We Painted The Worlds Ugliest Car!!!

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dude come on it's so sick all right so I'd like to take a second and thank today's sponsor of this video solder stick so on their website right now they have heat guns Spade connectors taap connectors they also have butt connectors but today I want to talk to you about their solder stick connections so I'm going to show you the ease of application I've got three different wires here I'm going to get these cut up get them spliced and I'm going to show you guys just how simple it is to use these and by using my code and clicking the link in the description below you guys are going to save 20% off of solder sticks make sure you get you a heat gun because you're going to need this so let's say you've got a broken wire so we're going to take the red solder stick I'm going to put my wire in it put my other side in it we're going to heat shrink it we're going to let that one cool down and we'll show you what it looks like in a second I'll hurry and do these two check this out we have a permanent repair in small medium and large wires make sure you use my code Rob 20 at checkout to save 20% off now click that link in the description below head over get yourself stocked up and let's get back to the Suzuki X90 because this paint job is going to be amazing we've been hard at work this entire weekend without my team none of this would have happened they busted their butts Saturday and all day Sunday to get this car completely prepped out I'm in the booth getting the first round of Parts all painted then we're going to paint the body itself and the fenders but it's h overnight tomorrow my friend Paul stole is going to be here and we're going to be putting the most awesome paint job on the side of this X90 so you guys going want to stay tuned it's going to look awesome but we've got a long day ahead of us for painting all right so as you can see I've got a lot of the parts already wax and grease volag static sealed and based I've got the deck lid in the hood I still got a base out and that'll be the first round of Base we're going to let it sit 12 minutes put a second coat let that sit then I'm putting three coats to clear on everything Henry from Donuts got to get this car to Rhode Island and we bike next week so we got a lot of stuff to do but got a good team behind [Music] us get L all right so I'm having some gun malfunctions I'm getting Stripes so I've got to hurry and clean something I think one of my air passageways or something is messed up so hurry and get that figured out we'll get back in and get that sprayed all right so I got a still changed out in my in my gun we're going to get this all sprayed now so you got to make sure even if you're a professional if your gun isn't spraying right figure it out because this can just cause you all sorts of issues luckily I figured out that it was striping was able to change the seil inside my fluid nozzle and it took care of it I adjusted my pressure my Bend pattern and we got it to where it'll spray correctly so we're going to let this sit for 12 we're going to let this sit for 8 to 12 minutes come back in and put a second coat show you guys what it looks like when it's done and then it's time to clear it I'm trying to figure out how to secure the spare tire rack so it can get painted but it's not being very easy to figure out okay I guess the door panels need a little bit of TLC and Prime done to them because they're getting part of the design uh sprayed on this part of the door panel so where they pulled off the fabric that's there on the floor ugly 90 stuff going away from that beautiful design so it being they're all plastic we uh clean the glue off after they pulled the plastic or the fabric off clean the glue off the plastic got it scuffed up ready to go and we're hitting with the raw plastic prep right here ppgs one choice get this let it set a few minutes to completely evaporate all right we got our uh adhesion promoter right here it's even the compliant better for the ozone we'll put a coat on wait 15 minutes then we'll come back through with our primer and let it set and then we can prep it out 50% overlap on it and this will uh react with the plastic it soaks into it and softens it up a little bit makes it so it'll accept the adhesion of primer mechanically and chemically it's got a little metallic in there so you know when you got it sprayed you got an even coverage and for warranty purposes in case something fails they can Pro you can prove to them that you did use the adhesion promoter so it's time to get our primer on here [Music] and all right we got our four coats of primer on here uh we'll let it sit overnight we'll get it sanded in the morning cleaned up and then taped out so it can get the graphics done when the rest of the body gets the graphics done the inside will match the outside all right so we've let the base coat sit for a little bit now it's time to mix up some glass sauce and get in there and put some clear on it all right I'll get this mixed up get it on the gun and we'll be in the booth all right we've got this all based out it's sat we're going to blow Tack and static it and get some clear on this all right it's time for that glass [Music] sauce so I've got the first coat of gloss sauce down I'm going to let this sit for 15 minutes come back in put a second coat wait another 30 minutes come back in and put a third coat then I'll show you guys what it looks like and we're going to let this sit for 6 hours and bring the body in you might notice also the doors are outside so I had an issue with that I'm going to take care of that tonight when I do the body but everything else is clear none of this stuff is getting graphics on it so it's all getting cleared in and we're putting it outside the booth in 6 hours we'll bring the body in to get it ready for my buddy Paul so we'll see you back here in a second 2 hours later I got all three coat to clear on all the parts it turned out really good I'm happy with with it it's not perfect but it doesn't need to be perfect because this car has to drive to rad Island and it's going to get some road rash I just know it I can feel it we got the body outside the booth ready to go this is going to run for the next 6 hours and let it gas off and dry then we're going to pull all the parts out into the paint shop pull that body in and get it painted black also here in like 6 hours all right it has been 6 hours and we're back I went home took a little power nap now we're back to get the body all sprayed so we got it all cleaned up wax and grease now we're going to it tack it and stack [Music] it all right so I've let the edge flash out now we're going to get everything sealed let that sit for 15 minutes and then I'm basing it out not clearing it tonight because tomorrow when Paul gets here we're assembling the car so we can do the awesome graphics on the outside it's already blow tack static so I'm not going to touch it I'm just going to go to ceiling [Music] all right so the engine bay is all sealed up now you can see nothing's masked on the inside that's because we've got the old frame in it once we take this car off that frame's going to get thrown away so it doesn't matter this is starting to look awesome I'm excited to see this thing black and all painted and back together [Music] all right I've got it all sealed up this got to sit we'll be back in with Bas all right so we've let this sit for about 15 to 20 minutes um we're going to get it all based out then I'm going to let that sit put a second coat on show you guys what it looks like when it's done but we're not clearing this I did already say that but just reminding [Music] [Music] you [Music] so I've got the first coat of Base completely done this is going to sit I'll come back in and put a second one and then tomorrow we start on the graphics all right so I let Steve go home I've got this all based out I'm going to be headed home here in a minute but this is all ready for Paul to get here tomorrow I cannot wait to show you what we have in store for this this thing is going to be amazing I can't wait for donut media to see this I can't wait for Henry to drive this thing to Road Island I'm super excited it's also super late so I'm going to head home get some sleep and we'll be back in the morning so it is tomorrow all right so you guys we have something so awesome for you my really good longtime friend Paul stole is going to be here in a little bit he has a PPG painter he he was a custom painter for like 35 years for ppg's custom colors he helped innovate the custom color world so Paul's going to be helping me blend all the colors perfectly for the S set Bronco retro look on the side of this X90 all right so me and Paul got everything masked up we're going to get the white down can't wait to show you guys what this looks like all right so we've got the bottom half all masked off we put down white so that the white covers the black and now we can do the transition between the yellow and red and fade it on the top we're going to do the top Hales first and then back mask that do the bottom to where we can keep control of all our colors and we don't have interference so we were going to tape out all of our uh pin stripes but I've talked to a pinstripe artist and he's going to come in next week once we get it together and he's going to lay out Stripes got the paper reversed because the other side has a coating on it and it won't stick to the water-based base [Music] coat all right so I'm in the booth right now we just kicked it on the bank it's at 120° Short making it for 20 minutes what we want to do is get this top half all masked off so you can see we've got the yellow down on the bottom but now we got to come back here and put the red and the gold and fade it all together but this is turning out awesome this Sunburst is just sweet it's going to pop with all that black Paul's kicking butt obviously he's the man for the job he's cuts and painter but I'm learning this time I'm super grateful that Paul Stole was able to come out and help us you guys want to see some of his work he's on Instagram as PPG Paul does a phenomenal job he does a ton of race car helmets and a lot of cool stuff so after this baked we'll get that top mask and get the rest of it [Music] on [Music] we've been painting all day long we finally have the Sun Burst all done on the X90 turned out awesome we got to do a little bit of touchup but it's just about ready to come apart and it's just about ready to come apart and get cleared I got a baby that wants to film so we're going to bake this for 20 minutes and before we do any touchup that way we can tape on it and it'll be good to go but it is looking awesome all right so it is the next day we've got the car blown apart we're going to blow Tack and static it and get this thing [Music] cleared all right we got it all blow Tack and static we're going to get this thing [Music] clear so [Music] so I've got the first coat to clear down I'm going to let this sit for 15 minutes come back in and put a second one then 15 minutes put a third one then show you guys what it looks like all right so 3 hours later I got all the coat and clear on it I ended up doing four coats I put a third one on and I just wanted one extra one because I've got a few Cliffhangers that are coming off off that graphic so I want to be able to polish it later so anyway it turned out awesome this is a super long process it ended up taking us about three now 4 days total by the time we painted every single part on this so we're going to let this sit for 6 hours then we'll come back in get it out of the booth we'll let it sit for about a week and then we're going to reassemble it so we'll show you what it looks like soon it's out of the booth so Cody and HBY are going to start reassembling the X90 so let's go check out what they're doing now the graphic should line back up look at that just a hair hi but once we get all the weight in the door should bring it down enough we and just adjust the door down a little bit so we got one side on look at that first time the charm first time's perfect in and out we officially have the X90 back in the mechanic shop it's out of the paint shop Cody got the do put together we got the fender slammed on there we're lifting the body putting it on the frame and getting this car back together so it can get to Rhode Island Be Me Up Scotty no problemo so now that we got the body up we're going to roll the old frame out I mean roll the new frame out roll the old frame in and set the body back on its frame we got the new old frame below it it's been all powder coated from our buddy Kevin at powder cream coatings hillbilly and Henry got everything put back together on it and now we're going to lower it down and bolt it up got the body back on the frame we got the doors hung we got the wiring and the doors now we're getting the dash out of the original into the donor and you have to literally strip it all completely down like we're doing we're hoping to have most of this interior in last night I painted all the interior panels we're all fresh black so we'll show you guys that Henry will be here tomorrow night at 700 p.m. ready to drive his Suzuki across the world to Rhode Island will we make it I don't all right so we just got the pedal assembly in the firewall wiring harness and the brakes sow worky so hillbilly is disconnecting it I think we've just got a rod that's Bound in there that's probably why I was a pain to get it on all right so hillbilly took it apart like I thought Rod was wedged so this is a good lesson of why you check things before you get too far ahead but you don't get too far ahead and have to come back and take everything apart all right so we've got all the rear wiring transferred into the new one we're going to put the E brake bracket in and then I'm going to put the carpet in oh does that need to go in too yeah before the carpet yeah cuz there's this piece right here that goes across did you get them yep okay and then the skifter he'll Billy just put in the E bra cables and then I'm going to hook it up I'm just getting this clip put in and then I will get the shifter all buttoned up and we'll get it bolted in E bres engaged all right so it's in par there's drive all right it works yay it all works everything is working hillbilly is getting the rest of a little bit of wiring got the heater box in the heater core we do need to hit hook the heater core hoses up so once I put the carpet in you can put that in all right so this is the donor car carpet we just had horor hang cillo clean it all up it looks other than right here this is worn out other than that it's not bad Henry Wanted Black Carpet so he's getting black carpet all right it's starting to look like an interior now that it's got carpet we're going to hurry and Route the speaker wire all right so we are going to install the dash Hillbilly's got everything kind of tucked away um we'll we'll set the dash up into place and then he can start hooking it all back up cuz I didn't take it out I don't know how it goes this is cleaned and VPD um can you access everything yeah just trying to figure out what is holding the dash out away from the wall is this the right dash it's the dash out of this car okay so we got the dash in now we got to figure out all the wiring that's hurting yeah this car's not very comfortable I'm stuck okay out yep I don't think you can owie I'm in owie cuz you're laying on a freaking tool where did that tool move it already HT me you see that the bar at the top yeah right above the gas pedal way up here okay straight at the firewall under the heater duct is the other one all right I don't know how to get that cable in heater control cables they click on I fit really comfortably in [Music] here out just like that that's how you exit the X90 steering columns got to go in next got to figure out where all the wiring goes so I just had to fish the antenna wire down the a pillar across the dash into the radio hole but it was successful now the radio can go in and it's upside down it's one of those days can I just go home so this is a GT Grant steering wheel for an old Ford truck you might wonder what the heck we're doing trying to put it on a 96 Suzuki X90 this is what Henry wants and he wants this cool little cover says Ford little snap on here we took the donor vehicle steering wheel and hillbilly actually pressed the center splines out we oversized the hole on this steering wheel we pushed it in here I welded it around we've modified this cover and it's going to work perfect so if you look we've got this cover here this literally slips right down in it absolutely perfect so it's almost like it was meant to be it's as close as it meant to be without going to stock yep finishes it right off you can put an X90 sticker on that and you'll never even know it wasn't for an X90 all right so here's the factory sliders for the X90 we actually took the seat base out and we made this to where we could attach it to the new ricaro racing seat so we've got bolts here on this side and I've had to weld a bracket over on the other side and I've got three bolts here so I've got one there and two here so we're just going to mock this up tonight this is going to require a super little driver so good thing Henry's small so I wouldn't be able to drive across the country in this thing too tiny the seat is in slider is working awesome kick this out for extendo seat mode so we've got this cover over here that went on the original seat I think if we do a little bit of trimming we can get it to work and then we can paint it black tomorrow yeah it's going to definitely have to be trimmed just clean straight off just cut that off and then that'll cover all the track and all that stuff over here kind of a big steering wheel you kind of up in the seat a little it's not bad pretty comfy actually I could cruise this kick it back a little that's actually pretty comfortable this one little thing is why we use the original tracks because it holds the Buckle to the seat belt so when you move it your Buckle slides with you so we learned a lesson we trimmed it a little bit low but that's fine we're going to paint that black just like we did with everything else tomorrow look at that ricaro racing seat driver's side installed yesterday I ended up having to go to St George to deliver blue still so yes this is in October but we've been working on this for a long time so hillbilly stayed back he got the car just about put together him Cody Jorge camoo they all busted their butts and they got this car completely completely assembled so we're finishing up the Rockers I've got to bleed the brakes and then we're going to take this for a test drive and Henry is showing up today so he's going to see it for the very first time look at how good this is turning out ricaro racing seats all installed this front end has the new lights that Henry found got the Suzuki emblem back on everything buttoned up and tightened down in the engine compartment and my personal favorite The Rock slided nope the Baja Designs 40in light bar look at how good that looks that's 4 10in light bars curve this is going to be so bright so thank you Baja Designs for sending that I think Henry's going to love it but we've got everything on our list just about completed tea Toops go in and out doors open and close seats move forward and back windows go up and down Windows go up and down oh tell him we B the window um yesterday as we were driving back from St George I got a call hillbilly was in distress he shattered a window and I don't know if we didn't have SP off yeah not only that but a window that we had no spare of so the parts car had a passenger side window he shattered the driver side window now of course he doesn't know how it happened so Cory roll the clip I'm not sure how it broke there's only one way to break a tempered glass and that's to overtighten something but hillbilly didn't overtighten it luckily I jumped on KSL and there was a guy local to Salt Lake City he had one in his garage so we sent Steve up last night with Grandpa they went up and got the window got it back I was able to install that window today it's going to work perfect Henry's not even going to know so what so hopefully Henry gets here soon all right so we got the brakes all bled so we're going to get the hood shut take this out on the road and go make sure that it's going to run and drive good every just about every single thing is working properly about a half a tank of gas te- Toops we figured everything out everything's fixed we got covers I actually don't know if I want to give this back to Henry I kind of think I should keep it instead of allowing him to take it he Billy just reminded me skid Plate's not on so we're going to hurry and throw the skid plate on and then take it for a test drive all right we're off oh we are off on our very first test drive these seats are a little bit bigger than the factory seats so got to open it up to get your seat belt oh well Minor Details we're going to go for a drive just make sure that everything's working we'll go find a spot we'll do some circles we'll make sure the four-wheel drive is working just make sure that everything is working as it should squirters are working good this is awesome I don't know about driving this to Rhode Island though I feel like I'm in a fishbowl and of course it's the rainiest day ever to go for our test drive try to get this all adjusted our adjusters are on the inside oh this ain't too bad get settled in nice the first problem in the X90 the heat doesn't blow very well hillbilly is going to have to figure out why we don't have a blower motor for the heater cuz that's something Henry is definitely going to need going over the Rockies now that the Duke Dono is all finished we're going to hurry and get it washed cuz here in a little bit this thing is driving back [Music] East all right so Henry just showed up we've got Cody and hillbilly they're taking pictures we're proud of this one heck yeah so we want to see what Henry thinks yeah let me know when I can open my eyes what okay I'm opening them I see Hillbilly's hands down hillbilly that is so sick oh my god dude dude it's it's like exactly like the picture like the video it's sicker than I could have ever imagined so we flew my buddy Paul Stolle in he helped me with all the Sunburst stuff and turned out aw Paul killed it oh my god dude it looks so good dude you you make dreams come true well as a team we work miracles yeah thank you so much hillbilly thank you so much Cody I mean this looks so freaking good I can't even believe it well and just in time you have like two days to get to your final destination like this just it looks exactly how I imagined it's perfect this thing is going to turn so many heads I can't even wait perfect Jesus and the seats look so good in there and the steering wheel fits there like perfect Rock sliders powder coated Chrome looks my bud yeah we had my buddy Kevin at powder cream Coatings powder coat Chrome those hillbilly even just built him a remote Mount license plate holder so he doesn't get in any trouble yeah dude come on it's so sick well you better hit the road yeah so Drive save we'll see you in Road Island yeah you guys can check out the rest of the video on donut and see this thing in its full Journey as always we appreciate you guys if you enjoy this video go check out this one it's right over there click it why haven't you clicked it yet click it I don't want to go back so soon huh can I stay forever
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 211,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zj4ukc1NaMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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