Building a PC with my 3 Year Old... Again!

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so welcome to father-daughter pc build [Music] uh with my son when he was three it was pretty straightforward with this one i think it's gonna be a little more challenging i don't like your feeding hi daddy uh honey did you put that in the water before sponsored by intel and their x-series processor family learn more about their most powerful lineup of processors at the link below [Music] this bin right here has most of the stuff we're going to need for today and then this right here is the case that we're going to build the computer in can you carry this for me no thanks it's too heavy uh can you carry this for me great job okay should we head downstairs and start building yeah okay which one is the right one well honestly the one that was on there already is probably the right one see i knew you knew what it was for [Music] the screws that's right okay so something i have to do is take a couple of screws out of here before we start so can i borrow that sure thank you darling do you like these fans yeah well what color would you like us to make them um blue you want them to be blue i did not see that one coming with the theme of this build but sure yep we can make it blue did i just assume her color preference yes yes i did we got pink we will blue and pink yeah blue and pink fans okay we can do that no problem so you'll have to tell me it's white and pink do you like it yeah and it's small just like you so you and i are gonna put all this stuff in there to make a computer you bet so this is the only board on the market that can take an 18 core extreme edition and put it in a tiny little case like this what are these those are for plugging in headphones and microphones and speakers everything is interesting to you when you're three so this right here is our extreme edition processor do you want to put it in yeah please okay so we're gonna put that side in where the triangle is so you're going to hold it kind of like this if you like that and you're going to put it in just like that okay good gentle gentle gentle okay good good good there now it's in i'm gonna push it down push push push push push there so we're gonna put a cooler on it does that sound good yeah or that this is gonna take forever and you know how to press these things right it's like um the medicine thing for the baby right okay you know how they work okay yeah wow good job great job honey awesome job can you push all the way down great job okay okay two three four good job okay there we go how's that look good yeah and we're gonna push it down okay push push push push push there we go we are strong enough but i know maybe we're strong enough together ah this was actually custom done for you by case labs did you know that yeah they did a special color just for you so we need a power supply corsair sent over their sf600 zotac sent over their gtx 1080 ti arctic storm mini this is just about the most powerful graphics card you can get all the things on it yeah it has a lot of screws it does you work on those screws it's actually a pretty safe thing for her to work on uh mostly thomas from cablemod did us up some special cables for our power supply too do you like them are they pretty pink and white like the key like that so remember those uh headphone jacks and stuff back here yeah they all poke through there neat huh yeah [Music] oh good job oh stick it on do you want to see an m.2 drive no fix oh can you help me with this one actually no no thanks i want a sniper i want to sniff it off you're going to snip my fittings off i don't like your fitting you don't like my fittings check that out good helping that parts tray okay well that's not the case screws but at least i have the radiator screws okay [Music] i dropped it is that what you think let's do the power cables for our graphics card do you want to help me with that thanks all right that's fine oh wow that's tight so we ended up with probably not more than an inch of extra wiring for our dual eight pins for the graphics card our eight pin for the motherboard and our 24 pin here this is coming together really well me down my computer please um well it's not quite done yet i want to be done now and i want you to be finishing it she wants to sit with you for a bit so we'll just continue without my helper for a bit okay so my previous helper abandoned me so i got a new one i'm hoping this will be a slight upgrade do you think maybe teddy and you want to come help us with the computer again [Music] honey are you upset because i was working on it without you yeah okay but sweetheart you said that you were done helping me remember you want to help me draw some circles on here no thanks [Music] all went in what show is it well you know the thing about building a computer is that you actually don't do a lot of snipping that would be more if we were like taking it apart you know hi daddies hi darling grab on to where are you pulling me up oh screw this now screw the back you want to see the water move around in the loop okay ready here oh look at it go oh you can't actually poke it anymore once it's on okay i heard our computer is completely bad guy free is that right oh keep that out of the water please don't uh honey did you put that in the water before i don't know if i did okay because if we painted the computer with water then that might actually be um that might be a problem okay do you want to come over and try turning it on no thanks i don't want her dog i just want to play can you help me press that button [Music] all right so here we go check this out core i9 7980xe at 2.6 gigahertz what [Music] actually we forgot about something these fittings on the top so off to the workshop hey mommy please yeah i don't think you're going to want to witness this kind of carnage anyway [Music] all right let's go fire it back up with the side panel on [Music] what do you think it looks amazing oh well that is all the affirmation i needed thank you for your help thank you to intel for their help thanks to max for her unwavering patience thank you max uh thanks to alex for helping out making sure we actually got it done his with his help and then there's help and uh thanks to you guys for watching so if you dislike this video you can hit that button but if you liked it hit like get subscribed maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the link in the video description and while you're down there you can check out our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join yeah sure you can watch care bears okay let's go you want to go get some food daddy can you carry me to the characters i sure can okay
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,367,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intel, core, i9, processor, pc, build, computer, cpu, graphics, card, cute, adorable, building, gaming, gamer, amd, nvidia, daughter
Id: _7h7J01tyvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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