I Played Minecraft as a HELPFUL Warden!

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today is such a good day to go mining and look at that this gold right here man I've been mining for so long now and I haven't found anything good I've gone so deep in this cave wait a second is cloudy in this cave with me where is he wait I see his name wait cloudy Kia wait you're in the same cave as me yeah I am what are you doing here I'm trying to find some diamonds because I don't have any more but I've gone so deep in this cave and I can't find any oh wait are you having a bad time with your mining yeah my mining trip is not going good I'm getting really unlucky oh I'm sorry cloudy but hey I gotta go back to mining okay all right I hope you find some good stuff Keo all right I hope you do too thank you oh my goodness I wish there was something I could do to make his day better hmm wait skulk blocks those are from the warden wait a second I wonder if I could disguise myself as a warden I'm pretty sure if I press this button and oh my goodness wait the word is right there now if I press this oh my goodness I'm the ward and now I look so funny the way I run all right well let's go find cloudy I really hope cloudy is still over there oh he is okay we're gonna sneak up on cloudy I really hope he doesn't get scared the only thing I've been able to find is coal iron and gold I can't find anything good cloudy please notice me I've gotten everything here and oh my goodness oh my goodness wait where did you come from oh no wait please don't hurt me I've had such a bad mining trip Warden oh my gosh wait it's chasing me it's chasing me Keo where are you I need your help Kyo I need your help oh no he's calling for me he's really scared what can I do to make him trust me um okay okay I'm gonna get diamonds because I know he was looking for diamonds so I'm gonna grab one and I'm gonna go over to him and I'm gonna drop it oh no no no it's still chasing me it's still chasing me oh my gosh I have to run no cloudy stop running away wait no I'm trapped in here I hit a dead end oh please don't hurt me Warden wait you just dropped me a diamond are you a friendly Warden is that even impossible yes I am I am a friendly Warden oh it's jumping wait oh my gosh it's a friendly Warden wait he finally understands this is so awesome well since you already told me you're a friendly Warden are you a helpful Warden yes I am cloudy I'm here to help you wait it's jumping again oh my gosh wait can you help me mine because I haven't found anything good wait a second Claudia wants me to help him find oars okay I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna Place oars where he was just mining wait where are you going Warden I'm gonna follow you I'm gonna follow you oh my goodness he's even following me that's so cute now that I'm here I'm gonna grab some oars so let's grab some diamonds because I know how much he loves diamonds I'm gonna grab some lapis lazuli some emeralds because emeralds are awesome some gold and a bunch of iron all right let's go ahead and place them I'm just gonna place a bunch of diamonds over here oh my goodness he's gonna be so grateful I'm gonna play some more over here and if you guys think that I'm a helpful Warden then be sure to subscribe in three two one let's go all right I'm gonna put some here some more there oh my goodness I'm putting so many he's gonna be so rich and now time for the gold and then the emeralds and now how is this looking hmm you know what this is missing it's missing lapis so I'm gonna put some over here all right there you go I think I've put enough oars now I wonder when cloudy's gonna get back wait Mr Warden where did you go wait you're over here wait did you do this Mr Warden yes I did oh my goodness I was just mining right here and I couldn't find anything good but you placed these just for me thank you Warden oh my goodness he's so grateful of all the oars we placed this is so awesome I cannot wait to show Keo everything that I got and I can't wait to explain to him that a warden's helping me I don't know if he's gonna believe me though he's talking about me and you know what just to be funny when he tries to explain to me that a warden was helping him I'm in a completely deny it oh my gosh I'm getting so rich from all these oars and I'm not even halfway done there's so many to go let me just get this gold maybe I can use this for some golden apples in the future wait a second that's so true he can use these for such op stuff I can get the lapis to do some enchantments and I can actually do enchantments after I get all these diamonds I'm so excited this is so good he's getting so rich there we go the emeralds are all mine and now oh my gosh how many diamonds are there here and there's only a few more diamonds left three two one and how much do I have now I have 35 diamonds 19 emeralds two stacks of lapis and so much more thank you Warden oh my goodness wait he's so rich now I've been so helpful already and now after mining all those I think my mining trip is a success All Because Of You Mr Warden thank you no problem cloudy I'm so glad I got to help you but I don't think you're able to go up to the surface I wish I could take you home but I need to go store all these in my chest now I'll see you you later Mr Warden oh okay bye cloudy all right I'm pretty sure I've made it up to the surface before cloudy this is great so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change back to Keo all right I finally made it out of the cave and I feel so much safer out here that cave was kind of scary but wait what happened to my house why is my glass destroyed and where's my front door wait I think someone was here and robbed me oh no something happened I better go check on cloudy wait all of my chests are empty they put cobwebs and bones in my chest oh hi Keo hey cloudy what happened I don't know I went Mining and I came back and my house got robbed but when I was mining I found all of these so I was excited to store them in my chest wait a second this is a lot of stuff how did you get all this well I was having a bad mining trip but then I became friends with a friendly Warden and he actually placed down all the oars for me wait a warden honey I'm gonna be honest with you wardens are supposed to be really mean I'm not sure how much I believe that well that's what I thought but I saw started running away from it but it gave me a diamond so I guess it's friendly I still don't really know if I believe you but anyways what happened here I have no idea Keo I don't even know what happened to my house but I don't really feel safe here anymore I'm gonna make a secret base do you want to help me a secret base that sounds pretty cool but sadly I can't really help out I have to go do something oh okay Keo I hope to see you around soon alright I'll see you later good luck on the secret base thank you man I have to repair my house oh my goodness I feel so bad for him but now this is an opportunity to turn back into the warden so I'm gonna press this button I'm gonna search up Warden and there you go I'm the warden again all right time to go say hi to cloudy man I wish I had somebody to help me why did Keo have to leave cloudy I'm here oh hello Mr Warden wait how did you get inside you're not supposed to be up here you're supposed to be in the cave oh my goodness silly cloudy he has no idea it's because it's me well Warden after I got all the stuff you gave me I went to come and put it away but my house got destroyed and my stuff got taken oh my goodness yeah he lost all of his things I really want to help him out but I was telling Keo I don't really feel safe here so I'm gonna rebuild my house and build a secret base maybe you want to help me with that oh my goodness yeah I would love to help you cloudy oh my gosh I think he wants to help me yay let's go now wait a second if he wants to build a secret base I think I have the perfect location what if we use the ancient cities that is such a good idea but first I should probably help him out with rebuilding his house so I'm gonna grab some glass and I'm gonna drop it to him to give him the idea that I want to help out wait you gave me some glass to rebuild my windows thank you Warden oh my gosh thank you no problem all right time to help out oh my gosh you're even building two I didn't know wardens could do that oh my gosh you're so cool I definitely don't think wardens can do that it's just because I'm a player all right there wasn't too much damage but I do miss all of my stuff I had in my chest but my house is looking pretty good again I think oh my goodness that's true the house looks good already my house looks amazing again thank you Warden but now I need to build my secret base to store all of my treasures and I think I'm gonna build it right down here wait no no I have an even better idea okay okay what is something I could do to give him the idea hmm I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab a skulk block and I'm gonna drop it to him hmm how can we lay this out wait what did I just pick up wait what are you trying to say to me Warden follow me cloudy you gave me a skulk block do I need to follow you down into the cave again yes you do keep following me cloudy all right I'm just gonna follow you on this cave is super scary though all right keep following me cloudy I'm pretty sure we're close we've been going for so far where are we going Warden there it is oh my gosh I've never been to the ancient city before I don't want to go down there oh my goodness he's scared but personally I don't even blame him it is a pretty scary place down there alright let me just jump down wait the warden's jumping at me do you want me to come down there with you Warden yes I do come down the water's safe I promise okay I'm gonna jump down in three two one catch the water catch the water and perfect oh my gosh this place is crazy let's go he made it all right now we have to find the place for him to build the base follow me cloudy this place is really scary but I gotta like it because there's a lot of blue around here oh my goodness he likes it personally I also like it as well this place is pretty cool when it's not scary but where are we going Mr Warden I wonder where you're taking me that's what I'm trying to figure out all right and I'm pretty sure this is a good place to put a secret base wait what are you leading me over here for Mr Warden over here you can put all your chests here it's completely safe I promise wait I wanted to build a secret base and you're mining out a room are you letting me put a secret base in your home yes I am cloudy but I kind of want to have some like iron locks and lava and stuff like that I don't have any of those iron blocks you know what I'll help you out let me grab some iron blocks and lava and now I'm gonna start building the wall oh my gosh wait you're putting down iron blocks for me thank you Warden I'm gonna have the most secure loot base ever oh my goodness he's so happy and grateful I love this I'm gonna make sure he has the most secure base so that no one takes this stuff again oh my gosh this room is looking super cool I love it Mr Warden now let me just go ahead and get myself my chest really quick and I can place them down right here let's go he placed on his chest and now he could put down all of his oars and there we go I put all my goodies in this chest I'll put a few things in this one and I think that should be good but it's not too secure because it's wide open to the ancient city I need to put a wall right here and maybe an iron door all right I know what to do I'm placing some iron blocks here and he did say he wanted an iron door so I'm gonna place it and now I'm gonna grab a button and there you go it is now complete I'm just gonna cover it up a bit and there you go the secret base is done oh my gosh wait this base is super duper secret and you even put an iron door for me so I can press this button and go straight into my secret Loop base oh my goodness he loves it and to be fair this is a pretty cool base I'm actually kind of jealous oh my gosh now nobody's gonna be able to steal my stuff ever again thank you Mr Warden no problem we finished the secret base Mr Warden but sadly all of my food got stolen as well oh that's right he did get robbed so he lost all of his belongings and that also includes food so Mr Warden I don't know if you're gonna come with me but I'm gonna go up to the surface and get some food I'll Follow You cloudy all right we made it back up to the surface and oh wait there's some cows over here I'm gonna go get some food Mr Warden I don't know what you're gonna do in the meantime but I'll be right back um think for some food but I don't think that's good enough so while he's killing those animals I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna create something that's gonna give him so much op food is this a good spot yeah I think this is a good spot I'm gonna grab some grass and I'm gonna make a parkour all right this is easy so far right yeah it is all right and what's really good as well is that we are doing this over water so that he doesn't die I'm gonna Place more there you go and so far I actually really like the way this looks alright there you go we have about five jumps so far and you know what just for some little tiny decoration I'm gonna have some Stone under them and there you go but I find that this is too easy so we're gonna add some more so I'm gonna grab some ladders there you go and now I'm gonna start building over here and now let's put a ladder and I think this is doable oh my goodness yeah that is too easy I'm gonna put it back a block and there you go oh my goodness that is so terrifyingly difficult all right here's the first ladder jump and I'm gonna make it higher and I'm gonna make him jump to the side there you go so far this looks pretty good I'm gonna put another pillar right here and I'm going to add a ladder to the side so that now he has to jump to the side to get on it I'm gonna Place Another right there one more right there and now I think to finish this off we're gonna have a single Neo so I'm gonna grab some calcite because why not and then I'm gonna start building over here and the single Neo is gonna start right here just gonna build the floor and there you go the Neo is now set up and there you go the Neo is now set up and if you don't know how a Neo works it's pretty simple all you have to do is jump around the pillar like this and there you go now all we have to do is build the platform where he's gonna get all of his food I'm gonna place the chest down and now I'm gonna grab a bunch of op Foods I'm gonna grab a stack of steak a stack of cooked pork chop I'm gonna grab a bunch of golden apples there you go I think 16 is good and now I'm gonna grab four enchanted golden apples oh my goodness he's gonna be so happy then maybe some baked potatoes and last but not least some mutton and there you go now I'm going to put all of it inside and just for dramatic effect I'm just gonna scatter these all around and there you go the chest is now set up all I have to do now is grab a sign I'm going to place it down facing this way so that when he comes over he's gonna be able to read it and then I'm gonna put op Foods there you go now the parkour course is officially set up let's check back and go see what cloudy's doing oh but wait I have to change back to a warden I almost forgot there you go I'm now a warden again all right and there's one more cow right here and let's go ahead and kill it and there we go oh hi Mr Warden you got back just in time I got some more food you see this oh my goodness he got himself some food but it's nowhere near the amount of food I have prepared for him over there he's gonna be so excited all right Mr Warden I'm gonna go ahead and go and cook all of this food wait a second oh my goodness okay okay I'm gonna grab a golden apple and I'm gonna drop it and hopefully he sees it are you coming Mr Warden and wait what's that on the ground where did this come from a golden apple did you drop this for me he saw it okay this is really really good yes I did cloudy I'm gonna run this way and I hope he follows me you gave me a golden apple and you're running away I'm gonna come follow you I'm following you Mr Warden I guess I'll just cook my food later yes he's following me this is so good I wonder where you're taking me this time all right and we made it wait what is this over here there's no way this is generated in Minecraft and what does that sign say Opie Foods oh my gosh wait did you set up this parkour course for me yes I did Claudia I wanted to give you a bunch of good food but I also didn't want to make it easy okay I think the only way I can get to the chest is If I complete this parkour course so this doesn't look too difficult so we're gonna make this jump there we go and you even made it over water so I won't die if I fail oh my goodness he noticed that and we'll make this jump oh my goodness why is he actually doing so good I really hope he doesn't fail this next jump because this is a little difficult all right let's go ahead and make this jump and no oh no he failed it but that's okay because he was in water so he didn't die all right I'm gonna swim back up Mr Warden all right let's go ahead and make these jumps again those were pretty easy but now I'm back to this part okay come on and I made it he made it let's go all right I don't know how good I am at these ladder jumps but let's go ahead and try it and I did it okay there's only one more to do all right let's go ahead and do it no I messed it up and this one no I he got so close oh my goodness but he is actually pretty good at these all right I made it back to this jump and I really want to get to that chest over there so I'm not gonna fail again there we go oh my goodness he finally did it all right cloudy don't mess this up oh my gosh wait I have to jump on the ladders oh no let's see if I can do it and I did it and all right let's see if I can make the next one there we go and this one looks kind of difficult Mr Warden and jump oh I did it oh my goodness now all he has to do is the Neo and there we go and wait is this even a jump Mr Warden can't I just mine this right there no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh I guess I can't do that you know what I can just do this regularly yes I did it let's go it did it oh my goodness that was first tried too he's so good and now cloudy all you have to do is open your chest and get your food all right let's see what's inside and oh my goodness there's four enchanted golden apples there's so many regular golden apples and I'm gonna have a lifetime supply of food now oh my goodness he is set for life thank you Mr Warden you're helping me out so much I really appreciate you that's perfect that was my goal I really wanted to be helpful so this is working out so well all right but I'm gonna go store these at home now Mr Warden thank you so much but wait how am I supposed to get back Mr Warden oh don't worry cloudy here you go oh my gosh I don't have to do the parkour again he's building me a pathway this is so cool oh my gosh you're such a fast Builder Mr Warden I'm already back thank you no problem cloudy all right let's go back home all right let's go ahead and go over to my chest over here and store all of my food there we go I have so much food but maybe I should keep some on myself there we go and wait no when I got robbed they took all of my armor and my weapons oh no wait I completely forgot about that oh what am I gonna do because I really wanna beat the Ender Dragon if he wants to beat the Ender Dragon I have the perfect idea I'm gonna put a bunch of op loot back in the ancient city all right cloudy I'm gonna be right back stay right here oh where you going Mr Warden is This Time to Say Goodbye Oh Oh I really hope he doesn't think I'm abandoning him I'm gonna come back I swear all right now I'm pretty sure that ancient city is right here yep perfect and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find one or two chests so where's a chest is there a chest over here there is all right let me open it and this stuff is not that good so let me just grab all this and get it out and now I'm gonna put all the good stuff in it so I'm gonna put all the armor and diamond sword and then and then I'm Gonna Save this stuff for another chest where can I put oh wait there's another chest right here let me just take out everything again all right I took everything out and now I'm gonna put all the the yopi stuff in here we got a bow with infinity and power we got End Portal frames and Eye of Ender and these stuff are gonna help him defeat the Ender Dragon alright now let's get cloudy oh wait I think I hear the warning oh my gosh the warden's back oh my gosh she sees me come out cloudy wait he's not coming inside do I have to come out with you Mr Warden hello all right he's outside with me now I want him to follow me so I'm gonna go this way and I really hope he takes the hint oh my gosh wait where are we going this time I'm gonna follow you because every time you've been leading me somewhere it's been so cool this is perfect he's following me let's go all right cloudy just a bit more wait Mr Warden why are we back at the ancient city what are we gonna do here well Claudia put a bunch of OPI loot in a chest you gotta go find it follow me all right I'm gonna jump down into the water again and I made it all right cloudy follow me oh wait where are we going um this isn't the way to my secret base we must be doing something else yes we are cloudy just come over here and you'll find the chests oh my gosh this place is super scary area and wait there's a chest right here oh my goodness wait can I open this yes you can oh my gosh she's nodding his head at me let's open it and oh my goodness I got full protection for armor a sharpness five iron aspects sword oh my gosh look at me Mr Warden I'm so overpowered now and I look so shiny he looks so strong oh this is so awesome but wait there's more come over here wait is there another chest where are we going and oh my gosh today is my lucky day Warden let's go ahead and see what's inside there's End Portal frames and ender eyes and an Infinity power bow oh my goodness wait I can finally beat the Ender Dragon now because of you Mr Warden yes you can oh my goodness I'm so excited I really want to help him beat it all right I'm gonna start placing down all the end portal frames and we gotta fill them all with ender eyes oh my goodness he's already building the portal he's so excited and you know what Mr Warden you've been helping me a lot you can place the last Ender eye wait oh my goodness this is an honor okay I'm gonna place it in three two one go oh my gosh all right Warden I'll beat you there wait oh that's so unfair but I guess he did get me we're in the end now Mr Warden but how am I supposed to get over there I don't have any blocks on me don't worry cloudy I'm just gonna broker grab some Cobblestone and now I'm gonna drop it to you oh my goodness thank you Warden I'm gonna go ahead and build over it look how fast I can Bridge oh my goodness wait he actually is building pretty fast I had no idea cloudy could speed bridge and we made it let's go take down the Ender Dragon oh my gosh I see the Ender Dragon it's right there okay Mr Warden we have to take out the crystals okay okay I'm gonna help him out and I'm gonna take out a lot of the crystals all right so we got the first one I've already gone to crystals what are you doing Mr Warden oh my goodness how did you get up there and you're helping me get the crystals thank you yes I am let me get this one I'm gonna get this one and now I think I'm gonna get this one in the cage and I think there's only one left can you get that from me Mr Warden oh sure there you go oh my goodness thank you Mr Warden all of the end crystals are destroyed now it's time to defeat the Ender Dragon oh my goodness that was so quick but now it's time go go go come here Dragon you're not getting away from me oh no he shot his Fireballs I gotta be super careful oh my goodness he's doing so much damage to the dragon this bow is helping me out so much thank you for giving me it Mr Warden oh no another Fireball I gotta move wait be careful the purple particles cloudy there's so many purple particles on the ground but I have to be super careful because it'll do so much damage to me but luckily for me I have full enchanted diamond armor wait the Ender Dragon's perching I gotta go I gotta go I'm gonna do so much damage to you Mr Dragon come on come on where's your head oh God it is no I got hit into the air come back Mr Dragon wait wait I'll help out oh no one sending me away oh wait you're doing so much damage Warden thank you you're so strong I guess I'll just keep using my bow though I couldn't get too many hits with my sword the Ender Dragon is already so low he's so close to beating it my day started really weird with a bad mining trip but my day has gotten so much better and I'm about to beat the game let's go I'm so happy that his day has gotten better it's coming back down I'm gonna sit right in here and I think I'm gonna be able to destroy the dragon now he's so close he's doing so much damage the dragon doesn't know I'm right below it oh my gosh it's so close it's so close and I did it let's go he beat the Ender Dragon this is so cool I can't wait to get off the experience and here's all the XP all for myself oh my goodness all this XP he's gonna be so overpowered but now that he's beat the Ender Dragon I guess it's time to reveal and after all that experience I'm now level 58 thank you Mr War Garden okay he's looking at me so this is a good time to reveal wait Keo how did you get here wow cloudy I was actually the ward in this entire time wait what you were the warden the entire time like all day today yep for the whole day I saw that you're having a pretty bad time with the mining and your house and I just really wanted to make your day better so I did what I could to help you out well thank you Keo I really appreciate it but I should have known because I couldn't find you all day today but after you started helping me my day got so much better I'm glad I can make your day better cloudy that is all I wanted to do if you guys enjoyed this video then be sure to subscribe and click on another video on the screen bye guys bye-bye
Channel: Kio
Views: 1,818,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cloudy, Kio, Cloudy and Kio, Kio and Cloudy, Maizen, Cash, Mongo, Wudo, Minecraft mod, noob vs pro, Minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs hacker, Minecraft noob vs hacker, family friendly, kid friendly, Minecraft, Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Creeper!, Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Zombie!, playing minecraft as, I Played Minecraft as a HELPFUL Warden!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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