We hired a newscaster to make BTD 6 memes.

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a little while back Ryan and I challenged each other to make a bunch of btd6 video memes not just images but actual Clips basically shorts and you guys absolutely loved that blew that in the water and we can't be thankful enough so hey you know what what else can we do to pay everyone back for their graciousness of watching that video make another one baby you guys watch for each Ryan and I have not seen each other's memes just like last time and we're going to be reacting to each other's memes these are gonna be either Bloons td6 related or uh tuber specific related um I'm I'm like I'm just gonna assume that Ryan had one related to me or us somehow and maybe maybe I have one for you or not I don't know I guess we'll have to find out Ryan yeah I'm ready I'm ready who wants to share with the class first I'll start first actually I'm gonna pull up everyone oh my gosh all right I'm ready all right all right here we go and whoa Merry Christmas oh my gosh I think I can hear Santa Claus I knew it I knew he was real mom mom come quick I I think I even see his reindeer oh my gosh oh honey you're so funny come on come on inside and have some oh dear lord what is that game honey get inside get inside quickly okay oh no hi there you may think this is a joke but it's not every year monkeys confuse bfbs for reindeers believing that Santa Claus is here but let me tell you this be aware because those are bfbs this has been a paid sponsorship by the monkeys against balloons act that was good that was good yeah okay all right nowhere yeah I had no idea where that was coming from that see I was going into it thinking all right well hey what better way to throw Ryan off my trail by making a Christmas themed meme in March slash April dude that's how you get them that's how you get them they never expect it my guy dude here I'll show you what uh what the credit what the end sponsor oh yeah so it said paid sponsorship by the monkeys against Blue to heck be sure to contact the doctor if a bfp has made contact with you or a loved one we won't do anything about it that's so funny actually oh my gosh all right golden so that's my first one down man let's see what you got let's see what you got all right are you ready saber [Music] cave monkey [Music] hello how are you I am under the water please help me here too much raining that was it that was it that was absolutely beautiful man I was expecting I was like I was like like dude like is he gonna break the game monkey yeah you didn't even do that all right yeah Ryan and I were talking before we started the video and we're like all right these are gonna either be complete hit or misses we have no idea where we're going in okay we don't even know how much how much time quality or effort we put into each meme it's just it's deplete shot in the in the dark homie I love it dude I was definitely like my lowest grade lowest here no that was good though but it's funny because like eventually it comes full circle like if you make a meme bad enough it comes full circle to being really good yeah a hundred percent 100 all right you're up big man you know what in honor of that oh no in honor of that I'll I'll play I'll play uh I'll like kind of look uh no you know okay I'll play this one all right here we go uh what about oh impossible [Music] you're like dang it dude I'm losing to easy right now when impoverable beats you ah man I know that takes a lot of skill but come on but when chimps that was good that was good dude that got me that one caught me off guard I wasn't expecting that one dude the chimp just like the fact that they're just like stand the gold chain and like the clothes like that that is what got me that one was good that was gold over sharpening yeah that it just got more deep fried as it went on all right all right all right we're on a roll right now folks let's go ahead and move on to Ryan's we're not even halfway yet we're not even halfway here all right you ready saber God this is you actually sitting at a table that's going on here all right ready all right yeah yeah okay three minutes dude sitting at a table with balloons guys it's just a bunch of monkeys a bunch of monkeys with pointy sharp things and I hate pointy shark things yes thank you Greg no problem that was sarcastic nope doesn't matter we've been at War for 16 years and we've never beaten them we need a new plan oh oh we could send lead balloons at Round 28. We it's become quite apparent that our moves have become rather stale we need to change it up we need to have a new strategy why don't we send a MOAB at just round one they couldn't defend against that the monkeys would all be destroyed yes that's the point that's not very fair though the monkeys don't have enough time to build up a defense from the money we dropped there This Is War we're fighting for our very survival wait what do you mean money we drop oh all the balloons carry one dollar on us to give to the monkeys when we die why would you do that we need that money dude all right let's move on Stephen what's the update on the dread balloon oh you're gonna love it sir we've got four epic phases for it at the start he's immune to one category of tower you can't even use MIB Village after you break through his rock formation and get past his skull he sends out a bunch of minions who are also immune to the same category then after you break through it he becomes immune to another category let me stop you right there you're you're telling me that we have a way to make our balloons immune to a category alright first of all why not just make the dream immune to all categories why is he have to go through these phases of this some kind of game is this war okay the not to play around but why can't we make just all the balloons immune to a category do you know how many good men we have out there dying daily on the battlefield millions of good balloons are being popped this instant as we speak and you know what we do for them okay okay you know what we're currently doing to them okay we we color them okay we paint them we can and we tell them yeah you're good okay they're not good we can see them the monkeys can see them we're not fooling anybody here okay you know why the monkeys put on the little red wristband you think because it's magically that it gives them camo detection no they feel bad for us okay they feel so sad for our absolute dog water tactics okay that they they play along with it because it's sad okay we're we're the laughing stock of this world okay an absolute joke um so you're saying that we shouldn't give the monkey money when they beat the dread blue boss [Music] go back on the green balloon bro go to like dude pause it bro doesn't that look like size forehead dude dude it does look like size forehead that's actually so good bro that was hilarious my guy that was actually so good I did not expect you to go that hard on like an actual IRL like like footage thing I didn't even consider to do any IRL stuff bro I still have it I just like keep forgetting about that bro dude yeah the logic of the balloons man I love that oh so balloon logic oh my God all right all right okay so now we've hit the halfway mark here we go let's go ahead and move on I've got one ready to go for you all right I'm ready [Music] clean cuts and still cuts a tomato no [Music] clean cuts and still cuts a tomato [Music] what do you think dude what really got me was the Frantic like hyping of the ingredient list and like like that was the heavy breathing bro the heavy breathing just like that that part right that wrist right there it's so good yeah we got Pat busty it started well hang on it starts from the bottom Pat fussy at the beach at fussy pics Pat busty home Pat busty biggest fears I think I'm in love but he doesn't love me back that's such a good underlying meme boy like that's so good I know yeah you gotta you gotta sprinkle in the small little bits you know what I mean yeah just the little the little ones that really make it funny that really add to it that was golden all right we're down are you on your last one no you have two no I have two more okay two more two more all right go go ahead go ahead and show me okay are you are you ready this one I don't this one is either a huge hit or a huge Miss there's no in between okay okay go ahead hmm okay I got the Alchemist down oh it's sitting me oh Berserker Brew okay stronger stimuli okay it's on the game oh oh it keeps going all right here we go oh my oh my God I understand is that kid like yikes not me bro there's a bunch of clips of Tyler one bro dude did you go to YouTube and is there like green screen versions that literally just green screen I literally green screen Tyler won dude that's so funny oh my god oh okay all right all right okay I've got one more in my uh oh I'm so excited I'm so excited for this one hahaha it seems as though all my systems are malfunctioning my ship is gonna crash on this strange Planet oh no oh no what do I do huh I sure wish I wasn't texting and driving my spaceship oh it's okay maybe this Crash Landing can be a safe one oh no here we go ah I need to find a form of intelligent life to help me restore my ship hello is anybody there oh yeah these balloons don't stand a chance there seems to be absolutely zero intelligent life on this planet oh that's so good that's so good got it gotta do it to him bro I love that was so good at the like the actual space oh thank you thank you I love that it was like you actually put them on the broken ship like you found a map that broke it like a crash like dude dude the funny part is I didn't even think about that when making it and then I finished making I was like oh that was perfect oh my gosh all right dude beautiful show me your final meme say bro I want you to know that this is actually out of all the memes that I've ever made this is my favorite one this is truly like actually my favorite meme that I've made okay okay all right are you ready oh you saved the best for last okay I saved the BET three two one and go foreign Army has easily broken through Quincy's absolutely dog water defense it does seem that things do indeed get past his bow the only hope left before the monkeys are two clowns known as double cash and the cross path mod making dummy Shmoney it's a complete Miracle we haven't lost at Round 28. this just in if you want to join and be a part of the balloons TD six elite Community make sure you your code tuber this is Jeff Hopkins signing off Gamers no cap no way wait no why did you actually get that done dude that's amazing bro it's so funny no did you go on Fiverr and just like look it up yeah you know this guy was so cool like this actually his name's Jeff Hopkins and he was so down to play along with it like he actually he I just sent him a picture he went out of his way and got the videos and did all of this stuff and did like the research on it like this guy was crazy wait the fact where he was like the dummy Shmoney dude wait wait so did you not tell him about like everything he said he actually just like looked it up I gave him like a small script and now that was it and I was just like it's just for like my friend and I but he like actually found the channel and he like put the videos in and he just played along with it and like just had a blast with it like actually dude two clouds play a video game use Creator go do her help me help me dude that wasn't Honestly though that guy killed it bro like guys we'll put that we'll put this Fiverr Creator in the description if you guys want to use them as well okay tell him tell him we sent you okay that was hilarious bro I'm sorry that was so good wow what no honestly you you uh you I I it wasn't even a competition but you won you won that was crazy I was like wow it's not a it's not like a a short style but I see why I see why yeah exactly okay well that's the uh that's all for the memes today folks if you guys enjoyed hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and you know use Creator's code tuber if you want to watch two clowns play a video game and uh yeah we'll see you next time peace peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 266,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we hired a newscaster to make btd 6 memes, btd 6 memes, tewbre memes, tewbre, tewbre btd 6, tewbre reddit, tewbre meme video
Id: DIk-vU5aDC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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