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good morning ladies and germs why was that ever saying ladies and germs oh god here i go already on the tangent 12 seconds in all right i read why and i still don't understand so we're going to move on today we're doing a video where you guys control our morning routines or things we do in the morning i guess so aaron and i have each posted polls on our instagram stories we each have four different things that you guys can choose what we do with i'm excited i think it'll be pretty funny about 30 minutes ago i asked should i get starbucks or duncan i'm really hoping that it's starbucks because i just like don't know what i'll drink at duncan i tried the chai there and i didn't really like it so like fingers crossed that it's starbucks however i'm on the east coast time so like most people probably aren't even awake on the west coast or in the midwest and i just have a feeling that it may be dunkin donuts let me refresh oh i'm nervous damn it it's duncan all right shall we this is not starting what's over and i'm going around a rotary so please hold we are almost at duncan and i have no idea what i want to get it's between three things a duncancino which could honestly be like very good today because of the weather because it's cold or i could get a pumpkin spice latte because i know that i like that from here or i could really throw it back to what i would normally get when i used to go to dunkin donuts every day however all of those things contain large amounts of caffeine so i'm just a little nervous and there's literally not a single person in life oh no i don't know i don't know do i get what i used to get i'll throw it back in oh oh it'll be like nostalgia for me maybe i'll just do that and see like what happens morning we're buying it for you could i please get a small iced caramel latte with skim milk thank you so much you too i used to get this every single day for years years all throughout college all throughout after college and then when i decided to move to california i actually like just stopped drinking coffee so that i would save money because i would spend at least five dollars a day on it so let's see it's just the same oh my god i'm so excited about this it's actually delicious good job team good choices first up for me definitely is coffee i posted on my story asking for suggestions for drinks i haven't had yet that involved cold brew that weren't too crazy with sugar so i'm excited to try one of them because they both seem really delicious i also haven't looked at the polls since i posted so i have no idea which one i'm about to go get so let me tell you the options first okay one of them is cold brew with cinnamon oat milk foam which sounds insane and then a cold foam cold brew with toffee nut and almond milk okay let's see oh the toffee nut it hasn't been a legit 24 hours yet but it's pretty close it was 47 cinnamon 53 toffee nut cool let's go get it oh yeah i'm excited i got it's like chilly and cute outside and here i am still getting a cold drink there's kind of a long line but that's okay i actually haven't gotten coffee anywhere than my own apartment in the last like i don't know maybe like week or two you guys know no matter how good the coffee is at home it does not hit the same as getting it from somewhere else my god i want a breakfast sandwich so bad never mornings we just wake up starving like i am starving out the gate pumpkin cold foam looking real good right now too i haven't been here in a week and i'm like i need it all i got for you can i get a grande foam cold brew or anything else for you um yeah or can i just get almond milk and um toffee nut in it okay thank you how are you doing good how are you i'm good did you need a straw today no thank you all right you're all set perfect thanks so much what she looks like oh my god i'm about i'm a combo of needing caffeine and starving so hopefully this quenches a little bit of both oh these shock i swear these shock you and i talked about it before i remember matt and zayn were like no they don't there's no way that it just shocked me okay anyways oh my god that is really freaking good reminds me of like a candy like a grandparent would have that's really bomb though i feel like you just can't go wrong with the cold foam i'm not in love with it but it'll do i posted to instagram asking how i should do my hair it's actually kind of gross i haven't showered since friday saturday saturday sunday sunday monday monday to tuesday and well i've showered but i haven't washed my hair in four days i asked if i should straighten it or give it a little curl i hope curl because on day four my hair starts getting a little not like gross but just a little flat and then the curl just looks better than it's straight so we will see what the people have said 62 curl it oh my god everyone is really looking out for me let's go curl it this is four days of not washing my hair i wash it like once or two times a week that's it i figured that i could kind of talk to you guys about my hair care routine while i was doing this because i see comments all the time asking about what my hair care routine is when i was in college my hair started turning like auburn and less red and i had never like colored or dyed my hair ever in my life and so then it was kind of right when balayage became a thing and i decided to do some balayage to put some blonde in my hair and then i think that just started making my hair break so badly and i never realized it and then i just like full on fried my hair and bleached it blonde and you know did all those things and the whole time i was like oh the water in california is um ruining my hair when that in fact was not the case it was because i was bleaching the shot of my hair and i'm just an idiot and i was like i can't have my hair be like this anymore it was around the time when queer eye the show became like a big hit and i was like literally obsessed with jonathan vanessa's hair because it was so long and soft and silky so i was like what's his hair care routine i'm going on it and i literally did i got this like cleansing oil shampoo which i no longer use but i will link it below and then i got a whey conditioner which like i still use to this day i love whey products also for all my curly hair girls this is what i use for my curls not these kind of curls like my wet natural curls and that's it and then this is what i use after i shower and i'm going to use like heat product on my hair which was also a recommendation by jonathan van ness and that's like literally it i never put anything in my hair i try not to use heat on it a ton which definitely helped get it back to where i wanted it to be but that's pretty much it that's my hair routine there we have it little loose curl can you guys believe how long my hair is it's actually crazy carly and i were watching the video from the last time we did this actually and my hair was like up to here i genuinely don't even remember my hair ever being that short like when it was short i guess i didn't realize how short it actually was but i've been trying to grow it out for years and i'm so excited that it's finally getting long okay my next one was breakfast and the poll was order my favorite breakfast on postmates or make a tick tock recipe for breakfast let's see what one i don't really have a preference i'm not like hoping for one or the other i'm kind of down for either okay tick tock wow it won by a lot talk 62 i actually already have an idea of what i'm gonna do i did this before in one of our vlogs i think it's just like a breakfast burrito which is like a really easy way to cook the tortilla with the eggs and yeah i'm gonna do that oh my god wait we have tater tots from trader joe's i'm gonna heat those up first and throw them in the burrito oh my god okay these are so good they're from trader joe's obviously because that's where we get everything just like the perfect tater tots i don't even know how else to describe that i'm gonna make these top sparks just because obviously they're gonna take way longer i'm just gonna plop them in the oven for a while i'll start the actual like egg breakfast thing and show you guys because it's really good i just took the tots out literally these are so good they're so good okay this tick tock pack thing is so easy it's gonna melt some coconut oil on the pan really lubricate it up just gonna scramble some eggs in a bowl first then i will pour it on the pan well you guys will see i'm actually really happy about this i'm glad i didn't order from postmates because i haven't had this in a while do not comment about this pan it's just stained okay i need to clean them okay we're gonna do this and i'm just going to take a tortilla because there's like a white midwest mom a tortilla literally just like set it on top of the eggs let it cook for a minute and then we're going to flip it over and add our goods like goods i really just mean like cheese and the tots whoa this is what it looks like i'm going to put pots in there not too many because i'm going to roll it obviously some cheese oh yeah baby oh i guess i could add avocado in it yummy hello this is what it looks like this looks like a taco bell burrito that's really it let me get some ketchup maybe these tots i truly cannot [Applause] thank you for helping me pick out my breakfast i guess we'll see where else this morning takes us next poll that i asked was what outfit should i wear and i laid out two outfits one that i definitely want to wear over the other which is this like sweat suit i got this from auritzia and i would recommend it is so soft and so cute or this canadian tux i put together just a pair of levi's and a turtleneck and then another levi's jacket with sherpa on the inside but i really just want to wear the sweatpants let's see what you guys chose please be the sweats please be the sweats please be the sweats no damn it it's the canadian tuxedo it's 60 to 40 so i'm just gonna go with the canadian tux you know during this time i feel like most people only really wear sweats because you know we're from home so once in a while it's good to feel a little bit of normalcy also these levi's that i picked out are like oversized ones which i really love they're so comfortable i think it'll be okay i'm gonna get changed here is my full outfit you guys can see these are like a little oversized they are the most comfortable pair of levi's that i own they're like definitely like a boyfriend fit see how it's not super tight or anything like very cute and then this is the shirt ah this one is from eritsia it is so soft and so good i have it in black and white and in this color it's really nice because i have a super long torso and this one literally goes like down to here so would recommend it's so soft and it's like a little bit ribbed too so very cute um and then let's put this over oh my god so cute then we'll probably just throw my bands on we have to run out anyway so it's kind of good that i got dressed look at how cute okay so this next poll i kind of did it to force myself to do some type of workout i asked you guys if i should do an ab workout or like a leg butt workout oh legs okay kind of a close call 42 abs 58 legs and butt should i wear the workout outfit that i wore for the tic toc instagram thing let me get changed and we'll do a little leg butt workout i'm in my outfit just one leg butt workout i remember i mean so long ago we're talking like pre chloe tank pre any of that pretty youtuber no i'm just kidding it's probably youtubers but i think it's called like the five minute butt blaster or something it is only five minutes but it's pretty difficult especially if you're not working out that much nice and neutral absolutely is it neutral okay not bad yet okay feels so good on my lower back we're going to do eight more on this side eight i'm gonna hold it all the way up there as high as you can go steady three two and pulsing that leg up a little higher what reaching that heel up towards the ceiling sure you're breathing here i can't breathe right leg same exercise hey okay geez you can always drop down onto the elbows you can always just quit this is the hard part of these ones inhale taking it down as high as you can go i'm trying he's like really doing something already he's put in like a good way these like extra pulses that really get me this is like a dog pain on fire it's funny because it's mostly this like that's hurting not the one maybe that's the point i'm not gonna kick it and that was only a couple minutes oh hell yeah on my back to your neutral spine i want to sit like this for an hour i'm gonna take a shower not that i am sweating a lot or anything but i just need to shower today anyway so i'm gonna do that and then we will do my last poll i just posted on my story what color should i paint my nails and it is between these two this is like my go-to linkin park after dark this is mainly on my nails at all times and then this one i do not know what the color is stilettos and studs this is leah's and i was going to paint my nails this color the other day but then i thought it would be good for this video to let you guys decide i kind of want to do this one but like i'll be happy either way the past seven months have been really weird because i haven't had my fake nails and there have been times where i miss them like i'll see old pictures or videos when i have them like oh they look so good but it's also been nice to just like see how long my nails get like this is kind of disgusting right now because they aren't shaped or anything but they actually grow which is really weird because they never really have before and they stay like pretty healthy and thick maybe it's a blessing in disguise saying that i shouldn't be using all those chemicals on my hands and my nails and just like stick to my little nails myself i know that a lot of people are like going to nail salons again i'm just like not comfortable doing that and it's not like a necessity so i have not gone to the salon also i feel like they've come out with a lot of good ways to kind of do stuff from home like i know that carly has found like a bunch of really good fake nails that you can just like buy at cbs so it's a really good alternative do you think the people picked they picked your purple this one or this one that's what you think let's see oh lincoln park classic i know wow buy a landslide the highest one today i've been wearing this since high school it's like the only color i ever put on for the most part i'm not surprised that everybody else also chose this it's a good classic color and it's even better for the fall so i'm just gonna paint them now this is the final product they actually came out so good on both hands i'm very impressed with myself but that is the end of my morning routine i showered after my uh exhausting workout okay so my last poll has to do with just doing my makeup just you know for the day one of them was trying to do my whole makeup with my eyes closed and the other one was to make nolan do it and i hope that it's nolan doing it because then i don't have to do my makeup but let's see what you guys voted oh oh my goodness nolan a strong lead i guess nolan has to do my makeup i feel like i've already done it where you don't know what you're doing and you're just like going blindly so i feel like i'll tell you what's what and i'll just see if you're good at it does my breath feel like salsa no i just ate a bunch of uh tater tots so i can't tell this is going to be the foundation rare beauty but just like don't don't i have to or do you have to tell me i know whatever you want to do there's no rules here and then you go like this what is this called a bl uh blending block oh oh said circles how's it blending i can't tell like me when i do my makeup i'm not thinking about your eyes so it looks darker around your eyes this is all your art for all your art project today so yeah yeah look at that one nice technique the clown it might be dukes i took a shower and i had mascara on so maybe it like darked it i didn't get it all off or something and i usually use this after is that some like blush kind of thing no it's kind of like a setting powder those are good people are like what the when i get my hair makeup done i'm always like do you know what this is blush yeah i usually will use that and then blend it with this let me see the other one what is going on it put two pink dots on your face does it look good in the camera i guess i can't really tell why are you supposed to do it like more under your cheek or on the cheekbone i don't really what i do because i have a more round face i usually do it like like i'll put it where you put it and then i'll like try to blend it more like up but i just kind of like go ham with the brush because it's it is a little bit difficult to blend lash blast so this must be some some moscow yes oh just going for it i like the confidence oh no i'll deal with you later you're getting awfully close to my eye right now with that one though oh i hit it a few times now that i look at it damn juicy tubes yeah we love juicy tubes smell really good too like childhood yeah smells like middle school or something i don't know i'm like now do that i think we're done you're okay i want to look at it in a mirror maybe i was like on my camera here is the final product okay honestly it doesn't look very different than when i do it so i think you did have a disadvantage because it looks like i did sleeve mascara a little bit from the shower i look good i think you did a good job i mean i personally would add more mascara just because like i usually wear a lot of mascara but i think it looks really good come on cass it's gonna get all over oh yeah i lied oh i look beautiful i had a good morning thank you guys for controlling our morning routines that was actually really fun let us know if you guys like this kind of video if you want to see like a nighttime routine or just like a full day one i think that they're really fun and it's always nice to include you guys in videos so make sure to like and subscribe and we will see you on friday you
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 110,143
Rating: 4.9794869 out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, erin and tj, erin and tj wedding, erin gilfoy wedding, tj petracca, carly incontro new boyfriend, nolie, carly and nolan, instagram controls my life, vlog squad, vlog squad girls
Id: cGaDUO9uVok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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