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oh he's running he's running take this you want some of this oh my goodness that's so much health so in today's minecraft video we decided it would be a good idea to add 2 000 mods to our server for no particular reason other than we wanted complete and utter chaos so we're pretty much just gonna start in the village and explore see what crazy items we can find and what weird mobs we can defeat and if you want us to try this with even more mods click that like button maybe 10 000 is that even possible i don't know also head over to slogan.com for the beautiful merch let's get into the video so this is what it looks like with 2 000 mods on our minecraft server look torches i've never seen that before no no crainer these it burns okay these have always been in the world well there's water too no crane okay uh the blue fist fish called silex wait what a scientist thing um i i don't actually know kratom because that's the point there's a wait what is this it's like an alien fish a kettle keppel creek wait watch out josh that looks like hey are you are you friendly run run run okay why would you think something oh it walks right it walks i can walk too um um okay go get to the out get to the village find you against the crate get to the village get to the village it's called creek it's craig i like you box me bro okay create it come on let's get in oh i killed it and i stole it's hot oh did you just eat this yes all right well um so oh are you dying yeah i don't think it's healthy to eat i'm fairly sure what stop stealing all of the cool stuff okay we're 2 000 mods there's gonna be some weird stuff going on to be honest man is there looter on in this village um well i think so if you just took that uh oh okay you get down oh i got chest i i know i'm just gonna take it before you take what is it i don't know i will find out what what okay one at a time i guess wait oh wait look at this hello fire dragon steel all right are you still looting wait should we check what we've got is that what you're saying whoa you you look cool thank you thank you thank you okay check what we got so creator i got a pogo stick this is amazing i want that too jaws whoa you're crazy rig look at this it's called the ring of titans when i put it on you what check this out ready yeah oh no oh oh no 2000 mods is not this is op man i'm going to use my my i i in the saber okay look i'm this big now josh this is my new oh size forever what is this well i can take it off and i can you know shrink again shift weapon details i got some other thing yeah i don't know what this does okay credit can we focus we've got a lot of other stuff to get well we need more loot cause i need a weapon i don't know why i need one but i feel like wait wait more armor there's like so much stuff jelly's in here wait what what what does that look like i was wondering where he was today yo jelly bro um okay what did you get there what is that oh whoa i'm a scarecrow now no wait no that's like a playing doctor yeah i don't think i want to wear that oh is this a pigeon oh okay why are you playing with a picture i don't i don't know okay i don't know all right let's keep keep looting all right yeah i'll shout over again something good and then wait no no how about we just loot a bunch of stuff and then we'll meet up and then head out and then show each other what we got yeah sounds good all right you got some stuff okay here's the thing i didn't get any weapons josh but i got this shirt right here oh crap don't pick it up okay because i got this wait you got the tiny shirt as well i got no it was a ring that makes it look i got that ring too josh wait you're right wait you've got wait you are so small what the and i can create a fly yeah okay well that's actually kind of op what else did i get i also got a um a ender queen's crown it makes things end them and fight for me and then i've got a fire sword oh oh i need a sword by the way because i don't have one okay you can add this and then last thing i got was a choo-choo everlasting cooked cod i mean that yeah oh nice i can forever eat cod yeah not really i've never wanted anything else from life josh wait what is that that is a giant leprosaurus wait a second crainer yeah um do you not see that are you acting like you've never seen a giant g leprechausaurus before you you have what is it yes an arya saw oh wow oh listen i'm beating it off well we wrecked that thing dude i'm actually super strong like even though i'm tiny people respect me you know okay well wait is this a grave i'm murdering things josh what's up ferry okay okay all right all right i'll take this ring off what's up pigeon kreina yeah wait wait crain where are you right here i'm on your shoulder buddy huh oh oh there you go here all right well we should probably head out now and find some more stuff to do now remember there are 2 000 mods installed so what is this stuff might be a bit broken oh it's just a grass block i thought wait a horsey um is it a modded why is it why is it like such a chad horse whoa look at it wait wait i'm sitting on it okay look at me um okay i'll leave you to that we should keep going yeah there's there's a lot i think a sand chicken i think it just laid a sand okay why do you have to keep killing everything crazy sand came out of it okay now uh don't be careful be careful what it doesn't hurt you well no i can't see where you are yo there's a house over here it's also there's a gold yeah and whatever this thing is hello gold hello guys all right let's let's just keep moving uh is that a castle thing well we'll better find out greener okay i'll go in first well you could just fly up so whoa what kind of bird is this uh it's a pheasant it's a pheasant huh or jelly would probably say it's a it's a pleasant it's a pleasant bird okay so thank you for letting me in sir some sort of tower thing i don't think wait yeah it's kind of abandoned crainer oh my what is that it's a cyclops thing okay we have to go and see it that gosh you kind of need wings like me buddy yeah okay all right whatever hey cyclops okay you gotta wait for me oh no he's coming he's angry oh he's going for you though you attack him josh he can't reach me i mean i'm on my uh pogo stick are you feeding him why is this sheep following what's up cyclops ah i i don't know get back here quick crazy you do what about the cyclops fire dragon wait huh i'll try to punch it wait is it no it's dead it's dead i think it's already dead wait all right should we kill this cyclops yeah but just be careful it doesn't pick you up actually wait let me just prepare for fight oh you're going bigger now all right oh oh he's running he's running take this you want some of this oh my goodness there's so much help oh he's eating babies josh here we go you're huge he's got nothing on me bud all right i feel like one of us should be big and one of us should be small i don't know what oh yeah oh he's the big one oh no he's eating me i'm getting him crazy he keeps eating me i'm getting him and he's dead yay what is this what what'd you get from him what what what is that spirit oh it's just little spirit yeah uh josh there's a live dragon right over there should we be fighting dragons uh josh i don't think we should actually take this first josh yeah one of us should be bigger one of us should be small right i'm gonna be tiny and you'll be big it's already attacking it's already here okay josh be big be big i will battle the dragon yes and i will um bite it take that dumb dragon fire dragon dragon yeah ah okay it's flying yo they're kind of strong dude yeah it's a dragon it's stage four as well it says that must be a good one maybe that's something else oh crainer stop dying have you got armor on oh no he picked me up he's picked me up just because i'm tiny and not that strong i'm burning yeah josh you need to run buddy okay uh okay i'm gonna run away although run really slow oh okay crain you need to get back here come this is really taking a long time 81 7d yeah okay i can count right now oh okay i gotta fly away for a little bit josh you got this though yeah i mean i'm doing surprisingly well i am taking a lot of damage i'm still on fire i feel like it's trying to run away a little bit i think it is yeah you're making me real scared come here i'm still on fire ten out of ten six health no murder it's there yeah about time oh that looks all sad intestine that doesn't look nice josh look at how sad that looks uh yeah well it was also really annoying so why is it twitching can you get out of here this thing i don't like that it's switching and stuff okay well we should probably continue on we've got a lot more to see oh no no no no don't like that you're battling on a pogo stick just forget that wait what is something the sun chief what wait oh i'm being insane village what am i being attacked by oh my god it's that guy he's the throne what do i do i'll punch him kill watch him kill the sun chief ow okay okay the dragon is not after us right now okay i'm killing this guy with the big belly the sun chief we're getting him look at him get rid of all these little things get out of here tickle tickle tickle get out ah whoa the dragon is attacking me and he's dead josh he's dead well that was kind of cool he's dead now uh also there's a dragon attacking yeah um did he drop anything at the dragon probably i i think the dragon burnt it um how dare you dragon okay okay i'm getting i got picked up by a dragon okay let's just run okay what are these tiny things here why is there seagulls i don't know what's going on josh let's run okay let's get out of here okay i think we're clear crainer is that a dog wait no that's what the heck is this what is this okay i got what is this a soul visage um what are you wearing um i don't know i found it uh and then the mask of oh what wait i got my own package summon the little guys hello what is it saying uh i don't know let's get it translated say that again oh okay that makes sense okay um let's go find something else i guess this is never ending keep looking wait what wait a second what is this oh i know what that is josh okay just stay there okay i'll try to find the entrance real quick wait what yeah i know how do you know are you ready josh yeah okay when i pull this lever you should see something awesome is it fireworks is it happening yeah is it cool not really you like it you know these are already in the game right yeah yeah but i wanted to show you that it was a firework machine let's keep going do you hear that josh the bells of the fairy kingdom the what this is where oh wait josh no it wasn't crazy this is the kingdom kingdom i'm from yes no you you literally found that thing so you see the wings on my back uh you see them yeah your queen has returned what is that oh these are houses your queen has returned yes you're queen you don't have to all applaud me thank you uh thank you now show me to my throne wait a second crazy this is kind of weird i think my throne is this way wait a second i've got an idea actually what if i put this on trying to find my throne i used to have a throne around here josh but i can't find it crainer have you seen the throne i am the invader oh no i run okay i'm actually stuck and what okay what are you turning on me huh yes i'm protecting the fairy kingdom i can't even hit you you're too small wait let me just hop out don't poke or stick i'm gonna pogo kill please don't okay wait this is modded right so if i just go into what are you doing i do this and then type in oh okay and then go for one it's modded not creative and and then go like this okay this is just this is getting ridiculous and now you see this mr pixie please see this gum okay this is not fair dude that's what you get that's what you get destroy the berries go on without me fairies all right i'm bored of these guys now sorry that was me dying josh oh yeah yeah sorry yeah well there we go that was minecraft with 2 000 mods click the like button for more more mods that is and head over to solo.com for the merch click one of the videos on the screen if you'd like to watch more videos right now and enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,923,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, 2000 mods, every mod, crainer, installed every mod
Id: HY0_0qFAfYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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