I Spent 100 Hours In Palworld Survival

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how world has changed my life for better and For Worse better because this game is simply a joy and worse because when certain Pals burn down the base I put love sweat and tears into it hurts even more today though it all ends one way or another I complete my villain AR we revisit our Base building competition with a version 2 and we beat the game in its entirety it's been a long and wonderful journey and if you've watched through it all with me thank you and be sure to stick around until the very end because there is no better way for it all to come together uh to start things off to kick things off we got a couple of eggs to hatch I hope this is what I'm thinking it is oh sheesh wait oh my g he has the legend rate 20% attack defense and movement speed Divine Dragon 20% increase to dragon attack damage let me just go ahead and put him on the team the rest are just bonuses now that one did Legend but not the dragon thing and right off the rip dip dip Infuse some of these like you're a slacker get out of here I'm going to catch six more and then after that all of them kill on site and the six that I do capture I'll Butcher and I refuse to ever keep one of these ever see let's just write these wrongs real quick God God no regrets here don't don't even shed a tear curious why we hate La vanders well you should probably watch the last video then but the too long didn't read is they ruined and soled everything that I love in this world some might call this L Vander genocide and I would say you're right I'm also trying to level up we're real close because then we get the highest quality sphere and that's POG we're going to go get Mo Arenas because I only have two and like I said they fell through the floor and died so that one's sick and starving and that one's sick and starving and I don't really want to have to fix them let me see if I can just immediately stun and all things consider that's not terrible and we l it which means legendary sphere we now get the electric furnace which we're going to need to make a lot of pal metal ingots heya not great catching on we might need to hit him oh you died to a stun baton man come on you might be the first what the name of the game here catching catching things catching things we don't have for that sweet sweet XP yeah it's pretty self-explanatory but we need to hit max level level 50 and the best way to do that is capture 10 of each pal suffice to say we're about to catch a lot of Pals you don't want this but I'll give it to you kill he's so one of my favorite designs for show now how about now about how about you hit this he just hit you you going to take that disrespect no no okay well he just one shots what do we got no shot that's incredible hello you're a big boy aren't you this has to make it in the video so I can put in more homelander milk Clips let's get breakfast did we everybody says they don't like him you I know you're lying we got ourselves boss mozina who's a workaholic and a work slave I'm going to be milking them otter well you know what I'm saying and just like that we got all of our Mal pacas I have no interest in freeing you inventory full we'll work on that what the was the flamethrower no wa till he reloads ow okay oh everything's going wrong no shame in my game come on baby we can get a a turret dude our own security detail welcome finally going to know what it's like to have Taylor Swift security detail it's not much but it's honest work was not very confident that I would not kill it but come on the last two oh my God come here come here you just get get shocked brother brother you're going to die all right you got to be kidding what is wrong with you 5 4 3 2 1 I'm going to [Music] stop finally a glitch I can get behind more of this less of all the other stuff want to see what clones I've been cooking up for the Clone Army a shadow beak oh that's what I was making this dude oh my God born from the depths of insanity its very existence should not be having lost all genetic ties to other Pils one wonders if it could still even be considered a pal this reminds me do you know any of the war around the pals I didn't until just recently and from what I read pal came from genetically modifying humans spoilers looks like something went wrong I love this game can be ridden as a flying Mount enhances dark attacks while mounted what's crazy is he's level one Gathering we'd love a swift if we could do that clumsy and a slacker well I know what I'm doing with that one yeah get to work Merchant oh yeah if you didn't know I caught a merchant very fre handy okay you know what I think we just get back we went out there for just a couple Ms Arena but then we got we got in the Rhythm yeah 100% we like that ah here they are the squeeze and S you're level 17 you're just there for moral support level 10 cows were beefier than you dude like how about now surely this won't kill right okay what just up out goodness gracious I'm fairly confident I have all the loot loot bombs see yeah we do well I need all of these literally I'll catch every single one now they're sleeping so back bonus back back bonus he just can't be bothered he's like nah what you got for me buddy oh my God he's got a holy suck got a giant freaking Gatling gun come at me loton wait okay oh my God it's 45 wait that it actually could uh okay I got to kill this thing okay well I pooped on it suffice to say I have no Shield so I don't love this I didn't even see his Capt rate but if I'm not mistaken it was very [Music] low I'm assuming he's full health for sure no POG surprise I'm back he doesn't he's stunned he's like 4% oh my hey hey chill we're going to this is expensive I don't feel so great about this come on I got to shock him again we need that extra percent come here but he's just going to stomp me like that come on just just shake once give me false hope brother fud you got what oh my word oh my word he's pissed he's stealing my frames so we run it back where's this coward you won't fool me where are you where w f his health reset I could just go capture like level 35 [Music] one well we won the day he we might not a but he didn't win we'll just go find look we killed that one that one was personal we didn't want to catch him any okay got a bit of an attitude I don't like I don't like his Style ah yeah I'm 100% coping having a black marketeer is actually insane value and if I manage to catch one later on I'll show you why oh the dungeon was worth it wow look at a fella come here I'm not even going to hit you I know I'll kill you come walk go walk go walk go walk let's go he's a coward but we'll work on that all right we need a lot more sweepa I thought there's always a sweeper with the the swe I don't want to kill [Music] him you will be mine yeah okay see I can't even Ife frame with the lag can't time it well we got him what's next we haven't done I haven't done this Veet but whatever we let to stay on fight if he wants to Comm man to attack aggressively okay never mind all right pause yeah 7% oh no you won't well that was so kind of you thank you if only catching Pals was always this easy I swear I use all my luck on the pals I care the least about well if only every capture went like that what the [ __ ] what level seven my dude then it's like a 70 capture oh my God getting the stupid 100% a waste actually don't have enough night wings like I was saying what what's good King I didn't know you're in here what you up to just capturing Pals just I I made uh last night before I got off I made 100 Ultra Balls Ultra what so now I'm just kind of flying to random places I caught a suzaku uh that has runner on it and a bunch of other stats I'm praying I can find one that has Swift and you know get really really lucky yeah it has serus pyromaniac suntan lover and Runner I'm only starting to get into it but you could look into doing uh reading cuz you could like if you get one with swift to it'll be easy to breed it in the thing yeah yeah that's what I'm trying to do so I'm like out here just trying to catch suzaku what do you think of the remodel yeah I saw that um I Heard the backstory behind that as well that is hilarious you say hilarious I say devastating tragic and heartbreaking but yeah no yeah you could use those words as well to explain it it's not done yet but yeah I I didn't know those things exploded me either but it looks good I I need to uh I need to step up the base that I got over there now but if I open this door oh mozar you're about to get Bown to smithin buy for some reason they go they all go to this one corner of my base and I'm going to throw them over here I'm going to say attack aggressively then what the [ __ ] happened to my th a dude I seriously when I when I throw an ultrasphere and I miss oh my God I don't think there's anything like more heartbreaking in my life than that it's it's an expensive blunder actually broke this door though I guess it's cuz every raid only goes for this one door for some reason actually it's because I destroyed it with my spear while I was skewering all the grunts so my bad insurance doesn't need to know that tiny little detail though level 40 Dungeon all right we can do this let's see what we'll find in here we have never done a volcano dungeon and I already hate them don't you try and pull any of that on me I'm going to catch this one and then make it suffer later why is your catch rate you don't deserve a catch rate like that I'm going to stun you and I hope you die but if you don't hey what the [ __ ] all right I have no qualms about that my sandales oh now we're talking this might kill him perfect one of the best pal designs and and if you disagree you're wrong I'm going to have to use this cuz I can't stun them that's as good as it's going to get that's as good as that's going to get we got AAS and a lux nice and we got two of them I don't need fuder so yeah but I'll kill you anyway I guess you know it's it's a little bit of XP and it's one or two leather Alo die you disgust me don't even try death to I I I can't just leave them be it's impossible great work D how buddy yeah right in time oh we've got a couple of eggs there's more cake in here what are you guys doing why you taking your sweet time now I know what you're thinking time out how do I have a jet ragon well I don't I was gifted one by my friend Robbie in case of another L Vander raid and in the meantime I've been using him to make me an army of clones oh okay gig spere is not going to do it ult Spar it is where the other one level up 47 which means better weapon assembly line but now we get a new saddle I think we go Shadow beak to fly around big mamush I'm going to actually kill this dude actually I'll try and catch him we got him perfectly weak if he dies in my stun baton what are you going to do I'm not throwing a legendary Ultra is all you get buddy seven high quality power oil yeah we like that Holy what the fudge die who is this that blue oh my do you follow the light or the dark do you follow the light or the dark the dark that's pretty obvious yeah blue hit 50 I would say I'm surprised but then I'd be lying this is what I kept telling my chat even though I got a head start on power world and knew what I was doing before my friends did I just knew no one can can out grind blue the grinder and he didn't let me down sure enough he grinded past all of us and hit Level 51st and now he's showing off by R's jet ragon but I'm not mad about it why oh he's got the sword that's cool walk in the shadows for an eternity okay Thro it's in front of you oh wait what the fudge this this is why I'm not mad don't mind if I do okay so I think Blues beat the bosses uh I think that's safe to say ones one with palladius its darken form is the embodiment of negative emotions however a glimmer of comparison can still be seen within its eyes can be ridden and can double jump while mounted I'm assuming no that's jet ragon I wonder if there things like here back aggressively buddy oh my God what the fudge is that what did you just do to that poor thing okay what the fudge a legendary sphere is a 30% chance come on man you're my first legendary sphere like don't be like this they really got to work on the sphere economy for the resources each One's cost and the capture rates they afford you it's criminal stupid ow what I'm going to die to this thing [Music] please I can't shock him [Music] anymore and the lag just missed one oh thank [Music] God that not feel worth it I already have like the boss dungeon sibl so like not bad you know but also not going to poop on you oh let him do his thing oh let him cook dude that thing is insane you are in the single digits okay I'm commended at this point I mean come on quarter of a chance hey nice oh we got a rare rocket launcher schematic that's fun that's not just fun that's huge I'm talking United States defense budget kind of huge and you'll see why soon enough I don't get it now we're getting raided oh my God I don't even have enough polymer oh my God they're going to actually get in cook here you do that I need to get our Merchant slave no oh my God what the fudge jeez reload hate that everything give me a break man like only one second man that's all I'm asking I could just come back just for one second you know all right we can ride Shadow be now heck yeah okay the first time we get a ride Shadow be look at him go why what are you doing oh this boy is zooming slight problem he's a glider which isn't a bad thing I mean he's super fast at flying but it means he doesn't regain stamina in water he just sort of drowns he the only mouth that doesn't recover stamina on water he's literally dying this is the first time things I felt like they've been spawning at an actually normal rate I thought you guys said GIS bow can spawn I still haven't I mean I guess I just found my first Veil or whatever so all right we got all the AER robes and I might have to leave here cuz everything else I can get here appears just be very rare spawn not worth the time another pen King now we level up nothing crazy nothing crazy but we can't get an electric pylon are you ready ladies and gentlemen for our first hatch of none other than Jet ragon and how about another one now how'd you do that Mr fruit well remember that jet ragon my friend gifted me well combine that with the jet ragon Mr pug Wings caught when you're fighting the boss and we can now breed jet dragons a third the second one didn't get any of the cool stuff all right so yeah I'm assuming level 50 yeah there it is dagon's missile launcher oh he's Rich too all right flaunted a little more oh okay um that is I hate to say I think it might be dark fire dark I think it's fire I come bearing necromus see how much damage that does like that but like this amount of shotgun ammo not cheap and also if he just stays up there I we can't really do anything huh that's a lot of damage nothing like some Carl Jr to get the job done this video is not sponsored by Carl junr about a crossbow huge damage okay I think we can kill him don't think it's like worth the like a farm or anything oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay don't like that oh yeah that's real thick I want to stop using shotgun ammo greedy yeah probably all right anytime now Carl Carl's Jr he has the meat Carl's Carl's junr there you go buddy okay now finish her off all right that was 162,000 XP not bad not I wouldn't really say farmable though I used a lot of ammo all right it's the electric car chomp I was finding the tower bosses to see if any of the later ones were farmable since they're always available to fight thought it could be a decent XP farm but the time and resources it took made me think otherwise why isn't he attacking I don't know why isn't my guy attacking either I don't know I mean all that for the equivalent of three new captures mercilessly kill all your friends real quick before you wake wake up at least you don't have to see this okay consider yourself lucky the problem is you have such bad defense if I were to hit you with anything you would die hey we're making progress oh hello black m so good to see you anything I need actually yes thank you my good man I can't think okay I L I don't even think I can hit him with a baton I think he'll die so Gamba let's go Revenge we have our own Black Market here let's go you know as much fun as I'm having I'm not having as much fun and I'll never have as much fun cuz like when I got Early Access and like we were building here and we were just playing and nobody knew anything almost nobody had the game to which help and like everything was new everything seemed possible new stuff was happening you like had no idea it's the best time of a game and part of the game too was like how surprising it was and how good it was everything seemed possible you know and now like everything solved and it's true the best time of any game is when it's still undiscovered unsolved a lot of games lose a lot of the magic when people find the optimal builds make guides min max speedrun discovered all the secrets that's why I tried to go into this as blind as possible even though it took me a little bit longer to finish the game minus the breeding I had no interest in figuring that out myself and I never would have for that matter by back by back by back by back by back you can find pretty much anything and there's op blah blah blah BL blah Isn't the game's fault but it's just like that that first day feeling you know never be able to capture it there's no way I can hit this thing with anything that won't I have to justy stun it okay I'm just I L do have to beat it to death with my baton I stun baton that does nothing what I'm going to kill you oh my I mean I don't care if I miss these these are normal pal feers or whatever one more level we're so close I can make rocket ammo now okay that's the last one of that now we get more ARX and wixon yeah look at how far we've we've grown and progressed and yet not at all I'm back baby come here now why was the black marketer so important to catch well I promised I'd show you and this is exactly why every time you place them into your base you're able to buy and sell from him regularly however every time you place him back into the PO box and then put him back in your base he rerolls his shop every single time AKA it's a near endless way to obtain new Pals you don't already have given you have the coin and I've been sitting on a lot of gold for this very moment and what better more fitting way than to complete my villain Arc then by hitting max level by purchasing Pals on the black market we remembered how to win a playoff game are now is not the time it's the middle of the night my dudes what the [ __ ] no shot you're you guys are fighting how how would they get in there's no way in not even in the roof like how do you just phas through oh my God take me home what the fudge to the place what the fudge what the fudge what the fudge get out of here what the ah Jesus I just don't understand why this whole thing is like symmetrical and nothing it all but they all the raids go right there what are you doing over here come here waiting to craft hey yeah I got an idea why don't you craft this no work available in immediate vicinity whatever Sweet Shop is booming and boom 12,000 attack that is why the rocket launcher schematic we found was huge a big upgrade from the normal rocket launcher and now we use it to exact Revenge that's right the entire time I've been leveling not because I wanted to but because I needed to I needed to hit 50 so that I could rematch Frost Stallion and come out Victorious this time it am embarrassed us the last time we fought it but today is a different day now we need some ammo we've got 20 it's gaming time we got our grenades we got our Rockets we got enough food it is time my friends by the way it took over an hour to craft the legendary spheres rocket launcher rocket ammo and other various things I need to prepare for this battle the preparation phase can be brutal let me tell you wish I had a fast forward or editing option like you all do at home for stuff like this also side note after recording this people have been telling me that apparently the play is to just use ingots make them in the nails and then sell them to buy ammo apparently that's more efficient why' nobody tell me this will I die a night there's not thinking about I'm going to die cuz night time it gets too cold and I'm not beating it in like 5 minutes it killed me last night let me see how the pump does and I won't accept this disres this has 220 defense 750 Health this has 350 defense and 1,50 health as well as it looks cool you might be wondering why I wouldn't fight it at night well there's your answer I wanted to fight it with my strongest gear on and that meant having to use this rare schematic I found for heated pal armor which gives me heat resistance not cold resistance and even with two cold underwear equipped it's not enough to survive the night here we men maxtion baby you know it's funny we were here last night with Dragon Ball music too and then we got one shot and it lasted about 2 seconds but that's not going to happen this time we've changed we've prepared we've grown we've learned I didn't learn anything about the fight in other ways we find out right now oh fudge I meant to say attack aggressively fire oh my God that's a okay here's the idea sacrifice my PO to the P okay he got one shot there goes that guess what incinia grenade oh uh how about another one and Anubis is almost dead again oh it's it's it's stunned do something I'm going to I'm going to shoot myself who I know was do something B Anubis do something God I'm stuck oh the shotgun might not be the play it's been my crutch I'm stuck again boom rocket launcher knocked out and you know what I think it's time for necromus NEC that guy what what didn't it didn't even get close to me kind of what kind of hit R is that ref help me out a ah the RPG was worth it where's that in B wait now I have to not kill it wait wait wait wait wait what an interesting conundrum if we want to capture it I don't know how that's going to Fair legendary oh my God it's going to burn no hold on we got to throw if it catch oh [ __ ] ow come on come on come on come on do something yeah oh God I also need to not die oh my God it's hitting me through the ball it took who what was I doing oh baby oh my God it's just that easy ah I can't afford these fireworks nor can the frames I had a silent protector a watchful night and he's gone let it be known blue be the homie is offered his help to fight for stallion with me but I told him n let me cook this fight was between just Frost Stallion and I and the better fighter came out Victorious that Victor being my rocket launcher Frost stallion Guardian deity of papagos Island known as the winter collar in the past when a Calamity struck the land it soared into the sky and sealed away the threat by casting the island into an eternal winter Lev four cooling wow I got a legendary to keep my refrigerator going a little bit longer give me rid as a flying Mount changes the players attack type to ice and enhances ice attacks while Mountain we're going to have to make that you know it 20% increased ice attack damage and Sanity drops slower if I want it to keep my refrigerator on now we need the default dance [Music] music oh look look at that ain't she a and immediately freezing my my mini fridge thank you Rost stallion saddle hey heck yeah brother a I am Frost alion all right well that I don't think that's it's fine buddy get back in here all right we need to I still haven't bothered to furnish this place I need to furnish this place before everybody gets here I got to make the first thing you see when you come in looks somewhat appealing you know just obviously to throw the feds off it be like oh what a nice planter box and Fountain all's in order here then they leave boom Oh what oh nice Street lamps oh and an exit sign that's very up to C sure sir then they leave boom they should get to work and here it is in all of its Glory the sweat shop again make no mistake there's no Sweet Shop here there's No More Mr Nice fruit you thought I was no the lighting might seem poor but actually I've learned from casinos you keep it wellish lit but enough that they can't tell what time of the day it is lose track and they're always working you guys are going to love what I've done to the Sweet Shop Mr you uh yeah please come outside oh hello hello Mr fruit how are you today you must promise to treat this Beast with utmost respect or it could kill you at any second I solemnly do promise to try my best it power is beyond even you you must respect that power you must respect that it is far stronger than you and your friends stronger than this probably okay well then I'm interested good luck oh shees lord of the underworld ferocious Legend muscle head oh my God 20% increase to dark damage 20% attack 20% attack 20% defense 15% movement 30% attack holy all right well why don't you welcome us then Joey you're uh you'll be the first tour to see how you've uh upcap your base can't we just do it in order like we did last time no no let's start with yours no okay well all right this is going to be the most disappointing because I was gone for 2 and 1 half weeks uh he doesn't have a sigma grind alha mindset and uh true listen I was able to to get up 12 levels in I gave you quintuple XP Quint don't don't say that don't say that that doesn't well we wanted to revisit because according to the base building competition you were voted second best so let's see how you at the time I agree I appr I agreed I really do yeah I no this this second poll if we were to do a second poll would not be the same yeah let's so let's see how the second place is is upcut what there's the second P Joey and it's me in case you didn't know Joey just recently moved from Florida to Tennessee so he didn't grind much and that's completely understandable for somebody who's weak and pathetic all right well okay so the base hasn't been oh you have a frog chair but I did put down a few few frog chairs I I added like this kind of gazebo area that was kind of nice so I like this shaded you know little more enclosed yeah I like so all things you love will burn down soon but yeah don't don't talk about that what is this this is you just stack them Yep this is a layered Farm uh what you do is you take a you do that it's a totally original idea you didn't get off Reddit it's a totally original idea that I did not see on Reddit oh the triple stack yeah yeah I heard about that on redit or whatever yeah I did too why do you think I get all my ideas delete delete the bar tool you don't build it yet you put a tire down and it will make it so that it's like literally like perfect perfectly aligned like look at that perfectly aligned wow so yeah all you do so I just put that together I thought it was really nice it it it fits quite well here that for um and so yeah so now I taught you something new you're welcome I need to do I will be doing that now think of that when you're putting your votes in chat all right saying the red post already got the up no no no don't up vote no no no if you're curious we will be doing a part two Poll for the fun of it if you watch the last Base building competition and participated in the voting be sure to go to the poll again and cast your vote for your favorite base after seeing everybody's uh I added these CLS so that is not OC though so I will deduct points from not and is looking nothing really I did not change I added a frog chair hey add a frog chair well I will say Christian your Tavern uh seemed to H uh bring in more customers so that's what I'm saying and your a lot of customers it brought in a lot of it brought in too many cut I don't know what you guys are referencing here so should we go there next I gu that that's pretty much all I have done so well we don't need to do let's I've heard good things about raw that was great there's still no egg in the sa I've been using all the eggs for XP that's it just one all you had to do is put one in down one oh my God wait wait wait that's going to break part of the bat imagine oh my God you broke my walls back here let's go Kieran okay well oh a pales is getting docked for that if you remember from our first BBC heyo faes were supposed to strike a balance between functional and fashionable robs became notoriously unfunctional so I'm curious to see what he's cooked up I saw that I got last and uh at the time I was like oh that's that's okay there wasn't a top on it you know I hadn't finished it and then I slowly started started agreeing with the uh uh the populace because my base sucked it never did anything the pals get stuck in walls constantly nothing ever was accomplished so um I made other bases everywhere and kind of left the other one to rock until a couple days ago uh when Christian was like hey uh we're going to like mean on Friday and I was like okay that means we're probably going to check out our bases and I got to be ready cuz one day I logged on a server and I had some big monstros see Castle in front of it and I was like oh well that's just great like I don't know what you're talking about is huge I have to say this looks for boting as hell yeah we haven't even gotten there yet so yeah so uh welcome uh to the uh I guess Temple of Time 2.0 and actually hopefully functional that is important um yeah I really do like the entrance though I do like the entance mounts are ridable oh really oh don't mind if I dude all right that so this is just kind of the first level it's not like you know there's no like shine to it right now it's just kind of a little bit more light I would say in the back but I I do I yeah well I mean hey on the look no look on the ceiling okay there's like four up there okay I'm just kind of having electricity issue get there eventually the bill it's just you could spread them out maybe that would help yeah yeah lot of if you go to uh the second floor here you will see oh I don't know what this guy's doing up here weird Flex uh Jesus Christ okay the little what is this yeah this is where the second floor kind of happens this is the condenser sex oh my god oh free honey you know you just you don't it doesn't just uh you know happen these Pals you know and then you guys can come into my Chambers this is where you have to get off your mounts here okay okay the r chamber right above the sex yeah right above it can't can't get off my Mount hold on he's just oh there we go he's listening now there we go okay wow this is a nice man thank you Recreation is this probably looks exactly like your current room you know what i y pullet hell yeah uh do you have Dr pullet zero um no I don't just you know I I go full or nothing you know okay uh there's a restroom and a washroom in here if you guys uh go in there take shower I am a fan of uh Plumbing I remember when I had Plumbing honestly after walking through that second floor I I would need a shower I love how separated this bath is because I'm going to be there's going to be some nuclear radiation coming off me yeah how do you think this uh and then you know I got I'm picking up the piano oh I had no idea W picking it up uh they say if you play the piano you can play anything so oh my God is this the bed that that Drake video was on uh yeah the one where he was like this Rob can you not uh and then I don't know how to change the channel can these change the channels are always just I don't think so why would you want this is my favorite station well I've seen like okay don't get me wrong first my twitch Channel Mr V I hope you like that little TV gag because there is a lot more where that came from the first watch through was pretty good please don't do that again I don't know how stable these walls are I'm going to be honest cuz I don't know how high in the sky box we are so next time blue carpet bombs me we'll see how that holds up yeah I like how you have all these lights but yeah just not enough electricity yeah dude like well and then like it just you know and then they cost a lot and then I was like do I really need it for it but you know we're still in the middle of it and then I was breeding I love how you I didn't really get done Furnishing the best electricity generator the reason he's not working is cuz he's literally starving well okay I don't know why they they're kind of all like geeking out right now like none of them are working I don't even see them and then this is kind of just a walkway or a way for me to just kind of fly on out of here so you guys can call your fly yeah and then like up here not functional at all it's just the top like there but it looks cool that's all that matters look sick this part doesn't need to be functional I haven't yet put the Flames uh on the other sides of the castle I will uh those stools are so monotonous to do I literally couldn't do it anymore I was literally subjecting my chat like these like I took at least an hour maybe an hour well I was going to say I'm surprised you went this high with them I only did like four high and even that was a lot well you you had to see them wall yeah but that's why but he's no longer last place and you will be Joey that's the difference I one critique yes yes limit testing limit testing limit testing limit testing oh god oh no and it's good all right you passed the test we can go to my totally normal sweet shop that nothing yeah okay can I tell you what happened yeah so I spawn in to like fix this thing and I hadn't been here in a minute like I hadn't been here in so long and somebody at one point was like Hey like Rob Christian's base got attacked and I was like what so when I started fixing this place saw that across and I was like oh well great I have to I have to do something that's on par with that I was going for depressing like Amazon Sauron Vibes I was going to say this has lost all the sweet that was in the shop oh yeah no it's sweat shop now we don't we don't cover it up anymore that's that is awful I we've got we've got the Prison Walls not to keep things out but to keep things in okay I of course of course just to keep that clear I unfortunately there's no cool like that floating campfire is the closest I can get the iosaur on there's no other really cool yeah like unfortunate I like what you tried with that though I thought it was sick it is floating so you know if that's yeah yeah yeah uh I want you all to take note of our uh guard Fox uh yeah guard foxes as you can tell no sanity hungry depressed the only way we uh like it here oh my God that's how that's how you know this place is a serious work did you did you glitch them wait are they like glitched no they picked them up and threw him out here oh my God okay I mean they're doing great where's I don't want I don't want him I don't want him to see this where's the entrance fees what do I mean entrance fee well the sweat shop isn't open to the public and I got to make sure they're not snitches so they got to pay the toll and that of course being a low Vander that that guy is with me blue Weslo here I got does he he's he's with me he's with me is he's with you I got two right there for all right that checks out Joey okay uh I okay wait we're supposed to drop them oh my God all right it's not yours anymore dude yeah okay [ __ ] I'll just take one for now for now the entrance Fe my wait what wait no that's thanks I guess um but hey you said you said drop the most attractive p no he saider you freak oh okay well I appreciate that for a tip um otherwise my bad my bad I am so sorry Joey Joy's out here trying to flex I swear to God I apologize no I wasn't I wasn't it Rob gave I was going to say knocked I was going to say I don't know if you want to see what's going to happen but I already you know I Jo it's over here no wait I'm going to take that back here hold on before before we do anything uh in in exchange for entrance fees you all get party favors I actually don't have a oh me wait a minute and Joey where' you go hey I would like I would like to stay for the record like and this is like I haven't meant to do this or anything I have not cleaved or killed a pal with any I've yet to make this wait yeah I don't have one of these either change big guy and we start with this one oh my oh no what is happening what are you doing with that we killed we don't allow them on anyone on the server caught with a Leander doing the children think of the children I am I'm protecting them oh my why do I give you why do I give you my M if only I had more to butcher but our time will come you'll see welcome to the sweat I will take that meat yo we've got everyone coming we got triple protection we got to make sure they can't escape I mean y you really after getting attacked Hey where's his entry Fe we're locked down here we he doesn't have one come on in come on in this is disgus oh you even have like a like a vetting process yeah I know yeah cards papers papers welcome this is to check inspection they'll be like oh cool it's a water fountain oh this is sick now welcome to the sweat shop now you'll get a good view of my favorite observation deck up here wao oh my God this place impressive blown away this is where work gets done because as you'll notice sure we've got some amenities for myself God but it is spaced and used so that we actually get things done cuz I'm sick of it all there's so much space it almost feels Humane yeah almost but uh a grim reminder work or otherwise we got uh we'll hang them there's no way around it oh my God oh my God we had a couple around don't worry we've got stop lights to remind them it's always go time I I'm a big fan of the little Corners where it kind of comes in but goes like and you know like just it looks so good they have their own little lockers this is this is where all their belongings are because that's all they'll ever get yeah see ready let me let me look so uh here's malac's Locker as you notice it's empty all of theirs are because they have nothing and they'll never have anything if it wasn't clear we went for function sure it's fashionable in a depressing ominous sweat shop kind of way but if it's going to be a sweat shop it's got to be a sweat shop my villain Arc is almost complete this is horrifying so this is like aspirational to kind of impressive though is that an earthquake what what the fudge pay no attention I'm going get down pay no it might be the Union uh but don't worry they're busting it outside yeah they're busting it outside wow hey I like that you have the see it's once again Almost Human M cuz you have two Oasis there's never going to be enough for all of them to be happy at once exactly it's just enough for them to keep working and stop complaining but honestly the natural light in here really really lies I really enjoy it dude well I want to I just want to specify I left windows open so they can look up and see what they'll never get uh just so we're clear see everything I try like put like a silver lining on there's no windows at eye level for a reason why do you punish them for love Ander sins def yeah first off they didn't help they could have but they wasted their potential and now I see all of them as evil that is wild I did I did not know that that was a character Arc that you went through they made their choice and I don't I regret nothing this is terrific I this this is more than I could have expected yeah you know that that little extra Tavern siiz space that you got really made a big difference here I I am a big fan lot of space for activities this is just the this is just diabolical in the best it is kind of yeah it is kind of funny how you just ditched the idea of getting inspected by someone like at this point it's I aing please don't tell me your base is also now deconstruct we'll go to bl's next I'm glad that love Anders attacked you know like I think we're all better for it actually can you let us out I don't want to die in here yeah know please I I can't I can't oh you thought you guys were going to oh that's so funny we're becoming part of I have this Cleaver see me coming coming through I will do it again now that we're all 50 it's time to bully the straggler no excuses oh he couldn't grind because he moved skill issue uh hold on you almost got him you almost got him there Joey yeah one more one more this is it you almost got him oh that's the one nice Joey look there's one behind you too oh God damn it no all right Jo you should have thrown a ball Chang oh you think you catching that univ no please I need it I don't have one yet yeah Joy what you learn get now the gap between the first half of this episode and the second half was about a week and a half during that time I've been playing po world but on a different world something I've been cooking up that's been taking a lot of time and effort and I think you guys will love when you get to see the final project in the meantime blue has not stopped grinding this dude is the Giga Chad of power world and I love to see it because that means he loves it so much so it's important to keep that in mind when we get to see the new and improved Ram Ranch you're the you're the only one left saying Joe we've all seen the light all right so dumb just never let Joey XP just just troll him that's my new end game is just follow Joey Joey do you need a cherry before you can catch it no I I don't need BR Cherry I I don't fck no threw the ball through him all right let's check it out I forgot what Ram Ranch yeah oh yeah Ram Ranch uh and if you don't wash your legs and you know what something crazy I have started to wash my legs yeah I've been washing my legs a lot you know what I've been watch I'm also noticing a lack of Pals that's true that's true last time call your pal back Joey huh what I'm distracted Joey what have you done what what do you mean what did I Joey what is that sound okay I think I stepped on a pressure plate or something why do I hear Boss music no actually what is that sound like you're not adding this in post are you wait a second his house is all like destroyed yeah what happened to the wait perhaps he he experienced the same defeat that I have no no Anders H where is where is Carl where is he he's completely abandoned the space actually uh yeah I'm starting to think he's just oh God Jesus ow oh my God wait I'm actually oh you're crazy the hell uh you guys came my old base oops okay oh new base old base he he's about to flex so hard I like this base but it was a little bit cramped and as I started to expand and I just decided you know I wanted to change a pace I wanted something bigger larger more pal focused I wanted something even better for my pals that's right you thought I was going to do something stupid at Amazon Factory no I made something even cooler for my pals because my pals are my power isn't that right zomis I'm going to pet him in front of you well you want the power of empathy go back to Pokemon all right oh was it the castle on the hill Castle on the hill who oh we're falling over here okay now as you can see here these are I love what you did with the place yeah this is uh something listen they they they drink a bunch of Hennessy they you know they do uh they snort WD40 uh you know we're not really big fans of them and if you take a look to the left here you will see Ram Ranch 2.0 oh I see it oh oh wow you know would be great too is if they they fixed bamboo Forge to have frames yeah well that's why I joined it it really it really lags the [ __ ] out of the AI wow this is in incredible did you guys go well I guess Jo it is way better at night time because we have a lot of cool life it's about to get night time so uh well you know I I decided I didn't really want to give this a name because I wanted to leave the name up to the pals and since they don't speak English uh I just didn't give it a name okay doot okay they speak po they speak uh and so you know there's a lot of there's a lot of phonetics that I I'm not able to do anyways let's take a look in as you can see here we got some roads paved courtesy of my dig toys okay to the right here the only thing they're good for apparently ignore red Carl where's Tom no at Red Carl there is no well actually I guess I kind of am Tom Nook just minus the capitalism so ah but that's his that's his best tra as you can see the right here we got our breeding pin uh we got our little Plaza here or you know our little uh little Fountain some nice little I love that I love the little flowers around it yeah yeah it's nice and hey I wanted a nice little Plaza for my pal to chill on uh that back there uh where red Carl is that's the that's the pin okay you don't beat around the bush I like it I thought you were going to have a way more sex Dungey Vibe but like I kind of had but you know I wanted I wanted to keep it I wanted to keep it as nice and happy as possible over here we got living is sick I like this yeah this is where they chill this is where they chill this is where they sleepies uh this is where I got the downstairs for the big boys and then the upstairs is for the smaller Pals so you know there's not a lot of overlap you know when you're a small pal it's tough being in the big pal life you know what I mean so you need your own little quarters this is have their uh they'll have their own little spots their own storage and nice little mirror all these beds are for the humans right not the pals right n they're all for the pals oh my God I know that's kind of a crazy concept but I love it I love it this I don't no humans are allowed in here at night oh wait because there's been some love Ander incidences you're you're like anti me who opposite to what you should but yeah no for real uh we got our uh if you go to the opposite of oh yeah night time the lights okay like it real good yeah uh this is where we have our work quarters uh we have a couple of little Leisure points uh when you're at work well when you're at work you want to have a we have an oasis right next to the work God uh we got like a nice little all and here's the great part about working at Ram Ranch all the beverages from the sodas are free oh my god wow do you have obviously to trick them into getting diabetes right I'm the only one to get that drink sodium my place do you think they have healthc care uh Joey do any of them are any of them starving depressed weakened you're not going to see a single pal like that wow I knew some was off about this place the answer is yes well while they're working if they're into voyerism they they can uh they got a nice view of the bang Shack so that's nice that's true uh we different entertainment yeah he's he's you know we keep this right here like on their lunch break or something they need like a little uh you know a little a little goofy little goofy aha game it's my favorite game GIS bolt guzzle just over on this corner we got the little working Den the kilari like uh you know burn the midnight oil as they are dark types so oh yes we like that I like yeah I like my dark types cuz they never stop working I love how you made this look like it just the little detail of the a little step here you know just the little step and and you made like a a fence with the benches Joe you're you're walking on his roof Joey sorry sorry no I I I don't want them to hurt their little feedies when they walk up to it you paying for the shingles man then we got the farm right in front over on the right side that's uh that's the furnac this is where yman tide and uh and uh and my ragn aawk spent a lot of their time now it's really hot over here so I have two Oasis so they can cool down I like that that's the there's there's a thought here and my favorite part I have frames here I do like how you use uh the benches as like uh the fening yeah it's super cool I like that we got our rhound uh he keeps all the electricity going I got a t a little nappy spa for him and he gets his own cooler and oh he watch he also watches my favorite program oh my God blue you even have a place to put the trash over here yeah it's in the oh yeah on the other side that is so cute TR in the back that's funny yeah that is tasteful I mean yeah it comes on Tuesdays I can understand how you know in the front we got my little workbench here my little workspace you know this is where I you know get get a couple things done this is where I keep all my storage and also watch my uh my favorite channel oh you you also like to say wow yeah you know we might disagree on some things but at least we can agree on our favorite TV channel and then in the front here got a couple extra beds in case they uh you know you know want to be want to be special we uh this is where we keep our food uh you'll also see uh red Carl doing a lot of work over here oh wow red Carl big fan red Carl and as we go to the inside uh we actually have a thriving business oh this interior isweet God Ranch Tavern don't make me sad man weeps wow wow wow wow froggy chairs can I ask why uh we do have a froggy chair over in the uh he's got a kids menu is that enough he's got crayons the in the in the pal quarters there actually was a froggy chair oh okay W you didn't even notice oh love this though it reminds me of a time where I used to have hope simpler time simp well I loved life yeah yeah we serve uh pretty much everything uh do I know what we serve not really I kind of let set the pals aside and then over here this is the daycare oh come on very Co I I yeah I can't even I don't have frames anymore we don't need frames about it I don't either all right and as you come up here now we come to my living quarters everything's been P focused and I decided you know what I deserve a little bit of nice treat yourself true true treat yourself so we got uh you know this is where we monitor the pals uh less intimidating than M my favorite Channel I love this channel I love this this one's my favorite episode and I keep the pal condenser back here so my pals don't know that so you feel a little less bad when you have so they don't realize that they're all in one Consciousness smashed together like I don't know I've been having dreams and memories of like things I don't remember it's weird and then they come out of the thing and they're like ah look chrisal catcher and soda yeah distraction and it works oh oh you're picking up piano as well this is wow blue this is too this is insane how is this not burned down I'm jealous that oh my gosh this wow yeah wait have you tried a limit test in here blue why does it feel so much bigger than it looks you know what I mean like I know it's what he's done with the space on the inside seriously yeah exactly you see I got my uh my spare uh workbenches and workshops here we got the living room with my favorite Channel man that is a I'm starting to think is this like are you sponsored I know they really overplay that one joke where it's like ah man yeah here it is again this is my favorite Channel Joey don't be don't be rude I'm just saying I I wish you know they had a bit more I'm just saying FTC will come after you so if you're sponsored you know can just and then we come into the dining room where they're also playing my favorite Channel all right now it's just now I'm starting to question and then as we come up to the last part of our uh of our tour we got my little bedroom up here you know nice cozy chill you know nothing crazy bathroom here oh my God we got a bathroom up here too I was just about my favorite channel in the bathtub that's come on that's I would never leave the tub like I said I hope you like the TV gag because we've killed it beaten it killed it again and beaten it into the ground that's so this is perfect Lou you really outdid yourself on yeah you I thought it was going to be close and then I saw this and then I said this isn't close and then just you know going back down in alternative uh you know way down uh yep just just one more patio and if you notice the fireplace uh because fruit criticized it last time the fireplace section in the living room actually goes right up to this section up here ventilation nice I like that nice that adds a lot blue adds a lot it'll help you in the long run cancer it's it's no joke even looking past the fact that you're like treating your pals humanely love this so I love everything about it is what Mr saying I if I even if I wasn't gone for 2 weeks no way I'm I'm holding a candle to this well done you smack it yeah well done clap GG I can't wait for everybody chat hey claps in the chat and to celebrate I'm going to go back real quick and uh work my pals a little harder and that was the update on our BBC like I mentioned there will be a poll in the description or in the pin comment below where you can go vote for your favorite revamped Base building competition base I love what everyone did with their bases Joey excluded for obvious reasons and it felt like a Natural Evolution more castley Castle more ranchy RAM Ranch and more sweaty sweat shop yeah see this is all is right in my world I'm back at my base we got starving major injury depressed hunger depressed uler weak and hungry over full you know what I'm saying like actually I don't know how he's over full there's no food but I got a I got a hypers shield all prepped I got grenades um I swear I made more legendary spheres than this but whatever I also have some legendary spheres most of these things that I'm lifting off uh pal uh pugs gave to me so shout out P those cuz yeah no I did not make a shotgun and like I won't be too underleveled right like is this guy going to be 50 I don't know batt yes Joy um I've got a rocket launcher with it name on it I'm just going to throw at my Frost Stallion and have it distract and the music has started so I'm assuming we've AG all right go Arby's oh my God what is happening okay wait I don't know I guess we can just watch jet dragon I don't know which one I'm shooting who's this wait is this no it's that one up there pause B oh wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no no oh the fire Arby's here is Big yeah you like that I've got it to aggro stupid I kind of forgot to bring a fire one with me yeah me too but it's all good yeah we are Ching this thing down dude yeah yeah that's Co let's see I've got a 1.63 I have a Mr fruit wait did you just die Mr Mr fruit he just oh my God the music's still going it's pretty hype it's okay well now it's in a wall it's fine I'm back uh let's see if we can get it yeah see if it pulls it out let take the Beast Down yes wow oh it's knocked out all right we'll get it down to like no Oh I thought it was going to charge me I I saw it chargeing I saw like no sh it was charging up something at you all right all take him out oh Jesus somebody throw somebody throw I did I did I did I did all right just throw so it can't die to the I don't think it'll 5050 wait oh my God was literally going to die it was Lally going to die I'm sorry no that was a good throw dude that's what you're here for heck yeah brother first TR it had heated body it is finally time time for us to conquer the endgame of power that means fighting the remaining legendary Pals and the last two Tower bosses then we'll be able to say we have fully conquered power he's so cool would you Peg oh for sure would I don't know if he'd let me are we talking the security guards or H uh come on really the security guards oh that's what I said yeah too my bad I have a thing for okay those eyes maybe he would let me Peg is that money oh wow I stand check it out though I'm riding Carl oh my God careful oh my God he's fighting back okay that actually almost killed me no no no uh whoever that was never mind he keeps looking at me and I I cannot take a shot from that I'm out of assault rifle ammo God I keep fighting oh no no I'm going to die oh wait I'm actually fine that was pretty cool blue oh that's okay I I thought it was I thought it was over what that was almost like 30k this was me pretending that me and Carls Jr did even a fraction of Blue's jet dragon I feel like Yamcha right now and bl Goku whoever's using Frost iion you do less damage just say now yeah all right it's either that or nothing okay did he kill all your other Pals no it's just they don't do much damage cuz they're low level cuz I'm trying to get them higher level because I see gives us a lot of XP yeah fair enough and I know you guys pump I've just been riding car Jun this whole time yeah my my pal team is hungry hold on gosh wow Joey where'd he go you guys got he keeps okay he keeps like Carl use hypers beam uh please get him off me oh here we go oh my god oh never mind he's on Rob oh my God oh my God oh he resists so you're lucky you guys are doing great oh my God he's going to kill me there's no shot oh my God okay hit him with the easy This is the End goodbye do it oh my God holy [ __ ] dude that's insane what all right well yeah that that worked well my whole team is 50 now except from hell all right we're going to go fight the fifth one Rob I want you to do me a favor yeah go bring your fifth Tower person you want me to go grab him yeah I want I want to see that would be kind of funny Let Them Fight apparently Rob unknowingly condensed his glitched boss Shadow beak into a regular Shadow beak so n say we won't be seeing the two Titans face off after all oh my God he's so cool he's so I'm just surprised we only got one waifu you know four husbandos true yeah what if he just says like Hollow Pur all of a sudden hey this was this one's for this game's for the girlies like how can you not think he's such a he's such a sick that was way cool intro yeah this is oh yeah that's sick yeah bro Shadow beak is sick we don't even know how much 42,000 Jesus all right everyone well start pumping I guess it's time for war crimes yeah wa I want to see oh my God yep there's 20,000 wow hey maybe the Geneva Convention wasn't necessary I just wish my shadow Beak was this big well you have W this pig luot yeah well you can't ride him though I I tried to yeah you you try to ride this guy yeah wait hug now what do you mean by that what do you what do you mean by that man I think he means exactly what he do it oh watch out I love that move is so sick why me your y the sound effect on that is sick he's like huh my strategy of not moving for 2 minutes is wor yeah they fell for it ah I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine oh oh God he's back in the middle he's back in the middle do not like that I can't I I think he's in there somewhere oh he running yeah running D I have 50 health no way dude how did he hit me from that you see that hi behind God that's the thing I couldn't even see that he was in the go I'm out of ammo now yeah pumping I'm trying uhoh he's laughing oh god there run I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I don't know why he keeps going saving me now I don't have the Rockets yet blue kill it oh I don't have the Rockets yet Tak a break right oh my God if he doesn't do we're all going to die you want your sippy Cuts zomis here I'll give you your sippy cup damn 400 damage of poison let's go dude here I'll pet I'll pet him in the middle of the boss fight here you go big guy here's your sippy cup that's so great that's so yeah I'm so happy for you oh he's just a little he's just a little he's just a little mad okay here we go do it thank you 1.2 million XP oh my God yeah what that's a that's a jet dragon went from level one to level 48 we did it yeah GG's boys so wait is that like the whole game well now we got to defeat necromus and platus there's one more the past few weeks have all led up to this all the grinding the camaraderie the laughs the tears the builds the pals the Heartbreak and even the memories all to face off against the last two legendary Pals we've come so far and I remember the release of power world vividly and fondly for years to come all right good luck holy [ __ ] yeah boys it's been an honor greet death it didn't H any of them well they not no oh no yeah it did okay huge call your name makes him stronger uh ice missile no he meant the the move oh oh my bad Arby's Arby's we have the beef uh Bard Spike Divine disaster oh what the God I'm running away from that Crystal Wing I think I just ran in everybody didn't go anywhere they're tracking me they're tracking me wait for stallion's hungry oh low come on Frozen what do we do with the chromis should we just just try to catch it then yeah command command don't attack all right 10% baby let's see it holy Jesus never mind all right blue no it's all you two you three HG okay I'm going again I'm good I'm good I've already okay he's running away dude come back he know what are you trying to do to me all right 10% you definitely okay I don't take instant pop out 13 come on nothing okay I'll keep you guys got it come on baby go Joey I'll take the boss all right big firework holy sh all right now don't kill don't kill him careful he's going to fire indiscriminately you can't stop it oh suck who doesn't have pus uh I don't that way oh God yeah holy Jesus command don't attack I don't know what the odds are on this it's not even showing it's 13 sorry it was mine I thought he was going to die oh no wait imagine Joey's like I want both of them I kind of yeah I was kind of down but you know oh oh okay here it is come on a oh 14 H champ oh no way wow wow sometimes lucky wow wow wow wow we we we caught all these really quick no jo got the other one you guys are cringe we did it what do you mean cringe we've done every legendary fight and fruit hasn't gotten a single one I soled Frost D and caught him that's right I say secretly heartbroken and depressed the last boss I caught while we raided was yorman tide can't even tell you how longer that was but it really is okay at least the boys got them and it's not like I can't go back and try to get them myself I'm probably going to head off too but I'm going to take my stupid Pals out of the base before I get off well mine are all depressed and dead anyway so I don't need to hell yeah what's what's the worst going to happen there going to be more depressed no I cannot make this up nor could I have written a script to end things any better than this the bane of my existence evil incarnate the L vanders are back but this time this time is different get here boys what where are you where are you Slanders oh hell no my God hell no this is the final boss I feel like this revenge is warranted though you did like kill three of them can I ride this you're blowing up I regret nothing oh my God oh my God they're actually use in case in case of blander wait oh my God Mr fr wait what why are you why would you fire rockets at your base my guy I didn't think about dude the sidewalls I was like I was like that's okay so I sort of just saw red and started firing my rocket launcher but why is it so easy to destroy an entire metal base with a single rocket so in a way the lavander still sort of one and I hate that but I can repair my base they can't repair themselves because they're dead you have got to be kidding me you're scripting this somehow what other way to end it than with a ra been defeated wow still one get him oh fire another rocket one of them no mercy oh my God that yeah what a way to end it well there's no other way hey ladies and gentlemen that's power Mr HOA on you but you're going to need to repair this so I don't have to see this it doesn't matter all all I all all that matters is this final shot of all these dead lavander that's what matters there's a lot of your resources on the ground big guy yeah there is yeah let me just go oh was that metal thereal and that ladies and gentlemen concludes our first Power s SMP server series I can't than you all enough for watching this and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I had recording and creating it it was a lot of work getting this series together so I hope it was worth it this isn't the end for power world on the channel I've got that special project I mentioned earlier on power world that will be coming out soonish and as power releases new things seeing as this is the first Early Access release we'll be back to check them out as well as other content I've got planned in the future with all various games so take care and remember death to all lavenders if you enjoyed this video I think you might enjoy this one with that said thank you for much for watching have yourselves a fantastic day I'll talk to you in the next one very well
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 175,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld funny moments, palworld vs pokemon, pokemon, pokemon with guns, survival game, crafting game, palworld guide, palworld how to, palworld best pal, palworld best base, palworld survival guide, palworld 100 days, palworld meat cleaver, palworld multiplayer, palworld pvp, palworld base building, palworld base, palworld base building competition, palworld lucky, palworld shiny, palworld shiny hunting, palworld luckies
Id: 052WSrz50I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 52sec (4552 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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