No, DC20 Isn't "The Next D&D-Killer!"

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greetings adventurers this is DM CT and this week the big question on a lot of YouTubers uh channels is is dc20 going to be the next D and D killer okay I'm going to go through here and just say no okay to be the next of something there has to have been something there have been no D and D Killers so technically pedantically no it can't be the next of something there hasn't already been one of okay but is dc20 a good game looks like it looks like it is it going to do well yes it's going to do well it's going to pull a profit and I predict it's going to hang in there so here's my reasoning okay uh the guy behind dc20 calls himself dungeon coach he's got a large Channel he's been advertising this game pretty well and because he's got a large reach and he's got a lot of friends who have also done videos and then of course there's people that want to bandwagon videos on it uh it's got a lot of Word of Mouth he's been putting out sponsored ads on social media about his game okay lot of word of mouth so when his Kickstarter came out it had the publicity buildup already behind it and he put a small starter goal on it which one minute funded yeah $220,000 that that's like nothing okay for kickstarters for a large thing so it was over a million dollars on the kickstarter yesterday well over that successful okay is it going to shove all the Hasbro books off the shelves at your local game store and take the place of Glory on those shelves no it's not but I think shadow is the best example of a parallel okay uh Shadow dark is a better game than D and D in some respects okay if you were to take someone who knew nothing about playing role playing games and you wanted to get them in the hobby this is a very basic game they could easily get into and then you could in a modular fashion add more rules add more whatever there's third party classes there's third party supplements there's all kinds of stuff stuff uh it's a fantasy game but then there's uh I did a review of blacklight which was uh a modern horror like xfiles ghost hunting kind of thing tacked on for it I mean it's modular you can add up all kinds of stuff great book but this is an example you had a author who already had their foot in the door in the hobby they had a game that was Innovative mechanically s sound and where is it now well on Facebook or Twitter you can ask questions about the game boom you'll get answers there are dedicated groups for discussing this game playing this game okay they're out there this is a solid little niche of the RPG scene so that's what I predict for dc20 he's got a lot of stuff going on with it mechanically suspect this going to do very well will it be what shuts D andd down no no it won't what's going to shut Dy down is going to be a combination of things it's going to be Hasbro watsi themselves shutting it down that's what's going to be the D and D killer so we have two years of Hasbro stepping on their own toes and the ogl Scandal the pinkerton's nonsense uh various things that their Executives have said towards and about their fan base etc etc uh books of questionable quality like the uh book of many things that had the little deck of cards that were all cut different sizes because they forgot how to cut cards even though they sell Magic the Gathering cards that are all perfectly cut you know little things like that that for two years and well 5 is kind of at the end of its life cycle so they're putting out this one D and D thing and they're trying to switch to a subscription digital online model where you would essentially rent your own books electronically and own nothing that's that's only going to go so far their physical books have gone up in price they're going to go $60 to $90 depending on what it is and we're entering into a place in our country hate to get political but more economical uh your grocery cart is more expensive to fill your gas tank is not cheap to fill your wages are not keeping up with inflation the real inflation you know the real actual prices that come out of your household your your paycheck's not keeping up with that and so your hobby budget shrinks first your non-essentials shrink first as D and D prices are raising up and then you got $25 third party stuff instead of $60 to $90 watsy stuff the choice is clear then again you can also consider how if you already have a lot of books for various games you no longer have to buy new books CU it's it's all up here okay if you have the core you can make up your own Monsters make up your own Adventures etc etc I making up my own thing right now I'm playing in a game that uh is completely you know from the mind of one of my players slcm um at what point are you going to do this no the real D and D killer is going to be Hasbro watsi themselves when they decide that it's just not profitable to carry on when their subscription model fails Etc because they're already laying off hundreds of people few days before Christmas because haha they're already they're already flat out telling us hey we are going to be using um we are going to be using AI to replace people we're already going to be strip mining data mining our old modules our old books our old material well they're going to need fewer people so they're slimming down and eventually at some point they just got to go you know what it still isn't worth it you know if people aren't paying these prices then they'll shut it down and probably in my estimation just keep a hold of the IP and if anybody has wants to try to put out D and D books sure pay us this much up front plus this much percentage of your uh gross revenue will lease the IP out and it's passive income for them at that point it cost them nothing more than a lawyer to draft up a contract for somebody else to go do all the hassle but back to my initial uh question no dc20 as good as it may be isn't going to be the next D and D killer that is a hype question that's coming up since World of Warcraft when World of Warcraft was in its prime uh anytime in MMO I played City of Heroes uh would come up or a video game would come up is this the new WoW killer no World of Warcraft carried on there's room in the marketplace for more than one product so no I consider the the the basic question itself a little cringey is this the next YouTube killer stay tuned DM Cur out
Channel: DM Curt
Views: 5,675
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Id: ank5LaC9Efw
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Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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