We Happy Few: We All Fall Down DLC All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K UHD 60FPS

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[Music] people in town are getting a tad bit skinny people after no I mean my joy got to find a mood birth right miss Byng might wanna top-up this isn't fair not be to say moving on page nothing to worry about [Music] [Music] [Music] no Hara up to make the key I know mrs. M we must have this week's ounce of flesh it got to be a mood booth somewhere did you eat something wrong why are they at all what are they all doing most blokes wouldn't just sit there and let me natter on [Music] [Music] I'll take my jewelry and forget this ever happened [Music] miss being there isn't anybody in there what are we doing can utilize a facility what are we doing here taking our joy I hope good Lord Martin um you might want to take a lot I wouldn't want to miss a cue for it down all right I I can't take my joy I have to sweet Jesus keep it clear head you are just go down er you best come with me mom i am on joy mental fool [Music] take it out of here [Music] I can't fight them all they won't listen [Music] I can't believe I'm hiding from the police are you running from the authorities not now mother please you've shut me out of your thoughts for so many years I can't I just can't [Music] oh my gosh did they commit suicide [Music] they took boys I can't think with all these Bobby's around me and all this death I've got to get somewhere quiet I'm to see any of our brats come to silk avenue helped enough already what then must we do please I'm throwing up and everything's horrible if I just took my joy it would all go back to bright and lovely and I can hardly stop you I am only an uncomfortable memory but I can't I have to keep a clear head till I can tell father what's going on out there has father changed very much since we lived in the palace because he was always excruciatingly ly well informed about what was going on then he doesn't know this he can't if he knew he would fix it yes well it's lovely that you're thinking of your mother again one hates to be forgotten even if I'm in a faraway country and for all you know dead for years he's probably at the victory memorial camp I can walk around the underground tracks [Music] Doodlebug so what do I owe the pleasure I ran into Ollie Starkey lordly alright he thinks the town is running out of food I'm all going to die he he or his did have a keen sense of drama you know he used to be a song-and-dance man people are eating charcoal daddy and as a plague in the village you might have told me you were planning to go off your job couldn't we give them all blackberry they could make plans plant vegetables even start the trade over the bridge again they don't even know they're starving Sally Boyle can barely make enough blackberry for the bobbies but don't you worry your man dr. hemlock is working on a treatment that will put everyone back on the right track so we just wait we can't do nothing nothing is exactly what we must do if our people realize they're running out of food they'll kill each other for the last box of V meat doing your duty isn't always pretty you don't always get a bright shiny medal but a few people on top doing their duty us is the only thing that keeps us from savagery what can I do let me help you have such a keen sense of duty yes help organiser Simon Says competition keep them distracted until your man comes through he will come through won't it yes father for God's sake go back on your joy your let me complicate things I suppose I better check on dr. Verloc make sure he really is close to a solution take well I'm not bloody well taking the underground right back to those bobbies [Music] how long have they been jerry-rigging these walkways we're in the land they followed and everyone just forgot [Music] one clearly sees the superiority of Western civilization [ __ ] or revolutionary rhetoric that's what landed you in jail what landed me in jail was refusing to accept the unacceptable [Music] I shouldn't have hit him so hard we supposed to leave something for the doctors to rehabilitate you he did try to stab you yes right yes marry know him [Music] did you hear is being went hoedown [Music] this is Victoria Bing let me in please her need to speak to dr. Verloc ah miss being I want quieter the premises at the moment name why not these are rather intensive the beautification procedure underway you really wouldn't believe how beautiful Kate aired the facilities looking why would that damn okay it in there about a minute but I really do have urgent business with dr. Verloc there's a Chinese say don't say I didn't warn ya [Music] [Music] feeling a white air miss ping I just received a most peculiar pronounce you men toe about an altercation a mood executive committee business oh well that's right in ma'am sorry to bother I love this thing this ain't no place for a lady to my mom I've got completely mint with me I'm here to speak with dr. Verloc no workers or aha a tired cross we thought the baby's big he's barricaded himself up in his office and he won't come out until we give the all-clear your very own uprising can you get it sorted not to worry ma'am we'll put down these troublemakers as soon as we can get in they've cut the power maybe I will be too distracted by their little riot to see me slip through there we've still got the other highlights our shop stewards got a key card and the only way they get it on the floor is through either I know the team so I take it away from him huh please the bruise of any daddy's on our side [Music] keep your eyes on the doors lags nobody in or air and nobody disturbs my siesta no bundle verlox locked himself away with that brute skulking and if I can get the power back on the bobbies we'll get things sorted there maybe Tony Verloc will come out of hiding when all this is done Tony Verloc and I are going to have a little chat about management principles you stay at a Swiss Bing [Music] [Music] like that Chauncey's legs if Nightbird daddies like these curtains for our entire civilization attention attention the Constabulary is pleased to report that the beautification efforts here for two taking place on these premises have concluded satisfactorily you may resume your regular course of work day activities this be it's been too long you seem to be having a bit of a mutiny oh they do that not to worry everything is very well in hand very promising lines of research oh they haven't had one of your bad batches oh you're rather well informed I can't just think faster miss Byng I work until every thought is rubbish and then I try to sleep if if I had Sally boiled back I seriously doubt my father would return her to you I swear I am this close to a permanent solution but even if it doesn't work at some point you know we'll be down to a sustainable population that certainly is a permanent solution there's no food coming over the bridge and we're not growing any so how many of us are sustainable Tony you seem a bit off you know it's sad he wants to lock you up I'm not someone you can throw into a cell like poor mad Harry yes please go back and tell the Executive Committee I'll have a brilliant new formula presently he won't ever have a solution will he didn't you hear him when enough people die the rest will have food you've got to get people off these ridiculous pills will never convince father of that Oh dad your damn father it's a miracle he hasn't already run for the hills he's just lost hope everyone's let him down you can't lead if no one will follow I have to prove to him that people will be reasonable once they come off their joy but they won't do it willingly some of your father's soldiers became addicted to opium punishing them was no use so he locked them up until they weren't addicted anymore yes I could cut off the joy to the whole island all I have to do is shut down its allocator huh then father will see people can come to their senses one island huh I have never found half measures to be useful they only make the oppressor angry that's the attitude that got you sent to prison that's the attitude that got me a country what have you got miss Bing dr. B would like you to come back it's the water system those old pipes are contaminating the joy you see he's got some blueprints to show you some other time perhaps we won't take no for an answer [Music] [Music] damn it it's after dark the bobbies won't care whose daughter I am if I'm breaking curfew I'd be more worried about the doctors Batman is desperate he'll send every man he's gone [Music] Oh the test has to be funny to you this morning sure it there's nothing to worry about good to back by another beautification project I'm flattered you standees been beautified there so it's spreading the plague that we not wanted to text dang boy you have to worry about the soy sorry ma'am I must confirm you'll not combine [Music] [Music] the pill allocator ought to be on the other side of that canal what that he's got there in Sam saw a toy to think he used to be the head of counterintelligence you never know who'll go down the next mark booyah oh oh oh I need to go spend a penny then week a book improper it's Julie Bowen I thought he'd run off to the garden district you know so sort of gun calling central I can't believe we built an elaborate system of pipes to allocate pills to the mood booths whose idea was that I hope not mine [Music] [Music] and once you destroy this allocator then they will be willing to listen to reason once they've calmed down you have such a touching faith in the common English man this is the third booth we tried there never empty how can they be empty I'm starting to feel rather down oh don't like this not at all hold on now there's joy in the water pipes isn't that yeah yeah let's run home and make a nice cup of tea there's joy in the water you really thought of everything didn't you [Music] there was another riot this morning a couple wouldn't stop talking about how they missed their little darlings and why haven't the Russians sent them back they should take their joy nobody likes her down we can't just wrap a pill in bacon and expect they'll swallow it they're not dogs put it in their TV what do you mean dose the sugar cubes dose the water supply everyone drinks tea you don't even have to tell them at first that is rather dangerous isn't it one must do one's duty even when it isn't pretty isn't that what you always say [Music] then I have to stop the joy from coming through the pipes to I have to smash the water treatment plant and all that accomplishes is cutting off the happy drugs to one island when they put you in charge of things you don't have the luxury of idealism mother you have to weigh how much you're going to hurt people doing [Music] [Music] they remind people they're hungry [Music] miss Byng oh this is wonderful tiny after the mood booths the water was obviously the next target but to have it be you they're all going to die if they don't stop taking joy you've anesthetized a bleeding patient doctors this woman needs treatment be firm since your reviews can have we'll have to apply the voltage over there that should cut the supply maybe I can short certainly that conductor [Music] I hope your plan works it will be easy for them but once they come to their senses they'll thank me you don't think they'll hold a grudge some people hold grudges forever no they oh you mean me I'm doing this for them you didn't spy for the independence movement for me but I did get home Vicky you don't want to be their scapegoat even if I'm guilty they have to go through what I went through [Music] this phase won't last forever in the morning they'll understand I hope what have I done half-measures big what have you done lowing up the water treatment plan putting everyone off there Julie you know how many citizens we had to put down before the doctors got things sorted I had to do something oh and this was something you know how many people starve to death in the past month do you were to know where the difference is between us lies in posh felt like you we don't think we know better than everybody else I've mucked it up and now I'll die in prison you did a brave thing that's more than your father's done brilliant I can sit in prison congratulating myself how brave I was isn't that what you did after father had you arrested get some sleep I think it's time you remember Vicki good morning mummy I was so worried your father wouldn't let you come I'm leaving for England tomorrow daddy is taking me home that can't happen his highness my father why did you do it's mummy some things you know you must do even though you hate to do them I hope you'll never faced with such a choice why didn't you be a mother instead of a revolutionaries and a bloody traitor I wanted to give you country I don't want your stupid country you let me hate you didn't you so I could get on with father mother there's mommy the doors open well we is he leaves this whole time could we please have something to eat why is everything so does he inside miss ping go on then interrogate me I won't give an inch I've had top secret training Bolton I'm trying to escape this place verlox turned on you too why didn't you listen to me counterintelligence was my job fine I made a bit of a mess now why can't you be useful and tell me how I can fix it you can't fix it haven't you figured that out yet you need to send an agent into dr. burr Locke's lair and blow it up I can't do that I have the blueprints they're in my top top top secret hideout in the square in the haberdashers attic right behind the neon sign I know exactly where to place the explosives where would I get explosives well I um there might be a few around your house if the timer hasn't gone off yet what time is it that's it time to crack some eggs finish my mission save the city or they're like I suppose children must burn their hands before they can believe that stoves are hot the cell door I hope you'll be sensible from now on I have only so many strings I can fool I'm so sorry father I thought people would come to their senses well I hope you learned your lesson listen I have a safe house provisions for a year invisible from the street we'll ride out the storm there you've been stockpiling food people are starving we have a duty our duty now it is to rescue what we can salvage something but this whole rotten mess even if something two or three people someone has to save them I'm getting my boat working I can get to either his duty is to save himself I have to go do to you insists duties not always pretty jutice not always pretty you don't always get a bright shiny medal you're deserting or you obviously can't show your face until people forget what there must we do before Brahma can create a new universe Shiva must destroy the old one you saw what happened one half of the town will kill the other half I might as well be murdering them myself would you rather murder half the town or let all of them commit suicide by starvation because those are your choices they won't see it that way they'll hate me oh yes beyond a shadow of a doubt but god help me I can do no other I suppose I'll never live here again not sure I deserve to either [Music] [Music] it's Indian tradition children go with a father in a divorce not to England they don't obey agreed yes you've taught her weakness anyway you can't stop me I think if Highness my father certainly can stop you're an unfit mother house it is my sad duty to inform you that you must be arrested for spying for the Indian independence movement no as if you haven't known that for years why do you want to take it to England but because she's mine and I'm leaving you know you were such a dashing leftenant no you're just a tragic old bureaucrat no Vicki you've been spying on us darling why don't you go out and play I need to call your father some rather nasty names [Music] but watch the bad parishes around is the last place a clever clogs life you're only making it harder on yourself you'll never get a bright shiny medal Johnny now I just need the plants from your safe house [Music] her life [Music] Joanie's plans are up there in the haberdashers attic cleverly hidden behind that gigantic bright neon sign [Music] and all along man Johnny Bolton was doing the only sensible thing while I sipped here in popped pills [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you going to destroy your father's life's work has it occurred to you that's a problem all this time like bu do you think they remember you as a hero they don't know what gratitude is [Music] Vicky [Music] [Music] [ __ ] Victoria I am become death destroyer of worlds where is that god what's left for them besides unhappy memories oh he's miss ping lovely day for it miss ping we know what you did I did what had to be done what gives you the right what gives you the right you were all going to starve to death my brother did die the bodies hit him man look what he hunt Hugh Locke told his if we feel was fine she told us to pretend it was we all wanted to pretend don't you remember we're all leaving there's nothing left there you can go wherever you like just not with us but I saved them they may never forgive you for that what else could I have done but you don't always get a bright shiny medal for doing your duty what did you say that's what I always used to tell your father come back to India Vicky you miss me and I'm probably still alive goodbye mother I hope you'll be proud of me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 102,949
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, We Happy Few: We All Fall Down DLC All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K UHD 60FPS, glp, video game, video games, final boss, ending, we happy few, we all fall down, dlc, 4k uhd, all cutscenes, game movie, xbox one, ps4, pc, we happy few we all fall down story, we all fall down ending
Id: mUbaW1s4nWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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