting maybe he'll do that tonight body is literally sore from the last time I went with the exercises he had me do oh yeah an eidm team I was like what the [ __ ] cuz he was like mmm you're you're good you do double nobody didn't even do them yet it's just I think it's cuz he knows that I ain't like exercise like I go to the gym so he was like oh you'll be fine but I was dying like my face was turning bright red I was like had to get water [Music] okay who has a wedding coming up right here is what her cuz we got that special sauce you know yeah it's like a personal trainer also we need to make her suffer a little bit I mean work what wedding bud a winner oh you're starting out strong [Laughter] really easy little mountain climbers and then we're gonna do like this Pilates up anyone stand watch her they're really hard I don't want your hurt okay yeah I want then like you're climbing up the Empire State Building since we always plug don't forget really you can get the active health sliders at shop dr. Jason doctor yes if you want abs like Erin will show you in three months yeah going nice form it works unless we work that's really good okay lower your hips a little bit don't bro yeah so there we killing it love this so twenty right there three twenty we go right into ten of the joint ones together to the same really good job Ivan three and hearts oh yeah those ones are really hard way to the pike one really good better than I did [Music] what for sighs where do you see the goal is to actually train you guys okay the things you need so we do three more three more sets yeah so what you guys three more each and then I actually we got a double up on your neck exercises so let's go hey look at them go two queens working out together what look at her go come on let's go come on Carly suck it up buttercup hikes is always really hard okay now we do these neck exercises it actually feels pretty good we just want stayed there we go and now so there you go now had it kind of so my body says to me believe it or not do you see the exercise I did come off it looks like it does nothing but you could feel it yeah it doesn't look like a lot but the neck is when you see how it's folded forward and all of us are like this in our phones all in-house correctly I always think of it now I like to put it underneath here I feel like you or I can't see through yeah we're gonna breathe ribs alrighty then ribs in her back hold your back oh yeah oh my god do anything crack yeah holla nice the last couple times he's tried to crack my upper back he can't because I'm so dead yeah oh hey Tigers she's been practicing them so you don't have to dig into her phone [Laughter] [Music] slide your right arm for a little bit oh wow I heard that no doubt like inside yeah oh wow good job there's a little jealous I hate lovers so close and the pool you're like this way cool solid inspiring yeah job you're fired hey you know who's fired dr. Jason you're cured she is not trying to lose she's got so much parking like yeah literally holding on to the tables there's a way to pass all muscle test I won't oh why not TJ's told what cuz he always cracks my toes and the past couple times he's cracked my toes he's like I can't crack them anymore oh well I felt like it came out of the socket oh I love a good foot crack yes it's the one this is my thing gonna get real close to your back yes of are its place marsala deep breath you know tell me relax right nice all right Aaron's turn let's see if she's so like you do you know to get out with no nobody happy you feel like probably not just push real hard that's what I did here today and it's not a really push otherwise will make you do rehab oh what happened did she don't know this just looks like it feels good does it hurt yeah sorry so this is the Q oh it's a low back muscle called the quadratus lumborum it runs from here into the spine on either side supports the lower back so what it is doing so what we're doing is pushing the fibers of the muscle back onto their outer covering the periosteum of the bone so it's a micro chair and we're getting it to stick again so it fires properly without her having a cheek so this was helping her legs move helping her lower back to stabilize and allow no no help this is a counter strain on her glute max only so I'm holding her sacrum down and we're shortening her glute max so it's as if she were contracting it but there's no contraction we're gonna breathe hmm I think Erin is the CEO for Christ's test the water with your upper back in Turkish not painful it looks like it I can't feel anything it's like stone up there it's delicious shoulders loose I cracked today congratulations respite that align on my way breathing we're youtubers we don't get it we graduated college but not with flying colors okay here's the best one ever oh yeah mine gets real good love snap crackle pop my god don't ever say sometime crackle pop when he's about to crack you push there yeah it hurts yeah yeah I said remember how I was asking you if it hurt yeah so it's like it hurts what why it's but it's like right like here yes yeah yeah you're right one is where you brush down there I can feel it go up my neck so we're gonna have some fun with that oh my god I'm just kidding it was a joke so lay on your tummy now so what happens is this when the spine is stuck out of alignment we get scar tissue that starts to form College and fibrinogen all this stuff and it starts locking those tissues down and then the vertebrae little by little start to degenerate and calcium buildup of hers and then don't even drink milk good and then what happens is it starts to lock in like so your upper back is like a little bit like this yeah and then when I dig in there and I'm actually trying to just open it up just with my fingers like that it's like how it your body feels that tension of it wanting to like tear like micro-tears good because we want to change your posture tear it up baby tear tear it up push up here no really great that's it it was like straighten out here and then push up here as that one's a little better would go here again you see how half her torsos coming up off the face yeah that would mean it so happens that means like it sweet so she's recruiting like everything else down here so we're going here now straighten your arm out then push up now you see how her chest is on the table yes I let go in order for her to hold it up you see however yeah here like oh yeah totally how you feelin how's it going don't tell them that cuz that he makes it worse [Laughter] we're here now you're gonna breathe in and out okay no breath no hell was that heck of a counter strain so remember what I did with her glue yeah this is a counter strain of her wrong way so what I'm doing is I'm holding them in a shortened position and it allows something called the GTO they're called you tendon organ so nerve in the muscle to shut off on your back again for PEC stretch the Josh Peck strike oh that's a good one yeah it feels good that looks like it feels nice it feels good she looks kind of upset but when it hurts you laughs it looks something done so it won't feel about that okay we're gonna be strapped in so we'll go to the show both of our oh yeah you didn't really see this the first time yeah you just saw my four neck on the yeah so we have to lay on these guys this one is annoying because it leaves a hole mark on her forehead yeah strap her in like a six like my god we got you hey when it comes reevaluate right so you're just gonna lay on these things for like ten minutes and I have all gone oh now I have to do mine so I can't tell anybody I have to do two of them how we live it over here I mean it look you look beautiful hashtag wedding bod killing it nice hey hold on let's get let's get this is the angle right here yeah yes look at that cervical curve hold on hold on Wow look at that beautiful sorry this is her now I'm just saying though like when you look at it like that Wow your head is over your shoulders there's another angle okay I have completed my stuff so now it's just Carly Wow yeah it just looks like you're huge bring this home to use to sleep at night no I literally did every time like I need to sleep on this whoa just does that way hurt rim oh it doesn't hurt anymore really like that it looks nice as you saw we got strapped down and then it leaves these beautiful marks so cute I feel like I'm just going to bed that's what it look like okay so after those tables it literally makes you want to sit up straight for the rest of your life yeah so when you get off you're like hello I have a straight spine I'm stir ya like cement sitting in the car he's like oh I just feel like it's messing up my back when I first started doing that thing where we lay on the table it was like my back would be in pain for at least like 30 minutes yeah I'm not like a good pan it would hurt when you were on the table yeah and now they'll do it it feels more like it's like a stretch almost yeah and it takes me less time to recover like it doesn't even hurt me anymore like I would drive home and be like out like I wouldn't be able to like turn it oh yeah that's crazy very very well but it's also I feel like that means it's doing something yeah you can tell it's doing something as soon as you get on the table you can tell it's like doing work oh my god all these cars did I see this one another wrapped car like homemade yeah also I know that this is really weird but when you sit on the toilet do you ever note it like to go pee I always like yeah uh-huh and now I'm so I'm I'm like very heightened to that another lecture I guess that's it for this video sure to LIKE and subscribe and see you on Tuesday I gots doing mountain climbers yeah let's see yours do make merch that's like do a pike ab sliders they carry on that Harley and air yeah yeah we should get ours like custom-made Oh dr. Jason we have our own damn jewels yeah your feet hurt on that I was like doing it bow feet he was you would love to collab with them to make murder she was Sunday video thanks for watching her legs rebel we'll see you on Tuesday [Music]
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 567,599
Rating: 4.977447 out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, dr jason, carly and erin dr jason, vlog squad, vlog squad girls, erin gilfoy wedding, carly and erin cat
Id: RvYuesqPVrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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