Harold Hoffman - One Moment in Time

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see the state see this thing in Jesus name and Joseph took them both Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left him and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand and brought them near unto Him Israel who of course was Jacob stretched out his right hand laid it upon Ephraim's head who was the younger and his left hand upon manassas head guiding his hands wittingly for Manasseh was the firstborn when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim it displeased him he held up his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head on to Manasseh said Joseph said unto his father not so my father this is the firstborn put thy right hand on his head and his father refused and said I know it I know it he'll be great but his brother's going to be greater than he is my subject today is simply one moment in time one moment let's thank the Lord together before we receive the word soften up our spirit and a heart in Jesus name in Jesus name you may be seated the hands were not placed where they naturally would have been Joseph's bringing his two grandsons that have been born to him in Egypt his dad's old and he hasn't seen his daddy for a long time and so he brings his firstborn whose name is Manasseh and he makes sure that Manasseh is right by his daddy's right hand and he puts ephraim who's the second boy by his dad's left hand the Bible says the old man crossed his hand wittingly Joseph's got his eyes closed he's praying he's so excited because he knows his daddy's given a great blessing amen to that firstborn boy Manasseh and blessing also his brother hava Sydney opens up his eyes and to his absolute horror the right hand the blessing is on the wrong boys and he's trying to pry his dad's hand off of Ephraim's head and he said no daddy you got it wrong you know you're you're not remembering good you got a little outsiders here you forgot who he said no I know exactly I know exactly what I'm doing and ladies and gentlemen you cannot curse what God has already blessed and you cannot bless what God has cursed the Bible said whatever God joins together man is never going to put it asunder and from the beginning people use that verse at weddings but that's much bigger because it doesn't say who God joins together it says what God joins together and that's more than just men and women there are concepts and principles in the word of the Lord that we have to understand and respect from the beginning God joined blessing with obedience and he joined correction with disobedience and you and I will never live long enough to change that when Peter said be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins Jesus had previously told Peter whatever you bind on earth I will bind in heaven and in obedience to the teaching of Jesus Peter was the first one to teach that people would be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament church and that's how the thing started baptism was joined with his name and you're never going to live long enough to pry those two apart a lot of people do it and they try but he ought to understand baptism is meant to be done in his name and you know we're living in a day of of controversy and and contradiction I I personally believe that on Tuesday Bernie Sanders will win the Iowa caucus it has the Democratic Party in absolute apoplexy they're an absolute terror because they're chosen one Joe Biden will not win in Iowa he probably won't win much at all because you're dealing with something that's much more powerful than a political platform you're dealing with a movement you're dealing with a movement you're seeing the political stage change especially with younger generations that's going to move more towards a socialist type of government and whether you agree with that or not it's coming and it's coming very very very rapidly because we're dealing with a movement and a movement is much much greater if you you you not not too long ago we had something it's still in effect it's called the me2 movement it was women who finally got fed up with being molested and assaulted by powerful men and Harvey Weinstein is the founder of something called Miramax studios he was one of the most powerful movie and cinema moguls in all of Hollywood but today Harvey is in disgrace and he's on trial again he was on trial in New York City recently he's on trial again in California Harvey Weinstein was taken out not by a political approach but because of a movement Bill Cosby known as America's dad has been taken out because what was tolerated in the 70s and 80s is not being tolerated now and shouldn't be Matt Lauer who is the famous for Good Morning America and it's always the host for the Olympics has been taken down and shamed the shadow of a billionaire by the name of Jeffrey Epstein has stained a former president and a British heir to the throne why because this thing is more powerful than just words and just a statement I remember when I was young the protest movement against the Vietnam War caused the most politically ambitious man America's ever produced a guy named Lyndon Johnson from Texas who became president when Kennedy was assassinated Lyndon Johnson everybody was just absolutely assured and took it for granted that he would stay in that White House as long as he possibly could because he had had his entire life was was with that objective and yet after one term Lyndon Johnson said I I will not allow my name to stand for re-election why it was because of a movement that same movement pressured Richard Nixon to finally tell a guy named Henry Kissinger just make it happen this is what I saw three years ago in st. Louis when I saw the Youth Congress there that they had over 16,000 young people and last year in st. Louis 37,000 young people at the Youth Congress this is usually an ad General Conference at best has 8,000 people so whatever eight into 37 what are you dealing with eight times four eight times five four four and a half though though they were young people have a meeting now that's four and a half times larger than what previously had been the largest meeting in the United Pentecostal church this is not a doctrinal position this is a movement a movement that's happening in our young people and I personally am very very excited about it because I was not too long ago I saw I saw I got in trouble deep deep deep trouble because I preached a message in Ohio called the Ministry of shadows and it was a quote from the message in the book of Hebrews it says in the Old Testament the priesthood was passed automatically from father to son and without ever consulting God this is a shadow of things to come and and my my message was simply that the rotten underbelly of Pentecost is when a retiring pastor will take his son and just automatically put him in a place of authority in the church and many times did not deserve it I'm not saying every time a son followed his father in the ministry because the Bible said son of a priest is a priest and I'm not saying that everyone has to be a preacher but I do believe preachers kids especially preachers sons are predisposed to probably be in the ministry but what I saw was a lot of men trying to keep the church like their own comfort their own business and they were trying to keep the store in the family name so that it would guarantee their retirement and it would make sure cushy things happen and they'd make sure there's always been someone from our family in control over this church the Bible said that's the way it was in the Old Testament I got in deep trouble when I said something in Ohio it went viral went all over the internet thousands and thousands tens of thousands of emails calls that flooded or basically melted down our phone machine in the office but I stand by what I say because I saw boys that should have such that should have never been pastors and their boys that should have been blessed turn it into a mess that's what I saw this is what the Bible says in the book of Proverbs 17 a wise servant shall have ruled over a son that causeth shame and shall have part of the inheritance among the Brethren in other words you don't have to be in the family if you're a wise servant you can literally take the place of the Sun that causes shame and you can have the blessing my daddy wasn't a pastor I wasn't raised with privilege I wasn't raised with money but I did have a desire to find God in my life it made all the difference in the book of Genesis 38 and verse 9 it came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out and she said how hast thou broken forth this breach be upon thee therefore his name was called Farrah's there was a terrible story in Genesis 38 about Joseph's brother Judah Judas boy was married to a girl named Tamar I don't know what he did it just said God killed him and then that man gave his mixed son to his daughter and all because you're supposed to do that to take away her shame but what happened to the first happened to the second and God killed him as well he's only got one boy left he promised that boy to Tamar but when that boy got old enough to marry he did not allow that to happen and Tamar got very angry the Bible said she played the harlot and she seduced her father-in-law and when it was time for him to pay for services rendered he didn't have any cash so she said give me your signet ring and give me your family staff and I will keep these in lieu of we were payment he came back the next day in the red-light district to pay for services that had been rendered by what he suppose was a harlot but the woman was gone and no one remembered where she went and everything was just forgotten for about five months until Judah was told your daughter-in-law is carrying a baby and I thought she was going to have her stone but when I studied this week he wanted her burnt with fire and he brought that pregnant daughter-in-law in front of a crowd of very angry people and he said will you at least tell us who the father of this illegitimate child squirming in your womb is and she said well do you recognize this ring and if you don't recognize that ring I've got your family staff in my house as well and Judah said she's been more righteous than me when the time came for her to be delivered she was not carrying one but rather two sons and what you'll find is the story of a hand that came out of her womb and that Midwife tied a ribbon around the hand of that first boy that was being born but all of a sudden that hand disappeared back into the womb and breech birth breech way that's that's what this was dealing with this baby comes out backwards and he doesn't have a ribbon on his wrist and that Midwife said where in the world did you come from you you you you this is not the way it's supposed to happen you you you have broken the order you order here you you you you you we're gonna call you Pharaoh's which means breech backbreaker it's where that term breech birth came from because usually a child comes from the womb headfirst but when a baby gets turned in the womb it's called a breech fair as was that baby that was born and and and and and and there's there's a lesson for us here because this woman is saying you got out of order you stepped out of line you have achieved something that wasn't supposed to happen to you it was supposed to go to somebody else I believe that in this room right here today are people that if you're passionate enough for the glory and the anointing of the Lord I'm convinced he will elevate people that never were supposed to have a chance it was always supposed to be somebody else that was blessed somebody else that was supposed to be anointed somebody else was supposed to have the authority of the Lord on their life but I am preaching to you today that you can break the chain you can break the cycle you don't always have to settle for second best you don't always have to be somewhere back in the parade you can have the touch of God on your life because this is a day when the mediocre are being exalted but I want you and I'm challenging you today to be a person of hunger because there are events Shakespeare said there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune omitted all the voyage of their life will be bound in shallows and in miseries on such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current where it serves or lose our ventures thus I offer to you two verses found in Psalms 107 they that go down to the sea and ships do business in great waters these see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep please notice we're not talking about canoes we're not talking about skiffs we're not sure not talking about a kayak we're talking about a ship my daddy was a Navy guy and if you want to get a navy guy mad call a ship a boat it never ever I didn't care what a let me know from a very early age that is not a boat this is a ship this is a vessel and you have to understand that we're talking about the V V these ships ships they that go down to the sea and ships that do business in great waters they see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep if you want to see his wonders you're gonna need a boat and you're gonna need a desire to get away from the shallows you don't catch Marlin from the shore you don't get swordfish when you're sure when you're fishing in the surf you with you want the big stuff you got to be willing to go out where you can't see the shore anymore you got to be willing to go into the deep alright there's something going on in our church okay we broke through in this than in prayer it's not just numerical breakthrough but we're beginning to see the cracks in something in the holy ghost an object at rest tends to stay at rest until it's moved on by a higher power there is a higher power that's moving upon us and we are going to be much easier to be directed now that we're moving now that we're moving so I beg you I plead with you keep coming to prayer keep asking keep seeking keep knocking the promises you can't stop asking if you stop asking you won't get the answer if you quit seek and you're never going to discover if you quit knocking it's never going to be opened unto you what man has said be there among you of his child ask for a piece of bread would you give him a stone if he asks for an egg would you give him a scorpion he said if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how I love this how much more how much more shall the Heavenly Father give the Holy things to them the hunger for them and that's where we are oh Jesus did you hear this praise team today did you notice any absences did you notice because the bulk of our praise diamond Raylan and Kelsey and others there in Wisconsin today we've got a whole team in Wisconsin today being with brother Soto going with him through his services and through his meetings why because we're trying to prepare for two services and yet I didn't even noticed Raylan's gone I didn't even notice Kelsey was it here I didn't notice that I was Amanda I watched her sister I watched these other are what's Phil when his wife did you hear the quality of that we got offered something I don't know what's going to happen I it's just been offered to me but there's a church that's been offered in this city to me and why and we're praying and believing and I'm asking you to believe and pray for this because if it could happen we're gonna need another praise team because that church doesn't have any music we're gonna need another one and another one and so I challenge you we've got people in growth track right now that are hungry to get involved this is what's going on ladies and gentlemen you have to understand this quit I don't care if you've been here a long time or if you haven't been here much at all you have to understand do not be intimidated by people that have longer hair than you by people that have a longer dress than you do not be intimidated by people that have been in this place longer than you have you have to understand something if you've got enough hunger you can get to the front of the line you can come out first just because people have been in Pentecost all their lives doesn't mean they're going to be anointed they are Pentecostal people that are lazy there are Pentecostal people that have taken for granted there are apostolic people that say God has to use them wrong if he didn't regard the original tree but cut them down and grafted us into that stump he will not regard us as well we've got to retain our hunger we've got to retain our desire hallelujah because in the sports world they call it the Big Mo the Big Mo when you get momentum you have to take advantage of it I preached in a church not long ago church was supposed to start at 7:30 when the church started I was only one there no one even showed up until quarter to 8:00 the man came a quarter way to open the door he asked me who are you I said I'm a guest he said oh we haven't had one of them for a long time I had just wish it just drove me out of my mind I couldn't believe people still did church like that there's no momentum there we've got something moving now it's the Big Mo it's what Whitney Houston said give me one moment in time when I'm more than I thought I could be when all of my dreams are a heartbeat away and the answers are all up to me it's what Malcolm Gladwell called it the tipping point there is a place you can come to where the world doesn't have control over you any more if God be for you who can be against hallelujah hallelujah I read to you from Exodus 14 these people have been in bondage for almost a hundred and thirty years they've done nothing for 130 years besides laid bricks and have babies and as they get to the Red Sea they turn around and Pharaoh is coming with 600 chariots of iron it was the predecessor to the modern-day tank I can't imagine the terror that had to be in a foot soldier when he looked up and saw four horses pulling a meadow chariot usually with spokes on the wheels that went out and not just around it was a terrifying thing but I read to you what Moses said he said unto fear you not and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will show to you this day for the Egyptians who you have seen the day watch you shall see them know Lord that after the day they're gone after today they disappear there is a place in the Holy Ghost where all the enemy will see a smoke and taillights you could get to the front of the line this is your moment take advantage take advantage of your moment in Samuel 7 the Philistines heard that the children of Israel were gathered at Mistah and the Lords of the Philistines went up against Israel and the children of Israel heard it and they were afraid of the Philistines and they came to Samuel and he said cease not to cry under the Lord our God for us that we will see will save us they're begging please Sam and keep praying for us keep interceding for us Samuel took a suckling lamb offered it for an offering under the Lord cried unto the Lord for Israel and the Lord heard him and Samuel took a stone in verse 12 and said it between Mizpah where they were and Shen where the Philistines were and called the name of it Emma Deezer saying hitherto hath the Lord helped us so the Philistines were subdued and they came no more they never they never came back am i preaching to somebody today hobby habit pastime relationship there's been like a like a a stainless steel pipe that's been stuck into your bones and it's sucking the marrow of life out of you for too long I appeal to you today there is an opportunity today in this church house that if you'll be smart enough to exploit it you can get to a point where it won't ever come back it won't ever come back am i preaching to anybody that's sick and tired of being sick and tired you don't have to put up with that you don't have to put up with that I found that after Abraham was willing to offer his son this is what God said God said I swear I swear that I will bless you and when I read that I remembered a part of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5 where the Lord told those people swear not at all neither by heaven for it is God's throne and neither by the earth for it is his footstool and I'm wondering why in the world could God swear to Abraham and yet when he came in flesh he warned us don't you dare swear don't you dare do that and then it became same off so obvious to me because the Bible said God is not a man that he can lie see he he K he's got to tell the truth see if you and I swear to do something we might get it done we might not get it done but when God swears he's allowed to swear the he can do everything that he said that he was going to do Jacob wrestled with an angel and what happened at that prayer meeting changed him forever forever have you ever had one of those kind of prayer meetings I had one of those prayer meetings years ago when I was in Texas I heard a precious man named JTP preach a message called stars you've never seen before it was complicated it had a lot of angles and a lot of a say I truly I listened to it three times before I really truly understood what the old gentleman was trying to preach on but what I do remember that day was the spirit of that day and the spear of the word and so I was sitting back to sweary some of you folks probably about 5 or 6 pews back on the left and all I remember is just caving under a Pew and I just I I don't know where I went all I remember is about 3:00 in the morning an old woman named Vera Holley who came to turn out the lights she heard something groaning underneath the Pew and that precious a woman knelt down beside of me and she said honey you got to get some sleep you got to get up in the morning to go to work and I looked at her and I I was just in a fog I've heard people talk about being called to preach I guess if I could point to a day that was my day that was the day that changed my life have you ever had one of those encounters in prayer to where you know you never did go back the way it was after that kind of prayer meeting that shouldn't be off-limits to you that shouldn't be something foreign to you you can have that encounter you can have that experience I found this today at study it says in Luke 21 and 11 great earthquakes shall be in divers places famines pestilence fearful signs great signs shall be done from heaven this is what it says in the message huge earthquakes will occur in various places there will be famines you'll think of time that the very sky is following his falling and then I found this in the amplified there will be mighty and violent earthquakes and in various places famines pestilence plagues malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating and there will be sites of terror and great signs from heaven and now if I if that isn't where I'm living right now well we're dealing with terror from from from a from a portion of the Islamic tradition that it that is so violent and and and this coronavirus I saw this morning on a website the Chinese have finished a hospital they built it in eight days they've been working around the clock the problem is it's only going to hold 1,000 people who are infected with the corona virus and in Wuhan there are 12 million people that are potentially infected with this we are living in this kind of day ladies and gentlemen when over have you noticed it was bird flu and then swine flu and then this and then that and now we've got this this is not going to stop this is something in the air this is something the Bible said creation groans waiting that's not talking about people some about the planet creation groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God this planet is sick we have polluted it with plastic we have filthy that's air on and on you can go these people there are streets in Miami right now that shut down twice every day because of the tides because of the melting of the Arctic ice has now raised the level of the sea it's not going to stop these things that seem such fantasy and prophecy years ago are not just fantasy they are probable and not just probable they are actually happening in our lifetime this is a very pregnant time with prophetical power and influence surely you see that surely you understand that this is what the Bible says it shall turn to you for a testimony said therefore in your heart you've got to get this thing settled in your heart are you gonna be an apostolic or not are you gonna be a man of Prayer or not are you gonna be a woman of Prayer or not or are you just gonna be Pentecostal in name only are you just gonna show up here occasionally and go through a few of our programs and I'd a it's not enough just to have that name the Bible said you have a name that you're alive but you're dead you're dead that was the thing to Laodicea it said you have a reputation that you're alive but you're dead he said you're blind you're miserable you're poor you think you're rich he said I'm telling you you're poor he said they were famous for I said and he said what I'm telling you you're blind but once you think you're alive you're not we've got to take that to heart and say dear God so I did my best last week and I was in a prayer meeting I don't know I think I was in three different prayer meetings last week I was another one yesterday morning with some people a trade to play tried to pray this morning I'm a pray again tomorrow night I was in a great view Life Group with Jude Raylan's house Wednesday night had three wonderful guests I think Johnny and and Brooker here today with baby Johnny and we're grateful that you're here so excited that you're coming thank you for that I'm grateful I just come on folks we got to see where we are we got it this is not going to happen to us just because we have a tag or we have a label this is about saying get out of my way you don't want this as much as I do you don't want to break through as much as I do but I'm here to say I want a breakthrough stand listen to this verse listenin has first in Isaiah 9 and verse number 8 the Lord sent a word into Jacob and it hath lighted upon Israel it's not the same guy because in this verse Jacob was a man that Israel was a nation and what he was saying was if somebody can get a word from God it has the ability to literally light and rest on an entire nation would you be willing to be that person would you be willing to be that person that the world has yet to see what God could do with one person that is completely and utterly and absolutely sold out to him hallelujah hallelujah I read a book by a man that was famous in the Methodist movement and they said what do you do and how do you preach he said I just go out and I just set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn hallelujah I'm appealing to you a man in a prophetic OH order right now give yourself to prayer give yourself to prayer give yourself to pray we've got wonderful programs we have a wonderful building God has blessed this church family in so many ways but when you go back to the origins of Pentecost and when you go in the book of Acts they were praying and praying when you go back to the beginning of the 20th century in the spirit began to be poured out such a mega it was all about prayer prayer these weren't intelligent people these weren't brilliant people but they knew how to pray if my people which I don't know anybody that does more in Jesus name than Pentecostal people so I'm gonna take for granted that's us but if there's a big if if my people which are called by my name will do more than just brag about being the people of the name but will humble themselves and turn do you have anything wicked going on in your life answer that question be honest with yourself quit playin make-believe could play at hide-and-seek is there any thing wicked going on in your life if there is turn from what's wicked seek his face he will hear from heaven he will feel our wind come praising come worship and these folks are going to sing if you've never been baptized in Jesus name for goodness sakes get that done today if you've never been filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues under the anointing of God's presence for goodness sakes tap that experience overwhelm your life today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah don't stop don't stop for goodness sakes don't stop I need some maturity around this altar I need some understanding around this older right now this is not the time to stand and stare and wonder what's going to happen that this is a time when Zion has to travail this is the time when you push this is the time when you pray with somebody be the church let the church be the church today for the bear [Applause] it's dear you
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 540
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kzpMlpGLZwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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