We Happy Few: Sally's Story All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K UHD 60FPS

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[Music] add three cc's well let's just fire this up please don't blow up in the next 30 seconds [Music] just a minute I'm out a blackberry sponge come back later I need it now sorry I don't have any now what the hell is that where is it where's a brat brain I'm making it you're lying it's a very delicate reaction you're saving it over the bobbies it's out there isn't it emergency kit this better work on spud Oh No yeah she broke my brain it's not possible we sent them all away they never came back to writing you think a junkie would weigh a bit on this one you oh and of course there's the blower brilliant male 1 black furry joy spark couldn't have shown up at a worse time I hope Gwen's alright buck in a bucket I [Music] shouldn't have left it alone I'm gonna turn down the heat would you consider fraud top constable whatever brings you here someone seems to have passed your front door Imam terrible isn't it I forgot my key and I had to sort of bash my way in all that reports mom all silk sir people come into your door amazing isn't it so many people get lost these days and they keep asking me for directions you're not selling illicit substances are ya you mean aside from blackberry Joey to the Constabulary ah are you Sally Boyle mm-hmm that's stupid of me I'm so sorry to have been a bother I know it's terribly good join her are sitting around fix that door up for ya no need you can stable but you're very sweet I'll just uh I'll be on the way mom Jerry bye the Batman is asleep you won't bother you anymore you've got a poopy nappy don't you let's go get you a nice clean one I'll need to filter some water Gwen is running out of nappies and I better make some more why did I put that cloth and tape [Music] okay dirty girl time to get clean ah you can't be serious hello miss Boyle just wondering if you were planning to drop by the under that the old neighborhood anytime soon we all miss you don't worry I'm fine I'm just in the middle of them cooking no I'll get on the blower and let everyone know as soon as it's ready promise she's probably hungry by now I should have fed her before I started a reaction no no no no no they can't all be broken no this was enough milk for a month I can't think when she's crying like that baby everything's gonna be okay i me promises thing is mummy doesn't know how she's gonna feed you did you know that and if she doesn't figured out baby is gonna starve to death is mommy the worst mummy ever yes she is yes she is Lionel wait Lionel might have ten milk here's a bit of everything yes mommy's gonna go and see Lionel try not to cry too much till mommy comes back okay please mommy will be back with supper as soon as she possibly can please have 10 meld Lionel please lovely day for it [Music] Sally Boyle I'm afraid I haven't got anything you are fashionable for a Mont girl like yourself everything oh you've caused this whole is me know you've never felt old to me I need some Tim milk for something I'm brewing oh well other that the de treat from over a bridge well but all we seem to have in a moment is a few tins of leftovers from the war and they're practically collector's items we see oh I'm a bit short on funds at the moment is there anything we could trade not unless you're willing to go over to the garden district why not a girl like you some of the weights too late nurse there's viewers at cannibals devil worshippers queue jumpers it's sweetly you're looking out for me well some time ago Uncle Jack made a record album Uncle Jack seems and I got collector who's dying over there now I know there's a bunch of Uncle Jack fans who have a sort of compound on ill boy if anyone's got the album is them bring me that and I'll give you all the Tim milk I have alright I'll see what I can find uncle jack records Jesus Christ grunge life is hanging on Uncle Jack records not the line all those that and god damn it I better go home and get my garden district Drang can't walk around there and the latest Davy hack day they get so resentful [Music] one of these days when I'm going to teach you all about chemical interactions there's so much more reliable than boys hello are you a friend of Uncle Jack of course who isn't you'd be surprised some people seem to think that because we're out here in the garden district we have to abandon all pretense of civilization we can't take joy but that doesn't mean we can't see the world the way Uncle Jack does right it's just a question of concentration oh yes in fact uncle Jack has heard of you he's heard of us you can't be serious is he going to talk to us on the TV we never get the new programs out here What did he say how do you know why don't you ask him he's coming to visit he wants to do a live broadcast from here he's coming here but the place is a mess spirit let's show Uncle Jack just how much we love him [Music] I wonder if Lionel can make some sort of automatic baby feeder for me then I wouldn't have to run back home as often to feed when it sounds a bit hard hot it doesn't reek when the money's trying to save our lives [Music] why did you bring your Tina I wanted you all to see what bravery looks like we have to take them home this they try to destroy the birth records at least they tried and the rest of the town hangs them on this bridge now they're just gonna leave those people hanging there till they rot it's medieval officials half as brave as Tommy Kramnik and the lush fruits [Music] I forgotten um uh Nolan Joe is let's have a look at you shall win tip-top shape aren't you it was so pleased you survived the government district how can I help you what's your pleasure then that's a bit out of fashion Sally boil or you find younggu Jack record me borers been pestering me I haven't eat your milk you show half Lionel you're sort of handy aren't you well I do like to tinker you'd be amazed the state of some of these things when you come into the shop can't sell enough account fiction I have some designs for some apparatuses some sort of water feeder for birds oh heavens no I can't stand the crows into my size mustn't overwater but I keep forgetting to water is all oh of course well let me see what I've got in about there about you find all the pieces sooner or later then they never show it right away but they always show up sooner or later check back in a bit here we go darling baby milk you won't believe what mommy had to do to get this for you well I'll never tell you frankly whose are the bloody who now so you're over you men the edges are under an if you've got any blackberry ready for him oh I'm working on it you know a day or two I hope the lads is getting a mite twitchy to tell you the truth I must ask you to were accompanied me to the station so you can explain yourself to them precisely I don't understand the worry haven't I always provided you with blackberry I just had a little hiccup in the lab I'd be working on it right now but apparently you lads alone ain't quite true there are missing you've been seed all over town doing all sorts of things we don't imagine that line or cashier is much of a source of Barmes suit nickel ingredients oh right there you'd be wrong constable see I had to replace some bits of lab equipment ain't you been roaming around the golden district doin lord knows what yes well I have blackberries made with herb annexed ranks why do you think it's called blackberry and the Victoria Memorial Kent two visits in the last week I suppose then visits was for our benefit as well not at all I was visiting the general he also gets quite cross when I haven't seen him in a while oh yes it's of course you would do it right well we can hardly expect miss boil to acknowledge Kendall now can we legs of course you would nonetheless miss spoil the lads have developed an appetite for your fine cooking as it were if they go hungry chaos will ensue we must insist that you devote your full and urgent attention to feeding them Oh what or we shall be compelled willing or known to provide your assistance willing all now to dr. burlock and that won't be cheery for either of us I guess I can't blame them for being antsy it's not fun going off blackberry and if they go back on regular joy they'll get the Crump's and they won't even remember why thank God I'm almost done with this new batch Jesus it smells like burning where's the fire extinguisher christ almighty Jesus okay first things first how bad is the damage to the lab triode and the crystal ice is broken why do I get an n7 vacuum tube Oh God my own chemistry box it must be still in my old house it was really hoping I'd never have to go back there when a man looks into your eyes he sees two tiny reflections of himself and if he likes the many sees there he feels good about you but first you have to make him care what you think of him cousin don't you start by hiding him important men love that you make a sly little joke out of it well young nice boiled you know does the curfew you don't want some fritz to shoot you dead to you sorry sir let's get you home there another flight with your mom didn't you why don't I put in a good word mr. mrs. Boyle I've got a young lady out here who I'm sorry they don't seem to be at home what let me go in they not at home let me take you to the station for a cup of tea what happened let me in hey don't go in miss cup of teas best what did she do what did she do like and mum said you don't have to worry about the Train no one's going on the train shut up selling your big girls stop crying [Music] [Music] become a thermostat and certain triad I think I can fix my lab now I just need to replace all my chemicals Stewart I've got to talk to Stuart maybe he's got the chemicals I need squirreled away somewhere [Music] well if it isn't Sally Boyle himself is upstairs tinkering when will he be it's been weeks now it's a device you left behind apparently it's quite clever and complex I just came to buy some chemicals over my cold dead body Fiona it's not just borrowing my man while you were here I could have got over that the ambitions you put into him Fiona I'm sorry he wants to be more than a village chemist now Thoreau says will you go to London to study to be a doctor if we take over a with labs she still wouldn't take you back her says but you salting the stars and now I can't barely see where he's going maybe he liked me because I thought he could be more you ever think of that get out of here get out you witch and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out well she's mellowed Fiona said Stewart's been working on my old pituitary extractor maybe maybe I can get it back from him later when she's not in the shop wait Harry Cavendish he still works with the labs isn't he and he owes me a favor I'll drop by his house Harry it's Sally Sally Boyle just a moment just a moment damn it I don't get the floor as fast as I used Charlie Boyle I haven't seen you in a dog's age what what happened to your eyes oh this little thing Oh doctor use miscalculated the bromination reaction and it blew up in my face then he convinced dr. Verloc it was my fault so I got the sack that weasel oh you don't have to pretend you're interested in the tedious old lab that was the glamorous life of an experimental chemist it's a bit blocked at the moment can't get mercury amalgam did you know they vent gallons of it on 2r at home oh well you wouldn't you've moved on to greener pastures I'm sorry I thought Anthony what he was doing oh I don't blame you for leaving us all behind when love fades you have to move on well I'm sure you'll figure out where to find some amalgam maybe I will but someone's got to prove it was dr. Hughes his fault you lost your eyes you know you're right he could hurt someone else is there any evidence that it was his fault you know now that you mention it his lab notes he keeps them in his doctor bag I bet they're all the evidence I need oh you know what I bet they'd also tell me how to extract the amalgam you need out of the stuff the lab is piping on to Raton I'll get us lab notes here's where he lives come back and I'll tell you where to find the pump outlet don't go anywhere wouldn't dream of it sometimes a powerful man wants nothing more than a good enema I can't begin to explain why maybe you'll understand someday not sure I hope you don't well you can't say dr. Hughes doesn't have a keen sense of style I'd better be particularly careful what you do if he knows I'm there you'll get nasty fast do you think this must be the bag Harry wondered [Music] quite a sturdy bag I wonder if Gwen will fit in here she'd need to be able to breathe it's on the source of oxygen and soundproofing in case she starts crying I bet Lionel could make something like that Harry it's Sally Sally Boyle just a moment just a moment damn it I can't give you the floor as fast as are you did you get dr. Hughes's bag I've got it aren't you Miller well here's the formula you'll need you can get to Raton via the maintenance tunnels there's a code at the door it's one six four nine I really I'm sorry about the accident I thought Anton had a handle on things well now we know cheerio I'll need a few things before I go I can get there from any hatch now that I've got the code watch your fancy I've got another little tinkering job for you Lionel I do so enjoy these little Commission's no one else challenges my imagination quite like you do that's a rather odd bag what would you need that for oh that's for certain compounds that have to be kept at a very specific temperature and pressure are you clever hmm well it might take a little over I think I can figure out come on back in a little while maybe one take my little girls away how do you plan to manage that you mustn't lie to them I'm not I said how do you plant I half expect to see some horribly mutated Cheshire cat watching me from one of these trees oh why do I get the key card to this [Music] please standby for decontamination I suppose I just shoved my canteen in there and hopefully doesn't burn my hassle canteen I hope Harry's right about getting the mercury out all right next ingredient pituitary extract Stuart Adams was I wish I weren't such rubbish it pink ring hmm I could use a bit of money and I bet Stuart wouldn't mind having a few Sally specials too sir the old top shelf afternoon Sally you never come boy anymore well Fiona Oh Cerberus I she's never understood me Sally not like you do she mentioned among other things that you've improved my extractor have you still got my extractor I have oh you're going to be very proud of me it's much quicker now might even day sting a little less you've improved it would you like to test it out you sure Fiona what murder you oh oh she barks but she don't bite much I'll let you know how it works honey pituitary extract from someone who's been exposed to mustard gas Wake Forest this clinic or to have a patient or two like that I'll send him a note on the blower [Music] [Applause] [Music] Simon Says step on one little sabji you can never have too much joy can you happiness is a choice now for the last challenge Simon Says step on all the lip platforms fabulous Simon Says step forward through the gate and be sure to enjoy your day [Applause] don't make them like you anymore let's see what mikey has to say for himself someone's upstairs how'd they get in [Music] well general Martin you let yourself in you who didn't answer mine no I wasn't home and you want the lock the door oh the memories always come back oh then you have such dreadful things to remember be nice hmm let me make the bad memories go away what are you loosen 18 rainbow has all sorts of crazy side effects it couldn't be a cat as we catch in Sevilla you are going to love this one could be a baby daddy see now was that a baby in 15 years say ah [Music] bounce with me [Music] you do come here to sit in a bucket General Robert are you still here please don't still be here he'll forget he has to forget no one can know about you going especially not the general found someone meets usual place Oh for heaven's sake like hey you could have just written down the name and sent it up the blower why are you crying this time darling tell me why [Music] what whiskey my job you know patient records are supposed to be private I'm not gonna hurt him I promise I suppose I didn't really wanna know the truth don't worry no one will ever know after all so Hastings lovely day for at me you idiots me Sally I knew it was you I mean it's another year that glasses the hair you're all dashing now but the way you look around I'm intense like that I just knew that's Arthur how the hell are you Sally you look quite stylish this ancient thing I've had it two weeks I'm not even sure it's still in style Queen who I checked your dress that night you ran out the door and I never saw you that horrible gingham dress I had to grab something to pawn didn't I wait your honor if your joy little faith I never turn you in you wouldn't believe what I put myself into I saw Percy picture of him and I remembered the Train [ __ ] I have to go find him I promised I'll take care of who are you gonna get out you even have a letter of transit absolutely on my desk in the city of doing living in the garden it's a district of the scraps of our former civilization kind I could help you I do know general Bing oh the general you always did have a knack for making helpful new friends you still hate me yeah well I've only been wandering for the past Oh 216 could you because he took me in when my mum died because because he was so generous because he said he loves me I don't know some things just happen whether you want them to what not you are so close the two Musketeers remember you know how we used to sit on the swings by the crash we won these days I spend a lot of time there remembering look it's a horrible terrible world out there and no matter how clever and brave and fierce you are now you'll need a letter of transit to get into the Emerald City I've missed you for 14 years I think I can escape Wellington worlds without our help and I definitely don't want any favours from your latest friend Arthur well there's your answer darling Dhafir hasn't forgotten you she Colonel Lawrence wasn't he the hero of Ramsgate I mean of course he's been exposed mustard gas he was in the Great War I do need his pituitary extract I guess I'll have to pay him a visit I bet I can just walk right on in sorry no very busy the family is in mourning and will be in shortly with any luck I've come with the Colonel's prescription description what does he need with medicine he's he's dying no thanks I know you're a clever chemist in Rome but he's very Alton and we've decided to to let nature take its course oh it's not a cure you can't cure old age can you this is really just to help ease the way help him sleep but mine have you slept a bit more we've ringing them dr. Bell all right I'll give him the pills I'm afraid it goes in the other end I suppose you would like to administer it I can do that I understand that the family is sometimes uncomfortable great well up you go no it's in the will we agreed that was before you pissed on the Sheraton sofa click did not it was Edmond you put him up to it because it comes to me in the will serves you right you knew I love that sofa or you can happy now what are you Regina no is it is that you hope I I thought you were gone on holiday they've been beastly to me your sisters I'm sorry papa they are waiting for me to die I'm surprised I haven't woken up with a pillow over my face how horrible he survived arterian muster cast but your daughter's your enemy now you're not who who are you [Music] you deserve better we don't have a lot of heroes alright I have my maturity extract and my amalgam I need to replace the safrole and the mephedrone how do I get those hmm figures your rabbit peed on my books you'll just cross because Uncle Ed would loved me more he'd more like you dead meat the odious sisters Sally boil what a lovely bunch of nonsense from your mum's garden but she's crying can you make me different no want to be different but you are different she means like everyone else I'm supposed to care about dresses and dances and all I can think about a rockets and chemicals can you give me something to make me silly sure couple of hours by tear safes you don't have to care about dresses and dances you'll just have to pretend to your mother told you to always tell the truth didn't she the lies they tell children the new ladies don't care about dresses do you but I love dresses keep to your chemicals or later later later when hey what do you mean do you know something where did you go the Ria's sisters they're always making potions and things out of Hertz I bet they could help me baby don't you cry Mama's gonna make you a fini price my snail baby don't make a peep Mama's gonna take you far by the energy look it was a poet only makes a very good chemist tis time hello Nimoy Vivian more girls how do they do that Sally Boyle mistress of alchemy Oh hail mistress Boyle who knows the secret of maternity Oh hail mistress Boyle who seeks the other Shore Thank You forgeting you know my secret this potion will help your daughter sleep she won't get hungry as quickly I don't know that I believe in magic what else is left to believe in the potion isn't magic herbalism your mom knew her it's pretty well didn't she yes especially what you can do with foxglove in fact I came here for some ingredients I need for some well drugs have you tested magic and proved it wanting or have you simply assumed that what you don't understand can't be true I suppose I haven't tested it then do this if you like we placed our sacrifices in a chest in the wilds I put the police on your map put some bricks in the chest and say this prayer bricks see what comes of it and then return but about my ingredients we'll help you with what you want but first learn what you need you don't even know what that is before the learner attains wisdom the teacher has the right to give several tasks so that's how it works yes all right when will I see you three again when you know what is unknown I'm not a nun [Music] a little wine even though mummy leaves you I talked you in my mind there's so many things I want to tell you so you don't make the same mistakes I did oh of course the lads are here mustn't let the birds go thinking they can do things by themselves somewhere else the Kip new witch is here thank you we're not sturdy you now I see what the boys like I've had fighting there we go five bricks now I just say this prayer goddess lighten my burden give me the strength to carry what I must so I no longer need the strength of others goddess I dedicate these bricks to you blessed be all right huh that's it that's strange I do feel stronger maybe because I'm not carrying around a ton of bricks I guess I should talk to the weird sisters again did you say the prayer I sort of feel stronger actually I think I can actually carry a bit more you can't prove it's magic though what are you a psycho somatic so what if it is you're still feeling stronger I'd rather you taught me about herbes and need them for the drugs I have to make patience you are close to the learning you seek our hand has been occupied the old stone circle the wedding party stones there is ancient power there the sacred circle has been polluted if you can clear it then we'll teach you about the herbs you need well that sounds sort of fun and righteous why not if you think it's sweet enough what have you tasted seriously you don't dive in just a smidge it'll just make everything burn it is a bright eyes at all look at the house we'll give everybody a huge cup of it it doesn't hurt when we free our souls from their fleshy prisons does it races for a bit and then off we go to the ethereal flame huh why don't we use hemlock like how Socrates killed himself hemlock doesn't hurt at all I got the brimming poison because he already made two big batches of fish snacks can you imagine if we came back to the Reverend Father with a big bowl of hemlock now he'd laugh at us might not even let us come along in the Sacred Journey huh I'll just keep stirring then all our questions will be answered once we're no longer in the prison of our bodies that's what he said right it's some sort of suicide cult I'm not gonna let them poison a whole bunch of people now I've got to get rid of this poisoned I didn't know house to go I'm sorry did he lock you out you're here for rue I imagine rue why the hell would I need rude that's an abortifacient I'm not pregnant I can't be Joy's a contraceptive for the regular kind is oh god I'm such an idiot you have a lot to think about if you keep then we'll help you as much as we can you'll need to be very brave dear much braver than if you don't salia customer relations leave something to be desired the people there they were wearing these sigils Oh Lord the space pod people brands and McKenzie's congregation in Gardner house they were making digital acts in small amounts it's a drug more than that it's a poison you think it's from Red foxglove seeds we make all sorts of useful potions and things out of it you could - I think their reverend father is planning for the whole lot of them to kill themselves I can think of a lot of reasons to kill yourself in the Garden District but no one should have their death chosen for them you know about my mom I remember there was a terrible accident your mum put the wrong herbs in the family dinner the whole family died except you it was just before the Train so I always wondered it wasn't an accident was it I think she didn't want my sister's to be scared all alone in Germany so she killed them and I guess she didn't want dad to hate her so she killed him too and she couldn't live with herself I don't know why she left me behind yeah this is the recipe for digital axe and something more mix it into their poison and it should change from poison to let's call it an eye-opener you'll need digital axe for that among other things come back and I'll have the rest of what you need you're making a sort of herbal or Blackberry joy orgy you know your chemistry I was on Harry Hayworth team when we invented joy one day I hope the goddess will forgive me for that what can I do for you today but I've pop in to see what's new I hope they're you girl careful with your chemicals what you're carrying in the back yes of course I'll be super careful [Music] mom made the antidote didn't she okay she had second thoughts but she didn't have second thoughts I've got to the poisons [Music] that's what they're gonna poison every woman or I'm joy if I've done this right they realized how old is a lot bigger than the Garden District Oh something [Music] we're going to start handing out the cups now don't worry there's enough for everyone more than enough but don't sip it or you might feel sick from it a little might make you queasy a full cup and you won't feel a thing you'll just wake up in a little while feeling no pain feeling no gravity looking down at the earth from the pickup vehicle and then you'll get to meet everybody up there hands are really beautiful don't they God's hands I've never noticed are the colors is this heaven live so sure you know these plaques is bad it's a bad place why did you want us to die why it's because you wanted to die isn't it you just wanted company let's get out of here we're leaving you could kill yourself if you like wait don't go you'll miss the pickup vehicle you won't miss the pickup vehicle you see Diane Gossett what are you doing these people are trying to get to a higher plane of existence are you mad or are you just a swindler who's convinced himself I don't think I can prove it's not true you can't you might as well try to prove that God doesn't exist I think Wellington Wells is a pretty good proof of that pickup vehicle service on this line has been permanently suspended you stopped them how do you know that magic we can see it in your face they weren't very happy with me you took away their sense of purpose I couldn't let them do it what your mother did do you worry you have that in you all the time to be a mother is to worry you have worlds within you only some are death yes the recipes you need to replace the black berry joy you'll need red owl butterflies op savannas Cassie I they're hard to find but they're all over the train station you can use our old butterfly net thank you Oh perfect only stock he lives there who knows if he'll remember me well then blasted be bless it be bless it be if I go to the train station then to catch some butterflies scorch marks did somebody blow it up I hope the butterfly survived I hope the whole thing does not fall on me I'm not getting out that way I can't let them go off on their own I go in their place if I could they're not hard like you that delicate that lowers this still climb into bed with me when they have nightmares I got anyway ghosts pretend you've never said that they'll be fine they'll adapt kids adapt you can't understand what it's like can you for someone to take your children away to send them where you can't protect them well you can't even hold them when they cry when they're scared you're not a mother you probably never will be will you Arthur always had the worst nightmares about this place I suppose I would too hiding up there are you you think I can't climb in these heels you're so beautiful I wish I didn't have to crush you into bits [Music] I wonder if caterpillars have any inkling what's gonna happen to them I wonder if they choose it if they could now how do I get out of here I haven't seen a lot like this before I can't pick it maybe one of these bosses has a key [Music] this is brilliant I can replace almost everything I need with botanicals and the old butterfly I better finish that batch of blackberry joy you know the whole world's gonna freak out [Music] [Music] lovely day for it miss spoil lad safar grown quite concerned about the lack of blackberry in their diet then they're in luck I've made quite a bit of it and it's all for you lads Oh while the legs be delighted I hope you will accompany me to the station forthwith the lights have prepared a little merriment to show [Music] [Music] sonna trunk save another hundred bucks that was wonderful thank you Thanks that should hold you for a bit right Emmy spoil will be shown to synthesizer blackberry on time next time someone don't have all this awkwardness after all of all you lads are going through knows that long this batch will last not as long as the last one our white jar but [ __ ] how many times that I nearly get myself killed for this patch go ahead we have got to get out of this got downtown is just a silly feeling I'll go home and make sure she's all right for sure she's fine it's just one rat where it shouldn't be [Music] that's exactly how mommy feels do anyone [Music] across the mainland [ __ ] better still cows out them all goats won't be this awful stuff mum please [Music] [ __ ] off you look cute little runny nose and a rash that keeps getting worse oh [Music] my god babies die of measles the hell do I treat it [ __ ] am I getting a cod liver oil cod liver oil yes dr. bilac does have some he's pretty pissed off at mommy right now I'll die if I don't get cod liver oil all right right I'll go and see him maybe he's calmed down baby Christ I haven't been to Haworth lab since I started showing this is not gonna be fun I know the dr. bilac is scary with all the doctors ain't beck and call but I couldn't keep playin is naughty nurse well I suppose I could have but you have to draw the line somewhere don't you hello it's Sally Sally Boyle can I come in right Oh ma'am Oh get the door for you [Music] miss Foyle what did I surprise we haven't seen you in quite some time every constable Wisla indeed we have not constable Leighton and may I say mom you brighten our day like light what Fleck very joy what would we do without our blackberry joy and we thank you for it that way I must say dr. Verloc is not equally thankful seeing as you have become his primary competition and eNOS is a broken heart hell hath no fury as I say are you quite sure you wish us to announce your presence please don't be Verloc sir I said no interruptions dr. Logue sir there is a young lady who wishes to see you you'll have to be more specific you placed me in a quandary sir as you have expressly forbidden me to speak her name on any account Sally hi I'm crawling back have you please don't hate me Anton photo I teach you everything I know you still might know my notes doctor you steal my business and you have the nerve to come back here you locked me out in the rain to teach me a lesson then you replace me with big Anton we were so close so close to cracking the isometric structure of the new molecule I suppose you've crushed it on your own after you left no black actor right care if the generals protecting you you've got too far this time sergeant arrest her she's a thief don't let her get away I am sorry miss Boyle perhaps you had better yeah of course [ __ ] [ __ ] where'd I get cod liver oil now [Music] wait Arthur he was always so good at finding things if he can survive the garden district he was so mad but he could never stay mad at me for long not after he told me off [Music] I'm sorry for the past 14 years so I thought about what I'd say if I ever ran into you again but being a complete jealous ass about the general was not really part of the plan sir Roberts a client oh good oh I mean what I don't go around having sex with all my clients no no of course not I just you could ask him he likes to feel important even after all those awful things I said we used to be Arthur and Sally the two Musketeers remember did you really come here just to offer me a letter of transit did you want something I thought we could help each other all right what do you want I used to know I could trust you about anything of course you can trust me what is it you want it's good since you've hit that a bottle of cod liver oil a bottle of cod liver oil what your mum used to torment you with what if I told you it was sort of a souvenir why on earth would you want to remember your mom I don't know I keep hoping I'll remember something that'll make it all better like maybe it was an accident and she didn't mean to poison the soup you know how Joey [ __ ] up your memories look if it's too much to ask I suppose it would be too much to expect don't worry Arthur I will ask my friend the general for a rotten scrap of paper just for old times sake look it's not exactly a souvenir things have got a little more complicated than usual I'm sorry I [ __ ] everything up I wanted to die you know I thought about it but I couldn't not after after what my mom did look I'll get it for you the cod liver oil I missed you sir I'm sorry I should've done that I'll I'll get you that little to go I'm sorry really really it just thought you say now go get you that bottle meet you back here sometime no you know what I've got it I guess I've got to see the general now won't that be fun lovely to see you miss Boyle nice to see you miss Boyle hello boys keeping us safe next war can't come soon enough if you ask me miss I hope the jerries can before my knees go ma'am I'll let the Jerry's know you miss them you know don't appreciate their general wonders oh you know I hope the generals not in one of his old Paul me moves if such a chore dragging him out of them if he's cheery I bet he'll give me the letter of transit without a blink hello hello anybody home it's Sally Boyle I'm not a German infiltrator please don't ambush me where are they miss Boyle we weren't expecting you Perry why the [ __ ] is the gate open scoot my friends map I told you to close it no sergeant you didn't it you said you were gonna close it but you had Agartha low first no I didn't I said I'm going to the loo why don't you come to the gate boys boys you can close it now if you like right Harry close the gate if you please why the Steyr company miss Boyle data general's office this boil I've already be happy to see you he's trying to fix the boa again though one in the White House you mean the one in the boathouse says his mom they've moved the boat to the water and he's got Hardy patching it up hold it don't hardly know which end of a boat goes in the war if you don't think Hafiz absolute find me someone who does know this Sally suppose you drift away sir are we gonna fit you what an unexpected pleasure army officers or not to be puttering about in boats sir I realize you must be out of rainbow you've been rounding weeks wasn't I around just a few days ago oh and a friend of mine left the parade without his letter of transit no he can't go back to work it's not silly any friend of yours idea it's been too long anyway oddest thing last time I was there I could swear I heard something that sounded like a cat but I haven't seen a cat since the war of you fortunately I wrote myself a note Sally's got a baby what do you suppose that means who knows once you loosen a tur that you are back in India and you kept saying but I don't want to shoot some poor bastards elephant you're as clever a liar as I am you could lie with the truth you cruise a toy with me general it's duct of airlocks baby no wonder you never told him god knows what he'd do to a baby you might have told me she's not your bloody baby so what do you care do you remember the children born after the wall we got some of the man but they made everyone so unhappy can can you get us out I might be able to get her out if I'm very clever but no I can't spare you what do you think would happen if our beloved bobbies ran out of blackberry joy I have a safe house remember that abandoned building where you threw me that masquerade ball last year I've cleaned it up bring her there I'm not sending her away why not it's traditional a single girl in trouble not equipped to take care of her baby I thought you'd be grateful [Music] you'll end up in one of doctor fair looks cross-sells and even I won't be able to save you you don't know what it's like to be alone do you a girl like you never is I think you know the way out all right I've got the bloody letter of transit Arthur said he'd let me know when he had the cod liver oil I hope he sent me something on the blower wait if the generals got the boat in the boathouse if I can get it working maybe I can get us out of here I wish I could have just got it for Arthur for old times sake but Gwen needs that cod liver oil the generals Bristol pilots my God if I could steal a boat it doesn't work miss Boyle lovely to see you you got the boat in the water well over the water anyway don't let quite as much anymore thing is the motor don't turn I mean forget starting it the old man's got the only key I can't even turn it with a wrench rusted solid we'd have to take it apart but I think I'd never get it back together again you know a lot about boats and you're the only one fixing it up ma'am I'm a joiner if you need a door hung I'm your man apparently that makes me the generals expert on boats my dad and I patched up a Bristol pilot when I was a girl is that what sort of boat it is get about 20 leagues but it wasn't really whitewater so we sold it for a twin diesel schooner of course the Navy requisitioned that for Lake patrols we tried to patch up a queue boat during the occupation that we couldn't find a ramjet done not an expert would you happen to know how it affects the motor well if it's rusted solid mm-hmm maybe dr. Farraday would make a new one for me you know dr. Farraday is that like semi asked her she probably zapped me with one of her satanic devices all right but don't tell the general no map it'll be our little secret well the general be surprised well go ahead we may just make it out of here alive after all I just need to get dr. Faraday to make a new boat motor for me and I lied my ass off to Hardy I've never been near a boat so I'll need to find someone who can tell me how to drive one and I guess I'll need to steal the generals key to the boat all right first things first who can tell me about boats hmm wait javier a shelter Arthur and I snuck in there ones and then we walked the rail tunnels all the way back to maiden home I should go down there and make sure the hatch door is still open never hurts to have an escape hatch wouldn't Arthur you please if he come up with that hello miss Boyle usual oh I'm afraid I'm looking for someone he's not here he's just stepped out don't know when he'll be back ha ha ha where's the pirate does he owe you money too no I want to talk with him about boats he ran out looking for Eddie the meat boy said he was on Wednesdays he'll Eddie Macmillan what's he doing there what do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino what LF I know watch yourself out there the old name for that hill wasn't Wednesday that's goddamn gravy [Music] they've taken him poor poor Eddie who's taking Eddie the cultists up on the hill the young people it's not yams they worship it's too horrible you have to stop them they're gonna kill him I wish I could do it I'm too scared oh god it's just my legs that got a watery go labor coward miss spoil a coward I'll do my best don't go anywhere save em miss Boyle please just please don't kill me my god they're gonna cut his heart out I don't think I want to fight all these vegetable worshipers I wonder if there's a way I could truck them no look they're drinking out of a chalice hear the words of the Earl of these secret and may not be said shadow what the new moon when I wear well when you'd never believe the day mommies had thank you thank you fight you they promised me sweets if I came along with them butter banana and they tied me up you mustn't trust strangers Eddie I know boy can trust you can i you're good and I refer he's good too Percy always said so yeah Arthur's bloody brilliant look you wait here I'll send someone to get you home you saved him I wish I had I love that lad he's one of the best people I know yeah LLL need you to carry him home listen captain I need to fix up her Bristol pilots the generals oh that's a beauty I loved that boat clean lines beautiful woodwork I was just reading about it could I could I borrow your book oh sure here we go least I can do after I didn't save any keep it you'll need it more than I do tell you the truth I haven't been in a boat in 15 years say you wouldn't happen to have a sovereign for a thirsty pirate would you I feel smarter about boats already when is Arthur getting that cod liver oil maybe he's got it but baby he's already sent a note on the blower I'm so close to our playground maybe I should just see if he's there and see how things are going i hi you're still in town but got it your precious cod liver oil have you got my letter of transit then haha we're practically the only two people in this entire city not stoned out of our minds why don't you you look rough what do you care how are you gonna get out why won't you just get me the [ __ ] letter of transit it's always what you want always what you need every little Sally whim plucky cod liver oil just because you seduced my dad in my mum's bed while you were staying in our house how was I supposed to tell him no I never anywhere else to go um sorry here let's go together or to Musketeers I'm scared Arthur aren't you it's going crazy out there we have to go now we have to fast why and we sort of have to wait till dawn oh god no no that's crazy I can't you shouldn't have asked for that ridiculous cod liver oil I've got a baby it's just salt preservation Sally no hard feelings ha ha did he even hear me of course he heard you he just didn't care at least he brought the cod liver oil at least that I've got to get it to Gwen as fast as I can [Music] mummy's got something wonderful for you but actually it's perfectly orange like they - hope you've liked those nasty measles that is everything we're gonna see the world darling we're gonna leave this awful place and go wherever we learnt just as soon as you're feeling better all right I know a thing or two about the generals boat now I just need a boat motor I hope dr. Farraday can make me one I can carry oh dear oh shut it up I hope she's not gone on holiday Annie is pretty neat isn't she oh this again it was months ago I was only dancing well she turned you on inside obviously solely dancing you wanted her don't get me wrong I was only dancing I know you in there I was watching from the stairs Roger it's a leap dreams Oh Sally what are you doing here Roger Roger it's Sally boiled mice dr. Farraday he's you're right I'm afraid she died there was an explosion for [ __ ] sake James it's Sally Boyle she's not here she died James she said she died in the explosion oh [ __ ] she's right upstairs Roger dr. Farraday it's Sally Boyle dr. Farraday James said you're alive I suppose three can't keep a secret or than the dead you're hiding in your own house I don't know people they want things to suits my thought processes that's a shame I rather like people I used to have the most beautiful collection of records help me to never burn out but all my records blew up with my house what brings you here who do you listen to I'm slippin nice to admit it but the mixed release the early stuff before Nick sold out the unicorn song that's my favorite I had a rather brilliant formula in my head the last time I had it on see I've been trying to make a sort of portal no matter I was the idea when I lost the record I know where our copy is I think I could get it for you really I know if I heard that song I'd remember my idea that's how my brain works could you make me a motor for a Bristol pilots Oh motor but that sneeze is more complicated than a boat motor thought you're here for something difficult sure you bring me the unicorn song and I'll make you a boat motor unicorn song oh I got the only person in Wellington world who hasn't burned their record is Nick himself believe how many times made me listen to it nor at least we were on drugs he'd never part with it on the other hand he's passed out half the time I come by I'll just sneak in while he's sleeping where did I leave the key card he gave me it's in that suitcase I brought to the bobbies where the hell did I leave it there I can't believe someone actually likes his record aside from me [Music] [ __ ] a bucket whoa look lads you're so lucky today we don't need to go through this again do we don't you remember what happened last time I have a very poor memory almost as that is my impulse control thanks remains you have been sending unapproved pharmaceuticals in Bobby Kate Smith's domain and you ain't paid for that privilege alright let's dance now I see what the boys like about fighting needs must I'm afraid mums are supposed to tell you not to be afraid they should be he's a gift can save your life pays people always some bloody stupid that's why they get all those medals do you have a record I have indeed this is fantastic I'm finally going to be able to make the portal never mind map and my motor have you made that and you have earned your volt motor I won't ask you who thought to wear deceiving it I have an entirely different plan does it involve portals clever laughs hmm remarkably compact for a boat motor all right I've got a boat motor and a boat manual now all I need is the generals bloody keys he doesn't have it in his office in a cam or I'd have found it already if I know him at all it's in a safe house that's the old pumping station where I threw him the masquerade ball why don't I just sneak in and abscond with the key where I told you to come to my safe house I meant knock on the door no come down the chimney did you forget something Wednesday oh yes I'm sure you're taking smashing good care of her what if one of doctor fare locks boys comes milking while you're hurt we'll move house and when they catch you out on the street what happens to her then look it looks empty from the outside no sense painting a target on the place food free vitamins first day how lovely for you you'll stay here after I get Gwen across the bridge it's the only place I can keep you safe I wanted it to feel like home I think I'll keep looking you can't go the doctors are scouring the streets this is a cage not once you tell me where she is I'm not gonna do that I think you will baby's going to get hungry if you're not there to feed her do you love her or do you just love having someone who needs you let us stay with us here please this is no place for a child she's just a small thing I'll make you happy then promise you'll come first I can make you so happy you just like when we first met [Music] yeah I think I've just pissed him off I've got to get out of here oh you won't be leaving this facility without me I have the only key card I've got to take him down somehow this is a really nice lab maybe I can use his own magic against him somehow I can make more Faline if I throw in that fancy little steam off morphine gas and down he goes now I'll just have to turn on the fountain [Music] he's got all my stuff in his office I better get it back here comes your sauces I've done terrible thing with Sally I had to do them but the mob despised me for it I think I deserve a little consolation in my whole day lovely day for it lovely day for it the neighbors think you've got it down there in your house not me that we were any happier I couldn't walk in these heels they heard someone crying laughter chat but I'm expecting Sir Robert any moment then you shouldn't have provoked dr. V like that after he tried so hard to put you out of his mind okay you tell Anson at the general I don't think he much cares anymore what mood Sir Robert is in personally I'd like to see your customer list odd something I've not smelled since that's a baby yes this is you adorable could he bucket okay think Sally if he doesn't come back they'll send more doctors we got stay here anymore can we I've got to move you someplace safe please stop crying this would be so much easier if I had someone to help but it can't be your daddy because he's a well I think he's a bit of a psychopath and I suppose if I were with him the moment you went to sleep he'd want attention for himself and then I'd be so desperately tired I bludgeoned him to death and wouldn't we be in a pickle then it's gonna be dark in here darling but when you come out you'll be as safe as you can be you're going to be as quiet as a mouse Sonya because you don't want Maliha new to be told a tiny little thesis just go to sleep a little while all right how we have to do is channel safely across the entire city and not upset any doctors or any towns folk carrying torches or pitchforks no plague victims all the stories you'll have when you grow up [Music] [Music] no one's here thank God let's get out of here shall we go in it's almost over let's just lower this into the water [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh hey what anymore okay make as much noise as you like maybe I'm not such a rubbish mom after all you'll never know how alone someone could be you have me how do you you'd never guess I'm happy with you we can have such adventures we'll be the two Musketeers [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 73,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, We Happy Few: Sally's Story All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K UHD 60FPS, glp, video game, video games, xbox one, ps4, pc, all cutscenes, game movie, 4k uhd, we happy few, sally's story, we happy few sally's story, sally's ending, final boss
Id: pYD0Fok0UEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 43sec (6523 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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