We Had a One-Night Stand | Truth or Drink | Cut

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what's her full name it's Christina Aguilera can I drink again hi YouTube hi you are a couple right no absolutely not no we met at a friend's giving last year and we became really good friends for a whole night you two had one night stand we did never again okay never again are you friends no no no we've seen each other twice we're friendly when we see each other we're in like intermingling friend groups yeah so you don't know a lot about each other no like literally nothing really I think we will become friends yeah especially after today probably yeah this is this is like our clearing the air yeah yeah so who wants to go first I need a shot first yeah ladies first you go first you actually let me go first no I want to go first why did you want to have sex with me when we were at the bar so are you coming in and I was like she's pretty attractive you ordered the [ __ ] shot and then you took it from between your tits and I was kind of like ah that was just like dirty huh so oh my God you want to be honest be honest I was a little bit lit I don't know like that's what happens sometimes when you're a little late you kind of get a little bit a little horny but in general like I was kind of curious about what it would be like with you I guess a lot of alcohol was involved wow I thought you were funny and cute and that was isn't that why everyone wants to have sex with each other why did you want to have sex with me no say now on the first question okay what precautions did you take before we had sex yeah we're on birth control I wasn't but I don't think no you didn't do anything in me did you [Laughter] um we were a condom right of course we did high five though safe sex oh geez I yeah let's go with that never leave the house without one it was at your house though what are you talking about how much did you know about me before we had sex I could have been a murderer well I knew you for like a couple months before we you know did it so I knew a pretty decent amount what did you know about me though do you normally now no she never told me it's right on my Instagram are you serious oh what's this middle name exactly yeah you know what I knew your name it's a good start what's her full name can I drink again what it's it's Christina it's Christina Aguilera yeah that's the one you're right do you remember my naked body and what do you remember oh my God it's kind of faded the only part that I do remember is you going to your closet and just taking off all your clothes what do you remember can we say the same time three two one three two one boobs is my penis cut or uncut was it cut yes no because you're not you're not from the United States I don't know I am from the United States no weren't you weren't you born in New York I thought you were in Russia no uh how many people had you slept with before me none of your business I'll take a shot yeah I'm gonna shot this one yeah [Laughter] [Music] yeah why did we have sex just once well because I think the second time we were gonna have sex uh I fell asleep didn't I so he lives I'm not kidding right he told me come get me two minutes he fell asleep ghosted me left me outside that's the second time we ever talked so we don't have a great track record which is probably why we aren't friends right now I feel like it was very fast I feel like I didn't perform to my best ability like were you nervous I was I'm not gonna lie it's unexpected nervous and it was a long time I didn't do anything for like two months it's not it's a lot that's a long time for me it seemed like it was like two years okay here's a fun one um oh God who was more interested in having sex again I want to see you you do kind of flirt with me in the DM sometimes what are you doing after this by the way going the [ __ ] home you're walking I need a ride I don't care if I was drunk it would be me and if it was celebrating me yeah can I ask you a question what have I ever hit you up sober well I would hope you were so when you drove over and picked me up that's no that's fair I was sober no no no whoa you just went 180 on I'm gonna take another shot oh my God okay next question did you finish God no guys never make me finish what kind of question is that maybe huh you wish did you finish did I finish yeah I did not inside of me just not inside that part I'm gonna take a shot at this her oral skills I knew that was coming hold on does part of you wish we had continued to see each other romantically do you love her no okay you don't love me I feel like we're better as friends do you agree with that mm-hmm yeah you wish you had gotten pregnant what would aborted it I'll board it bye absolutely not yeah see you later alligator I mean life puts you in situations and you step up to the occasion you know if I had to be a dad I guess I would get it done oh that's kind of sweet I would have aborted it personally did you think there could ever be a chance of us dating yeah I mean I I wanted to today should we spoke I knew that already yeah I didn't feel ready I still don't feel ready for like a relationship like I haven't been in a relationship in a while I still think that you could be a good boyfriend but to say that I'm ready I'm I'm not I'm a Never Say Never girl I have no idea what's gonna happen in the next year or two right now no out of what I've told you today why would I ever go on a date with him I think that he's projecting I think he likes me more than I like him I think that's what it comes down to do you regret having sex with me I don't regret anything like I feel like if I didn't have it with you like I probably would have wondered I I might regret kind of how I how I did it but I don't regret it no do you regret it yeah no I'm just kidding yeah I was about the same this sounds very cliche but I don't regret anything in life oh my God uh no I mean I think it's a funny memory it's one of the greatest within art so my best friend Kenneth is getting one of his good friends Josh and within that group of people we're the biggest joke yeah that exists it is rather funny it's hysterical no I don't regret it I feel like it's the best way to get to know somebody on a very personal level very fast by having their penis inside of you correct yes I feel like it Formed our friendship it's really weird that I make a lot of friends that way was this fun yeah I have been like nervous for 70 of this why I feel great I'm I'm yeah totally on cloud yeah because you're sucking all my energy pun intended he's a dick like this is why I would never go out with him
Channel: Cut
Views: 2,734,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: i-r_Iz0o92I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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