We Played Minecraft In BABY MODE!

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why'd you just hit me because I'm older than you bigger than you and better than you what [Applause] are better than me wait a minute why why are you all of those things why are you so big you're my little brother and I can do whatever I want to you since I'm a teenager what what oh yeah try it yeah did that hurt I didn't even feel anything ah teenagers like you suck Luke I'm getting out of the house you're so so rude ohms don't forget to take some of my boogers oh my gosh why is Luke being such a mean older brother ah teenagers suck yo what's good my boy Roxy what's up whoa there's two teenagers don't mind my little brother he's such a dork that's so small well I am not that much smaller than you I'm taller than you they need a Crouch hey be quiet so rude I'm out of here oh hi what's up oh um hello what are you doing over here my brother foxy is being so mean to me wait what me too my brother Luke is being so mean to me they're both teenagers and they think that they're better than us yeah kids are kids exactly we see the world so much better look at the sun it's literally smiling at us we can totally beat them at anything did I just hear your kids say you could beat us in anything ah Bob do you know what yeah we could beat you with anything because Kids Rule and teens drool all right put your money where your mouth is dork let's see who could build the best playground wait oh no Lily we can't build a better playground than teenagers they're literally way bigger than us and stronger we have to beat them so we don't get made fun of anymore you know why girl right Lily I'm not gonna get bullied by my older brother anymore they're going down let's do whoa the wall is set everyone go in game mode creative look at how many cool blocks we can use as kids whoa there is so many everything looks so cool in the eyes of a kid and since we're building a playground first we need to start off with a slide can't be a normal slide we really have to beat them you're right Lily and I know exactly how we're gonna make it actually working whoa let's let's grab some yellow wool and some red wool for the slides and we need this to be really functional and oh my gosh Lily check out how amazing the slide looks in a baby's eyes oh the yellow looks so good I know right it's amazing so let's set up the platform just like that over here then we need to make the outlining of the slide like this and make it go all the way down over here like that now let's do the same thing on this side like this boom perfect and now let's set the middle part where we're actually gonna slide on check this out come boom isn't this awesome um this is just stairs what well yeah it's just stairs for now because I didn't make it actually work wait you know how to make it really work of course I do that's how we're gonna win we're gonna make our slide actually make a slide first what we have to do is grab a Pig egg what are we gonna do to that poor Pig hey Lily relax don't worry we're not gonna hurt him and oh my gosh the egg looks so goofy and wave first I need to see what a pig looks like with this head [Applause] oh my goodness they look so adorable he's so Derpy oh my gosh I I put him down right over here okay to him I'm gonna be nice to him don't worry now we need to grab a saddle and put it on the pig then we need to get a carrot out of stick and oh my gosh the carrot on a stick looks so cute I love it and now if we hop on the pig we can control him what but you're riding a pig going down a slide not riding it normally wow Lily right now it looks like a pig right but if we get a potion of invisibility guess what he turns into wait what's this he's gonna turn into a seed so now we're riding down the slide in a little seat isn't that awesome yeah we need to wait for the pig to not run away so let's bring him all the way up over here now let's grab a fence and we can put it here and let's grab a lead and attach it oh gosh where did the pig go he's down here down here wait can you pick him up put him on the slide so I can hook him up just like this and now he can't go too far away so whatever we want we could hop on the pig's back and with the carrot on the stick we can ride down the slide and he's always gonna go back up because that's where the fence is connected to those teenagers don't have an idea like this oh yeah they don't this is way too smart for them and teenagers aren't that smart they're so goofy what's up babies oh no it's Luke um nothing what's up with you is this your slide this sucks I'm Destroyer build up I can do whatever I want you can't stop me fear guys oh we have to fix it these teenagers suck don't worry we fixed it oh Lily we can't let them get away with bullying us we really need a doctor's socks off let's make something even better than the slide how about we make a working swing whoa that's a really great idea and I know how to make it work super well all right come with me Lily we can make the swing right over here and since this was your idea let's make the swing outlining out of some pink well your favorite color yeah I know it's your favorite color so let's make the first frame over here then down the middle let's make a couple of blocks just like this all the way to the other side and then let's add the other frame right over here and build up on this side and then build up on that side perfect now in the middle we're gonna have the swings but how do we make swings super easy Lily all we have to do is grab some fences again and we can add four one for each of us then we're gonna need to grab some pigs and let me put the first one right over here then now let's hook him up to a lead and hook it all the way up there and he should be bouncing wait a minute what he's not bouncing you have to build the fence higher oh yeah you're right okay let's build a fence a couple blocks higher maybe up here it will work so let's put the lead all the way up there so let's hook them up like this and oh yes now it works so let's get rid of these blocks in between them like that and we're gonna have to make the swing way higher all the way up here this is going to be a super duper scary swing whoa whoa the fun oh yeah it's gonna be the greatest swing ever so let's get rid of all of these blocks in the middle like this and then on the top let's add a set of blocks just like that to the other side and now we have to add the frame so let's get rid of this bit over here and build up and let's add the frame on top just like this and like that perfect now in the middle we have to build down here and then build to this side and boom perfect now we can set four fences like this and then we're gonna have to put a pig down here connect them to a lead and up in the fence like that then put another pin connect them to the lead and up to the fence and then another pin connect them to the lead and then up to the fence now we have to add saddles on them because right now they're just floating pigs we can't do anything with this we need to put a saddle on each one at Mr Pig hey slow down hey hey stop running away hey and boom now they all have saddles oh that looks so awesome but Lily get off for a second we need to give them some invisibility potions so they look just like seats oh yeah oh yeah I get it so now if we Splash them like this boom they're all invisible and wait a minute Lily where did you go oh no I'm invisible oh gosh Lily drink some milk to undo the effects okay feet to normal awesome whoa that looks like so much fun let me join you and we oh my gosh we're actually on working swings right now this looks awesome especially in the eyes of a baby now right everything is so great nothing can ruin this perfect day with my friend Lily what's up doofuses wait whoa oh God something is about to ruin our day um what do you want Luke why do you have a pig jumping around oh gosh wait this one ran out of invisibility um no reason Lou your build is trash hey Luke why are you being so mean to us because I'm a teenager that's my job ah no look just get away from us your build is probably not as good because we're putting a lot of really hard effort into hours you're going down our playground as a roller coaster what a roller coaster oh my gosh that is such a good idea Lily we need to add a roller coaster with a little special kid touch oh yeah great idea but how do we do that super easy first we need to build the outlining of the actual roller coaster and let's see what's a cool block we could use with this mod there's so many to choose from and they all look amazing how about we use the skulk blocks whoa these things look awesome it's literally polka dot it's like a disco ball alright let's make four corners so we know how the roller coaster is gonna go so that first one is gonna be super high then the next one could be low then the one over here could be super duper ooper schmooper High then the one all the way on this side could be super duper shmooper low two blocks should be tall enough now what do we do well we can't have it be a normal roller coaster it has to have our Touch of Awesomeness so we could start off right over here so Lily Place some powered rails on top over here and then over here stop because we have to place a brand new type of rail what are we placing we're replacing a reel called a detector rail when a Minecart goes on top of it it activates any Redstone near it really yup check it out if we connect a piece of redstone dust it won't be powered only until a minecart goes on top of it and boom it becomes powered and with this we could do something really cool we can make a slime block booster oh that sounds like so much fun yeah it's gonna be so much fun so first we have to make the slime block booster down over here so let's grab some sticky pistons and some slime blocks and oh my gosh look at how cool sticky pistons look they look adorable I love the look so much me too it's awesome then on top we could add some slime blocks because these are gonna give us the Boost we need now what we gotta do is we have to connect the Redstone from the detector reel down to the Pistons and this should be super duper easy all we need is some redstone dust and some Redstone repeaters now we have to go down to the Pistons connect our redstone eaters and oh my gosh they look awesome as so does the dust it looks like just a bunch of squiggly drawings and then we have to bring it all the way to underneath the rail so now if we use the mine car and we place it above boom both slime blocks go up um we have a little bit of a problem oh gosh it just sucked in this coke block maybe we should only have one sticky piston so let's delete the other and let's see now will it work well and yes it does perfect now let's test it out to see if this works in motion so first thing we gotta do is grab our redstone torch to power all the other rails down below um in the minecart and I'm off and no it still doesn't work oh gosh what's going wrong the sticky Piston's activating too quick yeah you're right we need to add some delay let's see if it works now it's at maximum delay let's try it again if we ride it works but we didn't gain enough speed we didn't move forward enough The Jump part works we just need to add speed and I think I know how instead of making it start so low we can make it start up over here like this so we could get some momentum going down oh yeah great idea so let's try it one more time if we're up over here and we ride down oh my gosh that works but still it's not fast enough I want to go even faster I know exactly how all we have to do is just move this detector rail back what and then have another powered rail in front whoa why well because once we activate the detector rail we're still gonna get some more speed from the power rail so we're gonna become super fast and bounce super far away so let's just connect the Redstone Dust to the detector reel and let's test it out to see if my theory works three two one up off and it works perfectly oh my gosh the mine cart went all the way over here roller coaster all right I'm doing it right now we can make a connect all the way up here let's see if this will actually work so let's add some powered rails and make the roller coaster go up to connect to this block over here and now let's add some rails with some Power by grabbing a redstone torch and powering it and let's see if it works I'm in and I am oh man yes it literally Works no it's so cool I know right but uh Lily we have a big problem these rails don't connect up over here to the roller coaster what can we do what if we had a TNT launcher whoa that's so crazy it just might work yes so let's see where we land after we go from here so we go down in the mine car and we get boosted up and then we go up all the way over here so what we have to do is launch this mine car all the way up to land back onto the rails up over here so the Tut launcher is gonna have to be placed just like this on all sides over here around where the minecart is perfect then in the middle we have to clear out some space and replace it with some water awesome now in each dispenser we have to put a stack of TNT crazy I know it is good to be the most insane explosion and I'm not really sure if it's gonna work but let's test it out let's see if we land inside it so let me hop in the minecart go down get boosted by the slime hop back in and perfectly fall inside the dispensers awesome so how do we activate it well we're gonna have to activate it with some Redstone of course so let's put Redstone Dust all on top of each dispenser then we're gonna need to use another one of the detector rails so we can detect when we get near so let's put one right over here then we can add some blocks going down because we're gonna have to reach a redstone signal all the way to where the dispensers are oh I get it the reels is gonna power the dispenser exactly you got it so let's make the Redstone connect and this should work I think I really hope so oh gosh let's test it out so let me hop in the mine cart and let's go down and jump on the Slime then go up and add oh now what the heck happened though everything works but you stopped oh yeah because when I put the activator rail in the middle it made it so that this rail was empowered we just need to add a lever right here to power the rail now it should work let me go down activate the Slime hit the rail activate the TNT wait what Lily I'm off Target no I missed I know just what to do let me set some blocks over here in the front so I can't go any farther forward than I have to be oh great idea so now if we fly back go in the minecart and then get locked we should be good at oh yes we landed it and we should get launched up and yes we got launched up that's awesome and we can continue the ride up here oh stop and wait a minute there's no Minecarts we have to add a bind to cart because the TNT down there destroys ours oh that we spawned it automatically that is such a great idea nice thinking Lily first we have to set down some rails up over here like this and again we're gonna have to power it with some levers like that and the minecart is gonna spawn right up here and the command spot in a minecart is slash summon Minecraft then we have to type in my car with these coordinates now let's fly all the way down over here and we have to give myself a command block and wait a minute oh my gosh lily look at how cucumber blocks look look at their blinking little lights I love it now we have to grab our redstone repeater and connect it to where all the TNT gets launched so after the TNT gets launched a couple seconds later a Minecart's gonna spot it up there in the command alrighty let me paste it in and now I think this should work so let's test it out I hop in the minecart go down the slide then up the slide block then down into the TNT and then I get launched a billion blocks in the air and then wait what no Minecart spawned in what happened um I don't know when this activator rail activates it should spawn and wait why it doesn't ring you have that another repeater oh yeah because the Redstone signal is too far away and now it should work so now let's test it out if I activate it it summons the mine car awesome now it should work so let's get rid of this slide back over here spawn it in and let's see does it work if we go down we hit the slime block then we go into the TNT and there should be a mine car up there and wait yes it works and I see that behind card now we could clutch in it and we can continue the roller coaster and wait a minute did you see that I literally made this ginormous drop all the way down here let's just make that a part of the ride let's make our ginormous drop nice and then we can make it go back up all the way over here just like this a bunch of blocks tall then make it curve down this way to connect now let's add all the rails Lily and make them all powered because we gotta go super super fast stop like this perfect now let's grab some levers and power them all so they're super quick now all we have to do is just connect this side to this side over here and I have a great idea how what are you gonna do I'm gonna make a sticky piston shoot us from up here all the way to there and I don't even know if this is gonna work but I'll try my best huh how are you gonna do that I have no idea if it's even possible but the first step is to put a sticky piston right over here with a slime block now at the end of the roller coaster let's make it stop right here and we have to place an unmovable block like obsidian so the sticky piston doesn't move it around and we have to do the same on the bottom so the sticky piston doesn't move it around now we have to add a detector rail right over here and connect it to the sticky piston like that because once we ride over it we want to activate the piston and since we need a little bit of delay let's put two ticks of the lane now let's test it out to see what happens ohms is it gonna work I have no idea I've never tried it and wait what test number one wet really good wait it literally work yeah the Mind car goes all the way over here so if we just add some rails like this it should work first try and let's try it again so wait a minute we have a problem every time we use it two reels get deleted is there a way we can automatically place them both back wait a minute that's a really good thought Lily yeah there is we could use command blocks to spawn in the rails every time because the sticky Piston's gonna destroy you so every time we activate the detector rail it should activate the command block so we can set it all the way here because since we wanted to activate after the sticky piston we need to put a bunch of delays so let's put three repeaters with Max the layout and the First Command Block is gonna be to spawn in a rail right over here so let's type out the command to summon in a powered rail and wait it actually works so now that means if we copy it and put it into this Command Block it's gonna spot it in right there and then we should put it for this one here as well so let's grab grab the command for this one to spot in a powered Rail and copy it over and paste it in a command block right behind this one over here perfect now I think it should work so let's test it out when we go it shoots us over and let's see did it respawn in the rails and yes it works automatically Awesome every time it destroys it and do it spawns it I know right it was awesome and I think our roller coaster is complete what do you say we test it out all right this is going to be a crazy test there's so many super cool features to this so first let's go down and hit the slide block we jump up over here then we activate the TNT and there should be a brand new bike car up there and yes there is now we got a MLG clutch and now we can move on to the drop perfect that we reached a Sly block and it boosts us over awesome now we got reset that was so much fun it works perfectly I know right at it even resets itself back to normal awesome our roller coaster is done what's up doofuses I'm checking up on you ah nothing is up we're just building our park and it's going along awesomely check out our roller coaster what that looks like trash hey it's not about the looks it's about the functionality and it functions really well there's so many cool surprises on it yeah yeah do you even have a party room a party room I'm a kid kids don't like party I know party rooms Luke whatever you babies we're about to finish up our party room oh whatever Luke your party room is probably bad anyways oh gosh Lily they have a party room we don't even have anything like that what if we make a Play-Doh oh yeah great idea and there's so many blocks we could choose from to make a good one look at how cool amethyst looks like yeah they look super cool with the baby look and we can make the playdate room right over here and Lily listen to this yes it is it's literally going OMSI is the best now we're saying Lily is the best wow oh my gosh you're so goofy Lily but let's just make the Play-Doh room and make it super duper big so we have a bunch of room to play in toys of course we are what type of playdate room does it have toys silly stop Lily now over here let's make an entrance for The Playdate room make it cool of course of course of course I'm gonna make it a sticky piston door so let's just put a sticky piston right over here and another one on top and we can make the door out of some diamond blocks and oh my gosh that is super duper shiny I love the way diamonds look and now all we have to do is just hook up the sticky pistons by putting a block here with our redstone torch underneath so they both get activated then let's grab a pressure plate and we can get some jungle pressure plates because they're pink and you love pink and all we have to do now is add a couple of pieces of redstone right over here and boom it works are right I'm on it so let's put a pressure plate down and all we have to do is just hook it up to the other Redstone and we can even do it without showing any of it super easily first what we have to do is set a piece of redstone dust right over here then put a block next to it with a redstone torch connected to here then lead it with some Redstone this way and go around like that set a block here and then right behind it we just need to add our redstone torch wait will that work yup it will check it out so from this side it opens up and from this side it also opens up see the Redstone yup exactly and check it out lily look at how cute all the eggs look every mob in the game looks adorable [Music] right oh my gosh this guy looks so cute and wait Luke loves Turtles let's make a little enclosure so let's grab some glass panes and make an enclosure like that for our brand new turtle pet and let's see what he looks like and oh my gosh Lily he looks like he's seen some things he looks adorable I know right at Mr Turtle please get inside poop perfect he's inside our enclosure now we need to get a pet for me want something blue um what if we added a glow squid he looks super duper cute as an egg and he's gonna be great neighbors with the turtle because they're both aquatic animals so now we need to grab some water and oh my gosh even water looks cute in my head and oh it looks so cute as a block I love it me too now let's see what the glow squid looks like whoa he looks so cool he's glowing up I love him and he's light blue now we need a pat for to you Lily what pet do you want it needs to be something pink right let's add an axolotl and oh my gosh it looks so cute as an egg and let's see what he looks like oh my gosh lily look at his face hi buddy he's so cute and he's really big he's bigger than you Lily not because we're small oh yeah I forgot now we need to add one more cute animal for Roxy in our playroom what should we add mushrooms oh yeah Roxy loves mushrooms man look at how cool that egg looks they have mushrooms all over it and oh my God she's so cute and look at how big his mushrooms are and his face it's so adorable I love the face me too and our playroom is now complete all we have to do is grab a side and oh my gosh even signs look great and we can say Welcome to our playroom and wait lily look at how the side looks like even my writing looks like a kid made it because we I think our playground is now a hundred percent complete are you babies done yet yeah we just finished are you teenagers done yet no you have not you're lying rocks you're just saying that to look cool all right and wall up Lily this place actually looks awesome I know it's so big whoa um okay well what's this over here is my jacuzzi a Jacuzzi what the heck you guys have a Jacuzzi it's so Stevie that way I can't breathe I can't breathe [Applause] me too oh my gosh guys oh this does not mean for kids yeah if you weren't so little you'd be able to flow what oh my gosh this is not a kid-friendly place at all let's move on from this dangerous water what is that that Lily's playing with this is a trampoline and it's for the basketball hoop wait wow that's awesome let me grab a basketball and I need to try and shoot it in Lily watch out you got this going for it here actually pretty cool really thank you so much that was so much fun and whoa what is this over here elevator a water elevator let me try it out and we that was fight at wait a minute what is this this is our ginormous water slide wow so much away I'll actually really like this it's awesome right yeah totally awesome I had so much fun on it thank you I thought you were gonna get afraid of it no I really had a lot of fun with you guys all right but check out our roller coaster whoa you guys made a roller coaster this thing looks awesome let's go on it let me give you a push thank you and wow I'm zooming right now and this has so many crazy Bobs and Falls way oh my gosh this roller coaster is amazing and it Loops us all the way back around so wait my side yeah it is that's super cool and wait a minute what is this over here over here is our sand pit oh cool are you guys working on a castle yeah it's gonna be ginormous awesome and whoa what is this oh that's our disco room wait what your disco room whoa this is lit it's so many likes it you guys use the skulk blocks just like we did look up wait what is that a disco ball check out my moves I'm straight vibing oh my gosh you're totally vibing right now you know what you little kids aren't too lame after all wait oh my gosh Lily we're getting in with the teenagers oh awesome this is so cool what else is there here wait why no way you guys actually made a racetrack all right three two one go we're all racing and wait a minute I'm in the lead I'm actually meeting the teenagers let's go let's go I beat the Finish Line whoa great job little dude thank you Roxy and is this it for your playground yep that's whoa I had so much fun and I shall give it a rating of an 8.752 one out of ten that's what I was gonna say I guess great minds think alike great job now follow us to our side we made our playground really really functional and oh gosh wait some of these pigs aren't invisible what's Biggs doing hey Roxy just don't look don't look they're supposed to be invisible but first come up over here to the slide we have a real working slide clown Roxy First Take the Lead Out and hop on the seat for the Slime wait what am I say hey it's that custom thing we made now you could slide down it actually looks like you're sliding oh it works perfectly you went down the slide and it actually looks like you slid at ah what are you doing awesome and the second part of our park is this awesome real working swing everyone get on a swing this is so cool I know right it's really working and these are actually invisible pigs all we did was just connect some pigs to some leads to these fences up here and it makes it work exactly how a normal swing does thank you then next up over here is a crazy roller coaster who wants to test it out all right all right all right here you go take this by the car and go down the ride okay and now you're gonna get shot up yes the Minecart gets sponsored and rocks you're gonna have to MLG clutch onto the minecart you got this in oh you did it now you're gonna go down and around and get boosted by the slime and it respawns and then you go in a loop again I know right it's awesome that was so cool I know right and come over here for our final area in our playground check it out it says Welcome to our playroom and as you can see this pressure plate actually activates the door and with that we can come inside into our hanging out area yep and then we have a glow squid and an axolotl for Lily this is the best room I know right you know what you guys didn't do too bad for kids wait what really yes this place is awesome I'm not really thank you so do I that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye foreign
Channel: Omz
Views: 860,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, We Played Minecraft In BABY MODE!
Id: 4OKZmBn5yvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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