We Happy Few All Story Endings (Includes All DLC'S) 4K UHD 60FPS

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oh come on seriously can you just watch it I'm good [Music] [Music] are you really doing this to find Percy I mean why would you even look for him is even alive is he in Russia how would you even get to Germany no good I'll finally back on the right track now I'm going in all the day Spain you're doing this because you don't have a strong enough sense of self-preservation to leave Wellington wells on your own account for you you need the guilt mr. Hastings just when I'd given up all hope of seeing an engineer you know sir we've come to the end of our time some of us cut and run some of us stand by our post some of us take care of our brother my brother what are you saying all men his brothers sir right yeah The Cook's done things so itchy he's times like these what try men's souls they try men's souls I [Music] let's get back with the Train you must get back on board no I'm just hit super brothers to the Train mr. Percival Hastings people call me Percy someone has written on this car that you were a bit dim and you can't be roaming about on your own you don't seem dim right and mum thinks I can't mum thinks I can't know thinks I can't take care so tell the truth I really did want to go to Germany with my brother Arthur C week we'd sort of take care of each other so I tried to sneak on but then after said no we have to follow the rules is that so oh just the world alone home mum's probably worried sick can I go this is a day we may all come to regret mr. Hastings but I am NOT Anna put one more child and that trainer my duty obligates me to do but a lot sir are you alright I best be on my way [Music] what did something terrible oh we have all done things we regret sir some of them we regret it as we done some of them never quite go away I told him we'd go to Germany together I told them I'd hold up passports enough walked off the train with his passport in Dadar talk to anyone but me I can't make it up to him now can i no sir I imagine you cannot then who is there to forgive me son try to forget I can't do that not anymore well I suppose you you must treat it as a gift to know who you are now that there's no hope for wisdom OSR still believed in some sort of mercy life goes on that is the mercy come on sir once you're out there you'll know what to do [Music] [Music] this is a really nice lab maybe I can use his own magic against him somehow I can make more Faline if I throw in that fancy little steam off morphine gas and down he goes now I'll just have to turn on the fountain [Applause] which [Music] he's got all my stuff in his office I better get it back [Music] I've done terrible things Sally I had to do them but the mob despised me for it I think I deserve a little consolation in my whole day your consolation prize lovely day for it lovely day for it the neighbors think you've got it down there in your house not me that we were any happier I couldn't walk in these heels they heard someone crying laughter chat but I'm expecting Sir Robert any moment then you shouldn't have provoked dr. V like that after he tried so hard to put you out of his mind you tell Anson that the general is a [ __ ] I don't think he much cares anymore what mood Sir Robert is in personally I'd like to see your customer list odd something I have not smelled since that's a baby yes business you adorable buckle your bucket okay think Sally if he doesn't come back they'll send more doctors we can't stay here anymore can we I've got to move you someplace safe please stop crying this would be so much easier if I had some of the help but it can't be your daddy because he's a well I think he's a bit of a psychopath and I suppose if I were with him the moment you went to sleep he'd want attention for himself and then I'd be so desperately tired I bludgeoned him to death and wouldn't we be in a pickle Ben it's gonna be dark in here darling but when you come out you'll be as safe as you can be you're going to be as quiet as a mouse Sonya because you don't want Maliha you to be told a tiny little pieces just go to sleep for a little while all right oh we have to do is travel safely across the entire city and not upset any doctors or any towns folk carrying torches or pitchforks no plague victims how the stories you'll have when you grow up [Music] [Music] no one's here thank God let's get out of here shall we go in it's almost over let's just lower this into the water [Music] [Music] yeah oh hey won't anymore Cobain make as much noise as you like maybe I'm not such a rubbish mom after all you'll never know how alone someone could be you have me know how do you you'd never guess I'm happy with you we can have such adventures we'll be the two Musketeers [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell happened here food production good Christ it's all gone during the crapper you don't have to talk like that who is in charge here you're in luck it's me today we rotate the dread responsibilities do I know you sure there's only one of you who doesn't take joy in a day hmm their tanks in the military camp did you know they made it popular Marche and that's terrible would you like a joy have you been getting into the village lately people again a bit slim on these charts we run an effort oh no don't look at the chart they're horrible here let me get you another joy we've got our own booth there the executive committee sure you people are in charge of the whole shibai passage ever since the victory what's wrong with the tanks you know what I forgot oh good well come back if you remember but with any luck you won't be seeing you we have to tell people they need to make a new executive committee absolutely if they won't heed the loonie from the garden district they're sure talking to the dead girl in his head they'd listen to Uncle Jack you know what that man did everyone listens to him whose day long I kind of stand a smirking face Ollie you're right you're always right but it's not going to be pretty if we go upstairs we're going to make him tell the truth about bloody everything hello hello here's ollie hello time to pay the piper Jack yeah I suppose this is where I can play a tape if I had one let's see what Jack has to say for himself [Music] I'm sure I had it right here you know five times you can actually take it isn't too much joy and well then you guys remember anything is can you yes here it is mrs. Florence universe of braum haze is holding an exhibition of her handed dolls no she likes to make dolls from all over the world all needed it it's his last show don't you can ask a camera smashed they couldn't have just another you know would have liked that Margaret why is he talking about you who's nodders because I loved all of us what am I talking about who cares about that fast we'll listen do drop by to do these fabulous dolls at mrs. Florence Gilbert's poor thing she like talks no desert off there from all over I can assure you that is absolutely no truth to the silly rumor that the food is running out how does he know about your dolls no it is true and there's a brand new flavor of joy you think you're taught if you thought with you over dolls his daughter yes but you make these darling little costumes I knew it was wrong that I mean she was even excited about going to Germany it was me imagine living without himself [Music] so I hate her someone tipped them off she ran no that's not right it was Jack what turned you in and I would try to save you no you turned me I'm afraid at the end of our time for you or my daughter Jack what it Morgan it's worth it you only stop oh I could get therefore appreciate you know burn neighbor I was your neighbor girl dear God I'm sorry bucket I've never been to write you it's a bit late for an apology what can I do tell me Jerry we come to the end of our time the Foos run out we're all going to starve to death you have to stop taking your joy a subject worthy that's me people have to know what jerks your father stop tip Jack's gone so the food's run out I'll have to stop that they have to stop taking the joy stop it you have to broadcast the tape right hey I could do that but you won't really God God I never meant to hurt you Margaret I'm sorry it's not going away they cut the power the Boston's there's an emergency one of those we power thingamabobs [Music] do you run ah someone's coming papa someone's coming through the papa something you have to see you we're running out of power well this is awfully powerful you have to stop taking your joy someone's coming through the papa for God for Harry and said George [Music] you all have to stop stop stop it but you won't will you you won't I'm afraid to cut the end of our time we're running out of power [Music] come to the end of our time I guess walk it out the front doors out in the question good thing I made you get that floats what do we do now we say goodbye to him I'm not really your daughter I know that and I'm not really here that I'm a lie - we've been together so many years you don't think having an invisible friend is a wee bit babyish for a man who's been tall you can hide in the train station till it all blows over I'll let you put it all out on the telly I think it's time you put away childish things you're right you're always right goodbye okay hey you bastards look up it's always sake wake up you damn sheep I never liked you on you let's say you as well pal it's not a lovely day friend it's a [ __ ] terrible day friend lovely day for [ __ ] war anyway [Music] bastards [Music] [Applause] you all right sir I'd forgotten just how heinous a personal yet well the truth is not for everyone sir you see some people finally are stronger than they ever supposed some people can let go with the confabulations that have comforted them some make choices that surprise even themselves are you sure you don't wish to forget and go back always happy before was a nice are you really a constable i patrol the boundaries come on sir once you're out there you'll know what to do [Music] lovely day for it lovely day for it lovely day for it I don't even know how to tell the truth lovely Thank You ru John Kim it's me shitty all day did you not notice the jobs of water falling out the sky gonna be shitty tonight soon you're right it has been rather a [ __ ] day isn't it [Music] valia will actually be of service the positronic inverter is not working in you to check that it's credible you're enslaving them yes making them love their slavery so they can work the field spoil oops so the user doesn't have to program each and every pig I'm just changing one other's brains there's a race of intelligent people they are not killing actual people doing here but if I can't get my positronic converter up and running they'll kill every last one again right up don't do this right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have to talk to them oh my god Roger what did you do I've smashed it very much natural what reaction to catalyze it such a tall entire bear inaudible was on this side of the portal father Nicholas hole all the research gone to waste yet about the ones on the other side the ones in their own lands they'll burn to my suppose and there's a nonzero chance the Mayas and Wellington Wells will explode brilliant job Roger I won't be needing your services anymore back [Music] [Music] good night sweet prince and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest she's going to kill all the robots well we've got you to thank for that haven't we I can't let her murder innocent people they're not people pop are you going to decipher the robots or with human beings I'm siding with both I am sorry pop but you have lost your mind and I have to stop you from making a terrible mistake you're going to fight me I don't have any choice my love [Music] I hope I'm right [Music] [Music] my 20 James I still think you're an idiot I just rather die with you [Music] [Music] [Music] yes no in your public do not be scared watcher we what are you going to do with it we want justice you mean executor or turn her into a bloody plough of course not they will attempt to find the errors in programming if they can't she will be returned to do you destroy human ears even when they had no longer cause harm when you put it that way it does seem a bit wasteful portals no don't do that we got off to a bad start we have so much to learn from each other please don't close the portals it is not my decision but perhaps you can convince my people if you crush the bottle with us I can't convince you and then I can't come back you have to go Roger but he'll always wonder what you missed that if you don't go over there I'm kicking you out of the house son look there's nothing keeping you here and come with me James what would I do there wherever that is I'm not gonna be much use convincing alien robots of anything they'll take care of us I'll take care of you but I have always taken care of you James [Music] all right I guess we're going through the looking-glass then at least they won't give us [ __ ] being in love come on as we're smashing adventure I do love you James do you love me Roger oh I can go to the basement and you hated myself but [Music] these whole my things jog any memories verge oh oh I know of Beamish it to you and steel you don't remember I know I said I'd kill you a time or two and I was inclined to petunia and other people but but no murderer there's none of this ring a bill not even a little tinkle you're right I can't hide from this can i oh I've got to turn myself in [Music] calm down Nikki calm down calm down [Music] where is this elevator going going down [Music] [Music] what is this place oh I don't like one thinking [Music] please be a way out am i no no I wanted to be better I just wasn't our company damned for something I can't even remember I took all those trucks so so wouldn't know how bad I was elected to do something so much worse [Music] but no I'm here I killed Virgil didn't I ah there you are I've been expecting you for ages oh [ __ ] I've had my eye on you for such a long time we're going to have such fun together whoa how do I get out of here I hurt my guitar nose it's always got me out of trouble before [Music] has to be a way out of this maze oh [ __ ] please don't torment me for all eternity I don't even remember oh you don't remember gosh and I say I'm disappointed I did my best work to impress you impress me then you went rise you foggy Jack yes everyone said good old foggy Jackie what do you want with me I was rather hoping you'd write a song about me no after I kill all your pesky as fans that means I didn't kill anyone always a witness I'm not irredeemable I mean okay I have been fairly [ __ ] but I'm not you Oh contraire Nick I think we're just alike fans part enough are they the real you disappoints them doesn't it but when you got them in the fog and you have their attention don't you know you really won't be my friend your bloody men so then you can be my next trophy Musk's [Music] this is a hotel maze there's a stage in the other side of the maze if I remember right face [Music] you can't kill home on fangs he's completely mental [Music] your face to the Nichkhun look-alike contest and hood baby surprise and the lights go out [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll have to stop him Nikki you've got to stop him [Music] now to plug in and rock'n'roll [Music] I was saving this piece of stagecraft your pants but why not have a dress for today [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we could have had so much fun together you and I you killed my fangs and Virgil for what the bloody notoriety avenge me Nicky turn it up to 11 [Music] yes finish him [Music] this one's for Virgil [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not see one it's all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no please we'll be different from now on it's going to be a whole new era [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we'll take [Music] Vicky [Music] [Music] [ __ ] Victoria fine I am become death destroyer of worlds where is God what's left for them besides unhappy memories oh it's miss ping lovely day for it miss ping we know what you did I did what had to be done what gives you the right what gives you the right you are all going to starve to death my brother did die the bobbies hit him alacrity humph she looked old his if we feel was high she told us to pretend it was we all wanted to pretend don't you remember we're all leaving there's nothing left there you can go or other you like just not with us [Music] but I saved them they may never forgive you for that what else could I have done but you don't always get a bright shiny medal for doing your duty what did you say that's what I always used to tell your father come back to India Viki you miss me and I'm probably still alive goodbye mother I hope you'll be proud of me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 241,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, glp, video game, video games, ps4, xbox one, pc, 4k uhd, we happy few, all story endings, all dlc's, epilogue, roger & james in they came from below, arthur, sally, ollie, lightbearer, we all fall down
Id: JjcvrlQT4jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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