US Presidents Make a Bloons Tower Defense Tier List

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I swear Obama you need to stop calling us out of the blue and tell us what tier lists we're doing beforehand shut your pie hole Donnie it's time to rank our favorite Bloons Tower Defense troops what a classic game I remember always playing that on Cool Math games during school also we have a new guest with us I invited George for this tier list hey guys thanks for inviting me okay first up we have the classic the dart monkey [ __ ] the dart monkey that [ __ ] isn't useful past like round 10. I'll give it a c tier at best classic Donald never upgrades his Dart monkeys I'm a shrewd businessman Joe the best way to get money is to get banana Farms up as fast as possible I'm not wasting my time with some stupid Dart monkey yeah and that's why you've never got past around 100 Don the only time I need to get to round 100 is with your wife Barack and I'm doing pretty well in that department boom roasted shut up Don you big pumpkin the Dark Monkey is the OG monkey and when you upgrade him he's actually pretty good yeah his spike balls are pretty insane I can agree he is weak in the high rounds though so I'll put him in the B tier next up we have the boomerang monkey easy eight here just a better version of the dart monkey plus his final tier thing with the force-powered boomerangs is insane I'm gonna have to agree with George here the boomerang monkey is a classic and is also good enough to hold its weight in the high rounds easy a tier okay well that one was easy how about the tax shooter the tax shooter is only good when it's put on the right spots in the map its range is too short and if you put it in the wrong place it can do literally nothing easy detier yeah but if you put it in the right spot it can do Insane damage and can become really good late rounds the tax storm special ability is also goated in the high rounds the tax storm ability is essential for taking out layers on blimps even if the tax shooter is kind of bad its ability is so good it has to at least go and beat here the tax storm is a really good ability George but the tower itself is pretty situational on some maps I'm going to meet in the middle and put it in C tier next up we have the ninja monkey and to be honest I'm going to start off by saying this monkey is hella overrated I remember a lot of people were saying that after you won the election Barry Robert E Lee back at it again oh you know it was a joke sleepy Joe I would never say something like that to a dear friend of mine like Obama don't worry Don I knew it was a joke and all in good fun I'm glad that we're close enough friends where social barriers like racism and bigotry don't get in the way that being said Donnie I swear to God I'm going to turn into a ninja monkey and kick the living [ __ ] out of you if you don't shut the hell up Obama the ninja monkey is the best way to get rid of the camel balloon in the early game without the ninja monkey setting up late game strategies is tough Joe you need the ninja monkey for round 24 but after that I just sell it and start using monkey villages the ninja monkey not only has underwhelming level 5 abilities but also doesn't do that much early game damage it's a c tier for me the ninja monkey is pretty mid in my opinion C tier is a good spot for it and the people have spoken see tier it goes next up we have the Canon easy s tier the missile upgrade path makes the cannon into one of the best Towers in the game for shooting down massive enemies like the blimps George didn't you say that sudam had level 5 missiles so you could invade him no Joe I said he was going to start buying cannons and we had to send blimps before he could upgrade them the Canon has so many different paths you could go for the missile or the big bomb routes and both are very good in the mid to late game the Canon is a top tier Tower but I personally would put it in a tier I'm gonna have to agree with Donald here the cannon is really good but not good enough for S tier the Moab assassin ability is really helpful for high rounds but eventually I would just rather have other Towers okay then eight here it goes next up we have the banana Farm this might be the best troop in the game if you set them up right you can easily be completely ahead by round 40 and the longer you have them the more broken they become easy s tier even though there are a million jokes I could make right now Donnie is right the banana Farm is the easiest troop to use if you want to completely break the progression of the game yeah the fact that you can use your Farms to get more Farms is kind of broken to me it's got to go into the S tier okay well that was easy next up we have the balloon vacuum I hate this thing so much it does fair damage but every time a round ends you have to wait for this thing to let go of all the balloons it sucked in and it wastes a bunch of time for that reason alone it's going in the F tier for me yeah Obama get this piece of [ __ ] away from the other monkeys before it taints them with its stupid abilities the vacuum does nothing but makes the rounds go slower there are so many other troops that are just better than the vacuum easy F tier okay guys I didn't know this was such a touchy subject what about you Joe [Music] Joe wake the [ __ ] up huh what Joe what do you think about the balloon vacuum oh that thing is a piece of [ __ ] might be the worst troop in the game all it does is prevent me from speed running to round 80 because it slows the game down so much easy after year I don't understand where all this hate comes from the vacuum is pretty good in the late rounds with the blimp sucking ability Hussein if you don't put that [ __ ] in F tier I'm stealing all your diamonds in our Minecraft world right now okay EFT here it is next up we have the glue Gunner reminds me of my times with Jill back in the day yeah me too Joe was a wonderful woman hey wait a minute the glue Gunner has to go into the a tier at least it slows down balloons early game and once you get the tier V acid glue it turns into an absolute monster this thing can single-handedly shred blimps in the late game once it's fully upgraded and that's not even including Monkey Village upgrades I gotta agree with chester Cheeto here the glue Gunner is definitely one of the more slept on monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense the glue rain ability covers everything on screen so once you have Max acid it's pretty much a get out of jail free card that on top of the glue Gunner being super good itself I could see this going in the S tier yeah I'm leaning towards s tier as well you guys bring up some good points but on top of that the glue slows down black blimps in the late game easy s tier next up we have the ice monkey easy D tier for the majority of its life the ice monkey can't even kill balloons and it prevents some other units from breaking Frozen balloons yeah there's literally no reason to get this in the early game it just freezes balloons and slows down the game because any dart throwing troop can't break through Frozen balloons its level 5 ability is good though being able to freeze everything on the map is super helpful when you're in a jam I would put it in the sea tier Joe how often do you even get to high rounds the freeze ability doesn't even work on blimps the ice Spike path for this monkey is pretty cool but overall it's a lackluster troop I would venture to even put it in D tier I don't know Donald D tier might be a little too harsh the ice Spike path turns the ice monkey into an offensive Powerhouse that's pretty good until around 80. but before and after that it's pretty bad C tier for me okay guys I'm gonna put it in the seat here up next we got the wizard monkey and I gotta say the wizard monkey is my favorite troop in the game he does a lot of damage and the Phoenix ability is super cool he's got to go in the a tier at least yeah I'm gonna have to agree with who's saying here the wizard monkey is cool as [ __ ] he can shoot lightning and fire and all his level five upgrades are super cool and super good easy a tier I don't know Donnie the Wizards level five upgrades are super expensive and a lot of the time I don't even get to use them highest I can go is B tier sounds like a skill issue to me Joe yeah Joe you just got to get better at the game easy a tier okay up next is the Gatling Gunner if you get the death laser on this guy he becomes Unstoppable one of the best troops for the super late game if you upgrade him right the only problem with the Gatling Gunner is he follows your mouse so whenever you upgrade other stuff he shoots you instead of the balloons this largely limits his potential the highest I can go is C tier that's a good point Joe I forgot about that now that you mention it I feel like I never used the Gatling gun for that reason it's super annoying to always have to redirect the Gunner after you're done tending to your other monkeys easy sea tier for me as well Barry since when are you getting convinced by Mr art of the yawn here sleepy joke can barely stay awake let alone make a good argument Donnie the Gatling gun sucks balloon's tower defense is supposed to be a low effort game that you can play on the side without getting caught during school while the Gatling Gunner may be good all he does is add another thing I got to keep track of and make sure to constantly fix I gotta agree with Joe here maybe I'm just super lazy but I hate having to constantly fix where the Gatling Gunners are shooting easy seat here all I'm hearing is a big fat skill issue well Donna you're outnumbered so I'm going to put him in C tier next up is the submarine arguably the most underrated monkey in the game when you upgrade the sub it gets strong missiles that hit camel balloons and break through lead and blimps the sub is super good for late game and the submerge effect can give surrounding monkeys broken stat boosts if paired correctly I would argue this goes in s tier yeah I'm gonna have to agree with George here the sub was so good that it was worth it to buy the kiddie pools for maps without natural water easy s tier yeah this is definitely one of the easier s tiers in the group no argument for me now that I'm thinking about it I don't think I've ever used the sub the only map I play is monkey Lane and there's no water on that map how have you only played monkey Lane Joe there are so many other fun maps that you're missing out on yeah Joe what the [ __ ] monkey Lane is the biggest Noob map in the game try out the other Maps you're missing out big time okay after this I'll try some new maps well next up we have the monkey plane the monkey plane is underrated it's level five abilities turn it from mid to goaded but before that the plane does Miss most of its shots easy B tier did you use monkey planes on 911 George shut up Don I wouldn't be surprised if you used a monkey for a hairdresser boom roasted I'm gonna have to agree with George here before you get homing darts the plane hits like one in every 20 shots but after you get it the monkey plane becomes super op the Dark Star upgrade is super expensive though I'm okay putting it in the B tier yeah B tears I agree next up we have the monkey engineer overrated as [ __ ] easy F tier Joe's spitting some bars right now the monkey Engineers turrets are good up to around 20 then after that all they do is restrict where you you can put stuff down he gets in the way more than he does any good easy F tier you guys are crazy the engineer might be mid at the beginning but he also has some of the best final upgrades in the game super turret is as good as the Gatling laser and one of his other abilities is just a black hole trap that can suck in blimps late game Engineers are super powerful I can't believe all of you guys disagree on that Engineers mid as hell you aren't changing my mind on that Berry yeah not gonna happen okay fine I'm a man of democracy but you guys are just wrong on the monkey engineer I'll put them in D tier but he doesn't deserve F next up is the pirate ship there's a monkey pirate ship yeah Joe I told you you're missing out the pirate ship is awesome the grape shot is super good and once you get the aircraft carrier he becomes insanely broken Don is right here you can upgrade the pirate ship into an aircraft carrier or you can make it the scariest ship to sail the seven seas both options make the pirate ship super good I would give this a solid a tier I agree a tier is good next up we have the Monkey Village easy s tier it might not attack balloons but that's not what it's meant to do Don's right the village gives insane stat boost to surrounding monkeys and the boosts affect Farms as well also you can't forget you can put a death laser on top of it to make it shred balloons this is an easy s tier I completely agree guys the village is essential for any High round attempts as it provides by far the most utility of any troop in the game easy s tier next up we have the mortar Monkey C tier same reason as the Gatling gun it it's better overall but I hate having to constantly move where it's shooting yeah easy C tier I would rather sell it than watch it keep missing shots geez you guys sound as lazy as Barack was in the White House hey I got Osama what did you do yeah only after I tracked him down for eight years sounds like a skill issue to me George Finders Keepers losers weepers but anyways yeah mortar goes in seats here along with Gatling guns I agree next up we have the sniper monkey I like the sniper monkey at B tier he does insane blimp damage once upgraded but he can't deal with a large group of balloons at all I'm gonna have to agree with the Annoying Orange here the sniper monkey has its role but outside of it it's pretty bad easy B tier any complaints with the B tier okay then up next we have the Spike Tower we finally made it easy s tier maybe even S Plus tier the Spike Tower is the best troop in the game without question once you get infinity spikes you can stack those babies up for 50 straight rounds then it just becomes impossible to lose anything below s tier and you're out of your mind yeah Donny's right here the Spike Tower is super broken you can stack these things at the end of the map and just build up infinite spikes easy s tier yeah no debate the easiest here there is okay well last but not least we have the Super Monkey this might be the easiest back-to-back s tier I've ever rated into a tier list not only can you upgrade the Super Monkey into a technological Terror you can turn it into a temple God which is known for its Brokenness in the new games you can even get a black Temple God which solos up to around 250. wow that sounds like something right up your alley Obama okay I'm gonna put it in s tier and that's the end of our tier list what do we want to do now I gotta go guys Melania told me I have to get ready to leave where are you going Melania said we're going to New York City for some special vacation oh man that sounds like fun I'm probably gonna play some btd6 so I can use the pirate ship monkey for the first time well I gotta go guys Laura made dinner and if I'm late I won't be able to stay up tonight will y'all be playing Xbox later well I don't know about Don anymore but Joe and I will be on just join our party once you get on okay nice I'll see you guys later hey guys Obama here just wanted to say thanks for watching and make sure to like And subscribe if you have any tier list ideas make sure to leave them down in the comments and the other presidents and I just might make one bye
Channel: Bidens Boys
Views: 105,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tLAIxzEOZto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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