We Downloaded 9,999 MODS In Minecraft!

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I want you to prepare yourselves because this is Minecraft with 1 000 mods installed and if I games don't somehow crash I will be amazed but our goal is going to be to defeat the Ender Dragon you know what's really weird not clicking like on this video Jenny something doesn't look right here well Josh we installed over a thousand mods and look a thousand yes I I mean I think this is a T-Rex is it a T-Rex wait Jenny I said I told you to install 10 mods no no no I did like a thousand and what's this A A cyan cat I don't know look at the size of this thing can I hit it wait oh wait Jenny don't do that jelly jelly are you and uh okay sneeze I bless you all right whoa whoa yo jelly ready yes I did I did I did oh my God it's trying to kill me oh stop it oh oh kill it with fire okay maybe I can open this one no I don't know oh jelly wait Josh maybe maybe we can hide inside of a house come inside of a house which one this one oh I'm getting eaten I don't know where you are jelly all right here I got three hearts I got three hearts hurry up behind you oh wait jelly there's another chest wait this one's friends the bloody Buck I got a lightning rod whoa what does that do wait do I need that okay look all we know is that there's equipment in the houses so first step I guess is loot As Much from the houses as possible wait Josh I can go invisible I'm not near you right now so I just trust you okay okay weapons I found this really cool oh my God jelly oh my God there is so much in here like what I walked into a portal you should probably come in here I'm trying to shoot at Chase um what portal did she walk into next to the T-Rex okay I think I know which one I'm coming in as well I'm getting eaten so where are we again sorry what do we say I have no idea this is one of a thousand mods mate okay well you know our goal by the way is to defeat the game you know that right nope I'm just getting a haircut real quick okay I'll uh I guess I'll come back let's meet let's meet back where we started Josh try this what is this it's good fun the barber scissors and comb wait what you can change your hairstyle wait I want to do that all right uh and I found some good glue oh my God oh my God whoa jelly hands up look at my hair wait is that gun ah you just shot me okay jelly look we need to beat the game here awesome actually hang on I need to change my hair color I do look awesome wow no wrong color wrong color wrong color wrong color yes no okay you changed your hair as well my God okay while you change your hair I'm gonna just loot a bit more because I've not got much yeah yeah I've got a I've got a minigun dude what um oh my God this thing is huge wait no no we shouldn't be fighting each other we're gonna be destroying our armor oh yeah we're gonna kill the Ender Dragon with this right yeah I'm gonna kill him whoa hey hey villager how's it going hey Jenny Jenny look at these mobs over here ready take this my God dang actually I need some food I killed a dinosaur wow okay Jody we need to finish looting everything if we're gonna get enough equipment to defeat the Ender Dragon okay although we're probably there but you know you know what I'm saying how can I put the boots on okay well oh whoa look at this look at this big dinosaur all right so we we gotta lose a little bit more you said right yeah um I think there's a big building over here oh my God look against Bluetooth they were normally turtles in the game gosh I just found out something insane wait a minute oh what's this I'm gonna show you I'm doing it I'm doing a bit of Parkour at the moment um ah dude my my the thing that I'm doing is much sicker okay well there might be something good at the top of this though Josh what have you what have you done okay well this I just got bread up here this is lame you you've never had a friend in your life Jay that seems like I have a friend this is wait I want a pet his name is his name is Sam can I can I get a pet chicken why don't you just get something cool like the Flies I mean I I don't know I picked this one and I'm sticking with it I mean dude look at my turtle Dynasty hotel is pretty cool I need to get myself a mountain slap my turtle and we see what happens no no I I'm not gonna do that I no I'm flying uh wait what how are you I'm trying to get a chicken to fly wait that was actually a dumb idea why did I ever think you can get items like rings that make you fly why did I ever think a chicken would fly actually yeah I told you why didn't actually fly is that a lame chicken okay all right jelly are we are we done looting stuff I mean you've got some pretty op Gear Well Josh Josh watch this watch this yeah watch this do you see the water yeah tell the water that I suck at this game uh daddy sucks of this game yeah okay well done I guess uh I get out walking water I don't need you anymore silly water okay well jelly I think we've got enough equipment to now try and find ourselves an Ender Dragon what was that for no I'm just trying out all these things I also don't really have any food are you hungry nope do you want some chicken that is that is brutal I don't get any chicken from the chickens we need to make some progress here okay that's true that's true okay let's uh let's head out all right jelly which direction are we going uh North um I mean you asked me for direction me I don't know wait where have you gone I don't even know great we're looking at crafting table I need the bread do you have a crafting table yes I do why do I need these old non-mod Lane things in order to eat yeah we it's still a thousand mods and we still have to make across whoa I see a dragon just not make like Ultra Food did it come over to me I've got a carbon table okay yeah I think that's a dragon in the distance um I have an idea this you might not like this idea what is it what did I do wait I'm going for the yellow you know we could try and tame it you know that's what I'm thinking all right maybe are they friendly Hello Dragon hey how you doing dude I'm Gonna Fly With a Dragon are you already sitting on it boy in the Charmander is that hey I can't get this one you don't want me to fly you you die I actually killed it in two seconds okay kill him yeah okay can you take are you gonna oh my God you actually are flying it whoa whoa how do I go up I don't know I don't you're the flying eggs leave me alone dude I'm flying a dragon you have a ring to fly can I have the ring oh yeah that's true I'll give you the ring where are you yeah ring Your Dragon's flying off no okay so how do I turn this oh okay cool wait Jenny look at this biome over here oh my God what is Josh is a butterfly you have the butterfly well there's actually a burning Forest here that's a bit messed up yeah it's I guess it's all gonna die okay I've got some Eyes of Ender now nice all right okay they are saying we have been going in the correct direction which is good whoa Jay look at the water you see the where it's hitting oh wow that's actually really cool yeah that mod is called the waterfall mod oh thanks jelly that's really interesting you're welcome it's just one of the thousands we got on this Earth yeah okay all right let's keep going this way I think this is the direction for the Ender Dragon are we here no jelly wait oh I see some yellow mushrooms cows cows good boy oh wait it's going down it's going down here jelly kill that thing Dragon Jenny we're trying to defeat Ender Dragon what are you doing oh sorry I I I'm I'm not focused where I got it I got it dot sorry Your Dragon's fine oh he's kidding me now Jenny I'm sorry I gotta put out his misery no well it was gonna keep killing me look it's not gonna fit in this hole either jelly okay it's not the end of the world oh this is the hall to the end maybe also we don't have anything to dig what is this what is that uh wait I have something a sign after all of this stuff we can't dig [Music] this is embarrassing all right let's get some Stone pickaxes then are you kidding me I'm not doing that mine through with your no no jelly it'll take two seconds come on okay we're good to keep going hey uh classic zombie you just took my shot oh oh okay it was a good thing I got good armor on all right let's just keep going speed run past that actually I love the shotgun oh okay I think we kind of need to go down here all right let's just Dig Down come on let's go I'm starting to think we might have dug the wrong direction no we hit the dark stone now yeah but we could have gone past the stronghold and oh yes okay this way no we're gonna go landing we've got this jelly gosh for a sec let me quickly uh dig that I think they're cutting out of his chest uh what is this Broad Sword oh I put that one in there oh okay all right uh wait we're already here do you have the under eyes yeah yeah ow you got the act the rest oh you did okay good all right I'm going in all right so how we're gonna kill this thing oh whoa this looks beautiful whoa this looks different jelly whoa this is crazy I do actually like this man this looks good all right all right Jenny let's get all of the the healers defeated that should not be too difficult I mean I've got a minigun how do I reload my minigun okay I think I got it Landing is landing have we got landed hit him with a sword or something oh yeah I've got the Broad Sword I've got a dagger you think that ow wait is he still like we're not that powerful against him yeah we didn't find the greatest weapons I'm gonna be honest okay minigun would have been useful but well I might just minigun him no no we'll just keep hitting him his sword come on Dragon wait what I defeat you with all these mods Jenny you should probably put your helmet on by the way wait look I got my cloak okay that that doesn't really help anyone you can't see me okay you know what I'm just gonna minigun him no my haircut by the way about my uh the minigun doesn't do damage to him what oh maybe oh yeah yeah yeah I can't do range damage can you fly away dragon please Get It Go Fly Away somewhere okay the dragon's misbehaving jelly take this you dumb dragon yeah and your pea shooter doesn't help jelly dude the shotgun's good come on we've nearly gone Jay we've nearly gone oh that's good come on a few more hits and we can defeat Minecraft with a thousand mods yes yes it was easy but not that easy yeah I mean the flying around help all right let's complete the game jelly thanks for watching head episode.com click a video on screen to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,125,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, all mods, jelly, installing all mods, minecraft, mod
Id: Odf4rzoWwlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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