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um guys where are we right now wow guys they go oh and it's a rainbow what happened Lily I'm not gonna fall there wait a minute um who is that oh no Sean I'm gonna put you guys here babe give me a kiss get away from me crystal now kissing is happening Crystal why are you here no I'm not giving you a kiss Crystal you need to learn boundaries like stand over here I'm just stand over there okay well what do we do here why are we on this one chunk survive and make out what make out I am not making out with you that is gross Mickey go that sounds awesome what making out is not awesome look this girl is crazy Lily stop stop we're not hurting Crystal Crystal just just please don't act a fool you're protecting me babe from these haters what my friends are not haters they're just very cautious of you because you're crazy yeah you should go in the void no Lily stop Lily oh my gosh oh my gosh leave her alone did you just save her from dying yeah I saved her so wow that was pretty romantic what romantic gross that's browsers there's nothing romantic about this no no Lily stop leave Crystal alone Crystal I'm so sorry right now thanks babe I love you please please stop calling me babe and stop saying you love me and please back up why do you keep trying to like get inside me I love being next to you you smell really good well I do oh okay guys she thinks I smell good she's so Lily she is not crazy but chillax guys I want to see this one chunk look what's underneath us it's a rainbow of look up the netherite blocks um guys how are we gonna mine it with our fist this is gonna take a year we need to get materials Crystal how do you set this up don't ask too many questions babe give me a cast oh my gosh Crystal oh you would be really really cool if you weren't like crazy too oh my gosh Crystal just chillax okay you can hang out with me says a crush bruh I do not have a crush Luke that is gross crushes is only for like old people and stuff and I'm not old you know you can tell us your true feelings about Crystal you know what my true feelings about Crystal there is no true feelings about Crystal I don't like her one bit Lily why don't you like her she's just like a little weird is she kidnapped me so many before yeah I'm Crystal what was up with that why would you kidnap Lily I know you have a crush on her well I do not have a crush on Lily that is Grosso yeah exactly Lily's my BFF along with Roxy and Luke duh everyone knows that Crystal whatever babe we'll smooch it later stop saying smooch we're not smooching Roxy what are you doing right now can you leave me alone please please are you mining that that's the right block with your hands serious sorry Roxy that wasn't me that was Lily igwash unbelievable Roxy but guys I got so many materials I can make a crafting table and with this crafting table I shall make all of us a pickaxe that's our only food sharks no do not kill the cows we have to make a farm chill Roxy we don't have to listen to him just kill him no no no no no no guys Luke I'm serious right now if we kill the food then we're gonna die all right thank you few and now I can craft everyone a pickaxe thank you babe for making me a pickaxe um Crystal you're not special I'm giving a pickaxe to everyone thank you you're welcome and Luke take your pickaxe and Roxy here's your pickaxe thank you you're welcome and wait I didn't make one for myself oh my God I thought about you guys so much I forgot about me boom I now have a pickaxe let's go and with this pickaxe I'm what do we mind everyone mind the same block over here oh yeah we could make it super fast and oh my gosh we have to buy another right with a wooden pickaxe but there's five of us so this should be super mega fast don't worry babe I'm helping oh my gosh this is taking forever now the right is so strong come on just break up and whoa look underneath guys there's so many cool blocks there's bone blocks over here okay there's three people down here what about four what four I'm coming down too babe oh my gosh this is such a tight fit but wow we could get so many bone blocks and whoa what blocks are these uh Stone gravel oh deep slate stone wait a minute can we make a pickaxe with this yeah I think so Roxy are you stuck in the cobwebs yeah can you pick me up and get me out yeah I got you there you go no one go below the gravel it's dangerous let's just collect a bunch of bone blocks oh yeah we can make so many cool items with Glowstone we can make oh yeah we could also just make glowstone with the dust oh yeah that's good too babe I'm getting stuck for us thanks Crystal I guess um please don't call me babe like you could be a part of the group but if you're just like don't call me babe I'd really appreciate it how about we make out here oh my god that's literally the opposite of what I just said we're not making out we're just hanging out and wait little you have a crafting table yeah some stuff me too I want to see if I can make a pickaxe and yes I can guys we can make stone pickaxes so we can mine a lot quicker so fast now we're getting so many bone blocks homes with all these blocks we should make an awesome crib oh yeah you're right everyone one let's go to the surface we gotta make homemade oh gosh how do we get out wait wait the outside way is right over here we gotta build up just like this and guys careful I did not want to break that right again grinding for blocks me too wait a minute um You Luke and Lily so who does that leave me with hey babe oh my gosh hi Crystal yeah I guess you're with me can you stop walking into me what what do you want I wanna kiss you and hug you wow kiss me and hug me crystal please be normal please we could have such a good time if you were just normal all right I'll try my best for you oh my gosh all right thanks Crystal but wait we need to get some wood can you help me out yes let's mine together oh my gosh Crystal why are you making everything so weird it's just like friendly mining there's nothing like special about this yes there is what is special about us mining a tree together this is like some normal activity for you it is but not for me what does that even mean what is this to you this is our first day wow this is not a day Crystal oh my gosh just help me build the house and we're gonna make it super cool we can make the sides out of some normal Oak planks like this boom and we can make that about that Boombox wow how many know I was gonna say that yeah that's exactly what I was gonna say check out this design I think just a like babe all right all right Michelle with the babe talk and um wait I ran out of blocks here you go baby take some bone blocks wow you have so much what you're awesome Crystal I mean um you're cool I guess you're not awesome because awesome is like what I would say to my girlfriend and you're not my girlfriend Roxy we are not kissing up here we're just building the house for you guys dog no we're kissing roxay oh my gosh Crystal stop lying we're not kissing at all Roxy what are you doing here what there is no kiss Roxy she's capping right now duh everyone knows that I would never kiss Crystal you're just about to kiss Crystal but I involved involved no no no I was not gonna kiss Crystal we were just hanging out building duh okay whatever all right go mine Roxy I can't believe you thought we were about a kiss right well we weren't no we were not about a kiss get away from me crystal ah come on whatever Crystal and boom check it out whoa our house looks awesome and we can make the door right over here check this house out it's awesome and we need to make the floor what should we make it out of let's make it out of Cabo deep sleeps down oh that's a really good choice yes but first I need to make some shovels do you want to make you a shovel Crystal yes please anything for me yeah all right why are you making it weird here I made us two Stone shovels you could have this one and I'm gonna use this one now let's mine out the bottom layer of the floor no Roxy we're not about a kiss we're just building a simple house as like friends I guess yeah I guess Crystal you're my friend wait really subscribe um I guess yeah I guess it's a little bit of progress here my friend but like don't make it weird Roxy what are you doing here now we're not gonna we're not kissing Roxy just like go down oops sorry we're just friends right yay friends forever yeah friends forever see you're getting it now Crystal and soon we'll kiss all right see you made it weird and what are you doing Luke nothing I wasn't watching what do you mean he wasn't watching it do you guys have a whole stairway system up here I wasn't using that to spy on you oh my gosh you totally why are you literally minded path over here just a spy on us oh my gosh nothing is going on we're just hanging out right crystal we're gonna kiss oh you're weird but whoa we have doors now and Boop and Boop let's go yes our first vacation home and then we'll have kids kids oh my gosh Crystal how can we have kids we're still kids ourselves so yeah I guess we can adapt adopt kids Crystal what are you even saying right now oh my gosh just be quiet and just help me build a roof and boom it's now complete doesn't it look awesome yes it's amazing oh no right it's completely finished and wait let me get rid of these blocks so it looks way nicer and boom the house is not high five oh my gosh he touched me yes yeah all right that was a little bit weird but let's see how they're doing down over here and wow you guys mind all of this out yeah in progress and wait how are we going to get rid of these cobwebs pickaxes can't mind that we can use a starter oh yeah you're right we can mine cobwebs with a sword so let me make myself a sword real quick can you make me one too babe um please don't call me that but yeah here's a sword yay thanks babe oh my gosh I'm starting to like her what do you mean you're starting to like her you just said you didn't like her like a second ago yeah that was a second ago oh wow I don't know she's still a little bit weird but guys mind the gravel and don't step in the cobwebs are you serious Luke comsy save me I'm not omsy and why are you talking like Crystal I don't know you give her a lot of attention so I try to be like her oh no no no oh my gosh sorry guys I'll give you guys all attention it's just Crystal's like a lot of my hands and I'm just trying to be nice to her thanks babe oh my gosh guys just mind the gravel and whoa whoa we're next we're getting so many cobwebs and what can we do with cobwebs oh yeah that's awesome yes great idea Roxy and oh my gosh whoa we're on top of gold right now but wait we can't even mine it how are we gonna get the gold we need iron oh yeah you're right and there is an iron for a bunch of layers but I know a way to quickly check Roxy follow me we're going on an adventure to see where iron is so let's parkour down over here and oh my gosh oh it was just found this looks super dangerous I'm going for it oh gosh oh man I died oh hi Lily on there iron and did I do it it's right over here let me blaze a block and yes I just need to get enough for all of us to get pickaxes I'm trying to um there's no iron over there it's on this layer and if each of us need three iron for a pickaxe and there's five of us that would be three times five um well what is three times five fifteen oh yeah it's 15. we need 15 iron and right now I have eight oh wait wait everyone's here oh nice nice nice so now we should have 15 how many do you have Lily I have five oh nice I have twelve all right let's go back up guys and oh bye Crystal I missed you babe oh my gosh they're being weird again but guys let's go back up to Roxy and we can make some pickaxes to mine all the gold baby let's go yay and we made it back nice and no one died except for um Luke but we don't talk about that hey not cool loams Lily do you have a crafting table I'm out of wood yeah oh nice thank you now I can use a Cabo deep slate to make a furnace let's go and then I could put all my raw iron inside and um wait do we have anything to smelter with all I have is three pieces of wood I have a bunch of wood let me put it in oh thank you so much Lily yes we're gonna get enough iron so fast let's go I just sneaked in some more iron wait what you did oh my gosh 26 iron we're gonna have pickaxes in no time Roxy you always try hard how do you have 59 pieces that was grinding I broke my pickaxe oh my gosh Roxy you're actually insane guys I have a great idea let's make five furnaces for five types of productivity oh my gosh Luke that is actually such a smart idea Luke you get the furnaces and I'll split them up and while you do that I'm gonna make myself an iron pickaxe all right and boom I got the iron pickaxe and whoa so many furnaces now let me split up the iron we could put like 15 in each so let me put 15 in here 15 in here and put another furnace down all right boom here's the last two oh thank you so much and I can put seven in here and seven in here and whoever has any smelting materials put them in the furnaces whoa nice Lily and now all of them are smelting great job and our iron productivity just went up by so much whoa does anyone have wood for an iron pickaxe no but I have two sticks there you go make yourself an iron pickaxe oh my gosh no problemo and Crystal here is three iron ingots for your very own pickaxe thanks babe oh my gosh and then Lily here is three for you and then Luke here is three for you now we're all gonna have iron pickaxes let's go and now we can mine this gold now we're gonna get golden apples oh yeah craft golden apples with all of this gold baby this is gonna be left I'm grinding Roxy I promise you and wow we already have so many furnaces so we could put all of the gold inside the furnaces so let me take out all of this iron and put in some raw gold and oh my gosh guys I have so much iron right now I'm at 26. thank you Lily and whoa we're getting so much gold right now and I have 28 iron can I make myself some armor make everyone a helmet oh great idea let me make Five Habits so we can all protect our heads and oh my gosh that costed so much iron here Crystal this is your helmet oh my gosh babe thanks oh my gosh you're welcome Crystal and then Roxy this is your helmet and then Lily this is your helmet and then look here you go this is your helmet and let me put mine on we are all stacked with armor this is awesome I know right and how much gold do we have oh my gosh we have so much it costs 12 pieces that's awesome make sure to put in the furnace awesome and oh my gosh guys what do we do with all of this gold I have almost 20 whole pieces this is amazing oh wait wait now we could go down more I didn't even think about that let's go down and whoa watermelons and more wood let's go oh my gosh phew if we were running out of materials to smell with this is gonna be crazy useful I know right and wait we need to make some iron axes so let me go to the crafting table and I can make an iron ax whoa awesome and with this iron ax I can mine all the wood we're about to be super duper strong [Music] and wait and wiggle because we're about to die yeah to kill the chickens and animals oh see if I was getting really worried because I'm Luke was about to punch them off TBH I'm gonna eat them anyway what does tbh mean does anybody know babe I know wait what does it mean Crystal it means to be honest oh TBH oh my gosh Luke you're so cool with your words uh wait a minute no don't eat them I'm Jay King what Jay kaying um Crystal do you know what jking means it means just kidding oh that makes sense just kidding wait a minute what do you mean just kidding I'm gonna eat them all up oh my gosh I'd rather you not Luke because that's really rude but whoa we're getting so much wood finally and now I can turn all this into planks and I could put them all in the furnace for more smelting materials and guys can you guys reload all of your ores in here please you guys better get a lot of wood I have so much iron coming in wait Roxy where are you oh hi Roxy how much iron do you have I'm stacking two a stacking two you're definitely lying what where were you this whole time oh my gosh Roxy moment Roxy always gets so much materials let's go so now we could put in a bunch of iron each furnace like this and it's gonna be super fast because we have a bunch of them working at the same time iron armor oh yeah that's gonna be awesome and oh my gosh I have 50. golden ingots do you guys know what this means we can make a bunch of golden apples but wait I don't have apples I do I get a Butch when we were mining the trees oh my gosh guys we're doing amazing let's go and with all these apples I can make wow six golden apples everyone come up here and take one that's it over bro here you go and here you go Crystal and uh broxy do you want a golden apple all right boom and it's right there Roxy um it's on the ice can I have mine oh yep here you go Lily take care golden apple and Roxy is right here do you have it yeah yeah now I have two golden apples oh nice and oh my gosh glue you're gonna love this it's your favorite block is it emeralds yeah it's emeralds wow we collect so many this is awesome we're gonna be super duper rich I wish I could make emerald armor so I could have it all over my body oh wow oh my gosh Luke emerald armor is not a thing guys we should probably make iron armor oh yeah you're right and wait I think a bunch of iron is melting right now let's see the progress on that let me parkour up over here and oh the gold is all done and so is all of this iron oh my gouache guys I have 59 pieces of iron I'm gonna make all of us some chest plates 41 more one more oh my gosh wait pass that over right now how do you have so much Roxy all the time when you're talking about black I was actually grinding what oh my gosh Roxas you're crazy let's go and um should I make a chest plate yeah make everyone a chest plate and pants and boots well I can't afford all that I'll just make the chess play and since there's five of us I will make five chest blades yeah I'm gonna have your Honeycombs my hoodie this is a chest plate that's not my hoodie what are you talking about it's the same thing what it's not the same thing we're not dating or something and Roxy their test plates back there there you go no problem and boom I have a chest plate and Lily and Luke here I'm gonna throw your chest plate right there Luke thanks dude no problem and wait Lily where are you I'm right here I just got stuck in the cobwebs where yo oh hi Lily here take your chest plate and wait I have some more iron I think I can make some booties oh my gosh you guys are crazy and I could make wait wait oh no I'm one iron short of making everyone booties does anybody have one piece 34 um are you serious how Roxy oh my gosh all right let me craft one more set of boots and let's see how many pants can I make it oh my gosh I can only make four so let me put on my boots here you go Crystal here are some booties these new shoes for me um I guess yeah I guess you call them shoes Lily here are your booties thank you no problem Roxy here are yours and Blue Care catch sweets no probs and um wait guys here's some pants yay pants only Crystal would be excited for pants here you go Roxy and Lily and look you got the last set of pants taken how to watch your pants what what do you mean you don't want my pants I don't like wearing pants what well neither do I I'm not wearing pants either no pants gang I'm not wearing pants either wait what oh my gosh oh my gosh Lily you're the only one with pants not anymore no pants gang oh my gosh Roxy what are you holding in your hand right now the block what how that's what I'm saying how do you have an emerald block Roxy emeralds and blocks oh wait I didn't even think about that you're right let's get some Emerald blocks and wait a minute we don't even have to smelt it that's how yeah it's so sick we're getting so many emeralds this is awesome homes you know that's why emeralds is the best ore how is that a reason Admirals are the best ore because you don't even have to melt it what oh yeah I guess that does make sense and wait what are these blocks underneath they're called shroom lights oh this is so cool this is decoration for our house our crib gonna be lit what does that even mean Apple wait oh I lived I live don't worry guys I'm already got a crystal back I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good you don't need a kid no I I don't need a kiss I'm good I ate a golden apple thank you though you're welcome oh my gosh I can't believe I said Thank you to Crystal but wait guys um underneath the lapis is a llama that is crazy what do we do about it let me think wait I have a good idea we could put blocks down over here like this and then we could put it all around like that and now we could hop inside let's go what's underneath the lava are you serious look why would you jump in with me oh my gosh we have to spread out and wow wow guys oh gosh back up back we're gonna die I lived with half a heart man are you guys serious we just all died guys I told you this was a one person only area oh my gosh you guys can come down now though I admired a little bit of room are you sure it's safe yeah it's safe but don't mind the Netherrack because above the Netherrack is lava and it's dangerous and oh my gosh who just mind the Netherrack oh my God are you serious right now oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh guys they're not funny Roxy that's like the simplest instruction don't mind the Netherrack and the first thing you do is mind the Netherrack guys jump down over here and wow is this the iron layer yeah oh my gosh that's how you got super rich and guys there's Keys here yummy delicious these are so good Lily did you make these cakes maybe oh my gosh these cakes are awesome and look underneath there's red mushrooms oh yeah Roxy these are like you're blocking away I think we have to use an ax to minor quick check it out so satisfying wow you're mining at super speed I know right this is awesome check me out everyone clear out all the red moose rooms all right no red wait listen to that sound oh yeah so satisfying and now we're at stone bricks guys this is such cool building materials and quartz guys you know we can do with this we got levels oh my gosh this is awesome mind the quartz and the stone bricks let's go we could double up on Amazing blocks and look above us there's books wait a minute books that is exactly what we need because with books we can make an enchanting table super duper overpowered I'm gonna collect all the books for extra knowledge now it's not for knowledge it's for XP enchantments dial Luke the courts are giving us levels and the books are allowing us to get mega powerful enchants yeah I guess that works too yeah that's the whole point and wait guys we have a bunch of blocks let's go back up to the surface and oh God this might be a little dangerous we have to build up from the side and wow this is a lava that almost killed us all right don't worry Crystal I'm getting up and whoa I made it all the way all the way top oh gosh mama just slipped and fell that would have been terrible but now I made it up let's go and oh my gosh guys our house looks super duper tiny we have to expand I'm gonna make myself an emerald room what an emerald room well I'm gonna expand with what block can I use what about Prisma remix Marine that's actually perfect it's light blue but I only have 17 pieces and wait wow thank you and while look at Luke's Emerald room I went hard in the emerald mining area so I have so much blocks awesome Luke and I'm gonna make my room right here um something rad oh you get netherracks oh yeah I have a bunch I got some ammo fish while I was down there what I am a fist wow I didn't see that but awesome all right let's do it can I build with you since I'm also the same color um sure Crystal yeah we could have a room together let's make it super duper Giant and awesome and lit we're gonna have so many birthday parties in here okay finally we're moving into we are not moving in together this is just like our room together I guess but that's not moving in it's just a room okay no babe we're together forever oh my gosh Crystal why are you making it so weird why can't you just be like everyone else at normal wow we were not about a kiss what are you talking about Roxy stop it oh my gosh you're about a kiss now we're not about a kiss at mom why are you helping me Luke I ran into things to do in my house what oh my gosh you finish your emeralds that way I ran out of prison rain can I have some of yours here we go thank you and oh my gosh how do you have prismarine because I grinded boy oh my gosh let's go now we can finish up the walls and I'm gonna make the roof out of prismarine as well this is gonna be the latest room ever ability Nation what T Nation Crystal what does that mean I don't have an answer for that one oh my gosh glitzy Nation Luke explain sometimes you just gotta create the words with the vibe you know what create the words with the vibe what are you even talking about Luke I don't even care about whoa whoa this room is coming out great look at my room wait what you finish your room and whoa it's red and there's glows down it's super bright in here yeah wait um where else is a room you got a mind to my room wait what really and whoa Emerald room this is awesome with the chest and oh my gosh you still have more emeralds oh yeah baby I was grinding in the mines oh nice in here you can have some more of mine thanks Holmes you're the best no problem and whoa oh Lily amethyst room I didn't know you like amethyst I don't really but it's the closest thing to Ping oh all right well I guess yeah this is pretty close to Pink and wait wait we can make it so all our rooms connect and wow guys checking out all of our rooms connect this is awesome I'm gonna put a door so we can have some privacy oh yeah nice nice yeah we're gonna have that oh my gosh that's not what I meant Crystal don't be weird I just want to be with you babe oh my gosh all right yeah sure Crystal if you say so just tell me what the floors we're gonna make it out of white bone blocks because it looks super good right yeah it looks great babe thank you we're almost done with it and nice you guys finished mining out all the grass but make sure to leave this hole open because this is a whole down to the mines ohms are you gonna keep letting her call you babe well I'm not letting her call me babe I always tell her not to well she keeps doing it and you haven't done anything about it well that I do I tell her to not do it yeah yeah whatever you say Holmes wow what are you trying to say right now Luke I'm starting to think you like her well yeah I guess yeah she's like a cool friend I guess she's a little bit weird Bob yeah she's cool whatever not like that like a girlfriend type of liking Wow girlfriend type of liking Luke that is gross you could keep pretending I'm going back to my house see you later lovebirds wow live Birds we are not love birds why would you close the door on us yeah we're lovers no we're not love birds at all and hello Roxy what are you doing down here I'm just making a gold block WOW gold block are we that rich right now yeah oh my gosh that's awesome and wait how deep did we get oh wow this one Chuck is going so down yeah I'm just my house oh nice and oh gosh there's lava here let me go down and wow I made it to the stone brick area and oh my gosh this is the amethyst that we got and wait Luke there's more emeralds [Applause] so many diamonds down here and wait what um what just happened there's so many mobs oh my gosh I just heard a Creeper explosion but I am getting rich with diamonds let's go this is amazing it's literally a whole layer of diamonds isn't this the dream emeralds and diamonds all day I know right we're gonna be mega super stack we could all make a full set of armor hi Roxy I love diamonds because Elms loves Diamonds oh my gosh of course you do crystal but whoa this is amazeballs we have so many I'm almost at 24 and 24 is the amount you need for a full set of armor oh yeah tools we also have to include tools so I'll get a little bit extra so I can make a diamond pickaxe a shovel an ax and a sword we're gonna be Mega stack I'm gonna get like 30. don't you want to get some more of her diamond blocks oh my gosh I did not even think about that diamond blocks would be amazing we could make upgrades in my house I'm gonna make a diamond toilet I'm gonna make an emerald toilet oh my God that's gonna be so goofy to see if we're gonna be or toilet Bros that's awesome and I just hit 30. too oh nice job now let me grab my crafting table and everyone if you need a crafting table you could use this one right over here and make yourself a full set of everything let's do it I'm doing it let's go first let me make a chest plate then a helmet that wait no pants pants are not allowed we're not wearing that diamond pants get the exception actually yeah you're right Diamond pants are awesome and I'll make some Beauties and a brand speaking new sword by the way does anybody have one I can borrow pass it over Lily thank you no problemo thanks and now I'll make it into some sticks and make a diamond sword awesome and wait let me put it on check out the brand new drip guys don't I look awesome thank you Roxy and wait I forgot to make tools so let me first make a pickaxe with my diamonds then I'll also make a shovel I have to make a shovel I need some more sticks so let me craft those bad boys up and make a shovel and finally make an ax and boom we are now fully equipped with everything wow this is awesome I just have a straight diamond stuff in my inventory I'm gonna make some diamond armor too babe oh my gosh don't call me that but all right and wait guys with the diamond pickaxe it mines so much quicker you can't forget about the diamond sword wait what oh my gosh the diamond sword is going to be mega mega powerful we could defend ourselves from literally anything baby and a diamond shovel oh wow the diamond shovel I mean why would we need a damage level so we could mine dirt in style my entire style we already behind all the dirt bike guys wow look underneath us there's a hay bales we can make a bunch of food with this what is all the pink gonna come pink is there even pink boy oh gosh guys um God underneath these hay bales is a super mega deadly dangerous box do you know what this is magma no this is like the warden blocks oh yeah these spawn where the warden lives oh gosh that's super scary by the way underneath is this oh more bookshelves than wait cold guys we're going down a bunch more at Lily guess what we just found uh kind of I guess it's like purplish pink but I guess it could pass as pink yeah yeah you can have all this at oh my gosh Roxy's gonna freak out Roxy red wool wait what yeah seriously and wait wait for a while we can make some shears so we could mine at super duper extra quick check this out guys wow and wait what they're falling into the Hoppers Series right now what this is so annoying every time we bite it it just gets sucked up in The Hoppers we're getting robbed just break The Hoppers oh wait that's actually really really smart so we can get all the items that fall in and whoa guys copper blocks underneath this is awesome I'm collecting these yeah I know right there's such a cool building block we can make awesome structures with this gold ah we already have a bunch of gold we made so many apples with this I'm gonna Farm some copper for now yeah you scared me why are you so close to me right now I've missed you babe oh my gosh Crystal why do you keep calling me babe like seriously because you're my baby baby I'm not a baby I'm like I'm like super duper old Like A Thousand Years nope you're my baby oh my gosh Crystal you're so goofy but we have so much let's go I have a whole 25 . oh nice and oh underneath is some lamps these could be really good decoration blocks too Farm these up guys nice and wow are these seaweed blocks I don't care oh my gosh underneath is the perfect block oh my gosh I'm mining so much of this oh I like that these are my favorite everyone knows that like blue is the best and guys I just got an idea what's your idea what's up you know how we were getting all these levels and all these books all we need now is an enchantment table oh yeah so after we got obsidian we can make the enchanting table but first I need to collect a bunch of these blue blocks and I think I have a good amount now I'm gonna go adventuring for obsidian dangerous oh you know right man I'm going to do that whoa few that was dangerous and no obsidian yet oh my gosh Roxy and oh even some pink concrete down here yeah little you could go for that and I'm going down it oh gosh there's still no I'm sitting over here hmm where could obsidian be it's down even more and oh my gosh guys there's so many blocks here guys I need to eat I am so low on health I need all these watermelons and hi Crystal hi babe oh my gosh stop call me baby I guess thanks for throwing me watermelons that's very thoughtful of you wow we are not bonding she just gave me food and ooh more diamonds and oh my gosh iron blocks oh gosh the blocks are crazy down here guys and wait a minute I even found what I've been looking for obsidian we just need a couple pieces of this obsidian takes so long to break I know right but luckily we have a diamond pickaxe which breaks it super duper mega mega fast let's go I got a piece and in total we're gonna need four obsidian how many do you have Roxy I'm almost getting my second one oh perfect and I'm almost getting my second one as well I just need to mind this bad boy and I have to wait what you just picked it up throw mine can you please pass it over okay give me a second I just smiled my throat oh thank you and I picked it up now throw the two others let's go and wait there's even shoulders let me just grab this because these are very useful blocks they're like chess but better yeah me too so let's grab these now let's go back to the top if he made it back up and now I can make the enchantment table and guys crap oh sorry Lily why why is she overreacting Lily this isn't that bad actually it just blew up the floor and this is probably better for you so you can redecorate it was there before oh that's good at least I can replace it with pinks uh-huh exactly but where should we make the enchantment room let's do it my room all right great suggestion your room is perfect for it so first we gotta make a crafting table put it down over here and the crafting recipe is some obsidian on the bottom like that a diamond on the side and then another on the side and then a book on top yes I got it right and now we have to put it right in the middle so boom now we gotta make some bookshelves and um how do we make bookshelves Luke all you need is wooden planks and some books oh I have a lot of wooden planks but I have like 14 books can I have some extra yep I have a bunch here you go oh thank you I remember you were mining a bunch of these so now I could craft a bunch of bookshelves yes I have 10 whole ones here I have some extra oh thank you so much let me take all these bookshelves and now I have 20. place them down baby all right I am I gotta replace the walls with all these bookshelves our enchants are gonna be mega super powerful so let's set them all around like this and let's see our enchants go to level 24 we gotta make them to level 3 that would be insane so we gotta break this wall over here like this perfect then put some books all around and let's see do we got level 30 and yes we do now if we put lapis we could get all the enchants guys got protection too oh awesome let me enchant my sword first and I got lapis from earlier and wait these are trash enchants wait I'm gonna do my armor first so I don't get something trash so let's throw out this stuff and then take my armor off and can I get something good and I got Unbreaking that's whack fire on my chest playing oh that's really good and I got connection one that's not bad at least it's protection that's like the only good enchant I want come on give me protection please protection and I got projectile really well what about now every bad enchantment are you serious all right whatever at least my armor is shiny give me something good on my sword right now and oh sweeping Edge two is not that bad and smite 2 is good for zombies because it gives you extra bonus damage don't forget all right and I got efficiency one let's go the enchantment room is so good Crystal you shouldn't change or stop all right babe thanks for telling me no problem and whoa Lily you added pink concrete to your room this looks great thank you yeah it looks amazing and wait you use the stone bricks for the roof really nice but everyone follow me with our brand new Enchanted tools wow we mine insanely fast this is crazy let's go down all right guys follow me and careful do not die oh gosh we gotta go all the way down I need to see what good blocks there are and I'm gonna use um dirt to go down and clutch let's go right behind you baby thank you I like how you're supporting me that's actually very kind and okay let's grab some uh ohms you like crystals I mean she's cool I like her as a friend I don't like her like that Luke don't make it weird crystals sitting in a tree [Music] k-i-s-s-i-n-g are you serious right now Lily not funny at all what what oh my gosh everyone's teaming up on me right now and whoa we're getting super mega deep whoa Luke there's Emerald blocks over here if you want to grab something I'm gonna go crazy with my diamond pickaxe oh yeah facts you got so many good enchants and oh gosh I almost fell and I made it all the way back down to the Ping conquery and whoa there's so many awesome blocks up yeah wow we are I see the Bedrock later it's right down there let's make it down oh gosh oh gosh oh fumes that was a close one at oh my gosh guys we are here to the diamond block level everyone just jump down here it's Crystal Lily I would not expect to see you guys here together starting to like Lila trying to like you too Crystal oh my gosh everyone's getting along yay and oh my gosh this is crazy diamond blocks is insanely powerful good is crazy we are going to be Mega stacked I'm gonna change my room into a diamond room no no actually I'm gonna make a new room out of diamonds I'm gonna call it the Diamond Room and I forgot to make the toilet I'm gonna make it out of these blocks oh yeah my Emerald toilet oh yeah Luke now you're getting emerald block so it's gonna be so much easier yes we can mine that too with our brand new pickaxes so I'm gonna mine a bunch of these diamond blocks I'm gonna get a whole stack I'm gonna get a stack of emeralds too oh my gosh this is about to be awesome yes let's go guys I can't believe we started with nothing and we even started arguing with Crystal but now we're kind of getting along I don't have a crush on you Crystal see like why did you just because I just have like a good feel-good moment but instead you ruined it by saying something weird like that um just admit it you like her too what I thought totally don't like her well I don't like Crystal she's just cool then um she's she's cool I like being around her and stuff but I don't have a crush on her that is gross huh it's okay to have feelings though oh my gosh I don't have feelings I feel like she's a good friend and I also feel like I gotta stack of diamond blocks baby let's go I'm heading to the surface and guys we could even find another way I'm gonna get that too let's go up and finally we made it now we can mine the nether right blocks and what even with our Enchanted pickaxes it still takes long to mind these things are crazy yeah but one is enough for all of our Diamond pieces oh yeah you're right and wait what's the item we need to combine them and oh my gosh Lily so many mobs spawn in your house every time I come up here there's a new mob sorry about that oh good but what's the item we need Luke oh my gosh Roxy knows everything how do we craft it I'll just do it for everyone oh thank you Roxy that's very kind of you it's four one and two iron there you go oh thank you so much Roxy I appreciate it now I can combine my sworded sword and I'm gonna another Cox I gotta get another right rewarded super excited we're getting super mega stacked let's go this is awesome oh my gosh my pants are literally the best ones oh really what enchantments do they have oh my God what that is awesome and I could even get my helmet to be neither right and I'm stacked Fallen chance another right baby and I'm also gonna make my ax into nether right in my shovel and I have some extra levels so I'm gonna enchant these two as well so let's enchant my another right accent whoa I actually got a really good enchant on breaking three so it's never gonna break and my shovel with Fortune One whoa nice now I have a full set of Enchanted tools and Enchanted armor this is awesome my pickaxe has efficiency too whoa mine only has efficiency one nice and whoa it shreds through Netherrack awesome whoa nice let me replace this oh yeah replace that I did not forget Luke we gotta build our diamond and emerald toilets and wait should we build it next to each other yeah that would be awesome all right let's do it we could do it we can make it in a room this way so we gotta keep building out over here and I'm gonna build out with all the light blue concrete I got baby awesome Choice dude thank you and while I do this what should we make of the walls out of Luke any ideas about some watermelon wait watermelon oh my gosh yes that would be awesome so it would be green on the outside and blue on the floor and wait I ran out of light blue concrete do you have any yeah I mined a bunch earlier oh let's go thank you you're really coming in clutch because I ran out now I could fill up the entire floor of our toilet room all with some light blue concrete and boom it's now all set you know I got a bunch of melons let's go slide it over oh my gosh awesome let's make the walls this is gonna be the coolest room ever I'm gonna have to hold back from eating the walls oh my gosh Luke you're so goofy and boom I finished the First wall now let's meet up in the middle for the last wall Kaboom boom it looks awesome I know right and now it's time for the toilet so I'm gonna make mine right over here and I'm gonna make it super duper big and sorry I have to bring some of these watermelons no way I haven't Max I could break it the smart way stop I'm breaking it with the ax too Luke you're not the only one that knows about that trick but minus Silk Touch look it gives me back the melon blog oh is awesome mine just turns into watermelons it's fine anyway we could just eat the melons we got oh yeah let's go we can eat our Wilds button now that really really big and fancy I'm gonna make it taller than the walls I'm gonna make mine sharp what sharp what does that even mean oh I gotta yeah that is very sharp it has a pointy nose oh nice and mine has a wide back now I gotta make it go down over here into the void so our poop Falls in and um wait let me put some diamonds on the floor so we don't fall in that would be terrible oh I know right and boom it's set now I'm gonna make a diamond pad to go to the toilet and I'm careful though do not fall into the void right now it's exposed let me just set sometime in blocks and I'll even set some diamonds on the side over here like this and a staircase of diamonds so when we want to use the toilet of diamonds we can't and I'll even poop diamond blocks too check out mine whoa it has watermelons on the side nice touch and it's super duper wide it's awesome when you're hungry you could poop any oh really really smart Luke but wait what who put glowstone in my room is building something super cool wow you made so many upgrades to my room thank you Roxy and wait you added diamonds for me Redstone for you amethyst for Lillian gold are you serious right now that's supposed to be Emerald yeah but guys we're forgetting about Crystal Crystal what block do you want these are diamonds are lapis whatever diamonds are lapis how about diamonds and Lapis actually you know what no let's do lapis so you have your own unique block you don't need to be Diamond just because I'm diamonds wait I would oh it's got nice we're gonna do your very own blue lapis blocks and where should we set it we can make it on the bottom and on the top wow this looks awesome I love it first go go right but wait a minute guys it still goes deeper so let's see how deep it goes I'm gonna clutch down ow my toes ow my toes all right it's so painful but wait I think I made a path down this way we could follow yeah I did everyone follow me we could just go down the blocks I placed down before hi Lily let's go away free staircase I don't even place blocks anymore let's go I made it down even more over here then we gotta go down this way then down over there oh wait I'm starting to take damage let me eat some watermelons yeah me too watermelon break yummy and Whoa We Made It down and oop guys is this end Stone and whoa guys an Ender portal is down here down here what I did not know this existed wow awesome but we need Eyes of Ender to activate it where can we get Eyes of Ender oh gosh go to the Nether and hmm how can we go to the nether remember there was obsidian up there oh yeah I think it's just a couple layers up let's build up where is this obsidian all right let's go a couple layers and I still don't see it oh wait I do I do I do I see it's up there let's build a staircase guys we're gonna have to all mine it as a team so we can get enough okay let's go and I think we need 10 in total right yeah we need 10 exactly all right so if we all mine two and there's five of us then we should get exactly the amount we need so everyone mine too obsidian instantly well not instantly for me mine's not as good as yours but I mine did really really quick let's go I got my two three seconds oh my gosh well I'm gonna mine some more let me know when you guys have a couple I have two already oh nice Roxy pass it over please all right Luke I'm gonna pick yours up and I am at five right now I just picked up yours Roxy sorry and now I'm at seven I picked up Luke's I got three wait what you got three all right guys we have just enough to make a portal so that mean bridge out this way over here like this and let's make a little pull out form like that so we don't slip off and this is going to be the portal area two blocks in the middle diamond diamond because we're retro diamond blocks than three up on each side like this one two three diamond on top diamond on top then obsidian and obsidian boom whoa this portal looks so cool I don't have a flint does anybody have a flip yes I have a flint oh nice does anybody have iron I have like a billion oh nice thank you all we need is a one iron and one flute and boom we can make a portal everyone hop in with me let's go whoa we're in the nether awesome guys we need to find two things the first one is the nether fortress so everyone keep your eyes out for another Fortress Is there any around wait why right over here where are you talking about where is here whoa yeah it is ginormous in a way I need to heal up because I know there's about to be a bunch of deadly dangerous blazes yeah I'm so scared get your fist ready I'm ready and guys we need to get at least six blaze rods okay that will be no problem for the squad oh yeah and now there's five of us so this should be super easy Squad yeah first off you're a part of the squad what yeah wow just for today it's just like an honorary position not permanently that's good enough for me oh my gosh but guys let's go up everyone we gotta find the Blaze Spawners and wreck them boys and do you guys see that blazes oh blazes where are you don't be afraid it's just alms and friends here to rock you um don't make any noise why not why are we not making noise oh yeah you're right whoa let's go everyone goes to the police Spotter and make them spawn it and wait we can mine the bottom layer so more response and my the bottom layer of the blocks okay my pickaxe is so fast me too and boom they're all mine let's go what's going oh gosh guys careful careful they do a lot of damage and yes I got a blaze Runner nice oh my gosh everyone care about so many are spotting so many are spawning don't die yeah let's go I'm at one who got one oh nice pass it over we just need three more [Music] it's going up four and we just gotta get this guy nice and well he didn't drop a ride oh man but wait I'm getting lit up oh gosh Crystal are you okay she's hurting you hey Blaze don't hurt Chris don't leave her alone you big big bully yeah let's go I got him let's go but he didn't drop a Blazer oh man is there any more at the spawner I'm gonna check all right let's go look there's a couple oh my gosh wait guys I'm low I gotta heal up with some food guys got him get him got him man oh God so many are spotting somebody responding get him got him got it oh wait guys I got six so run get out of here go go go wait a minute it's actually smarter if we just die let's go the lava dab the way I'll just die let's go now we respawn back at the house baby hi guys hi guys now we can craft our blaze rods into blaze powder let's go we got all 12. now all we need is ender pearls remember what about it mobs like Enderman guys go down we gotta get the Enderman homes there's a bunch over here oh my God oh my gosh and I'm stuck in a club lab oh gosh I'm glad they're all yelling at me leave me alone you big bullies this is so scary that way I see it under Pro I picked it up let's go lies that there's one right over here on Roxy you got that Pearl let's go nice I have four oh great and I have wait I didn't even pick any up I have one oh nice all right everyone throw yours at me so I have one from Lily two from Roxy and I got four wow nice now we have seven in total oh man we need 12. it looks like we can't go to the end guys Wow Let's Go Crystal your accommodated collage now we can make oh 12 Eyes of Ender guys we can go to the end let's go down to the portal s the best thank you so much Crystal and oh gosh guys we have to find the pastor parkour down careful super careful um dumb gosh wait I gotta go down here and I'm gonna make us a path right over here now we can follow this one down here let's go ah wait this is actually hurting a lot guys make sure to eat so you don't die we gotta be very very careful out oh gosh this hurts I know right but wait I think we're getting super duper close to the bottom just careful don't die don't die I'm trying to do but we have three hearts whoa oh gosh eat make sure you eat I see the bottom I see the Bedrock that's where the portal room is I got a clutch yes and then put one more block here and we made it all the way down to the portal room let's go we just need to find the Portal and here it is time to put the Eyes in let's do it almost I'm putting it in let's go all of them are now in the portal caboom whoa oh that is super useful everyone grab your bows this is gonna be great for the dragon and let's jump in wait wow we made it to the end up be super careful the dragon can charge any second I know right he does so much damage with this dragon breath I try not to get hit guys thank you Crystal everyone follow me up I'm making a staircase and whoa we made it to the surface let's go oh my gosh there's so many other men don't look at them don't look at them look down guys wait a minute the crystals wait Crystal your name is Crystal I love the crystals oh my gosh of course you do it oh gosh Crystal's getting jumped up someone help her I gotta get the crystals with my bow hey I'll snipe the crystal let's go imma snipe that one up there and wait I missed I gotta snipe it come on why is it so hard I gotta build up first oh my gosh there's so many Enderman around careful guys do not die don't be noobs stop being noobs and looking at the Enderman yeah guys that's like a rule number one of Enderman don't look at them in the eyes because that's how they attack but I made it to that very top of this Crystal now I can just break it like this here and I have higher ground so I could snipe all the crystals down here oh silly yeah not so much smarter oh my gosh Roxy and you're still branching that's so risky and oh my gosh I cannot reach and yes I hit the tower let's go I'm going for that one all the way down there and oh I got it but oh God the dragon just shot his breath at me oh gosh don't worry I won't just try and get the other crystals some of them have cages we have to Bridge Over all right nice job Roxy and I'm bridging over and I'm a speed Bridge wow Luke check it out look up whoa I see you I'm a speed bridge and baby let's go this up and now I got a parkour over right over here like this let's go I made it now I gotta get to the cage ones these are the last two left now I just need to make it to this last Crystal to get to the Cajun oh gosh I have to use my precious diamond blocks I'm going don't rush me this is very hard and wait it's right there I just need a couple more blocks dragon please don't wake me up please don't let me out please don't hit me up and guys I'm right above the crystal I'm gonna shoot it all right boom I got it and that's the last one left does anybody else want to get it I'm under pulling over oh go quickly and whoa saved yourself you were about to die to the dragon end that means all the crystals are dead now we can go for the dragon everyone meet me in the middle to get him down so we beat the one chunk and look at how many levels we got let's go that was so much fun yeah yeah thank you guys let's go everyone let's jump in the portal way and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye you
Channel: Omz
Views: 1,144,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, LOCKED on ONE CHUNK With CRAZY FAN GIRL!
Id: _tO-XTYVf10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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