We Just Got Engaged | Truth or Drink | Cut

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in what ways am I not fit for marriage I'll drink hi who are you two and how do you know each other my name is filet and I'm floresita I am dejanae I'm Malachi and we know each other because this is my fiance hey how long you been engaged three months now a month three weeks oh so really fresh okay how long y'all been together five years I like to say she approached me I was single first so yeah I kind of flirted with him after he got single not wow who proposed who tell me the story we were honestly just relaxing on the couch and I don't know where we kind of decided to get married because my mom she doesn't know that we live together I thought like oh maybe we should just get married so we don't have to worry about them freaking out about that yeah how about we start with the shot you ain't got to tell me twice dang to the rim huh who wants to go first you can oh man tell me the freakiest thing you want to do to me on our wedding night oh no he's taking the shower I'm not airing that out her mama would hurt me I love your mom but she scares me I think I'd want you to get those fluffy handcuffs that we've seen and then cuff me up but if you were to tie my legs to the post too and then I'd be laying on my on my stomach and then you'd you know come from behind I'm ready yeah I dare you to call an X and say you're engaged yeah [Music] oh yes we are not going down that road why not do they know you're engaged no because I blocked them I block their friends I block their friends friend I blocked all of them we aren't doing that his recent ex would be most unhappy because I think she thought he was the one anyways if one of us cheats do we stay together let's both answer on account of three one two three yes oh one two three hell no yes yes stay or try to try to yeah I guess it depends on like who because if it's one of your exes and you gotta go well in the past I technically did cheat on her despite all that she gave me another chance so the least I could do was give her another chance yeah if you did it again I'd be like no whose parents will make better in-laws mine are yours uh yours I guess I don't really have parents they're both living but they're just not around like that I think your parents are a little more nurturing whose appearance will make better in-laws mine or yours you do not need to answer this why not leave it alone you gotta pick or you could take a shot I'm taking shots I am leaving this alone you can answer though by all means please for me I would just say my parents would be better in-laws just because them seeing our relationship and how you treat me I think that they appreciate you and love you just as if you were their own child you might get out of that unscathed how many years into the marriage do you think we will stop having sex never too much right now average week once a week but when we get away and away from the kids it's like a marathon yeah it's the kids though they're still in our room the two little ones [ __ ] them kids three and four which family member do you think is the least excited about our engagement at first I'd say my mom like one time when we first got together and I told my mom about it and she was not happy at all and I think she also wanted me to be with an Asian guy and someone with a good job to take care of me my dad called him he was like okay are you happy cool story bro yeah he said are you happy and I was like yeah and he was just like okay is he alive yeah oh he's invited for sure I push for the relationships with my family they just ain't [ __ ] man damn if we end up getting a divorce who most likely will be the cause me or you probably me well I feel like one day you might just get tired of me being lazy or something I would say me yeah okay only because in the past like our arguments you probably get fed up with me he'd be like I'm over her I mean he made me annoyed sometimes see exactly I've never wanted like Lee yeah I don't think we ever want to leave each other if we ended up getting a divorce who most likely will be the cause me or you me boom because she's just an amazing person yeah I'm kind of hard I like going to sleep mad all that stuff I'm gonna figure it out but I'll be mad and just be like oh yeah he'll go to sleep and not I'll be knocked out I'll be sitting there like I'll be like [ __ ] this we'll talk tomorrow in what ways am I not fit for marriage all you have to do is wake up and take the dog out sometimes I'm sorry sometimes sometimes sometimes I want to sleep in too you need a job well I mean you do have a job now but it's part time still in what ways am I not fit for marriage I'll drink no babe what fold the clothes [Laughter] oh say there's a freak accident and I'm in a coma how long before you pull the plug and sleep with someone else depends on how much money I'm making you know if you're I mean if you're okay I like realistic realistically you know like I don't need to sound like messed up or anything but you're kind of already like dead so a week I gave you five business days I would only pull the plug if you said pull the plug like after a month like if they're like he's most likely Granddad go ahead that's a [ __ ] up question who asked that I never pull the plug and I would never sleep with anybody [Music] tell me three reasons why you are excited to marry me it's been a long time in the making number one so it's kind of like the result of what we've been working on I'm excited to have a family and I don't know I'm just excited to like see where we're at in 20 or 30 years once we're married you're like a really kind person you're always there for me and I want to be there for you too and I don't know I find you attractive so I'm good you know I don't know just because I love you and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you Uno and then two me looking beautiful on my wedding day two and he's a good dude exactly just our future what holds let's do one last celebratory shot cheers to our future love peace and health y happy wife happy life yeah happy marriage laminum I love you
Channel: Cut
Views: 659,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: KO9x5ueNFAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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