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That title is a bit hyperbolical considering VFIO setups have been on LTT quite often now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GuessWhat_InTheButt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

shame they couldn't get it working on amd. I've not had issues running multiple VMs w/ passthrough on my ryzen 7 1700, just had to add a kernel commandline option

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cd109876 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So did they use VFIO? Any technical details?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/human-exe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One shameless plug. Just to note that it's was quite doable for at least 8 years. Even before passthrough was possible I setup multi-seat system on Linux where two people can play games under Wine at the same time.

How it was done:

  • Two X servers using AMD HD 6950 each.
  • Mouse / keyboard for each user obviously.
  • PulseAudio running as system daemon so one user using output for headphones and other using one for speakers.
  • For networking I just setup bridge and run games in different cgroups so first of all game didn't see each other processes and also got own subnet IP via DHCP.

And I used it to play Supreme Commaner with friends. Obviously that wouldn't work with every game since very few of them worked well on Wine, but still...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SxxxX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

For those who got this running, unRAID or Proxmox for a first time user with zero knowledge trying it out?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/two5kid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If y’all think this is good, Check out 7 gamers 1 CPU. Linus loves unRAID.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Magicaldave918 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No demonstration of the Linux host OS and its awesomeness. So, meh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RandomJerk2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
for a long time now we've talked about how we're approaching the point where you could buy a single computer and have two users enjoy it simultaneously but some recent advancements notably the high core count third generation ryzen processors from amd have gotten us to the point where we think we're finally ready to do it today we build the one pc for you and your so and it's sponsored by sk hynix their gold p31 series ssds are going to act as the high speed storage we need to have two users simultaneously loading up heavy games at the same time which is the same as simultaneous you know what it doesn't matter let's just roll this thing simultaneous is the theme today anyway [Music] now normally we'd start by going through the hardware that we're using for the build but today the star of the show is actually the case this is the fantax p600s and we've chosen it both for its ease of use in terms of building but also for its ease of disassembly because i've got something really fun today instead of just you know lame-o painting with spray bombs we've actually leaned on our one and only ed zeliago our production manager who brought in his own like hobbyist grade spray whatever this is what is this it's a hvlp turbine sprayer so the advantage of having a sprayer versus a spray bomb is that you just have more control you can adjust the nozzle the pressure so we're going to be using some acrylic polyurethane enamel because it's pretty hard wearing it's a in a satin finish so that it doesn't show off all the imperfections of my spray job i have only sprayed a case twice yeah hopefully this will be good that's a good rationale for a satin finish which side's going to be blue and which side is going to be pink so the left side is going to be pink it's going to be split two tone so it's actually going to be diagonally pink this way cool and then this right side is going to be blue the whole panel here is going to be blue and on the inside this part's going to be pink not the rest of that yeah we're not doing the motherboard tray blue are we no no that's riveted in yeah so it's not going to be too bad we're just going to have to mask this off and just have paper or plastic to cover that up that's going to look pretty sharp so because this is a hinge side panel normally you would have to worry about scratching the paint here and here if you're painting the inside because when you slide on a panel you're doing a sliding mechanical motion and it's just always going to scrape everything scuffing helps our primer coat adhere to what is otherwise a very very glossy shiny surface that's difficult for paint to adhere to oh this is actually pretty good though okay you want it to not be glossy anymore while i build up the bench to make sure the system's going to actually work after we assemble it ed is masking off our case so how good of a job of masking do you uh you care about here suitably adequate is what i aim for we'll put that on your performance review i've got the latest beta of unraid fired up on my system 6.9 nice which means that i'm ready to shut it down and get my two nvme ssds installed the benefit for us of going with nvme storage is that we get low latency operation even when both of our users are hitting our drives at the same time now there's a number of ways that we can configure our two sk hynix gold ssds here either we can have both of them running independently and pass them through to our virtual machines which is similar to how we're going to pass through cpu cores and our graphics cards which are going to be installed on the pci express slots here another way that we can do it is we can run them in raid 1 and then we can just have both of the vms running on this redundant raid 1 configuration so that in the event that one of them were to fail or even that a slot failed on the motherboard we would experience no data loss whatsoever the drawback of that approach is that our two one terabyte drives would give us only one terabyte of total usable capacity the last way the way i'm leaning towards is we can run these two in raid zero for maximum speed what do you think david yeah in the event that one fails all the data's gone it's gaming it's gaming and honestly i'm not expecting that to happen so we're going raid zero boys frog tape is one of those things that i think is actually worth the extra money the lines you get are just so crisp compared to the random masking tape that you can get for cheaper yes it is okay free two terabytes so we are running in raid zero now i've got my rtx 2080 super installed this is the one i want to pass through so that i can actually game off of it but that presents some challenges because this is kind of the primary gpu slot in the system where we've got most of the pci express bandwidth i want my high performance card there but that means this guy is not outputting my os so i've got a remote into it which is fine it just means that when i go to boot my vm womp womp we've got to stub this fortunately this is cool the beta has a new tool for stubbing system devices so instead of typing a bunch of crap all you do is find it click it bind selected to vfio at boot and theoretically you reboot and you're done my confidence level is not actually super high i can't have any stress with water this cold lttstore.com i finally have progress unfortunately i do have to have my pinner card in the top slot due to some bios linux funkery but oh boy i mean at least we're booted up with the 2080 super pass through a quick xml edit to our vm later we changed from cpu host model to cpu host passthrough we're in we can expand that 30 gigs later is that actually 10 water again not healthy you know that's kind of like eating more because you've over salted your food like did you have something helpful to say or now wow that's actually really good i think two coats and that's nailed i may have added too much water to the paint or i didn't mix it well enough after i added the water because uh that's a bit thin and uneven could also just be my painting after all the teasing add about us running out of time it's actually me who's in more trouble than him at this point painting's looking great but i've tried c bios i've tried changing around the xml i cannot get the second vm to fire up here with the second graphics card and talking to the unraid guys they're basically like yeah you know we love amd and there's members of our community that are having great luck with amd graphics you know with using gpu pass-through but it is just not as polished compared to the experience on intel so at this point i'm going you know what i'm going to stop trying to put a square peg in a round hole because switching to intel who actually has think about it the highest core count cpu with onboard graphics built into it means i don't have to have this anymore i'm only giving up two cpu cores i've still got 10 cores so i can have a quad core machine for each of my gamers and it means that hopefully the virtualization experience is just going to be simple and the benefits of the switch kind of keep rolling here i found a board in our inventory that has a much more ideal layout so we're going to be left with this pci express slot and this one with our two graphics cards installed with more space in between them and because intel is still using a monolithic design for their cpu course it means that we don't have to worry about you know which vm has cores on which ccx and you know where the pci express ports are connected and all that kind of stuff so we're just we're taking the easy path okay i guess this gives us an opportunity to uh install our m.2 drives again the sk hynix gold p31 ssd features class leading pci express gen 3 read speeds of up to 3 500 megabytes per second it's the world's first nvme ssd for consumers with a 128 layer nand flash and all the core components are designed and built by sk hynix using their in-house technology so you know it's good sk hynex has been supplying global pc oems with high quality competitive ssds for years and they're backing this up with a 5 year warranty you can learn more at the link in the video description all right i think that's it for the blue nice now i'm just going to clean out my gun and switch paints it's not bad it ranges from absolutely perfect to reasonable hey that's a pretty good rain yeah meanwhile after switching platforms everything is hunky-dory so it's normal within a virtual machine for our clock speed to just be reported as the base clock so 3.7 gigahertz here but i would actually expect it to be boosting and we'd be able to see that on our hypervisor in the background we've got eight virtual cores so that's four true cores and four hyper threaded cores which should be plenty for basically any modern game and our yep graphics card not only showed up but it's actually installing the drivers as well and the icing on the cake is that this is actually vm number two one extra little bonus is that because this motherboard happens to have two and a half gig ethernet each of us should get one gigabit per second plus so when we're downloading games we can actually both download them at high speeds i'm downloading a game in uplay and i'm downloading a game in steam it's sitting in the neighborhood of 0.1 to 0.4 milliseconds jake's sitting in the 1.2 to 1.5 millisecond range also pretty good so in terms of the responsiveness of this experience you know you fire up a web browser or whatever the case may be you go to lttstore.com you want to do that kind of stuff neither of these users is gonna know that they're not on a dedicated machine which is the beauty of virtualization with high performance hardware like what we've got right now pretty sleek hey what the what is this now that all our games are installed we just need to set our array to start automatically and also set our vms to start automatically which means that when we press the power button on the computer all of this stuff happens completely transparently and just our two computers light up on their own in theory all right that's it how does it look [Music] press the button let's do it you saw something oh yeah there you go are they both going with the way we've got it set up then booting it up is just like booting up any normal computer dang it i just got killed by a butt no dang it i gotta run faster with my knife here swinging my knife swinging my knife around how does it feel it feels like a regular system uh delayed not bad so mission accomplished then i mean i don't like being beside you here look it's a couple's pc okay fine we'll trade you out we'll trade you get out of here so is this actually cheaper than building two pcs well it's a little complicated i mean you could build two pcs with cheaper lower tier components that would be combined less than just this one but if you wanted you know two pcs that were at a similar performance tier it would actually be similar or maybe even more expensive to build the two and what's cool is particularly using unraid we've actually got those couple cpu cores and a little bit of ram left over we could throw some hard drives in this thing and we could actually use it also for a third purpose as network attached storage for the rest of our house if we were into that sort of thing a disadvantage you have to deal with is obviously both of the players are tethered to the same machine so you have to not mind being in close proximity to each other fortunately we're good with that so i've got them both fired up with ano just go ahead and accept my invite both of us just running the game here we've actually settled into more like 40 to 60 cpu usage you'll see little spikes like that sometimes up around 70 75 percent but that's freaking awesome one test that we can do on our storage subsystem is both of us try to load up the game at the same time so go ahead and press play and wait 200 let's see how we do did you notice anything abnormal about the loading times uh i wasn't really paying attention sorry okay perfect with everything cranked in my game and the view distance increased so that's a gameplay option over here i'm getting anywhere from 50 mid to 70 mid fps even when i'm pulled back so i can actually see more of my islands which personally i really prefer and then yvonne running at 4k is wow that's not bad 90fps you're out in the middle of the ocean though do you want to go look at one of the islands how's it feel not bad it was stuttering a little bit before but now it's not we're supposed to try this game called fall guys now this one's not particularly demanding but the use case that we're trying to show here is that this game doesn't support local multiplayer yet so virtualization yeah we're going to die like right away aren't we can you jump yeah yeah space i guess i've only i have no ps4 okay okay well that was not very successful oh come on i'm doing so bad don't give up there's like giant donuts and stuff dang it no i can't do this i'm so adorable and useless is that you no somehow i doubt this is hitting the cpu quite as hard as anno was yeah yeah we had we had like 30 30 percent oh no no no no oh i fell oh come on but can you recover can you recover it you can recover recover just keep going dive dive yes i qualified where are you i don't know speaking of freaking awesome just want to shout out sk hynix for sponsoring this really fun build this was a blast for us to put together it actually ended up performing and just generally functioning better than i could have possibly hoped for because you never know when you're doing like cutting edge virtualization stuff like this their storage held up extremely well so these are pci express gen 3 nvme drives they're a great upgrade whether you're running a desktop a laptop or whatever the case may be if you want great responsiveness and a lot of storage actually if i mean if you told me like five years ago we were going to have ssds that were the size of a stick of gum that were a terabyte of capacity that you just slip into your motherboard like that no cables no mess i told you i think you're crazy but great idea you know go out there and make it happen if you want to get 10 percent off the sk hynex gold p31 one terabyte ssd just head to amazon and use code 10 ltt skh1tb we're going to have that in the video description so you don't have to like remember it thanks sk hynix for making it happen thanks for making this video happen and thanks to you guys for watching
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,881,859
Rating: 4.9235687 out of 5
Keywords: sk hynix, gold p31, sk hynix ssd, gaming ssd, pcie ssd, gaming, pcmr, virtualization, budget, how, to, showcase, review, building, computer, painting, case
Id: -Mgnwn4twZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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