I Moved Into The BEST MINECRAFT TOWN With Friends!

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welcome back to Minecraft I'm back on my friends Jillian Slocum ends minecraft server as you can see right over here we're in our secret base but wait I [Music] think I can hear something okay okay this is bad let me just break this block let's for another minecraft video that's what you get for building bases under people dead over here you guys have like prediction 5 armor this is ridiculous guys good base in my secret base well I knew somebody was gonna snitch on me and the you guys were gonna find it at one point so I build a base in the side of my secret base why did you secret secret base right underneath my base I don't know [Applause] I actually built a TNT cannon to fire a jelly okay jelly jelly jelly so chill jelly chill we blew up my base you got your revenge okay okay oh yeah guys I'll show you my elevator follow me guys follow me this is how I got into jellies base I was underneath it this whole time that just dig a hole up here please somebody I can't breathe hole everyone there we go and then you're in jelly space it was beautiful and then you cover it up and jelly has no idea you're there the gap between the two but well that wasn't a complete accident anyway guys I've got this I'm just gonna kill here with all my diamonds Josh do you have a steel for me you have some steel for me now I'm just gonna leave fire oh no no no okay we're not burning anyone's thing down I think we've had enough destroy okay fair enough you built your base okay Oh move away from this move away from this negativity and yeah I think that's it I think a whole month to build and we work together hey jelly for some fire okay guys let's just start fresh I would let strip everything stuff you just really a stop we will all go together to a new place from the beginning and we begin as friends guys you're trying to say here that I just blew up your bass for nothing listen I was the missing link guys you don't understand without that you guys get angry let's do it guys let's do it but hey if we can all promise with our pinkies that we will never have a listen then I 100% and listen I'll drop my gear first okay okay I'll drop all my gear here it's a sign of respect burn it burn it I just dropped it Jordy is the one who hasn't got any skin in this game I jelly what okay so Jordy you take that okay oh and then we're gonna throw all of our gear inside of it and then once we've done that Jordy can burn it and he'll only burn if we throw all of us stuff in exactly throwdown come on guys all right guys come on Gerry you gotta do it wait don't butter until everything goes in burn your stuff guys burn yourself all of it everything guys everything let's go start throwing it start dumping it we need to do this fair and square all right come on check it in there get in there judge your wings oh my goodness you're crazy guys everything has been burnt it's all gone a fresh new beginning wait let's find a home why don't we travel back to where it all started and then we'll figure out what we're gonna go you mean where my you're a genius this is your genius yes you mean where I died sure okay let's go no wrong direction Jordy oh wait which way is it [Laughter] I mean this is beautiful guys take me back a memory lane you know when I wasn't there yeah we weren't really interested in Jordy at this point of course of course you forced yourself nice try Oh beautiful Jordy it doesn't do anything I don't know but this best might still be covered in go where I put TNT so that it's like a minefield are you kidding pretty much yeah we can use the obsidian that we saved to build a nether portal and then we go super far away that sounds great to just get out of here to get lost perfect let's do it good it fit in here buddy here here right over here yes gonna be beautiful this is gonna be I got my flame to feel yes what's up but I'm gonna go seven left so I gonna be able to build another one in the nether Oh Josh Josh don't worry I got three here I had some with me I also did some other stuff with me guys let me drop this give this seat yeah I got you guys a bed just in case I have an orange bed for myself but that's all that's all I do that's all I said guys so you sure you didn't bring anything else I'm sure I'm a hundred percent sure I left everything behind yeah I saw okay guys okay we're good I just should we jump in hey sorry fresh jelly in this plum sorry okay let's go don't worry I already tried looting those chests when I got into the server no no no jelly don't right now it it down do okay we need to figure out what direction we're going in okay this way this way just this way right guys we need like a pickaxe he'll be IG guys guys get a proper pickaxe again you know yes I need a wooden pickaxe guys hey I'll start off with a wooden one where did you guys go by - I think I lost it oh there you are there you are okay Oh guys guys guys look we're right next to mine shaft no we're live in joking dude how are we gonna get up top okay could someone make it like a stone pickaxe for everyone real quick okay I have a fans guys I have a fence anything alright guys so called bucket yes we should be able to just climb out okay let's climb out we're doing this all together guys it's not gonna help with water is it okay okay now we need to uh-oh swill town almost died okay yeah I'm gonna die if I fall down okay maybe I should just wait until I'm at the top no no no no let's let's build some stuff here good boy careful though no pickax is needed they were here wait go go go go go go up just go up swim up Jimmy swim up blocked jelly it great I broke the block above you okay okay oh yes let's find an eyelet you need to find our island tough to get straight back do I wait it's ice Birds swamp whoa guys I don't really feel like living in a swamp guys should we name him bring it Chewie named him we haven't got a name tag sounds good we don't want to be here too many jellies if we ever do go back all right where are we going with this that's a pretty place studies into swamp this would be much better is it big it's huge this is beautiful this is just wow this is actually really cool room but this is sand there's sand is also nice you know we need to have a shop too I want to shop in a blacksmith wow this is actually really cool can this be the bay this is the bay mountainous but we tell me oh this is a jelly bay okay okay nice stuff so that's it stop stop stop stop Josh straight up stop no no no Josh let's not build on this sand let's build in the woods what about this bit we could flatten this out and clear the trees out here this would be great this would be perfect job the river just down there Jenny we could build a bridge across the river I like that yeah all right so let's clear this part out wait all of this out okay then we will guys guys could someone to come over for a second already did you set the - Jilly no I accidentally see the tree on fire that's not guys we have to be no no no no careful we have to put our beds down and save this location okay wait wait wait wait wait I want to show you something I'm trying to talk follow me follow me guys you have something over here follow me just stick with me sit close really suspicious we have a wheel back it's a wolf pack wait careful food as well Josh if food I don't know what you're talking about guys it's time to build some homes this one's mine let's build something very basic okay nothing to advance really basic houses right yeah that would be amazing Jenny I like that that sounds great yes [Music] whoa look at our houses guys sure dude little tour Chile you go first oh hello Jilly show it's show glass staircase very nice seating seating area over there yeah yeah good night's sleep time even sleep here not a single one of these chests open a book wait what Oh [Music] Jilly is a genius yeah smart mining farming and other layer of chests a better yet yeah yeah this is my like kitchen gosh yours chef you two still under construction of course yeah that's fine for like a a wood stone design guys come on oh hey there Josh yeah yeah so obviously you got all the essentials over here and very very nice oh and loaded what do you think it's very cozy oh that's cool that's that kind of cool all right guys I went with a little bit of a medieval look over here so feel free to jump in and ah don't worry my house is safe close the door behind you I got ourselves a little little table we can 8/8 don't worry just wear the look I know I know but it just looked good okay but now we broke it anyways a little kitchen over here and then upstairs you guys won't kind of come up to my bedroom I have another little table to chill hey dirty laundry okay judge crazy and that's it that's my little bass it just looks good chilly just leave it looks good thank you thank you yep yep and Josh also the will remember I'm gonna make a beautiful well here still have to do it though I think I think we're done here guys I think this is good yeah it's beautiful guys it's late we should we should go to sleep everyone bye Josh good night if you want to see another minecraft video click on the screen right now I need a minecraft video where I'm at hacked into my friends minecraft server click on the screen right now
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 1,451,105
Rating: 4.9170117 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, funny, child, family, gaming, game, moments, games, walkthrough, comedy, challenge, playthrough, kids, kid, family friendly, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, minecraft, minecraft town, best minecraft, best minecraft town, minecraft friend, minecraft friends, minecraft game, kwebbelkop minecraft, jelly minecraft, slogoman minecraft
Id: cfDtXKN_k6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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