We Have The Mind Of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)

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uh uh okay um good evening everybody good to see you back out this evening i do have two announcements um larry carr you all know he's been mentioned sick a couple times and he was waiting on his test results to come back for a second covered test he is negative but he's still got some congestion and coughing and just generally does not feel good so continue to keep larry and marian in your prayers also gary black jr is home today so prayer's been answered there so that's always good news um those are the only two announcements i've been given today so if that's it then we'll go ahead and start our evening worship with him number 478. number 478 let us say [Applause] when we shall join no tears no tears up there no tears in heaven will we know [Music] [Applause] there our savior who will be forever where no more sorrow can dismay nothing no tears no tears out there [Music] this life has brought to you all will be clearer [Music] no tears no tears up there no tears no tears out there no tears we'll send the song we'll have our oath in prayer i want to be [Music] is in the vineyard i want to be a worker every day i want to leave [Applause] oh of the lord lord i want to be a worker strong and brave i want to trust in jesus [Applause] [Music] the lord i [Music] of the lord let's all pray together dear heavenly father we're thankful for this another opportunity on this lord's day to assemble for worship and we pray that everything that will be said and done this evening will be in complete accordance with your will and dear heavenly father we we offer up prayers and thanks thanks for those that that are now able to be home and doing well gary junior able to be home from the hospital and prove so and we're thankful that that larry larry carr has a negative test on his covet and that he will continue to improve so that he and marian can be back to worship with us soon very soon and for all those that we may have failed to mention by name that are under doctor's care we're just thankful that that they are receiving the treatments that they need and and we just pray that they'll have their most wanted state of health soon and dear heavenly father for our our nation we give thanks we are thankful for the sacrifices that were made on our behalf that we enjoy the freedoms that we have to assemble here that this very evening this very day and dear heavenly father we are thankful for our leaders we pray that our leaders in our government will look to your word to influence and guide decisions that impact our lives every day that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life and dear heavenly father we we pray and pray for your works pray that the works from your church here will be fruitful and that you'll receive the praise and the glory and the honor and all these things we pray and give thanks for each and every member of your church that identifies here we just pray that we will we will continue to work together that we can grow spiritually and that we can grow in numbers if if i will is done in that area and dear heavenly father we just pray again and for the unity of your church and we're so thankful for your word that gives us our instruction so that we can live our lives in unity in peace and in harmony not necessarily just with one another but also with all that we come in contact with every day help us to to use your word to guide all of our thoughts our words and our actions so that others may see christ through the lives that we live and we pray that you'll forgive us when we fall short pray that you'll be with brock as he will soon bring a lesson to us tonight from your word that we can make application to our lives that we can serve you better in the future than we have in the past we pray that you'll forgive us when we sin that your will will be done in all things in jesus name amen i heard [Applause] how he gave his life is [Applause] [Music] oh victory in jesus my savior forever [Music] all my him is to him he punched me to victory beneath [Music] how we [Music] is and gain the victory oh victory in jesus my savior forever him and all my love is me to victory the means of cleansing [Music] [Music] [Applause] again victory oh victory in jesus my savior forever is he funds me to victory the supernatural activity is misunderstood by many of our time some say supernatural activity never happened that's wrong some say supernatural activity still happens all the time that's just as wrong most of the time the truth is located between two extremes despite never experiencing or witnessing a genuine miracle we believe miraculous events occur because that's what the bible teaches for example in john 12 and verse 37 and the bible is the most reliable document in the world second timothy 3 16-17 however for those same reasons we also deny that true miracles signs or wonders of any sort still occur because the bible gives us the time frame in which such such occurrences would and in fact did cease first corinthians 13 8-10 once all truth had been revealed and confirmed and then recorded in written form that we know as the new testament why would the church need miracles well they wouldn't so as the new testament was revealed and confirmed and written down miracles naturally just went away tonight we're going to be in first corinthians chapter 2 and we would entitle first corinthians chapter 2 inspiration but the title of our sermon tonight is we have the mind of christ we're going to do this just like we did chapter one three things we want to talk about tonight in the first place we're gonna talk about the simplicity in first corinthians two verses one through eight that is paul's preaching in corinth had been plain simple to understand convoluted complicated preaching most often occurs when the speaker doesn't understand the subject or the passage is under consideration with much time effort and the blessings of god even difficult concepts can be explained with relative ease now paul was a highly educated man he had been educated at the feet of gamaliel but yet paul kept things very very simple notice verse number one and i brethren count the times in paul's epistles that he uses that term brethren he wants to remind these people we have some kinship here and it's not based off blood kin as in physical blood can but it is based off blood that is the blood of christ so he's talking to members of the church and i brethren when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of god other passages such as second corinthians 10 10 indicate that paul didn't speak or preach in the way that they wanted they said his speech is contemptible you know he didn't apparently he he wasn't quite the orator that they expected him to be but it was very simple it was very plain and what more could you ask for notice verse 2 4 i determined not to know anything among you save or accept jesus christ and him crucified now whether or not his delivery was impeccable the message was the absolute truth like we looked at in chapter 1 jesus christ and him crucified that means the gospel paul preached the gospel among these people verse 3 and i was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling now all these are indicators that paul understood the awesome responsibility of preaching wasn't that he was afraid of him it wasn't he was terrified wasn't he was shaking in his boots but he understood as an apostle of jesus christ i have a great task to accomplish and it needs to be accomplished the whole gospel was to be taken to the whole world in the first century and did they do it they did it without all our modern conveniences but they did have miracles verse number four four and five go together my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom there's what they wanted to see but in demonstration of the spirit and of power for what purpose in order that or so that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but where should it stand in the power of god so miraculous proof was provided to the corinthians to both reveal and confirm the gospel which had been preached among them by the apostle paul verse number six how be it notice this we who would the we be it would seem to indicate inspired men such as the apostles and prophets of the first century how be it we speak wisdom among them that are mature that are complete king james uses what word perfect doesn't mean flawless it means mature complete there may be a little hint of irony here that the corinthians should have been mature or complete but based on their actions were they acting that way were they acting mature or complete in christ no they weren't how be it we inspired men speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to naught now the princes of this world would seem to indicate those religious and perhaps even political leaders and what happens to them they come to know it they might burn hot for a little while but you know what they do they burn out the gospel is still here verse 7 but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery notice that word says mystery and not mysterious and some people think it the gospel is mysterious in that it's it can't be understood that's not even the word he used what word did he use how be it verse 7 but rather we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery a mystery is something hidden till it has been revealed even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory now what he means here by the mystery is the full scope and impact of the gospel one of the best places to see i guess a a fuller explanation of that mystery is ephesians 3 1-7 how was god going to take jew and gentile and bring him together how was he going to do that where was he going to make this happen the answer is it had been planned before the world and it was through jesus christ and his glorious gospel in the one body which is the one church that's the mystery that really is the mystery summarized it's the scheme of redemption salvation through jesus christ where does god put all the saved god puts all the saved in the church acts 2 47 notice verse number 8 which none of the princes of this world knew four had they known it had they understood everything that was involved with jesus christ and the church they would not have crucified the lord of glory that's a powerful statement of fact and think about what jesus prayed probably his first statement from the cross in luke 23 34 father forgive them why for they they know not what they do that's difficult for some today to accept that the death of one man not just a man he's 100 god and 100 man bridge the gap between god and man but it's the truth that's the truth hebrews 2 9 and john 14 and verse 6. so what can we take from this these eight verses what's the overall idea of the simplicity that had been preached by paul it's that word glory did you notice that word twice the end of verse 7 and then what about the end of verse 8 they would not have crucified the lord of glory the lord of glory was crucified so that we might glorify god whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god first corinthians 10 and verse number 31 there's the application for us it's that word glory no matter what we do let's keep it simple so that we can glorify god second part of the chapters in verses 9 through 13 the idea there's the spirit that is the holy spirit and the holy spirit searched out the mind of the father and revealed the mind of the father to holy men of god the person and work of the holy spirit are subjects that need to be taught and re-taught over and over and over and over again years ago probably at the first gospel meeting i was ever privileged to hold they had questions and answers after every time i preached which may be fun to watch but it's not so much fun when you're the one being asked the questions the very first question that i recall being asked was a man who asked me to explain the holy spirit and so in that brief amount of time for me to sit down and stand back up and turn around and see who asked the question the simplest thing i knew to say then is still the simplest thing i know to say now the holy spirit is god acts 5 verses 3 and 4 the holy spirit is eternal hebrews 9 and verse 14 and was involved in ex nihilo that is out of nothing creation genesis 1 and verse number 2. now here we're going to see in this text that the holy spirit searched out the father's mind so what does that say about the holy spirit if he has the ability to search out the mind of god the father he's god is he god the father no is he god's word no but is he god the holy spirit indeed he is notice verse number nine but as it is written that seems to come from isaiah 64 and verse 4 i hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god hath prepared for them that love him i've heard almost every person who's read that verse all through the years that's talking about the glories of heaven is it now while it's true that the full details of heaven have not been revealed this verse has no reference to heaven this verse is about the blessings of the gospel say how do you know that all you have to do sometimes is keep reading read the very next verse and it begins with but god there's a contrast here but god hath revealed them what them whatever he was talking about in verse nine so it's been revealed and is no longer really a mystery but god hath revealed them unto us by or through his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of god so the holy spirit searched out the mind of the father and revealed all truth in the first century john 16 13 to holy men of god second peter 1 20 and 21 by means as we'll see in this context verse number 13 by means of what by means of words not by feelings not by hunches not by nudges not by some sort of a mind picture he searched out the mind of the father and revealed all truth john 16 13 to holy men of god second peter 1 20 and 21 by means of words just like you're hearing right now it's like we look and see and read in the bible now notice verse number 11 4 what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him you know what that indicates ever heard people talk about esp extra sensory perception or whatever it is i always thought when i was a kid it's extra special powers but then i grew up and learned that's not what that means i think it's like extra sensory perception like a like a sixth sense right read that one more time for what man knoweth the things of a man what man knoweth the things of a man how do i know what's in your mind do i esp it out of there there's no such thing and there that's what the bible teaches for what man know the things of a man save the spirit the inner man of the man which is in him even so the things of god knoweth no man but who knows it the spirit of god so there you can conclude that the spirit of god is not what spirit of god is not a man because he's god now the spirit of god is not a man why how can we see that from this context because he searched out the immeasurable mind of god and what person knows what's going on in some other person's heart except you tell me i don't know you know who does know god knows god's the great heart knower so this idea of a sixth sense or esp whatever you want that to mean that that's that's just not the case the only things i know about you are the same things you know about me what you hear me say or what you see me do that's it now what about the spirit he knows the mind of the father he searched out the mind of the father and the mind of the father has been revealed this is important especially moving forward for what purpose the corinthians were divided they were quarreling they were fighting about just about everything you can think of including who their favorite preachers were and paul here is beginning to show luke if you've got a favorite preacher and he's inspired he got it from the same source so it's not the problem is the inspired preacher problem is somewhere else wonder where it was notice verse number 12 now we who's we that would be inspired men of the first century apostles and prophets of the new testament now we have received not the spirit the disposition the attitude of the world but the spirit the disposition the attitude which is of god that in order that so that we might freely by know rather the things that are freely given to us of god so the source of the message delivered to inspired men of the first century was of divine origin that's already been made manifest from this context and since inspired men had received inspired words of god how did they act how did that impact their disposition well their disposition their attitude their lower case spirit harmonized with god and notice verse number 13 which things notice it which things also we speak not how not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth not in the way that the world wants us to speak or to talk but which the holy ghost teacheth how does he teach this notice it comparing spiritual things with spiritual now notice the verse again which things also we speak not in the words do you see that not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which what do you mean but which in the words the words the holy ghost teacheth what does that say about the holy spirit he's not a glorified it he's god comparing spiritual things with spiritual now the truth wasn't hidden under a bushel what did they do they had received it so they turned around and preached it they spoke it and the holy spirit gave these especially the apostles the very words that they were to speak in certain occasions you may want to note mark 13 and verse number 11. now what can we learn from this because the holy spirit has searched out the mind of the father you'll notice the first slide other than the black screen we had was a picture of what an open bible that ought to tell us something so the application for us really is the word omniscience that's a compound word omni means all in science has to do with knowledge omniscience now the message of the holy spirit in the new testament is all sufficient it is without contradictions notice a passage there in first corinthians 12 verses 4 through 6. now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations but the same lord and there are diversities of operations but it is the same god which worketh all in all did you notice three things there in first corinthians 12 4-6 gifts spirit you have administrations lord you have operations god that's all three members of the godhead how much division is there in the godhead zero none so in that message that had been delivered to holy men of god and through holy men of god in the first century what is it a convoluted complicated complex message that no one could understand absolutely not because what type of message would that be if it doesn't help if we can't understand it what good is it last part of the chapter is in verses 14 through 16 the idea here is the spiritual now this is simply a contrast between inspired men and uninspired men it really is that simple it doesn't have to be anywhere near as complicated as it's made out to be it is very simple it's the contrast between an inspired man of the first century and an uninspired man of the first century now at this point in the chapter the difference between the natural man and the spiritual ought to be clear we would hope the natural man in this context was the uninspired man while the spiritual was the inspired man that's it that's all it is now calvinism and reformed theology make a mess of this but what is it in its context no man can search out the mind of the father but the spirit searched out the mind of the father he's revealed that to us and we're speaking it to you by means of words but from today's 21st century application we're reading it from the written words of the new testament now notice verse number 14. but now look back verse 13 which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which what's implied in that words the holy ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual but contrasted with that the natural man who is the natural man it's the uninspired person especially from the first century perspective but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god why for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned now short of the holy spirit revealing the truth to mankind by means of words all throughout human history no one could know god's will on any matter but notice how does it conclude neither can he the natural man the uninspired man know them because they are spiritually discerned spiritually discerned means human willingness how many times in bible class on sunday morning especially going through 119th psalm have you seen two close fists right here how many times almost every week isn't it there has to be an open mind before anything can be received think about that so the possession of a ready heart to understand and obey the teaching of the spirit as contained within the new testament was demanded the uninspired man he didn't know it a lot of times they didn't care they didn't want to know and guess what they didn't know they also want to note john 5 and verse 39 jesus instructed people to search the scriptures for in them you think ye have eternal life but here was the problem and there they which testified me now imagine a man who said i'm gonna search the scriptures i'm gonna find eternal life and jesus says all those scriptures you're searching are talking about me but they were they wanted the scriptures but they didn't want jesus it doesn't work that way got to open your mind got to open your heart may also want to note john 7 and verse 17. if any will do his will i like the new king james wording better if any man wills to do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of god or whether i speak of myself do we desire to know god's word jesus made a promise if we want to know we can find out do we want to know we also want to know ephesians 3 3-5 for the millionth time many times we don't understand why because we haven't read we haven't read enough we haven't read as closely as perhaps we should have but notice it those are great verses to kind of shed some light on this verse number 15 but there's another contrast he that is spiritual that's the inspired man he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man now the first century perspective probably has to do with the discerning of spirits if we never make it to chapter 12 verse 10 we'll talk some about that first corinthians 12 and verse 10 one of the nine perhaps we should say maine or primary spiritual miraculous gifts in the first century was the discerning of spirits but notice the text says but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man sometimes the meaning of judge is to condemn jesus said judge not that you be not judged substitute the word condemned there and see if it makes a little bit more sense because that's really the idea of matthew 7 verses one and two now what's the meaning of this verse but he that is spiritual the inspired man judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man think about it none could condemn an inspired man while inspired why because the message was of divine origin given through the holy spirit the third member of the godhead who searched out the mind of the father so who's going to condemn an inspired man when he's preaching by inspiration the answer is better not anybody don't do that because he's inspired and it's not his message was verse 16 for who hath known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him what's the general answer to that no one and if god hadn't revealed it to anyone how would we know anything who hath known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we inspired men apostles and prophets of the new testament era have the mind of christ that amazing inspired men had the mind of christ because why in this context the holy spirit searched out the mind of the father and revealed all the truth to inspired men in the first century by means of words now what's the importance of this they wrote this message down in a book and that book we know in the broadest sense is the bible but in a more specific sense it is the new testament from matthew to revelation well so what all is dealing with miracles what's the importance for us we believe it's that word discernment where would we be without the written and confirmed new testament where would we be how would we know that isaiah 53 was about jesus without the new testament the answer is we wouldn't how would we know that jesus of nazareth is the christ that he is the only begotten son of god without the new testament the answer is we wouldn't so where would we be without the written and confirmed and completed new testament we'd be in huge trouble we'd be in huge trouble notice the overall application of this chapter is glory omniscience and discernment g o and d where would we be without the kindness the grace and the mercy of god if god hadn't chose to reveal his will to men at various points in human history where would we be where would we be we'd be in big trouble what a magnificent chapter of the bible what can we conclude jesus is the solution for all problems in the church and perhaps sometimes if we'd go back and understand the concept of inspiration it might calm a lot of people down in the church and realize that this is not the word of men this is the word of god this is the instruction of god to help us the message of the holy spirit has been once for all time revealed and confirmed on the pages of the new testament everyone who is sick and tired of being sick and tired of the burden of sin is invited week after week to have the spiritual consequences of all their past sins washed away the lord is inviting you he's inviting me he's inviting whosoever will right now to come and drink freely of the water of life what's man's response to all the goodness of god it's very simple hear the gospel acts 18 8 believe the gospel acts 16 31 repent of sin acts 17 30 confess jesus christ to be the son of god acts 8 37 and be immersed in water for the remission of sins acts 2 38 that's how to become a christian that's how the blood of jesus christ will wash away all the spiritual consequences of our past sins which is wonderful but that's not it the lord will add that person to the body of christ which is the church of christ the pillar and ground of the truth so there's how to become a christian now what looking out most of us done that many years ago well now we've got to behave as a christian how do christians behave is it not implied in the term christian that we want to be christ-like we want to be like jesus why yes so we want to do whatever the new testament teaches to be right for the reason the reasons the new testament teaches it to be right we want to shun all forms of evil just because it's evil because it's condemned in the new testament you know what happens we do that till we don't till we get confused we stumble back into sin as christians what does god expect of us when we miss the mark acts 8 22 repent therefore this thy wickedness and pray god if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven wherever you are make it right do it now it's together we stay in this together we sing the song of encouragement [Music] oh is [Music] is is is [Music] the way [Applause] never more unknown uh is all right this is henry mcnuffie this is tommy mcduffie's brother i guess now he's pointing at me to get back here so i might as well get back here back here henry has decided that he's ready to become a christian he's ready to have all his sins washed away and so we've we've we got one question to ask him come here come up here got to look at everybody one question yes or no yeah all right yeah yeah do you believe that jesus christ is the son of god yeah all right if you'll come right there we'll help you get ready then we'll meet here in the water oh okay i looks like number 210. we're getting all right is listen sweet to trust in jesus upon his promises [Laughter] [Music] jesus christ [Music] to trust in jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus christ [Music] just from jesus and joy and peace jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] your precious and i know that thou art with me will be with me to jesus [Music] jesus jesus christ [Music] got any suggestions sounds like uh dude enter baptize you now in the name of the father and the son the holy spirit the remission of sins so that the lord will walk away all the spiritual consequences of all your past sins and add you to the body of christ which is the church of christ good uh hmm [Music] all right i gotta request let's swing 382 while we're good grid 382. okay we're going to try this one i haven't sung it in years so we'll see how it goes we're part of the family for jesus and sometimes we laugh together sometimes we cry sometimes we share together we dream together we [Music] we [Music] together [Music] and sometimes [Music] sometimes we cry sometimes we share together [Music] sometimes we dream together [Music] [Music] and the sun god before us jesus will be together forever and sometimes we laugh together sometimes we cry sometimes we share together [Music] [Music] and have time to protect the little second today [Music] so oh so so so [Music] thank you for getting around this table thank you for your son for the life that he lived and the death that he had to give i think protecting his three fathers let's continue our father as we continue around this table we remembered our son's bloodstream set up on the cross as then he protected this through the lines of the prayers that do in the manifold underneath and take them on now to thank god for all the blessings that he's given to us father in heaven we thank you so much for the blessing you give us each day the prayers will take this time to return affordably you could be funded by the use to spread your word i pray father that there might be many in the world that would be signed in christ let's all stand together this time remember all those who were mentioned today and angels are rejoicing in heaven today so let's uh show henry some love on the way out good to have you here we'll be dismissing the prayers [Music] would you pray with me our kind merciful heavenly father we're so thankful for another opportunity to get together as brothers and sisters to study another portion of your word we pray father that everything we've done in our services today would be pleased in your sight we're so thankful at this time for our new brother we ask you to help us each day that we live to try our best to encourage him and assist him in any way that we can we ask you to be with some that maybe have not decided to become christians yet to see the errors of their ways before it's too late we ask you to continue to bless this family continue to guide us and erect us in everything that we do especially our leaders our elders we would encourage them and the things that they do and be with them in decisions that they make that they make the right decisions we ask you to be with us as we leave this place and go out into the world that we'd always be an encouragement to others by the way that we live our lives continue to be with us and forgive us of our sins in jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: Lexington Church of Christ
Views: 52
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nPl17lCvVVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 26sec (4286 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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