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today I'm building the ultimate gaming setup on my boat now you might be wondering telling that's not possible well let me tell you it is there's just a lot of things you need for it like a computer a screen an Xbox batteries power and of course a boat I'm gonna try to find all the equipment and then bring it to my beautiful ship set it up and hopefully if this video reaches 10 000 likes I'll be playing some video games for my boat do you want me to record a YouTube video from this boat press the like button do it right now let's go ahead and get that equipment shall we oh come on let's go ah I've made it to the equipment ladies and gentlemen here we've got my beautiful I can't do this gaming computer this Beast right here has probably recorded around a thousand videos I'm gonna try to bring it to the boat however there is a risk with that you see if we sink I might have to quit YouTube anyway moving on we've got a headset this one I'll be uh using to listen to some video games we've got a microphone obviously I'm a YouTuber we need to record YouTube videos on this boat so we're bringing a mic we've got a laptop this is kind of like the backup situation you see if the computer fails us I still have a laptop to be able to do some things a capture card this should be um it should be a little technology piece to record uh something on it's a capture card okay Xbox this is kind of obvious what do you do with an Xbox you'll play games guys we're building a gaming studio do I need to explain everything controller um but something that is a little bit out of the ordinary here is this right here is a battery it's kind of a portable battery it's very yeah it's very heavy and this will be juicing the gaming setup now I've tested everything here it took me weeks to prepare this video This should power my gaming studio for about 30 hours if we run out of juice we can power this battery using the 400 horsepower engine or solar panels on the boat which I don't have but I could buy them at kids solar panels or worst case I can also use this cable go to land and plug it in at land so we've got all kinds of options here the most difficult part is up ahead I need to carry all of this equipment to my boat ah what am I doing with my life but we're gonna do it we're gonna carry it all to the boat and we are going to be making a gaming studio on a brand new boat but wait a minute I forgot one thing why didn't I show oh gosh oh no I need to bring some screens as well oh I didn't dismantle the screens oh I'm not as prepared as I thought I was let's take a screen and then go to the boat all right we'll be taking that car this this one this will be the car no it won't but nothing's gonna fit in that car let's be saying all right let's go I'm so sweaty I'm about to start crying but I've got everything all right pull in the boat yes okay let's do this oh no forgot the screen again I swear to God if I forgot one more thing I'm just leaving it behind this is what it is okay we're not getting anything anymore let's start this boat and get out of here all right we're out on the water look at this place we're gonna find a good spot to Anchor the boat put the roof up and then build that gaming setup I'm not sure if you can see me very well but I'm right over here if you look behind me it looks like it's about to start raining isn't it well that would of course be my luck over here regardless we're putting the roof up so we should stay dry but uh I mean it wouldn't be very fun to game in the rain huh all right right on see you later [Music] [Music] we've made it the anchors in the water we're out here in a beautiful spot there's an island behind us okay this is an island this is not Mainland does that look like Mainland to you there's no houses you see it's an island anyway it's time to start building the ultimate gaming setup first things first we have to put on the roof because if it starts raining the setup is going to get wet so look at this this is insane ah we lift this and then inside we've got what they call a canopy and all you got to do at least this is what they told me all you got to do is pull it look at that and now we've got a roof just like that it took two seconds incredible I just I just gotta fasten it so it doesn't fall back down there we go here's all the equipment we've got the screen now I'm not exactly sure how we should sit obviously we've got a lot of seating area over here so the best way to sit would be like that however we do have the option to open the table sit like that but I might need to put something there oh some or like this will that work I'm a pro gamer this is gonna be sick guys this is gonna be sick this might be the best what do you think cameraman cameraman says yes cameraman says yes this looks great Mouse man that's that's that's ugly okay there we go mouse mat I wish I could put something here controller there okay keyboard obviously everything's still unplugged we're gonna plug it all in later we've got some power okay that's good that's good the mic microphone like that Breaky Breaky Breaky testing computer mouse good good good good good this is starting to look insane this is starting to look really really good that's it this one will come in later most importantly we've got the Xbox I love you baby okay anyway moving on now we just got to Cable it up let's start with that this is going to be absolutely oh wait I forgot of course of course of course The Lappy the laptop laptop I got a double screen gaming setup on this boat this is epic now let's make this all look nice here we go [Music] all right so it's going pretty well the weather is definitely not in our favor um like the boat is rocking a lot I hope we don't sink then this might be my last video I apologize this right here is the power cable for the Xbox I'm gonna plug it in right now and in just a moment we're gonna try out this battery okay so this battery like I already explained it has two kilowatts of energy we should be able to run this setup for around 30 hours but like I said it charges using solar panels or the boat's engine so essentially we have unlimited power and for those of you who might be asking about internet well I can use where is it where is it my phone has a hot spot to bring Wi-Fi to my Xbox I've got 5G over here so the connection should be pretty good but we'll do a speed test to make sure okay everything's looking really good let me just sit down oh my god oh this looks good look at that headset epic gamer controller the brand of the boat Nord cap gamer all right everything's plugged in but not powered on yet because I've changed my mind even though it's not I have this view as a backdrop I think I'm gonna change the setup yep we're gonna we're gonna be seated on that sofa instead which means we'll have to move everything like so I think that'll make a lot more sense in just a minute give me a sec watch this I'm gonna put this away oh now it's oh my cable management I just started building this setup and now it's already a mess like that okay here we go boom see you later logo we're gonna we're gonna have to cover you up for a little bit I hope you understand doesn't that just kind of look nicer look at that it it looks a little better in my opinion it looks a little better yes perfect yes now keyboard okay yeah this looks oh this looks much better Xbox you can go right over here okay we're in splitter in place we're in place we've got the battery over here I'm just gonna put it on the ground I think this is a good spot for the battery now the question is if I plug all these cords in is this setup going to run you did it charge the battery right cameraman okay good oh my goodness here goes nothing here goes nothing imagine the boat explodes is the battery turned on three two one bring juice to this gaming setup [Music] what did you expect it's working it's working we've got power yo this is sick this is sick we oh my God I can't believe we did it we've got a gaming setup on my boat there's just one thing missing and that's some RGB that's right for RGB we've got this this is basically an RGB strip all right they're like 20 bucks on Amazon it works I hope we're gonna try to like stick it underneath of the desk and then hopefully it'll look cool however we have an issue there's too much light you see this little thing has tiny little lamps they might not be bright enough for you to see them because the sun is still up but talking about the weather it's not looking good out there it's not looking good what do I have behind my back you think an internet router that's right we're gonna be doing a speed test we're gonna see how our connection is out here on the water uh but we've got a router dude there's a SIM card in here with 5G so we've got Wi-Fi that's insane it should work there we go we're connecting to the router everything should be working soon now I realize that this is not exactly the perfect gaming chair solution it's the sofa you see a gaming chair has wheels you know what happens when you put wheels on a boat the damage yourself is moving around dude you need to be stuck like on a sofa and this is actually really comfortable like you know if I'm playing like a boring game I could lay down all right we have Internet we have actual internet let's do a speed test the website's loading good thing I gotta watch so I can check the time by the way have you seen it says Nord Cup this is the Nord cup watch Dude spectacular the semen watch you know ah is the Wi-Fi working yet why don't we just go like closer to land like why did we decide to go out here towards some random island in the middle of nowhere of course the Wi-Fi sucks here I could have thought of that oh oh it's moving it's moving oh no oh no oh no for some reason we're connected to Paris with a 0.5 megabyte per second speed what's their upload what's their upload come on I need to be able to upload oh we're output's pretty good we got a three megabyte per second upload you know what that's actually not bad you know I mean my videos are maybe a gigabyte long so or a gigabyte big so that will take how many seconds to upload 300 I think I don't know quick mats all right it's done our ping is 74. the download is absolutely terrible but the upload is five megabytes per second you know what that is not bad that is not bad for being out here on the water now like I said bring in the beauty shots [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it works everything seems to be working just fine now listen to me oh sorry there's a chicken a chicken just died in Minecraft which gaming setup comes with a cup holder like look at this I have a bottle here I've got a cup holder right here I've even got some over here like bro which gaming setup has a cup holder a 10 000 likes I'm filming a video right here playing Minecraft you want to see that press on the like button thanks for watching
Channel: Jelly
Views: 244,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, boat, jelly, gaming, setup, secret setup, boat setup, vlogging, funny
Id: hS9EAaCMcg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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