Anointing And Favor - Pastor Joel Urshan

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louia bless his name bless his name bless his name thank you Jesus I wonder will you just lift up our hands to the Lord right now and magnify his name together come on give him a praise give him a praise that he is worthy that he is worthy to receive give him a praise that he is worthy to receive in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God we're going to take a moment and have a word of Prayer for sister Judy Auxerre who is underwent surgery and and they took her off the ventilator earlier but they've had to put her back on to the ventilator and this is transpiring right now while we while we are here tonight and I believe God can touch her right now where she is hallelujah I know you believe that there's faith in this house why don't we just lift up our voices together right now in the name of the Lord and pray for sister Judy augs ear that the Lord would heal her body and set her free in Jesus name Lord we pray in the name of Jesus Christ that you will move upon sister Judy's body right now in Jesus name Lord we ask in the most holy name of Jesus Christ the name above every name the name to which every principality and power hallelujah it must be subdued I pray O God that you would bring healing a healing virtue from the top of her head to the sole of her feet Lord minister in that hospital room minister right now we pray in the name of Jesus god I pray that you will perform the miracle that is needed in Jesus name by your stripes she is healed by your stripes is healed by your stripes she is healed glory to God glory to God glory to God we take authority over this condition and situation in Jesus name and we give you the praise let's clap our hands into the lord once again and shout unto him with a voice of triumph come on shout on making with a voice of triumph hallelujah shout unto Him who is the healer shout unto him who is the Savior shout unto Him who is the deliverer bless His Holy Name bless His Holy Name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus amen you may be seated the name of the Lord I do want to announce this an email has gone out concerning this but I do want to announce that our Bordeaux Vita tree of life church Spanish ministry is going to be taking place on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and this time change will be ongoing and we will be no longer having an old Saturday evening but it'll be taking place on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and this will be of course a blessed time in the Lord we thank the Lord for what he's doing inaudible Da Vida a man we give God praise for that thank you Jesus thank you Jesus a man we're looking into the word of the Lord tonight I want to speak to you for a few moments tonight on the subject anointing and favor anointing and favor the Bible speaks a lot about the anointing of God and sometimes the anointing of God can can be somewhat of a mystery to people it can it may sound to some like something that is far beyond them we may put on a pedestal people who we deem to be anointed wow they are heavily anointed we might say or we might say the anointing of God really works through them all of that is fine to say it is important to understand that the anointing of God is for everybody and it is not something that people should should shy from or feel that they do not have access to it the anointing of the Lord is is for his people the anointing of God is first mentioned in the word of the Lord in relationship to the anointing of the sanctuary and the anointing of the priests and the anointing of the tabernacle these things were to be anointed with anointing oil and the anointing oil is a unique substance found in the word of the Lord it is it is primarily the the olive oil and then of course there is a very specific recipe that God gave to Moses as to how this anointing oil was to be prepared and it consisted all of it with a breaking and with a crushing and with a splintering if you please of various materials spices and and seasonings and they were cast into this substance that is the olive oil of course the olive oil came from the crushing of the olive and and this is something very unique something that we need to understand because all of it is a reference to the ministry and to the Advent to the entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into the earth and when you talk about the anointing oil of the Old Testament you were seeing a picture of the life of Jesus Christ that olive oil is reflecting the crushing that took place at Calvary's cross as a matter of fact I'll go further and say that that olive oil reflects the crushing of the will of Jesus even before he was crucified because the act of crucifix the crucifixion took place upon Calvary's Hill of sorrow but the sub the submission of Jesus Christ to the act of crucifixion that submission took place in the Garden of Gethsemane which happened to be a garden of olives it was an Olive Garden yes it was an Olive Garden I don't know if they had breadsticks but it was an Olive Garden Jesus was in that garden of olives and it was there where the Bible says that he wept so bitterly that he he sweat and perspired as as as though it were with great drops of blood some have said that that means that his sweat literally turned to blood and it may very well have some have surmised that that meant that he sweat so profusely It was as though blood were flowing either way he wept bitterly in that Garden of Gethsemane and while he while he weep bitterly he made his requests known if this cup can pass from me let this cup pass from me he struggled over that this cup now we've talked about the cup what was that Cup that Cup was the righteous indignation of God the old testament refers to the cup of his wrath that the wine that the cup is full of the mixture of God's wrath and it it just sit seething and boiling and and and stewing over the sin of humanity and it was going to be poured out on humanity until God came in flesh and said I'll take the cup and yet when God in flesh grew in wisdom and stature in favor with God and man and began his ministry on the earth and healed the sick raised the dead open the eyes of the blind and operated as the Spirit of the Lord was upon him because he had anointed him to preach as he did this he arrived at this place of crucifixion and he in his humanity said if there's any way this can be done without the drinking of the cup the devil tempted Jesus to try to find some other way to do it turn these stones into bread he wanted to he wanted to get Jesus to take the easy way out and and what we understand in this and living for God there is no easy way out when you live for God you're gonna live for him 100% when you live for God you're gonna give him everything listen I want you to know thou shalt love him with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul and with all your strength if that's not how you're loving him you're not loving him at all you love him with all your heart mind soul and strength and Jesus comes to this place and he's in this humanity begins to think well is there some other way if if there's a way that this cup can pass from me and I'd like to investigate those options but but in that struggle in that struggle he said nevertheless and here it is this is what's happening now in that struggle the olive figurative if you please the metaphoric the the spiritual principle of the olive was being crushed in that Garden of Gethsemane the olive was the will of the man Christ Jesus and the will of the man Christ Jesus came under the crushing weight of God's providence and God's perfect will and when he said not my will be done but thy will be done his will was crushed and the oil from the olive came out and that is the substance of the anointing oil the crushed will of both Christ and his followers the crushed will of humanity the one of the reasons why people struggle to walk in the anointing of God is because their will is not properly and thoroughly crushed under the weight of God's divine plan and perfect will but when you allow the crushing of your will to occur there is no limit to what God can do in your life you see you hold on too much you you played too much you played too many games you hold on to your will you hold on to the way I see it the way that I feel about it the way my opinion is on it well my opinion is I don't find any place where our opinion matters and and and so you can't you can't put your opinion upon some kind of a pedestal like it matters well now the way I see it I hear people say it all the time I tell it like I see it like that's some great virtue that's half your problem is that you tell it like you see it you need to tell it like God sees it you need to tell it the way the Holy Ghost sees it you need to speak it from the perspective of the word of the Lord not from the perspective of a tainted soul from a jaded viewpoint you come with baggage I come with baggage I don't trust my opinion I don't trust my opinion I've got to pray before I make a decision I've got to read the word before I make a decision I've got to seek counsel with with godly elders and godly people before I make a decision I I want the Holy Ghost to operate in me and inform my decisions if I go with my fleshly whim it'll be the wrong thing people get hurt there'll be all kind of carnage laid in the in the wake of the the direction that I'm going and it's real easy to spiritualize it and say well since I'm anointed of God then then this is the direction that it was supposed to be no the anointing flows when your will is crushed that's when the anointing flows not when your will is raging not when your flesh is raging your flesh is an impediment to the anointing of God flowing in your life you you being determined to have it your way we got so many Frank Sinatra's so many Elvis Presley's I did it my way and and and and again I had some virtue it's not a virtue I want to tell you the virtue that saves to the other most is when we say not my will thank God that Jesus and Jesus was a perfect man Jesus had no sin in him Jesus had no baggage Jesus had no taint to his soul Jesus was a perfect man a perfect high priest a perfect substitute a perfect lamb and he still had to say not my will but thy will be done how much more should you and I resist this whole business of of defending ourselves against others defending ourselves think about that for just a moment when the Bible teaches us to deny ourselves modern Christianity teaches us to defend ourselves somebody comes at us and and they they hurl some kind of a offensive statement in our direction and what do we do we immediately throw up our defense and explain how good we actually are how amazing we are how unworthy we are of that particular offensive that has come our direction and ladies and gentlemen why are you trying so hard to defend something that Paul said needs to die daily yourself you've got to you've got to forget about worrying about those who may come against you let the Lord be your defense let the Lord be your rock let the Lord be your shield let the Lord be your shelter let the Lord be your refuge and when you do this the anointing can flow through that the anointing of God can flow through that and so that's the anointing of the Lord the ingredients inside that substance of the crushed will of the Messiah the ingredients that are cast into that anointing oil are are the other crushed spices and other crushed ingredients they're all rust there's nothing in the oil of the anointing of God that is not crushed you can't be walking up into an anointing perfectly whole you have to be leveled you have to be submitted you have to be crushed you have to be brought down to where you are level and able to be deposited into the substance that is the crushed will of Jesus Christ that's listen to a Psalm 133 said we're gonna read it here Psalm 133 says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity that ought to make every single one of us shout dance rejoice clap sing give God praise we ought to live the rest of our lives loving one another as we love ourselves God said behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity you know the antithesis of that is also true how bad and how unpleasant it is when brethren don't dwell together in unity you can cut the tension with a knife it's so unpleasant there are so many feelings there are so many grudges there are so many harbored feelings from years gone by hurts pains woes and and and and false feelings toward somebody that you need to lay down your grudge against and begin to love that neighbor as you love yourself the Bible teaches us to do that the Bible teaches us that you can't love God unless you love your brother the Bible says how can you love God whom you have not seen if you don't love your brother whom you have seen and and here's what here's the reason people have trouble loving their brother because you've seen them and you know them and you've you've been exposed to their flaws and if somebody said love is blind love is blind that's not scriptural love is love as 20/20 vision it chooses to love in spite of what it seems don't tell me love is blind oh I just can't see the flaws real true I'm not talking about puppy love I'm talking about God's love God's love has 20/20 vision the love of God endures all things hopes all things believes all things bears all things the love of God sees the flaws the love of God sees the problems the love of God sees the character flaws and the love of God loves in spite of it all that you say how do we dwell together in unity people try and try and try and try to develop unity and they fall dramatically short of it you cannot have unity without Jesus Christ unity doesn't come by worldly means the hippie movement tried to have unity right now the spirit of Antichrist is trying to develop unity there is a there's a globalization that that is hoping to establish some kind of a worldwide unity they want to unify all things and you can listen you can try your level best but if you're not doing it God's Way it won't happen a unity comes through Jesus Christ it does not come through any other means unity listen to what the scripture says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment it's like the precious ointment in other words unity occurs the same way the precious ointment is made how is the precious ointment made the olive is crushed the oil comes out all of the other ingredients are crushed and smashed and crushed and smashed and crushed and smashed and then you gather them up and you pour them into the olive oil and they are won in the olive oil that's the way unity works first Jesus Christ says not my will but I will be done then he has led as a lamb to the slaughter and before his Shearer's like a sheep he is dumb he is smitten of god he is stricken he is afflicted we hid as it were our faces from him in his humility his judgment was taken away he was wounded bruised chastised by His stripes we are healed he was crushed and that is the basis for the olive oil that is the basis for the precious ointment that is the premise for unity that message that's why Paul walked into Corinth and when he looked all around he saw the most barbaric lifestyles the most ungodly abominable lifestyles happening in the church perversion happening in the church lasciviousness happening in the church people were going every which through the gifts of the Spirit were all out of order all out of sync he's looking around he's like where do I even start I'm no way I know where how do I pull this together I know how to pull this together I know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified if you want unity to exist you've got to go back to the basis of what the precious ointment is all about Jesus Christ and him crucified that is the foundation of the olive oil the anointing oil and that is the foundation for unity in the church then we are crushed then we are stamped then we are stomped then we are trampled by life experiences but we do it and experience it in the grace of God under the canopy of his love and his protection hallelujah in the Fellowship of his party how many understand what it feels like to go through trials and tribulations only to become better only to become stronger only to become wiser only to love your neighbor more than you did before the trial started what is God doing he's trying to make you as fine an ingredient as he can make you so he can put you into the precious ointment that's how unity occurs unity occurs when all of us say not my will but thy will be done unity isn't me bringing my all my stuff all my opinions and come walking in with my big u-haul truck of speculations and opinions and then you bring in your u-haul truck in and all of us saying well I can live with this if you'll do without that and if you'll get rid of that belief I'll I'll get rid of this belief well no I can't get rid of this belief so I got to hold on to this belief and you got to hold on to that belief and that's not how unity works that's a worldly way to unity unity works by every single one of us saying Lord I am a sinner have mercy on me and being poured into the precious ointment and letting this book be the guiding light of the body of Jesus Christ that's how it works that's how the anointing works and at end of the anointing the precious ointment comes when we are united together and and the unity that exists in the Church of the Living God is like the precious ointment and and when we come into unity with our brother with our sister the anointing of God flows did you know that God will God will honor you for being in unity with your brother and your sister God will honor you for it God does not forget when you made the necessary sacrifices for his kingdom to advance he doesn't forget that stuff when you suffered when you went through troubles when you went through tribulations when you had problems arise in your life God doesn't forget the fact that you kept a good attitude and a good spirit that you submitted your will this is this is the reason that we look unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith because he's the one who showed us the way hallelujah now I want to talk to you about what happens how the anointing of God comes upon us first of all I want to tell you that the anointing of God is not reserved for a select few we don't have certain anointed people in the church and then other people who are not anointed if you're in the body of Christ listen there's no such thing as a Christian community in the Word of God that's a worldly term there's the body of Christ if you're in the body of Christ that means you've been baptized into the name of Jesus Christ and you've been filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost and when you were filled with the Holy Ghost you were anointed with power from on high I said when you were filled with the Holy Ghost you were anointed with power from on high Acts chapter 1 and verse 8 teaches us that you shall receive power after that after that after that after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth that is not something reserved for a select few the whole body of Jesus Christ is to be anointed of God the Holy Ghost is poured out upon you and you are anointed of God to do his work now when that anointing comes upon you and the Holy Ghost fills you to overflowing then then what begins to happen is you begin to operate in the way God has designed for you to operate so some people these administrative abilities begin to flourish and for some people musical abilities begin to flourish and and for some people preaching abilities begin to flourish and for some people providing providing a listening ear in a time of a prayer warrior activity in soul-winning and and on and on the that the ministries aren't are distributed severally as the Spirit of God will but it all happens as the Holy Ghost comes upon you don't think that I'm up here anointed and you're out there not anointed if you've got the Holy Ghost you're anointed if you've got the Holy Ghost you can lay hands on the sick and see them recover you'll it you don't have to have a special prophet come by and lay hands on people that's Old Testament you are filled with the whole ghosts buried in the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus Christ has covered you you can lay hands on the sick and they will recover lujah you know why i go and pray for people i go and pray for people because i'm in the body of christ i don't go and pray for people because I'm the pastor I go and pray for people because he filled me with his spirit and I'm in the body of Jesus Christ and I'm anointed of God and the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel he's anointed me to proclaim Liberty to the captain he's anointed me to set at liberty them that are bruised he's anointed me and he's anointed you Alleluia hallelujah so the the role of the body of Christ is to everybody everybody operate in the capacity that God has anointed them to operate and that anointing flows don't put any hindrance in your life to the anointing of God we've already talked about the fact that unity allows the anointing of God to flow freely but we've but we have but but we need to also point out the fact that disunity if you are not in unity with your brother your sister that disunity is an impediment to the work of God in your life you can't operate in the Holy Ghost the way God wants to operate through you if you're holding a grudge against someone in the body of Christ so you have to you have to what do you have to do you have to be let your will be crushed you have to let your will be crushed you have to let your will be crushed that is really hard to do in fact I'm gonna say this you can't do it by yourself I mean again let's go back Jesus is the perfect land the perfect high priest the perfect substitute the mediator between God and man he's the advocate he's the great I am he's the altogether lovely he's the King of Kings he's the Lord of lords and he struggled with his will being crushed as we come walking in here acting like we've got things all together and and and Paul said Paul the Apostle Paul who took the gospel to all the world who is who is arguably the reason we're here tonight because he took it beyond Jerusalem he took it down into Ephesus and Corinth and Galatia Philip I Thessalonians I whenever there's a good service 3-4 months that we really pay attention and then wow that was good I really needed that three or four months later all man who I needed that six months later nine months later ten months later two years later Paul said for me I got to do it daily my will has to be crushed daily and here notice what he said I die daily I want to go back to the whole matter of offense how to handle offense I die daily you know when we think of dying daily it's just the way we think of it we think of going to a prayer room starting our day going to a prayer room lord help me today and forgive me of anything I've done wrong forgive me of anything that's not like you opened the Word of God Lord let me let me live like you let me be like you I submit my flesh to you in Jesus name Amen alright let's start my day dying daily has to do with dying daily it was a reference to the crucifixion of the flesh of Christ he said I'm crucified with Christ and it happens daily Jesus crucifixion was not at his own hands it was at the hands of others to die daily more times than not involves someone lashing out at you it involves people taking shots at you it involves people insulting you it involves people taking advantage of you and and in that moment you could be like everybody else in your world and lash back out at them or you can be like Jesus and just let the blood and the water flow just let the blood and the water flow just let the blood and the water flow now you you can choose how you want to react but I'm going to tell you what happened with Jesus 2,000 plus years later they're still magnifying his name they're still lifting up his name this man made himself of no reputation this man wasn't branding himself he wasn't trying to create a positive image for himself he wasn't trying to put himself out there as some celebrity he didn't have an Instagram account he didn't have a Twitter handle he didn't have a brand that was easily recognizable he made himself deliberately of no reputation and were still praising his name to the highest heaven I'm trying to talk to you about being crushed so you can be anointed I'm trying to talk to you about letting your will be submitted and surrendered so you can be deposited into the precious ointment of God Oh hallelujah Oh hallelujah it's not you who does the work it's the Lord it's not me who does the work it's the Lord it's not it's not it's not us who has the power it's the Lord the Apostle Peter walked by the gate called beautiful the lame man looked upon him expecting to receive something of him and Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk he lifted him up by the hand immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength he walked he lept he praised God he followed them into the temple they went to Solomon's porch they were hauled in for that miracle and there was a demand of how did this happen and Peter said sirs the way that this man was made whole is not by any power that I have of myself but it is by the power of the name of Jesus Christ that he was made whole and while we're on the subject of the name there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be safe that's when Peter said that acts four and twelve was in that context hallelujah Peter was able to operate in the anointing that God placed upon him because Peter knew it wasn't him it was the Lord and you and I have to understand that it isn't our talent it isn't our personality it isn't our charisma it isn't all of our abilities God's not interested in what we bring to the table he's interested in what we bring to the altar I'm telling you if you will bring us see we sometimes think we're doing God a favor alright god I've got all this stuff I've got all this stuff that I've developed I'm gonna bring it and I'm gonna do something for you and God says give it to me I'm gonna catch it on fire I'm gonna burn all of it up and you're gonna trust me and when when when it is purified by fire and refined it's going to come back to you in a greater dimension than you ever had it before that's the way the anointing of God works surrender all I surrender oh that doesn't just mean all my guilt and all my shame and all my pain and all my problems that means all my talents all my abilities all my skills everything I think I know all of my religious tradition everything that I think I've got all my all my doctorates and masters and bachelors whatever I got I surrender oh you are the Lord you are the Lord you are the lord of all lords you are the king of all kings this is how the anointing of God flows even Jesus people would walk up to Jesus and they would say man good master good master you did sit he said why you calling me good he would perform a miracle and when he would perform the miracle he would say now make sure you don't tell anybody what I just did because was not about exalting the flesh he wanted it to be he wanted it to be understood in the proper context that's how the anointing of God flows is submission to God and so so God can anoint a vessel who is beautifully submitted to him Oh hallelujah and not only does his anointing flow but his favor will come upon that individual hallelujah his favor will come upon that individual Genesis chapter 39 and verse 20 Joseph's master took him put him into the prison a place where the Kings prisoners were bound and he was there in the prison not a good place to be that's that that wasn't in the dream I mean the dream he was all exalted and lifted up and everybody's bowing to him that wait a minute I don't remember there being a prison in his dream but there is a prison in his in his path and there were prisoners that were bound and Joseph was there in the prison but the Lord was with Joseph and the Lord showed him mercy and the Lord gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison now I want you to understand that the anoint don't mistake the anointing of God for the favor of God don't mistake the anointing of God for the favor of God there are people who are anointed because God anointed them God poured out his spirit upon them but and then they operate in that anointing but just because you operate in the anointing doesn't mean that you're pleasing God there are many people who have memorized the actions of the anointing and they've learned how to pretend to be anointed and and they can pretend until people believe that they have the favor of God upon their life you measure anybody that speaks the Word of God to you you measure their words and their life according to this word to this book that's how you measure it the Bible says believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God a spirit can quote his word you've got to try that spirit whether it be of God and and not everybody who operates with a semblance of an anointing actually walks in the favor of the Lord and you must be careful as you seek to flow in the anointing and let the anointing work through you you want to be careful not only that your anointed of God but that you have found favor with God now here's what we have to understand anointing and favor are directly tied to Jesus Christ that's where the anointing in favor Falls the anointing in favor without Jesus Christ the anointing in favor of God doesn't exist the anointing in favor of God that that that operated in the Old Testament operated by the faith of those people who experienced it Moses and Joshua and Joseph as we read in Abraham and Isaac they operated by faith they received the anointing and favored by faith in what by faith in the Messiah by faith in Jesus Christ it was not an independent anointing in favor Noah found grace in the sight of God that means he found favor in the sight of God why didn't know a find favor in the sight of God because he was a preacher of righteousness in the middle of this wicked generation and because of that God said I can trust him with this building of the art why did Noah build a big boat when he didn't know whether the rain would fall he was simply going by the word of the Lord why because of his faith in the Messiah and we have scripture for that the Bible says by faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet was moved with fear and prepared an ark to the saving of his house it all happened by faith by faith in what by faith in who faith in Jesus Christ so the anointing in favor of God operates simply through and by the power of Jesus Christ the same is true in the New Testament which is where we are we're in the New Testament and in the New Testament it is also true they believed in Jesus Christ that he would come we believe that Jesus Christ has come but it's the same belief and it's the same faith one is prior to Calvary the other is after Calvary but it's the same faith that's why the Bible says one Lord one faith one is a revelation that he's coming and one is a revelation that he came but it's the same revelation Oh hallelujah and that is where the anointing in favor of God Falls it doesn't fall on Abraham it doesn't fall on Isaac it doesn't fall on Noah it doesn't fall on Paul it doesn't fall on Peter it doesn't fall on John it doesn't fall on Joel or you it falls on Jesus and then and then we like a like a the ball tethered to Jesus are pulled into him by faith in Him through faith in Him we are we are anointed because he was anointed we have favored because he had favor Oh glory to God glory to God I say it doesn't have a book if there's not a Jesus Moses isn't sent down the river if there's not a Jesus there is no Noah's Ark if there's not a Jesus let's go even further there's not a Sun a moon or a star if there's not Jesus by him all things considered you can't be anointed if you're not in Jesus Christ and of Jesus Christ and firmly planted in Jesus Christ you don't operate in the favor of God if you're not preaching and living and believing Jesus Christ that's what brings the favor of God that's what brings the anointing of God and if somebody is operating in some kind of a spiritual activity that resembles the anointing but their faith that's not in Jesus Christ that's witchcraft and don't Juby listen I want you to hear me now Sall understood what it meant to be anointed and he was anointed and he had the favor of God on his life as long as he was obedient to God but when he turned his back on God God said my spirit has departed from him and an evil spirit went where the Spirit of God had been and the Spirit of God went upon David David then operated in the anointing of the Lord David then operated in the favor of the Lord Saul who at one time prophesied he came into the company of the prophets and the prophets were prophesying and the Spirit of God came upon Saul and saw prophesied and there went out a proverb among Israel saying is Saul also among the prophets saul had prophesied Saul was anointed of God but when he departed from the faith the Spirit of God left him and an evil spirit entered to torment him and it got so bad that Saul who once could hear the voice of God but had been cut off from it now to have some kind of a spiritual enlightenment he started seeking for word in the witch's house so you be careful of the the anointing that you tie into and you make sure that that what you're listening to and what you're hearing you make sure it is the pure and unadulterated gospel of Jesus the Christ hallelujah because it can be deceptive and send you down a path that is a very dangerous and destructive path Oh hallelujah but the favor of God and the anointing of God are they operate together but don't mistake them for being the exact same thing many people can can can live and operate almost by memory what they experienced in the anointing and and not have the favor of God upon their life Psalm 5 and verse 12 thou Lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou come pass him as with a shield okay the righteous is not just some figurative person the righteous is Jesus for thou Lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou come pass him the righteous Jesus as with a shield the favor of God shielded the man Christ Jesus and you see it when you know how many times they tried to crucify him and kill him before it was time they couldn't do it until it was time he ministered and they would rush in and try to kill him and Jesus would escape out of there out of their midst they many times tried to kill him they took they took counsel together to try to kill Jesus before it was time but when the favor of God is upon somebody when the favor of God is upon somebody that favor Compass's them as with a shield and nothing that is outside the will of God can enter their life if it enters their life the righteous the person who is baptized into Christ the person who is buried with Christ the person who is in Christ the person who abides in him and his words abide in them that individual ladies and gentlemen that righteous individual who is made righteous by the righteousness of Jesus Christ is within the will of God and nothing outside the will of God can affect them hallelujah a tree cannot fall on this building and take me out right now unless it's the will of God if a tree is picked up by tornado and brought through this roof and knocks me out and I'm gone on to glory you can know that was the will of God it was my time to go now if I depart from the faith then I become subject to time and chance which happens to all men but as long as I am in the faith of Jesus Christ my steps are ordered of the Lord my steps are ordered although and I don't have to fear what step to take next God is ordering my steps I'm trusting in him I'm leaning upon his word I'm dying daily lord help me in Jesus name I'm not saying I'm perfect I'm speaking of an ideal set of circumstances you pray for me I'll pray for you and we'll all try to get the glory together in Jesus name what I'm saying in an ideal set of circumstances our steps are ordered of the Lord we're dying daily we're loving our neighbor as ourself we're contending for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints we're showing charity to all hallelujah and what's happening is the favor of God is coming upon us like a shield hallelujah you you you know you're trying to figure out what to do when you don't know what to do here's what you do you love mercy you do justly and you all crumbly before thy God you can't go wrong you can't go wrong I don't know what decision to make I don't know I don't know what I should do love mercy do justly well humbly before thy God and what you're doing is you are walking in the favor of the Lord hallelujah and that favor is like a shield and it allows the anointing of God to flow through you hallelujah too many people too many people too many saints of God believe that they have to have some sort of a pedigree to be considered anointed all you have to have is the power from on high that is the anointing of God hallelujah I love the story brother Terry pew told and I'm coming to a close but I love the story that brother Terry pew told of the lady in his church who had multiple sclerosis and it had crippled her badly and she she was she was struggling so bad for years with it she was in the hospital and one of the one of the good men of the church went and prayed for her and he was not a preacher but he was a good man of Prayer and he went in and he prayed for her and and while he was why he was praying that the medical team came in interrupted the prayer and he kind of backed up and let them come in and and he he said I'll see you later sister and he left and and and she got out of the hospital and came to church and she was in her her wheelchair and she wanted to she wanted to talk to the pastor but before she could talk to the pastor this same man came back to her and said I'm so glad to see you here sister and he said you know I was interrupted the other night in our time of Prayer I didn't get to finish my prayer and he said this this is the conclusion of my prayer be thou healed in the name of Jesus Christ and he walked away and she thanked him and then she wanted to go talk to the pastor she came she wheeled herself up to the front of the church and the pastor was talking to somebody and didn't see her and the pastor was making an exit off of the platform and she didn't think she'd get a chance to talk to him so she without thinking jumped up out of a wheelchair and called to him and she took two steps up onto the platform and and was calling for him and then all of a sudden she realized she was walking and she hadn't walked for years it started out walking turned into dancing hallelujah that good man he wasn't a preacher he wasn't a preacher he wasn't a preacher but he was an anointed vessel of the Most High God I want to tell you you've got to shed these labels and thinking that you're not this and you're not that yes you are you're anointed of God the Spirit of the Lord is upon you because he hath anointed you glory to God when we talk about touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm we're not just talking about the preachers we're talking about the body we are the anointed of the Lord Oh hallelujah and I won't I've just come by tonight to encourage you to don't take that anointing for granted don't depart from the faith don't cast it aside like Saul did don't go looking for some witchcraft you don't need witchcraft you don't need Hollywood you don't need some kind of mysticism you don't need some kind of self enlightenment you need the old to the morning of the power of the Holy Ghost that's where our strength comes from hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on if you know God can use you to lay hands on the sick lift up your hands and thank God for it if you know that God can use your prayers to turn something around lift up your voice and give God praise for it hallelujah hallelujah glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on let's love the Lord right now let's love the Lord right now come on let's clap our hands unto Him and give Him praise let's clap our hands and give him praise hallelujah all across this house that stand our feet in Jesus [Applause] I want to give you a praise report brother Orville young just shared with me been communicating with the family of sister Judy hogs ear I want you to know while we prayed just five minutes after we prayed she started breathing again she's all things are things are in order [Applause] [Music] Noorie to God glory to God I want you to know that God has a way of confirming his word God has a way of confirming his word hallelujah I'm gonna tell you when the Saints begin to pray for the Lord to have his way the glory of the Lord will come down hallelujah what is your knee tonight what is your knee tonight don't you approach it don't you approach it like you don't have power you do have power you have the power of the mighty God living inside of you sometimes we approach this needs we have like we are who we used to be we're not who we used to be we are the children of the king hallelujah we have the Holy Ghost on the inside we have the blood of Jesus upon us in the name of the Lord I want everybody right now in the name of Jesus to lift your need up before the Lord come on lift your need up before the Lord right now lift your need up before the Lord and begin to call on his name call on his name call on his name call on his name lord i love you lord i need you lord I praise you lord I worship you lord I lift you up I magnify your name I glorify you O God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come on bring him something tough right now bringing that difficult thing bringing that difficult thing that thing you've been praying about for a long time bring that to him and say god I want you to move upon this situation Lord I want you to move upon this situation in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus my grandfather for years there was a precious lady in his church Calvary Tabernacle Indianapolis she would routinely submit her husband's name as a prayer request and and and years went by and every so often the ministers would say well it's been it's been 10 months and we still got this name on our prayer requests should we take it off for a little while no leave it on there he would say leave it on there another 10 months 12 months years 20 years past and that name never came off the prayer request list and God filled him beautifully with the gift of the Holy Ghost he was baptized in Jesus name I don't know what you've been praying 20 years for but God sent me here tonight to tell you that he is in the miracle-working business he's in the soul-saving business don't stop praying don't stop believing hallelujah the favor of God is upon you as a shield the anointing of God operates through you there is power in your prayer hallelujah if you need to submit your will submit your will if you need to repent repent if you need to forgive somebody forgive somebody but let the anointing of God flow in your life hallelujah we're gonna sing unto the Lord and we're gonna call upon his name all across this house I want us to take a couple minutes here and I want us to bring those needs to God if you want to come forward come forward if you want to stand where you are but right now in the name of the Lord I want us to bring every need to God that we need him to move upon something that's weighing upon your spirit bring it to God right now in the name of Jesus bring it to God right now in the name of Jesus Oh hallelujah he's gonna work it out he's gonna work it out he's gonna work it out glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I surrender to thee [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tree Of Life Church Cincinnati Ohio
Views: 3,422
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: RA3ee3c41fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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