Couples Waiting To Have Sex | Truth or Drink | Cut

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- Have you had a sex dream about me? (laughing) Nice. (upbeat orchestral music) - [Producer] Who are you two and how do you know each other? - I'm Drew. - I'm Sean. We've been dating for over a year now. - We've been dating for the past, like, 10 and a half months. But we've actually known each other for a lot longer than that. - We first met each other in middle school. - [Producer] How long have you been dating? - Started when we were 17. So we've been in each other's lives for a while. - [Producer] What's potentially unique about you? - This is couples waiting to have sex. - [Producer] Do you want to do a little shot before? - You wanna do a shot? - Yeah, let's do a shot. - Cheers. (glass hitting together) - I'll go first. - Okay. - Why aren't we having sex? - We are waiting for marriage. If we had sex now, I don't think it would ruin everything but, I do think it's gonna be a lot more special if we do it how we believe it's intended. - In the past I feel like relationships can easily get caught up in sexual intimacy. And I really just value getting to know a person beforehand. And we have been clicking on a deeper level without being so caught up in having sex. - I've enjoyed being with you and not been so focused on, oh, I have to have sex. I like it that way. - I just think it's good to wait until there's probably, maybe, a deeper emotional connection. Not that there isn't, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a casual thing. - I love that, thank you for respecting me. - Yeah. - I enjoy where things are going, very much so. - Yeah. - [Producer] Was there one person that kind of brought this up first, like, I wanna wait? - It was definitely me. - And I love that. - Which is uncommon. - Very uncommon, I didn't expect that, but it turned me on in a way. Like, oh, okay, sir. You know? Let's take our time then. - When do you think is the right time for us to have sex? - Like, I mean, it could be July 11th, one year. It could be before then, it could be after. - One year is a good guideline. - Oh, so she's putting a date on it. - I don't know. It's a good guideline. - I just think we'll just go with the flow. I mean, we did talk about possibly later, but we'll see. - It might be sooner than later. - Yeah. - I'm being honest. - It might be, it could be. - Which of us is having the hardest time abstaining? - You. - Yeah, I think we both know the answer to that question. - Yeah, we both know it's you. He's obsessed with me. So. - Whatever. You're obsessed with me too. - It's not me, I think I'm good. Like, you think it's you? - I think it's you. - You think I'm over here itching? - Yeah. (laughter) - [Producer] Why do you think it's her? - Just because I know I'm good. Like, if we didn't have sex until, like, marriage, I'd be fine. - Are you afraid of sexual intimacy? - Not at all. - Yeah. I wouldn't say you are either. - Not at all. - Are you afraid of sexual intimacy? - Not at all, you already know baby. - As a woman, like, I've experienced some stigma around being sexual and embracing my sexuality and so there's parts of me that do tend to really hold back sometimes. I think with you, it will be different. - Before I was a Christian, I think it's something I was afraid of. There's so much pressure put onto having sex but with the thought of waiting, like we've spent all this time getting to know and love each other. It's like something I look forward to but it's not something I'm afraid of. - I think it's really fun that we are waiting and I think it's just gonna make it more special. - Mhm. - Have you seen me naked? What do you think of my body? - Okay, yeah. (laughter) I mean, like we shower together and stuff. I think it's beautiful. - [Producer] Wait hold on. You shower together? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Mhm. - [Producer] Do you two get aroused in that moment? - Not really in that moment. - [Producer] Does he get a boner? - It depends. - Sometimes. - It depends. (laughing) - Have you seen me naked? What do you think of my body? - Yes, I've seen you naked. I feel, I feel really protected by your naked self. I also want to mount you. - I know that's right. (laughing) - We've gone swimming together. That's not totally naked, but you know, that's kind of close. - I've seen you without a shirt on. - What do you think? - Nice. - Yeah. All right, let's go. - Have you had sex before? If yes, how many people? - Ooh, shit. (laughter) Um, yes I've done it before. Ball park, maybe 15 or 20ish. - Okay. - I have had sex before and I believe it's six people before you. - Okay. - [Producer] Did you not know that? - I didn't. I never really asked. - [Producer] Does that make you feel differently knowing that for the first time? - I mean she's, one, she's beautiful. Like, you probably, and you know, just going through college, yeah. Like most people had, and honestly I waited for a while. Like, I didn't lose my virginity until I was 22. - Have you had a sex dream about me? - Yes. - Yeah. - I was Harley Quinn and you were the Joker. And your beard was died green. (laughing) - For real? - Yes. And I was bent over a balcony somewhere tropical. It was very nice. - Sounds like it. - Yeah - I definitely have. - Okay. What was the setting? - It was in a bed. It was good. It was great. And I didn't wake up immediately, so that was nice. - Have you had a sex dream about me? - Actually, no. All my dreams are either nightmares about you cheating on me or they're about animals, of all things. Don't, don't get the, don't. Don't do that. - [Producer] Ask him. - Have you had a sex dream about me? (laughter) Nice. - What do we do if it sucks? Are you leaving me? - Oh, I don't see it being bad. - I don't either. It's hard for sex to be bad for a man. You know what I mean? I think women are used to dealing with men with fragile egos. - Yeah. - Mine's not that fragile when it comes to sex. - Good to know because you know, I'm very boisterous. - I know you are. (laughter) - I feel like with us two, just because we know each other so well, like, I just feel like sex is gonna be even better when we do have it. - What do we do if it sucks, are you leaving me? Are you just gonna be like, all right, I'm sorry. It's time for me to find a new husband. - Well I'm not too worried about it. But even then, if it does suck, we would, we'd work through it. - We have plenty of time to practice. - We do have a lot of time. - I wouldn't leave you either, by the way. - Thank you. - When we have sex, who do you think will last longer? - I think I'll last longer. - I think so. (laughter) - I think so. - If you wanted to be honest, it's cool. - Me. - Yep. - What do you think the answer to that is? - Probably you. (laughter) - Do you wanna elaborate or are we good? - No, don't want to. - Okay. - Who do you thinks gonna last longer? - Probably me. It's just funny that, you know, she doesn't believe it but I'll be, I'll be going for a while. I know how to control it. I'm not no minute man type of thing, like I think it will be good. - By the way, I think it's gonna be good. - How long do you think it should last? - I feel like a solid 20 minutes is good. - Oh, that's easy. That's money, you know what I mean? I got that. I'll go for over an hour. Mhm. (laughter) - What's the closest we've come to having sex? - When you were moving out and you were like home alone a lot. And I think we made out probably a little too much. If we didn't stop ourselves at the times that we did probably would've ended. - Poorly. - Yeah, yeah, poorly. - Yeah. - We were kind of tipsy and I was like, I don't know if I'm ready, like I don't know if we should. And he was very - I was like, okay. - He was very respectful. So it was fine. - I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable. - Yeah. - That was the last thing I wanted to do. If there's any hesitation behind it, we're done. - What's the closest we've come to having sex? - Probably around like the end of April. There's this weird back and forth situation in my mind where I was like, I really wanted to fuck but I also wanted to stick to what I said I wanted to do. That was like a really awkward 10 minutes. - 10 minutes. - So then there was also this one morning I think we're talking about the same one. - That's the morning I'm talking about where it was just like I literally woke up just wanting you inside me. - Yeah, we both did. - We both, yeah. That was intense. - Yeah. - Aw, do you think I'm the one? - Mhm, I do. - I think you are too. - I'm gonna be confident and just say I think that you are the one. If you're not, then you're not, but. - Right. - From the way things are going, I'm very happy. - Everything is going the way it should. - Yeah. - From the expectations that I would want for somebody who's the one. - Okay, well good. That's good. Are you happy in the relationship? - Absolutely. - Oh. (laughter) - Yeah, absolutely. - Do you think I'm the one? - Absolutely. - Ah - No question, I do. - Okay. Yeah. - I do. - Love that. I think you're the one, so like, actually I know. - Oh, you think? - I know I've always wanted to be with you and the fact that it's happened just this last year is good. It's nice. I'm very happy. - I'm really happy. - [Producer] Are you guys gonna shake on after the one year anniversary? That's when it's game time? - By then, yeah, probably. - I feel like that's a good - It's a good - A good date. - On one year. - On one year. - I'm not gonna continue this. (laughter)
Channel: Cut
Views: 1,538,910
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Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: uPXu9f26NdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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