We Had to Fire Onyx!

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[Music] this better be it this better be our final day of planting i haven't spoken to dad yet but it appears as though he is ready to head out with the sprayer he's going to spray some pre-emerge down on some of the soybean acres that we planted the last couple days that just keeps the weeds at bay kind of slows them down from coming that way we get that done the beans start growing they're in a clean field and in the meantime we can go spray the corn so he's going to get the pre-merge down so that we can do the corn right after that is that i feel like that i confused you more than i made anything clear and i'm gonna walk over to the spot where we used to have a really nice machine shed and fire up the planter we still have this shed it's just that it's in a pile next to the woods back there and then some is on the edge of the field out back and it's just been it's been rearranged a lot give everything a quick look over while it warms up here [Music] still no word on exactly what we're gonna do with those pretty sure the corn header is okay but the soybean headers probably not it's been a bit of a run around with insurance we apparently are gonna have to basically audit not basically we're gonna have to audit every single thing we own to make sure our umbrella policy actually covered at least a minimum of eighty percent of what we own and i mean like every tool every spare part every tire [Music] and realistically looking at the number that's going to come out to like 150 percent of what we own so we're going to be we're probably over insured but the two days of walking around and adding everything up and dealing with it is going to be very very difficult as far as testing my patients goes because i don't like standing still for things that matter i really am not going to enjoy that dad's still sitting there on his phone which makes me mildly concerned that there may be an issue with the sprayer or something well he didn't flag me to stop so i guess i'll go plant so the first piece here is just this little two and a half acre triangle right off the state highway here it came with this 48 acres that becky and i bought last summer but we've got it in crop now and it's not really like the land will be fine but it's you know when you're talking two and a half acres with big equipment it's not an efficient piece it's not a money-making deal so we'll farm it for a couple years and then i don't know if there's some kind of program maybe we'll put it in or maybe i'll just plant some trees here uh crp or i don't know what maybe maybe i'll put a car wash here well that took all of six minutes or so i guess he was trying to park the tractor out of my way that works but i don't remember what was he driving how did he get home this is only two miles from home oh i remember i came and got him and then we left we'll have to track her in the road ditch all night i wonder if he remembers that because i didn't five before are you still there do you remember that we left the tractor and the digger in the road ditch overnight he's not there final round of 2022 planting right now finally and it's already only already only june 8th are you guys ready for it here it comes here it is oh that was exciting we're done now we just have to make sure the sprayer keeps rolling for a passover soybeans passover corn another passover soybeans about 3 600 acres over the next couple of weeks three weeks when the weather and the wind allow go ahead i'm finally leaving the yard to the sprayer to go down to starbucks how are you coming just finished i'm folding up now okay we got both fields done that's correct okay also correct i've got water running in the spray tank uh i haven't i don't think i oh yeah i think i did check the tires on the sprayer um i'm not sure how much gas is but do you think we should bring that spray tank down to fill the sprayer a couple times or what do you think yeah we're gonna try to get that pre-emerge knocked on this i mean i suppose right now we just shift to we gotta get everything sprayed as quickly as we can oh that's still here i'm just gonna go ahead and back it in here where the shed used to stand that way it's out of our way and there's no tires on the ground with this thing so i don't have to worry about nails and things of that nature well now it sounds like i got to find a hose for that thing kind of pack that up let it fill with water i'll do a couple more things because he isn't going to need me to head down there for about an hour yet time now to get onyx going in the uh in the roller there's been a slight change of plans i'm actually not gonna be bringing the truck down to dad he decided that he's too close going down the road that it's not worth bringing the truck down so i'm gonna get onyx going and then mrs millennial farmer's gonna bring me down to get the rock picker and we'll just do a little machinery shuffle here for an hour or so well we're going in our three wheeled machine no duels on the front if you are interested in as to why you gotta watch i don't know if it's the last video if it'll be on this video so i don't i don't actually know my editor sitting up there in a car she knows all right have fun i made it she's a lunatic behind the wheel but i got here and now i was given a ride to this thing which appears to have sunken in the ditch a little bit over there i never even got to run this thing this spring not once i don't think i dug a single acre i didn't well i rolled about 10 acres one day while i was waiting for the planter to get work done it sure helps out when onyx is able to run some machinery like that sounds like he's done with that field so i'm now i'm gonna help him fold it up and then i'll probably follow him to the field that i just came from which was our last planted field this morning and uh help him unfold just there's a lot of moving pieces to that roller and you've got to do it in the correct order or you can wreck some stuff he's got it all folded i'll meet him up the road in a few miles this is kind of nice maybe i should just let him work and i can follow him around with the camera all the time then you guys could just watch onix work he'd have a camera guy and i wouldn't have to really do anything he's got to be the last uh the last well this is technically 48 acres so this isn't going to take him too long with a 60-foot roller at eight miles per hour now probably the most important thing that i will do all day i gotta put the bucket on this get some black dirt for becky up to the house for her strawberry and raspberry beds maybe she wants cleaner stuff [Applause] [Music] i probably shouldn't have left this stored in the bucket i'm glad i saw that anna what you got there what'd you do did you kill a flamingo sprayer's back again so like the tractor itself is sunk in you need a rope give me give give me 10 15 minutes then and grandpa and i will run up there all right bye we're going to fill this in the meantime we already had it half full dad's gonna finish filling that all that's left is to run the water in and i'm gonna take this rock picker and the 6175 that i just brought home unhook the rock picker and toss the yankem rope in the bucket some shackles and we'll go see what we're dealing with it can't be that bad it's just it's not a huge tractor and it's just the roller it can't be that bad maybe i should not have said that i don't know i grabbed what i call the medium-sized rope for what we have it should be big enough to pull most things out and it's lighter than the monster one that we have for basically pulling a completely sunken combine out there he sits broken hearted tried to but only oh that's not so bad he just lost traction [Applause] dad said onyx didn't uh didn't try backing up which is fine he didn't he didn't know any better but he also dad doesn't think we'd have enough traction to pull it forward i kinda i disagree but he also might be able to back out of there [Applause] you know just when you start to trust the kid what'd you do onyx [Applause] yeah it's a little squishy in there well he got you out of there that wasn't so bad i've seen jim do a lot worse [Music] dang those yank them ropes really work don't they well that was too easy anyway there's a link in the description for these ropes all you gotta do is show up with them and those tractors come right out he's got all kinds of different sizes soft shackles hard shackles uh i don't know what they call like a tree saver the flat straps if you're in like a state park you can wrap them around a tree he's got everything local farmer meeting at the edge of the field this afternoon well we had our meeting and got back home that was the easiest pulling out a stuck tractor i've probably ever had onix said he didn't know if he'd be able to turn very well back and up and he didn't want to jackknife anything and wreck anything so that was that was good that was much better than wrecking something [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 645,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ychOC97Cd8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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