We Let Kids MAKE Our Meals For A Day | People Vs. Food

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- I'm excited to get revenge on the people who made... - She is way too excited. - No! - I am not involved in this at all! - No! - There's a high chance I'll throw up with this, actually. - Okay. (MJ laughs) ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) Alright everybody! Ya hungry? - (both) Always. - (FBE) Well what do you think about the idea of other people choosing your food? - I mean, there was a point in college where I called myself a free-gan. So if there's just free food anywhere. - Ah! - I would eat it no matter what, but if I was buying it, it's vegan. So like, if someone else is paying for it, I'm normally chill. - I don't like that as much. - I'm the pickiest eater on the planet. - I'm open to anything. - (FBE) We are gonna be picking your guys' meals for today. - Okay. - (FBE) But there is a unique premise of this that I'm not gonna spoil, because we have a video to play for you. - Oh. - Okay. - (FBE) So we've gotten six of our staff members here at FBE to volunteer to have all of their meals for an entire day, picked by you. - Yes! - I'm excited to get revenge on... - Oh no. - People who made me eat very, very bad things. - Oh. - She is way too excited. - No! - I am not involved in this at all! - No! - I'm in post! - I don't even know that kid! - (FBE) You've got a bunch of food items on the board to your left. - That's not bad, okay, okay. - Okay. - I see some in here the stuff I would eat. - (FBE) The staff should eat it, you'll put it... - Oh, I'm so nervous which child is gonna be choosing my food. - There's some things here that I'm okay with. - Yeah! - (FBE) So for each meal, we just need a main course, a side dish, and a beverage. And you can also modify any of the foods on that board... - Modify, why'd you give them that option? - Why would you do this? Why? - I hope they pick Zebra Cakes, I think those are Zebra Cakes. - And Twizzlers. - (FBE) So if you wanna put one of those ingredients in another dish... - Oh I hate you! - No! - Oh my God! - Butter! I'm gonna make them eat straight up butter. (laughs) Yeah, I'm excited. - It'll be mean. - Kids are way too creative, so when he says revenge, first off, I didn't hurt you. Who hurt you? - I hurt people, but not those kids. - I feel like if anyone deserves this most, it's probably Jack. - It sounds like it. - Oh, for sure! - I've had no involvement in deciding what these children have had to eat, so I feel like I should get the easier end of the stick here. Y'all are involved in those decisions. - I'm new here, I don't know why I'm here. - Did you let them know it wasn't you that was eating? - Yeah, did you warn them? - Did you tell them? 'Cause like, if they're mad at you, then I won't want your second-hand hate. - That's a whole other thing. - (FBE) For each of your three meals today, we gave our panel of kids 50 food items to choose from. Their job is to choose a main dish, a side dish, and a drink. They could also combine items. - A drink? - (FBE) And in a moment, we're gonna show you the breakfast they designed, then we'll meet up again for lunch, and at the end of the day, dinner. - Do you guys have Pepto? - (FBE) The company at large has Pepto. (laughs) - Good. - (FBE) So first up, we have breakfast. - All of this stuff is like relatively good, so it's hard to try to find something that's mean. - This kid's funny. - My breakfast is sugar anyway, so I'm cool. - They're trying to find something that's mean. - (Tida) Spinach pancakes and like... - What, spinach pancakes? - That doesn't sound terrible. - So many choices, they put in their breakfast! - Whoa, why's there so much stuff? - What the hell, dude? Is this a buffet? - (Tida) Spinach pancakes, cream cheese, Jalapenos. - What, dude. - I cannot handle hot food. If I have to eat jalapenos, you're gonna watch me cry on camera. - (Max) Then we have Mountain Dew and sliced turkey. - That's all together. I love Mountain Dew. - ...with the Mountain Dew. - No! - That's what I said! - I like her actually, I like that. - ...because we don't want them to... - We don't wanna be that mean, okay? - I mean, they have given us good stuff in the past. - Yeah. - Let's give them some good stuff for dinner, because they've earned it with all the gross stuff we're gonna give them for lunch. - Okay. - Yes. - Lunch should be terrible. - Ugh! - (laughs) Oh Jesus. - She said lunch should be terrible? - What the, what's their deal? - What, do they hate me? - I'm shaking. (both laugh) - Ugh! - (FBE) So for breakfast, we've got your spinach pancakes. With jalapeno cream cheese, a side of chocolate dipped donuts, and for your drink, Turkey Mountain Dew. - Do we have to finish this? - (FBE) Yeah. - No, dude, I can't drink a whole thing of Turkey Mountain Dew. - Turkey Mountain Dew? - (FBE) I'm kidding, I'm kidding. - They'll [bleep] up my day! - You know what, it's fine. I ain't a bitch, what are we starting with? - I wanna end with the chocolate donut. - I agree. - I'm gonna end with that. - Yeah. - I think I'm gonna go from worst, it's alive. It's moving, do you see my straw? - First up. - We gotta get the worst part out of the way. - Yeah. - I don't really taste the turkey, but I'm scared it's gonna pop up and I'm suddenly gonna be like (wretches) - Alright, we're just gonna go for it, dude. - Oh my gosh. - We ready? - Toast! - Cheers everyone. - Oh my God. - You know, not half bad. - Not bad! - Foolish children! - I think once they see spinach, they're like ugh, we got these guys. - Yeah. - Jokes on you kids! - Payback! - This spinach pancake with the jalapeno. I mean, it doesn't complement itself. - Is it hot? - At all, but it's not bad. - Is it spicy? - No no, not at all. - Donut's good. I think this is actually pretty good. - I'm from Vegas, I've taken some drinks. This, I'm just gonna go for it. - What color is Mountain Dew normally? This color? - It's like normally greenish-yellow, so no. - No, Jesse, Jesse stop! - Oh my God, ugh! - You know, I can't even taste the turkey! - I, did you do it? - No I haven't. I just smelled it, I'm watching you. (laughs) - Oh my gosh, I'm so scared, okay. - Not bad. - I can't taste turkey. - Right? - Okay, they're giving me some confidence. - I can't taste turkey. - It's like a mix of Mountain Dew and Spam. - Woo! - Small victories. - Small victories. We have a win here with this. - You know, it wasn't bad, like trying it all. - Are you okay? If you throw up, I swear to God. - It's not settling very well. - I haven't thrown up in a long time. - Do you have a bad stomach? - Really bad stomach. - (FBE) You ready to get back to work? We'll see you at lunch! - See ya at lunch. - Heck yeah! - Thank you. - Cool. - See ya then. - (FBE) How was your morning? - Well, I will say that I had very strange indigestion. - I just felt like there was something right here. - It's probably throw up. - I don't think the turkey stock sat well. I'm not gonna lie. - You drank a lot of it, Jesse. - I did drink a lot. - You messed up. - (FBE) You guys ready to find out what's for lunch? - Oh no. - Let's do it. - Yeah. - Spam, Dr. Pepper. - Ramen. - Roasted crickets? I think maybe PB&J. PB&J. - Yes, yes! - Okay, yes. - Roasted crickets. - You better not. - On PB&J? - Peaches and syrup. - Why don't we do milk and roasted crickets? (Jack sighs) - I'm gonna SPAM everybody Spam. - I'm down for Spam, dude. - Oh! - I mean, we're trying to make this one the worst. - They choose like every food option possible, and then choose what we eat. - Lunchables nachos. - Oh, Lunchables. - I love Lunchables. - I like Lunchables. - They're so good. - Right? - We need some beans. - [Bleep] beans. - Beans? - The three dishes we came up with was roasted crickets, Spam, and queso. - Queso! - What? - Then we have Lunchables, black beans. - I think Lunchables and black beans would be okay. - I don't know about the black beans and Lunchables part. - I think the roasted crickets sound worse than they are. - No. - Dude. - I think so too, from the reactions I've seen on certain videos we've done. - I'm dreading the queso more than I am the crickets. - I grew up on Spam, and I love queso. - Mmm. - But crickets? - What the hell is this on top? - This is insane. - They're crickets. - This is insane. - Oh but what is it, oh nachos, okay. - Queso. - For some reason, it just looked, like, orange. - Oh my gosh! - (FBE) So for lunch, we've got fried Spam with queso and crickets, some nacho Lunchables with black beans, and finally some orange juice. - Wow, that queso is strong. - Holy Hell. - It smells so bad. - I'm very sensitive to smell. - Ugh. - And this smells very bad. (laughs) - Oh, they're nacho Lunchables. Hell yeah! - Oh, these are gonna be the best with beans. Oh my God, I'm so stoked on that part. - There's a high chance I'll throw up with this, actually. - Alright here we go. Four crickets. - That crunch. (Jesse wretches) - Don't! Oh my God! - Bro, the crunch is... - Wow! - I'm just doing it. - (squeaks) I can't, I can't! (whimpers) (screams) I can't, I can't! - It's so bad. - You're making me not wanna swallow this food. - (Andrea) I couldn't! - Alright. I think I gas it up as it being worse than it really is. I must've eaten some weird [bleep] as a kid. - Hmm, hmm, mm-mm. - These chips are comically small. I'm eating them like three at a time, and still have to put my fingers entirely in my mouth to get to my mouth. - Are you okay? Are you gonna throw up? (Jack gags) (MJ laughs) - I'm done. - The whole table almost tipped over! - I thought you were gonna throw a chair. (laughs) - I thought you were gonna flip the table. I was like well! - I'm just mad at myself. I can't believe I couldn't get that down. - Lunchables time! Oh God, that aftertaste, I don't even wanna like swallow or breathe though my nose right now, that's so nasty. Oh yeah. - Dude, that's so bomb. I don't know why I didn't do this when I was younger. - That was really hard. - That one's really hard. - That was nasty! - I think I would've been able to do it had I not experienced Jesse's reaction. Next time, let me eat it first. - Yeah. - Definitely not me that's making all those bad challenges happen to you. It's 100% not my ideas. - It's gonna start being me after that. - If the kids are like "oh, we're gonna treat them," it'll be great. I think they're gonna do Zebra Cakes. - As he's about to throw up. - He's still digesting. - As he's still like bleh. - I have to be optimistic. Hope! - (FBE) How was your afternoon? - You know, I had, I wanted lunch after this lunch, but like, I couldn't have lunch, 'cause I felt so sick. - The reason why this show is such a [bleep] nightmare is because it doesn't end. Like, we started the day off... - Yep. - That's so true. - Eating this. Not only is it twice, it's three times. We're checking in. - (FBE) So what do you think the staff should have for dinner? - Good stuff, we're not gonna make... - We're not gonna be that mean, okay? - Spicy tuna roll! - Done, love it. - Whipped cream, whipped cream! - I mean all the stuff is okay. - Wait, canned tuna's delicious. - I'm not... - Oh no. (Andrea laughs) - I don't know if I trust what they think is good food. - Ooh, I love an avocado. - I do love, I love sushi. - I never met kids that love sushi like these kids do. - Oh no, please not spaghetti. - That wasn't me at that age. For sure. - So far there hasn't been a thing I'm afraid of combining. - Yeah, I'm not shocked yet. - Yeah. - So we wanted to make a nice meal this time. So we started out with some meat lasagna. - I appreciate it that. - Capri Sun! - Which are most pretty good. - I love lasagna. - Okay. - Spicy tuna roll and crab roll, for some sushi. - Yeah. - Capri Sun! - And we had Capri Sun. - And Capri Sun, because I mean, they're pretty good. - Why not? - (FBE) So what was this experience like for you guys? - It was fun. - It was fun. - (laughs) It was amazing! - Revenge is fun! - (FBE) What made it fun? - Revenge! - Revenge. - Oh my God! - Wow! - We're not that bad, are we? - Can we talk about her evil cackle? Or is everyone just gonna ignore that but me? - Right, I was thinking that too. - They're gonna appreciate that they go through what we go through. - They were really nice with this one. - This is a redemption, like a redemption meal. - Dude, this is, what? - What? Oh my gosh! - Thank you. - I'm supposed to be going to dinner after this, but like, do I even need to? - I am not mad at this. - I am so excited. - Holy smokes! - Dude, this is crazy. - Spaghetti? - (FBE) For dinner, we've got meat lasagna served with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and a side dish of spicy tuna roll and imitation crab roll, and your drink is Capri Sun. - Wow, thanks guys! - I know, I'm so excited for this meal. I love sushi, I love just like American food. I love almost every single thing. - I love carbs! - (FBE) Alright guys, before we dig in are you ready for the twist? (record scratches) - No! - Oh God no, why did you, no, I was so excited. - You're kidding? - (FBE) I am kidding, yeah, go ahead and eat. - Oh my gosh! - I was like I'm already drinking this, you can't! - I haven't had spaghetti in a minute! - Spaghetti! - You haven't had enough broke days. - Let's do it, ugh! - This feels like a child's version of the 1%. Gold forks and eating spaghetti? - That's like Blank Check. (MJ laughs) - This is a big upgrade from the crickets. - Hooked it up! - Good. - It's good. - So good. - Mmm! I love spicy tuna rolls too. - Mm-hmm. - 'Cause I'm not super adventurous with my sushi. I'm pretty basic. This is perfect for me. - Bread, meat and cheese, man. That's the holy trinity right there. - This is good. I'm very happy with this. - (FBE) Yeah. - I thought I was upset at Tida, and now I'm not. - I'm pretty surprised with the sushi especially. - Yeah! - 'Cause I didn't get into sushi until I was like 18. - Yeah, it was college for me, I didn't discover sushi until college, so these kids are pretty classy. - I just love free food. I'll eat honestly anything that's free. - (FBE) As you saw the kids mention, they were really excited to get revenge on all the nasty foods that we've had them eat over the years. - Yeah! - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm? - (FBE) So after watching this, do you have any regrets about the episodes that we've all participated in, or do you think we should still keep giving the reactors gross food? - First of all, all particpated in is a very bold statement. - They better hope they're not in one of my challenges, because my punishments, they're not food. They're not food, it's something a little crazier. - I didn't deserve this, 'cause the thing is, all I do is ask the kids when they come in, would you like some chips? Are you good? You want some water? How are you? - (FBE) You buy all the nasty crap they end up eating, enabler. - This is technically true, I don't have a choice. - We probably shouldn't do this to the reactors any more. - But it's fun! - But it's fun, it's great content! - (laughs) It's so fun being in the room and watching them suffer. Sorry, but it's true. - Thanks for watching Kids Pick Our Meals on the REACT Channel. - Subscribe for new shows every week. - Bye guys! - Hey guys, Ethan here from the REACT Channel. If you liked this episode, then you gotta subscribe because we've got kids, staff, parents, all of them doing all kinds of fun stuff just like this all the time. Bye guys! So are you guys ready for the twist? - [Bleep] you! (MJ laughs) - (FBE) I'm just kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! (laughs)
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 3,136,190
Rating: 4.9180684 out of 5
Keywords: Kids Pick, Pick Our Food, For An Entire Day, Kids React, adults react, IRL, Kids Select, Breakfast Lunch Dinner, weird food, 24 Hour Challenge, Eating Crickets, Lunchables, Capri-Sun, Mountain Dew, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, staff react, staff reacts, weird food combinations, gross cooking, SR2001, gross food, 24 hours, food challenge, kids pick our meals, We Let Kids MAKE Our Meals For A Day | People Vs. Food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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