Freddy Fazbear and Friends "Bonnie's Face"

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foreign [Music] what's for breakfast oh foxy foxy and pancakes pancakes my favorite what kind are they um they're blueberry Count Me In huh so how's your morning so far how about you Bonnie yeah I slept all right so has anyone gotten the mail yet [Music] so Bonnie would you care to get the kids sure why not make sure before he doesn't eat my pancakes oh I will oh morning good sir wait wait I'm not gonna hurt you I ah every time I try to create a human these run away from me oh well at least I don't have to open up the parcel Locker let's see um gas bill electric bill the usual here are the Bills guys thanks Bonnie oh no nothing's wrong [Music] blue no I'm not blue I'm just I'm just purple Barney she means if you're looking kind of sad did something happen out there I tried to greet the mailman he ran away from me just like everyone else who sees me they take one look at me and they scream and run away sorry that happened Bonnie it's fine it's just the way it is I miss when I had a face in fact I miss when we weren't decommissioned in a state of disrepair yeah well unfortunately that's just how it is you guys don't have it so bad you're only damaged Freddy with a chica is only missing her hands foxy is just severely damaged look at me I'm missing an arm and I have no face I got the worst out of the bunch what do you think would help to solve that if I had a face again that way people won't be so scared of me what your original Face Body Art Pizzeria was shut down for years ago it's been years since we became wither there's no way your face is still out there well it wouldn't hurt to try right you know what I'm gonna ask springtrap and go further and see if they can just fix us and since wither Bonnie is feeling sad for people treat him because of his looks I think it's time for me and him to be fully repaired with a Freddy I as much as I want to repair you guys we can't but why not because your models were discontinued when the toy Electronics were introduced you don't even have any spare parts of us I'm afraid not oh man well are you sure are you positive maybe there's some in the back room well you could check but I doubt you're gonna find anything okay well I'll check good luck with that okay Bonnie if there's one place where lost Archives of Fazbear entertainment are found this is one of those places are you sure we could we'll find my face here oh come on Bonnie some remains of our past have to be in here let's start looking hmm oh it's dusty in here I know let's see what's in here um plushies oh wait these are these are these are probably from Nightmare Bonnie's time um um let's see what we got here oh what's in here [Music] okay I can see why that was discarded who else is in here um we will find anything in here no let's just keep looking fine that was a waste of time I'm sorry Bonnie I thought for sure it would have been in there well it wasn't what do we do now hmm why don't we keep searching through other rooms of no my face wouldn't be in the other rooms of this Pizzeria you're a true true I have an idea come with me to the parts and service room um okay this goes on right here there Barney you finally have an upper jaw and ice Freddy where did you even get these parts oh I Source them from endo01 Parts Freddy I know one Parts don't join conjunction with no02 parts I can't see anything but not to worry Bonnie because I have a backup plan what is it well close your eyes I can only shut them off okay um and boom voila you finally have a face free this is just Bonnie's face where'd she even get it uh oh where's my face let me see my with it Bonnie what are you doing with my face I didn't take it with a Freddy took it but then Freddy why did you take my face well I'm sorry Bonnie I just wanted to give withered Barney a face again he's been yearning to have a face for years he's tired of everyone treat him like crap for his looks we didn't treat him crap for his looks no humans oh well I can't do anything to help you guys and you don't just take other people's parts for your own friends you're right I'm sorry Bonnie hey Bonnie do you know where my cupcake is no I haven't seen them oh my God now I know how I feel when I get to view as a freak Barney I don't know what to tell you we've searched the back room we didn't find your face we tried to use other parts to make your face that didn't work either I don't know what else to do well I guess I'll just stay as a faceless freak forever really sorry Bonnie no it's not your guy's fault you did your best we've looked everywhere but found nothing everywhere wait a minute there's still one place we haven't checked what would that be we haven't checked it's our own location our old location chica that's like 30 miles away if it's not there we've left on a road trip so I think that'll be interesting maybe we'll find our whole Parts there um I don't know if it's worth it oh come on Freddy you've always wanted to visit that old location maybe this is your chance [Music] okay but we're bringing with a golden Freddy fine by me you know guys it seems kind of weird to go back to our old location just for the sake of our old Parts whether or not they are we're not here just for that without going for it we just want to explore the place and see what's changed well okay but this is gonna be a long drive [Music] are we there yet we've been driving for so long I did say it was 30 miles chica I don't think we'll be that long well I told you so um Are we almost there Gold Freddy um by my GPS we should be blowing up right now oh boy I can't wait to see the pizzeria oh what the guys you might want to come out and see this oh boy time for a Nostalgia to kick me in the face [Laughter] where the heck is it why is it all just flat grass they must have demolished the place a long time ago oh what you got if buildings are to run down and damaged to be repurposed then they get demolished I can't believe how clean this place looks though so we drove two hours for nothing uh basically I'm so sick chica it's okay you didn't know and we never had a news outlet that said that our that our old Pizzeria was demolished huh hey guys I see something over there what there's something sticking out from under the highway I wonder what that is whoa our sign what's it doing here how am I supposed to know wait a minute you don't think whoa there's a bunch of old stuff in here there's a top hat there's a lot of posters in here and wait what's this under this poster guys I just made a discovery yes you finally got your face Hallelujah now we could go back to our Pizzeria and refit it to you oh face how I missed you after all this time thanks for driving us going Freddy any time okay guys I put my face on and what do you think oh um well I think Barney you might want to take a look in the mirror what how bad can it be whoa this thing has not aged well oh so we just did all this for nothing well wait wait I maybe we can restore it actually that's a good idea let's we can ask some of the others for help and maybe they can whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] oh we could fix that right nobody that shattered Beyond repair oh I'll never be normal like you guys I'll be stuck as a faceless freak forever and to everyone whoa you may be you might be seen as a freak to those people but they're all about you they don't even know you you're not free to us you're part of our family Bonnie and that's all that matters now not everyone is going to be accepting on who you are and if they can't accept who you are then that's on them exactly I have a launching gaming open mouth the broken jaw and missing hands worry about what others say just because people treat you like a freak doesn't mean you are one you're right uh I should I should just worry about being myself then and not let others push me down that's the spirit Bonnie now that we've got this resolved do you think it's time we call it a night oh yes all that searching made me tired thanks guys for the wise words it really means a lot to me you're welcome good night buddy [Music] thank you
Channel: AndrewJohn100
Views: 3,386,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AW74M1GRx9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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