Busy Day Of Running

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they said they broke it on gatekeeper and then right up above that is where they're at okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right [Music] thanks for saving the day oh we haven't done much yet which one is it the yellow one over here this yellow one okay oh yeah it's how we used to steal wheels back in the day throw rocks under it these guys know look at them how you doing do it oh yeah you know you got to put rags in those holes or you'll attract birds all right especially the diamond Bill Rock Pickers yeah think of that oh man yeah get in there they'll make a nest it happens quick I tell you here's that I like that yeah that Custom Tool right there Josh well I'm thinking what we're going to have to do is pound the axle shaft out that way and then come in from the other side to pound this piece out but yeah we just got to file more of it down [Music] okay all right look at that thin streamline unit yeah Rory when are you going to start a punch card um I think this is our third call to you yeah third time what were the uh the other occasions uh drive shaft and then uh ball joint Jeep okay Rory do you fish do you fish in there with a magnet get oh there it goes our little nugget of Freedom how uh huh does it have a bunch of broken stuff in there' been pulling quite a bit gotcha yeah here you go one souvenir it even smells good Hammer thank you all right hey something happened there it is we got it you got you got to drove in there pretty far there's some splines grooved in there yeah so what was the idea here all right trying to pound it through the other side gotcha same thing we were doing we doing just different tool fed her down a little bit see your spline marks there that's day match that's same spine count and everything if that was the prelim for getting out of here yeah oh you guys got to run the rest of the trail yet this is only first obstacle we're going to go over here kick up our feet drink in the cooler just don't leave so I don't do something wrong Steve he got that out now we got to put it back we watched him know he yeah if you need someone to stand here and tell you you're doing it wrong oh there will be some oh yeah we got you back no they should have new ones in there to thread see you guys already doing it all wrong I see do it wrong dude no we was just seeing if you guys knew what just testing you dude I found a duck when we were looking for Loctite yeah and I was going to put it on this Jeep over here you duck that jeep you signed your resignation for he's a sad little deflated duck I don't want to resign yet go duck all right we'll we'll pass the this guy along upon further analysis we do not have much Loctite currently available so what's your suggestion all the way to the scene of go get locktite right uh yeah I mean honestly that's the bigest because otherwise you're just taking it down to town and pulling it right back apart yeah no half ass dude all ass all day all the time let's go get us some locktite who's running all right Sean is off to the land of locktite aka the shop it's just like right over there okay bye see you later bye bye [Music] yeah has really sticky tires too that makes a difference Whatever by driving yeah Pro driver man hug tires [Applause] okay yeah it all looks pretty clean yeah so we got new shafts you want be able to get started in there check out this hat I can whoa bro where'd you get one of those you go to Trail me this guy's got one too see look yeah I think these are the ones that are in the shock right oh those are the new ones I got yeah check it out it's even cooler than the last one yeah when you get in first thing you do pump the brake a couple times cuz otherwise you'll put it in gear and it'll roll away cuz with those spread out it takes a second yeah ask me how I know it's a very unsettling thing you know I already know all this stuff Rory right yeah well I'm just you know I'm I'm here to help [Music] go [Music] very nice [Music] did you grab the near tool yeah the pipe yeah beater stick it's up there uhhuh see see see good thing see this right here right right here this is what a professional looks like right here I'm pretty sure there's a chiping hammer up on poison spider [Music] so here we are pritet had a pritet recovery today hi it is now 4 in the afternoon me and Sean right behind you there are heading into pritet so we got a je Jeep in there that's broke some issues we might have to do some welding supposedly there's some other rigs that are broke in there it's just utter chaos in pritet today so we've got old Trust right here and then we've got the buggy over there Sean's going to drive the buggy I'm going to chug more Red Bull maybe snort a couple and come along with us and see our funfilled adventure of what we get to do for a living yeah Mikey's on uh oh Mike's on a job for a dispatch with a broken Jeep but I told him not to film that cuz we're going to charge them heavily they upset me anyway Justin leave that in okay I'm driving drinking my Red Bull shifting filming I'm multitasking 1000b W so I can do it in one pole drag it up here and then get you guys moving so I guess we got to move all these machines right here huh what's that we'll move all these machines that way once they get out they're R they're ding free swing a little [Music] bit look at a steep that is a steep steep pool how's that it's good man yeah got a sweet machine though I think it's cool thank you you guys uh want any cool stuff in your uh oh no way it's funny cuz we put some on uh on Rory's buggy and he's yeah on the roof you need this all full custom we can put your logo in it and everything your company dkz offro let's do a shout out let's do it DK where did they get it uh dkz offroad.com we have Instagram we've got uh Facebook can we open your door yeah let's show these guys see look that's what they do if you need any of this stuff it's pre-cut ready to go got the the headliner got all kinds of cool stuff let's go let's get out the way guys go [Music] C I thinking if we got it down on flat ground just that rear the bracket just rip off the frame is that what it is right off you can see it it attaches right here on the upper right here [Music] it's okay it's [Music] okay it roll a little right there hold [Music] gra bunch of du tap a bunch of dark basically done see done right there yeah it's fixed that's what I was thinking guys recovered let's go home I knew it was something simple yeah [Music] more time all right Sean of course the camera hope they're staring at the bumper but I missed all of that missed all that amazingness why weren't you guys watching you should pay attention yeah you guys should pay attention boy well got to back together try to back out of here no stop dver all right there we are it's we're all loaded up on the trailer we got the truck running AC going and there they are right there so they made it out oh yeah so that's a win we're good Tada yeah thanks for watching guys what do he said happy s De Mayo de Mayo is that today tomorrow by the way I might be sick Monday May the 4th be with you oh yeah May the fourth be with yall not me no touching you touching you don't make it weird here watch move it in M as I go like I gotta wait wait hang on hang on hang on hang on almost there okay ready no okay ready all the way you didn't do it right you got to there it is I should have done it with the two fingers I guess I don't even know what's going on anymore we're zooming we're zooming there's analog Zoom all right all right all right see if that makes a cut
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 93,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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